
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Season of Dog Management

Cool day, dew so heavy droplets formed in the screen this morning-the promise of rain but nothing falling yet. Honey thrives in the cool and has been full of beans all day. Two long walks and I tethered her to go fix dinner. I found her in a huge hole in the front yard and when I yelled at her I could see she thought I would be proud of her. Took the broom and filled it in as best I could. If it doesn't rain, there will be midnight watering taking place. I know she is a pup and I am anything but. I do feel constrained this year-just going and doing has become complicated. Everything is impacted-if we need to go in the car it must be early or late because the Honey -Bear can't be left and the car gets hot or must be left running with the air on. She started vocalizing about two weeks ago and most of the time she is "honest." If she needs to go out she, indeed, performs. But she also has taken to complaining. "I'm bored." She will be another year older next year and perhaps settle down a little. She has grown a lot so far. Our walks are almost perfect behavior-she ignores barking dogs and pauses only about as long as the leash stretches. She is such a daddy's girl-other humans are not on her agenda. This is problematic. Buster, by contrast, is so placid but his health issues mean a real regular feeding schedule so he gets his heart and thyroid meds. He has had the itches. We have done flea treatment, worm treatment, and daily brushing for both. I love them dearly and they are my family BUT, this year is not what I envisioned. That does not mean it is bad. Just different. The trials and tribulations of single parenthood. Complaining time is OVER.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fang, Beak, and Trolling for Alligators

Honey and Juneau look ferocious but it has never erupted in snarling. I went to Deerfield for doggie playdate (Believe me it helps to have them let off steam), do my laundry and visit with Lori after she got back from manicure/pedicure time. She and Jason are going to a Miami Heat game tonight with Jason's boss and wife. We have a good time. I bought myself lunch at the Pickle Barrel and it was such a huge pastrami sandwich it fed me and Lori and yielded treats for the hounds.
It was Conor's day out of the cage. Bibo pecks him so they take turns being out.
My beautiful redheaded boy has a knack for finding the most comfortable spot around.
This is one of the bodies of water that holds alligators. This water skier is quite talented. I tried to catch him doing a flip. Greg and Lew stopped by as I was snapping and wanted to know if I wanted to go with them to the Grumpy Grouper but I was just home and needed some down time. Greg wandered over with the dogs in the evening and a bucket of what is sold as "Voodoo Juice" at the Grouper. He was in fine form tonight...we'll see about tomorrow.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Neighborhood Goings-On

One of the long term tenters was evicted today and a pretty seedy bunch they were. I think they were howling at the moon last night and that netted them a Ranger and a Deputy to watch them pack up their many, many, possessions and see them off the property. I was asleep at the switch and didn't snap a single picture. The hilly-billy family netted a leftover canopy and another tent out of the deal.

A workman over on the island where I bike was picking up trash and was grabbed by the hand and taken into the water by an alligator. I saw the life-flight but I see helicopters overhead daily. His hand is mangled and they are going to try to save his fingers. He fought free and wrapped his hand in a plastic bag and found a deputy who was investigating a suicide on the island.

Other than that, not much happening....

Monday, January 26, 2009


Tropic Fever or "Don't Worry, Be Happy" must have set in. Kind of loafed around for the last couple of days. The high point of Sunday was gin and tonics with Rene and Teresa. I brought makings for Suzanne's treats and we got to know each other better. He was deputy director of education for Quebec until he retired-200 schools under his supervision. They have several grandchildren. Rene has courtly manners- really kind of charming. Teresa paints with water colors. They both read and are active. They have their camping division of labor choreographed. And they seem to enjoy each other's company. They play Muggle, read books, and dine companionably. As they say, they have everything in their VW camper: bikes, golf clubs, in-line skates, tennis rackets, computer, etc. They are not large people, fortunately.

I have been working on the dogs-I think we may have fleas. I powdered them two days in a row with some effect but I took my life in my hands and drove to a Pet Store: Mark's Ark, to buy some Advantage this afternoon.

Had Vespers with Joe and Patsy this evening. While I didn't give a thought- they were thinking and took extra blankets to some of the tenters during the cold snap. (Patsy says they haven't come back and she doesn't want them.) Marilyn is driving them to churches and social services. Young couple with kids and a dog. Hilly-Billy's I think. Nice, sweet, but clueless. But Pat and Joe and Marilyn impress me with their thoughtfulness. Nice to have friends like that and know there are people in the world who live their values and faith.

The LaTours have left for a family reunion and it is as if a cloud has lifted over the enclave. The Quebecois in the tiny trailer wasted no time putting their sun chairs in her front yard and there they baked most of the day. Honey barked a little and I didn't have to rebuke her. My hermitage in Wyoming has some definite advantages over "civilization," as interesting as it is here in the park.

Sad news from West Virginia, via home. Marilu's companion Harold died this day. He had appointments in Tampa for some cancerous skin on his face but his liver gave out first for the usual reason. They are paid up but didn't even make it to Weeki Wachee. Riding with Harold was a thrill a minute. He was kind and generous and also the oldest man in West Virginia to be sent to prison for DWUI. He missed a real good chance to prolong his life that time. He loved his kids and provided well for them and accompanied his boy as he traversed every major river from coast to coast. He told good stories and was pleasant company He was good to Marilu. He was not feeling well at all so it was his time and we will hold his very original self in fond remembrance and try to be glad he did not suffer longer.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Arts Festival in Deerfield Beach

Lori scouted out the Arts Festival in Deerfield so we went. We had a great day: interesting things to see; arts crafts, food, excellent music, and the people! A very temperate day at the beach with an occasional breeze to cool us off.

Click on a picture for the full size slideshow with captions.

The doggies had a play day and were (apparently) well behaved.

Midafternoon, we dogs headed home. The kids had sent Girl Scout cookies home with me-several boxes. I dropped one off for Greg and Lew who were nursing hangovers-Thin mints always make me feel better.

The new neighors- "van campers" Renee and Terese, had gone to the simulcast of the Metropolitan Opera's Orfeo and Euridice-they were surprised to find the guy with Wyoming plates conversant with the production and opera. We swapped tales of our day. They got "Samoa" cookies. I think I will keep the rest.

Greg wandered over in the dusk and was in a "stream of consciousness mood." He always has interesting history tales, current events, insights, dreams and aspirations. We visited well into the dark. Pupper and Honey played. I was ready for sleep after I cooked dinner and ate.

This is my 800th Blog entry.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Patsy's Excellent Adventure

I kinda had the "slows" today. I was even boring the dogs. So I loaded them up, grabbed the camera and only had to go about 100 yards to find something to take pictures of: Patsy was towing her kayak behind her bike-getting ready for a trip on the the lake. A couple of great shots didn't make it because my battery died (a metaphor for the day).

We left her to it and cruised past the beach- not much happening there, cruised down the scenic A-1-A until a detour and took Ocean to Dixie which led us to Papa John's Pizza which led us to a purchase.

New neighbors: Rene and Terese-guess where they are from? But they seem like nice people and have a working knowledge of the local langauge.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just Beachy

Claude and Suzanne must have crept out in the depth of night and they did it very quietly. They had another day paid but figured they might as well drive in the cold and get a jump on their long trip back to Quebec. I helped them a bit last night and was surprised to find their site empty at the crack of dawn. Last night was a two-heaters on and two dogs on the bed night. But it was pleasant by noon and when I got back from the store and taking pictures at the beach, it was time to open windows, turn on the vent fans, and shed a layer of clothes.
A fuzzy picture of a fast moving yacht. A very long shot and a bumpy ocean. It was such a pretty sight I had to try for it.
The Goodyear Blimp was hugging the coastline. I thought it pretty windy to be flying the blimp but it seemed to forge ahead right on course.

The Lake Worth pier seems to be nearly complete in the repair process.

Gabbed a bit with the neighbor, Ron, who has a profoundly disabled son. He seems very nice but is either a horrible story teller or a little limited himself. I thought he was finished four times. Vehicle repair history is not a strong interest for me, anyway. I helped the new (from Quebec) neighbor in back hang his side curtain. They are either newbies or anal retentives. I walked over to help and he said in a thick French accent "I have a big problem. The birds are shitting on my cover (awning). I have to wash it every day." I don't know what to tell him. You go camping in paradise and things shit. Been going on for quite awhile.

Rich called and was very newsie. I got a report on everything from his hip replacement (only one more therapy session) to his kids and grandkid, cousins and friends. It was great to get caught up and if I hadn't been trying to cook my dinner, it would have been even better. He has a knack for calling at inconvenient times- I think he got that from my mom.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big Chill

It got downright nippy last night-record setting low temperatures. Then the electricity went out about 3:00 a.m. I went down a layer in my multilayered bedding and invited the dogs to the bed. We were fine. I kept going back to bed until the electricity came back on about 8:30 and had my coffee, and prepped to go to Deerfield. I had my own chores and Lori chores to do on the way: buy gas, buy a supply of fizzy electrolytes for me and to replace Jason's, shop at Petsmart for denta bones for Juneau. Hunger struck so I stopped at McDonalds and took lunch to Deerfield. Lori had baked banana bread and had good coffee. We visited while my laundry load got processed and enjoyed watching the doggies play.

Tonight promises to be even colder than last night and the Lake Worth Power company is notoriously bad, so we could have a repeat. I fetched a space heater from the van-a catalytic heater, just in case.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

A pretty cool day made being glued to the television a good thing. I am filled with hope and optimism and think the founding fathers were wise to provide a periodic renewal. So many inspiring stories and iconic persons spoke. Everybody seemed to rise above themselves for the good of the nation- graciousness, generosity, ruled the day. And even now as I drink a cup of Inca Kola and watch the parties with phenomenal entertainers it is clear that the fact of my generation fading is made more clear by the fact that the entertainers-all very good, are little known to me.

I got the oil changed in the van and tried to donate blood. I was rejected because my bottom number on the blood pressure was too high.They said it might make me "sick." I'll time my meds a little different and try again. My doc thinks it would be helpful for me.

I dosed the dogs with flea powder. There was a little scratching going on and from their behavior since I powdered them, I think there is some movement-I just hope it is away.

Mrs. LaTour is turning into trouble. She was fussing about the way the new neighbors plugged into our common terminal. She was concerned that I might trip-though I was not concerned. She jumped them about the way they are parking tonight- her husband just cringed, acquiesced, and disappeared.

Happy hour was at the Rosenbergs, by the lake. Unusual treats by Yves, a retired Montreal cop and Andree, his wife. They are former neighbors who never spoke for the entire 2007 season but as they have gained language, are really quite funny. Pat and Joe, Monique, and Jan and Bob. Lots of laughter.

Deerfield tomorrow. It is chilly.

Monday, January 19, 2009


A cool and windy day. Claude and Suzanne worked like beavers breaking camp. They are ahead of schedule but are not leaving early-just taking advantage of crappy beach weather to get ready. Claude does not have to be back at work until February 2nd so they will have a leisurely trip home and a few days to get settled. I will surely miss them. Next season- "God willing."

I had a good gab with Lori this a.m. and it was about all I felt up to. I awoke tired and eventually cured that with a long nap. As a cold front is predicted and I haven't seen heater one in the bath-houses, I took advantage of the relative warmth for a long hot shower. It may have to last a few days. My own shower, like many of the showers in the camp's RV's has been given over to storage.

I took a trip to Mc Donald's to activate a new WiFi finding program I downloaded to my iPod touch. A gift from Jason and Lori, the new iPod has been gaining my gadget loving affection. It is essentially an Apple iPhone without the phone-but it has wifi connectivity. Video, music, maps, calendar, clocks, email, calculator, contacts, browswer in an instant and in your pocket. The new wifi app needed a "registered hot spot" to find my location. My homegrown hotspot doesn't count. It worked. Shopped at El Presidente. I think there is a bit of a "pushback" against the "English only" crowd. I was pretty sure the ladies at the deli counter were having a joke at my ignorant of Spanish expense the other day. Today when I asked for a pound of shrimp, I was informed I wanted "one livre." It was done with a smile but the message was clear- I was in "Spanish America." I have been processing this experience. I am half-amused and half ticked off.
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, Funday

Ken and Mervi, neighbors from a year ago (and Internet customers) opted for an apartment this year. They got a good deal-about $1,000.00 per month for two bedrooms, two and a half baths, balcony, living room, dinette, living room, sauna, waterside barbecue privileges, mostly furnished, in a gated complex. But they are out of the park swim. They invited me for a Finnish pancake breakfast. A pretty keen way to start the day:

Click on the pictures to see a larger slideshow. Their neighbor Harold had a t-shirt that amused me. He is from Indiana- wifey bought him the t-shirt.

I did some chores-setting the outside patio to rights and hooking up my Circuit City $19.95 marked down to $17 amplified woofer and two satellite speakers to the television. Pretty cool.

Then Suzanne invited me for a "little happy hour" Her brother and his wife and her husband and I made up the little band. Bloody Mary's and delicious canape's that kept coming. Truffle pate, little quiches, crackers, and a Suzanne special: a cracker, a little sour cream, a little cocktail sauce, topped with a smoked oyster: to die for. Very enjoyable, convivial people.

About half looped I attempted to make spaghetti with a shortage of my usual ingredients. Not a wonderful success but edible and lots of it. No cooking tomorrow.

The doggies' medicine seems to have worked. Bless them.

Great day. Colder is coming-record cold...oooh.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gadding About

The day started leisurely-a few chores, a visit with Suzanne. She was pleased with a parting gift I gave them in anticipation of their 23rd departure. They have been kind to me and the dogs. I will miss them. I tried to read my Kindle but the book I wanted to read had somehow disappeared. There was a message to call Amazon if technical support were needed. The cell phone battery on my Motorola Q was dead and it had not even been turned on for five days. The cheap keyboard I type on is increasingly erratic. I was annoyed-a neo luddite in the making. What to do? Why, go shopping for more electronics of course.... Circuit City is folding. It was a madhouse- only 10 percent off, but the line I was in was 25 deep. Finally a cash only line opened and since I had very little I made it out behind some poor Muslim who didn't know it was a closeout sale.

I was on my way to Deerfield to introduce Richard to Jason and Lori. A match was made, artistic and material decisions made, a game plan established to replace the tabletop. We Roberts visited for awhile, Lori made brownies and rich coffee, and then we came home. I wormed and heartworm medicated the dogs. J n Lo may go to St. Barts on the 27th in David's jet. David invited them but Lori is skeptical of the invitation because the occasion is David and Jaqui's anniversary. I keep trying to impress upon them that there is no point in being fabulous without an audience to notice you are fabulous. Go and enjoy! Be fabulous too. If the company is fun, go- life is short. Our family performed that function for the True family for thirty years. The minute you feel like a lackey, you jump off the boat. You are thereafter occasionally or forever busy. I, famously, told them to stick it and earned a heartfelt apology.These words sound cold. Of course there is/was mutual warmth and affection. Make those memories! Some of my fondest come from those times. My continued affection is all that keeps me from spilling the beans-there weren't all glorious moments. Loyalty? Friendship? Love? Honor?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter in South Florida

It is getting down to the 60's at nght and only about 10 degrees higher during the day but it is much colder up the Atlantic seaboard. The beachgoers are frustrated but the Wyomingites are thriving. I am enjoying good restorative sleep and relatively thinner calves. Honey is loving it. She is outside with a marrowbone and is engrossed. She was a pill yesterday and got on my last nerve. She charged out of the RV to bark at Ken and got lifted by the leash right back in. We both felt bad about it afterwards. She is very wary of strangers and I have concluded that they need to wait for her to approach them. Pushing it with her results in a fear reaction and she doesn't forget.
Yet another Iguana- this picture shows the relative size of the keeper of the John Prince Park Bridge. His/her great coloration shows up nicely when the picture is enlarged by clicking.
Greg and Lew fishing with the dogs. They are inseparable these days monitoring each other in the quit-smoking effort. They are funny. Sometimes they pretend smoke. Whatever it takes, they are maintaining.

I downloaded, from iTunes, 24 themes from James Bond movies in aid of the party effort. Lori is unsure if it will take wing. Jaccqui has already started her remodeling project. We have the reunion project. Jason and Lori went to a neighborhood party and Lou offered his corporate discount for motel rooms for the reunion. Jason and Lori are just going to turn over their house to the reunion and they and two other couples without small children will retire the hotel. As she wisely notes they are not used to 24 hour hubbub. They need their quiet time. So they understood when I declined a room and opted to be a commuter for the festivities for the same reason.

I will go to Deerfield tomorrow evening to facilitate the meeting with Richard Whitecloud in regard to replacing the tabletop that got smashed by the wind.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ladies Who Lunch

I supervised the doggie playdate and did a little laundry in Deerfield while Lori and Jacqui drove her Maserati (as opposed to David's Maserati) to lunch or "Champagneing" as Jacqui likes to call it. Lori looks good in a Maserati. I asked Jacqui to make it growl and she obliged. Enlarge any of the pictures by clicking on them. The top picture shows the doggies in full pursuit in their chasing game. Chateau du Poochie called and invited Juneau for a playdate on Friday. He is a good player and a television crew will be there. Will stardom go to his head?
The ladies were planning a "James Bond Party" at Jacqui and David's. (Dibs on being Goldfinger, in the event I am invited). It is essentially a costume party in which a Bond ambience prevails- dry martinis, shaken not stirred, and costumes are of Bond characters. It could be fun and will undoubtedly be a shutterbug's dream of an evening. All were friends before the big money hit and I am pleased to say they enjoy the fun of it but still well remember who they are.
Meanwhile, the keeper of the seawall across the canal is unimpressed by it all and earns his living chasing green tree lizards along it as fast as his stubby little legs allow.

Matt called. He was just back from his checkup in Eugene. They think arthritis is setting in on his knee. He can't run, kneeling is very painful, stairs are somewhat difficult. But he is excited about the reunion here in Florida and is applying for a job with the state so it is a mixed bag-just like everybody else. I do get furious at times, though, about the gratuitous circumstances of his injury-just plain malice. Makes me want to look that dude up and put a major hurt on him. I do believe in dharma and karma but sometimes it is difficult to wait.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fog in the Morning, a Gale tonight

Our little camp with our nice big yard as seen in the fog this morning. In between the fog and the rain it was gray, sometimes windy but not unpleasant. I worked on the screenhouse computer-it was essentially inoperable- wouldn't boot, but I fixed it. Spent quality time with the doggies which means playing and rough-housing with Honey and long pets and lovies with Buster. I did a great circle shopping tour and didn't buy a thing except cable to download pictures from the Sony camera. The original somehow got severed by dog teeth. I looked at mending it but those things are multiwired, shielded and grounded and all the wires are tiny. I thought it beyond my skill and patience and a e new cable. I scouted some things. I use the Internet suppliers for information and benchmarks, check locally, then usually buy from the Internet if the item plus shipping charges come in below the local price. The Internet has replaced the Sears catalog as my research primary source. I do miss those fat catalogs-they held a wealth of information.

The water was fixed before daybreak-no boil water order-but we don't drink it anyway.

To Deerfield tomorrow. Dogsitting, laundry, and a little visit.
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Reverting to Type

Another day just hanging out at home, playing with my electronic toys and nesting. The internet business (ha, ha) is booming. I went to an RV to try to get an improved signal, messed with the antennas and managed to temporarily degrade the signal. Mr. LaTour as much as admitted his wife was insatiably demanding, using her "conditions" as a bludgeon. Tonight there was a real "emergency" so she is probably in high gear. The water is out in the park. I quickly shut mine off at the tap-there will undoubtedly be a boil water notice. Mr. LaTour was fretting- I told him it was just like camping, now.
There was a lot of traffic on the runway that leads planes right over the bathhouse so I snapped pictures. After getting them on the computer it was plain there were only two planes-student pilots were practicing. Contrast the noise with the silent grace and stealth of the fellow below.
I set up the old HP computer in the screenhouse. Apparently there are still some folks who need a terminal and since it holds the bulk of my music collection, I updated my iPod after loading all of Bill DeMille's big band, Patsy Cline, Celine and Ray Charles CD's. They were in the CD changer that came with the coach.

I feel like I am wasting opportunities when I "revert to type" and just do my "at-home" interests but I guess it is OK to just do what I like to do in the Tropics. I ran to the store for coffee creamer and dog food. I bought a package of marrow bones and was a hero to the dogs. They were intense for about two hours. Best $2.70 I have spent in a long time.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Laying Low in the Tropics

The weather is to my liking. Kind of coolish until mid-day, cooling about 3:00 and kind of crisp in the night. Buster's leg seemed out of alignment so the Ace bandage went on. Now he thinks he is wounded. He is a trouper.

Cleaned and housekept a little. Doormats were getting pretty sad so Family Dollar got a visit. At $3.00, they are almost disposable anyway. They require a little trimming. Tossed some old cushions and spent $8.00 for new ones.

Visited, visited, and visited some more. My 2 year ago neighbor, Kathy, greeted me like a long lost friend as she came out of the showers. They barely spoke in 2007, Spoke not at all last year but I found out who died, who was forging estate checks, who was bipolar, who had dementia, who had their kids in state custody, how the cat recovered, and more, more, more this year-go figure!

Ran into Greg and Lew and the dogs while they were fishing. They invited me over in the afternoon. A good nap intervened. When I got to their house a half gallon of Captain Morgan Rum was being hit pretty hard- I visited for awhile but passed on the rum. Honey and I moseyed toward home and I took a glass of wine with Patsy and Joe. They are easy to visit with-have wide interests and good hearts. They cooked Thanksgiving dinner twice- once for the "tent people" and once for themselves. The tent people are around the corner from me- some are just tenting travelers, some are only a step up from homeless if a tent can be called home. Some RV'ers look down their snoot, some are friendly to them.

Cooked some chicken breasts from El Presidente. They were huge! (and a little tough).

Golden Globes are on. Always a little interesting-they serve as a TV/DVD guide for me because I do not partake of the first run economy. But I do have my favorites among the stars and talent.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dining Out is Going to the Dogs

The day ended with Jason, Lori, Buster, me and Honey dining al fresco at a great Mexican food restaurant. We asked to be seated and the hostess had seen Honey through the window and said dogs were welcome in the sidewalk cafe area which was conveniently fenced. So I got the dogs. It worked for awhile. Honey did stick her nose in the waitresses's hiney for reasons we won't discuss. We were all surprised but not as much as the waitress. I'll ask the trainer about a "No butt sniffing" command. Buster was a perfect gentleman- resting beside my chair, then the waitress left the gate open and Honey took a walk. Buster tattled. She came when called and I decided I would put them up in the van again. Not too bad for a first try in dog-friendly South Florida. I will manage it better next time.

Great taco chips and salsa so fresh the cilantro was crisp. We brainstormed about the Withrow reunion to take place here in mid February.
Steak and chicken fajitas still sizzling, and a taco salad with shredded beef at Yucatan Restaurant in Deerfield Beach. I had spinach and crab enchiladas which were very tasty but not as photogenic
Strangely, breakfast was Mexican too-I went to El Presidente for groceries and didn't make it past the deli on the way out. I had rounds to make. CVS Pharmacy found me a case of Oak Creek Cabernet Sauvignon. It is the Flynn's current favorite-very nice-I sampled it last night at their house and inquired about it and from whence it came. I had been wondering how to thank them for the Christmas feast they prepared for us. Lest you think me extravagant, it was on-sale at a pretty steep discount. WE will enjoy it, they said.
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Friday, January 09, 2009

Pix from the Park

With legs that didn't seem to have cinder blocks attached to them, I ditched the dogs, mounted the bike and took the Sony out for snapshots. I only rode for about a mile but it felt good and it was nice to escape "the kids" for awhile. I played with Honey and took her on a morning walk so she was sleeping and I keep the bike out back so she didn't see me go. She snuggles Buster for comfort when I am gone but she was misty eyed when I got back and I got lots of kisses.
A snakebird dries itself off in this picture. Enlarge by clicking to see the wonderful patterns in its feathers.
Sitting ducks-they have companionable groups.
Two Iguanas of the three I photographed. The other one was the more typical green variety. There are rumors in the park of Iguana hanky -panky going on. I wonder if the two above are culprits. They are not indigenous to Florida but discarded pets have found the setting salubrious and they have achieved pest status as they eat birds eggs. Nonetheless, I find them interesting and most residents of the park enjoy them too. The orange one is about a three-footer and there are others in the park larger.

I took Honey on an afternoon walk and paused at the Flynn's where they offered and I accepted a glass of a nice Cabernet. A pleasant day, not too hot, and again a nice cool evening.
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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Out Came the Sun

A good part of the morning was spent putting things to right after the big winds and rain. It has been very dry here so I am not complaining. I awoke feeling refreshed and my calves were almost normal in size. I wish I could tell exactly what produces or causes what. The sleep may have done the trick or the trace minerals fizzy drink Lori gave me. We are always trading supplements. I took her some Magnesium tablets, she gave me the fizzies. Honey was pretty mellow today. We played a little after I got my chores done. I have been trying to walk the dogs on one leash with tandem leads- I am the Maypole-they are the dancers.

Greg and Lew came by walking their dogs-I invited them out for dinner at the Lantana Ale and Sports Bar (80 television sets!). I had read a review that said the food was pretty good, portions generous and prices relatively low: sounded about right to me. They had outside and inside rooms and I asked the hostess if they served food both places. "We'll serve you anyplace but the bathroom," and we were off. We had a good time. And the review was about right on. Amanda, our server, steered us in the right directions. We hit happy hour for two-fers and Greg had four. Lew drove home. I took the dogs since it was cool and as we were getting ready to go they were calling out "Goodbye Honey." I said, "Gosh, buy you guys dinner and you get pretty friendly." Struck us hysterically funny but it may have been the booze.

A heater is on to take the chill off this evening. Bed is an inviting prospect.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's a Dog's Life in Deerfield

Per our arrangement, I arrived in Deerfield soon after Lori left to go the Rheumatologist to do my laundry and supervise a doggie play date. I managed to hit every single red light between Lake Worth and Deerfield on the way down and made two stops on my way to make an hour and fifteen minute drive out of it. Honey and Juneau were so glad to see each other. They ran and ran outside chasing each other. Then they pooped out. They get along great, napping together, playing and sharing toys. Buster waits until the big dogs are in a clinch, then he tries to hump Juneau. We are working on that. (Not very hard-it is funny and he gets to play too.)

The big dogs get a lot of pent up energy out and are much more relaxed (and relaxing to be around) after a romp. That darn Lori has designs on my dog: "Why don't you leave her here?" They are fun to watch together and they entertain each other.
Lori brought McDonald's for a late lunch: plain kiddie burgers for the kids, Quarterpounders for the growns. A nice day for the dogs is almost always a nice day for their owners.
The Rheumatologist ruled out classic arthritis in Lori's case. Her hands are an artifact of the diabetes. He did prescribe a pill that might help and sometimes only requires a relatively short course of treatment. I hate that disease.

Windy and rainy this late afternoon and evening-blessedly cool and mild now. Clean clothes, tired dogs and tired me. Sleeping is going to be good tonight.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bits and Pieces

Mrs. LaTour of Georgia is gradually revealing herself as a neurotic control freak of the passive aggressive type. She has an old laptop but "can't possibly afford one that is powerful enough to do my photowork." (BS- Tiger has HP's with 3 gig memory for $400.00) It has been interesting to watch her work with leg bandages that come and go: "I was in a wheelchair 5 weeks ago!" A glance at her husband reveals an embarrassed grin. Having a little chat with all the neighbors about how we are all "quiet." Telling me she faints when dogs approach her. I listened to a catalog of all her medical problems. Munchausen Syndrome? Perhaps I will introduce her to Dr. Glasser's work. The new neighbors are an RV full of laborers working on fencing the Auto Auction. I suspect she will soon have something to complain about.

Many of the Canadians who went home for the holidays are showing up again. Patsy is thrilled with her house in Bathurst. One daughter in law spearheaded and all the kids pitched in for an extreme makeover of her home while she was away. All new paint, curtains, electrical fixtures, lamps, knick knacks, clocks, etc. They were all there for the first viewing. Joe said he did little besides cook-his granddkids are good eaters and they all got snowed in for a few days. They had a very good time and are back in the welcoming tropics.

Cheryl and Doug pulled in- they were getting settled. Very nice people from Michigan.
Ken and Mervi stopped by- my gut feeling is that while they are happy with their rented condo they are finding it isolated and are lonely.

Suzanne is making progress in the wooing of Honey. Buster made right up to Claude today. They have an 18 pound cat at home. They seem very kind.

I made contact with Lori to arrange a play date for Honey with Juneau. She has to go to the doc tomorrow and I will supervise dogs and do my laundry while she does that. She was taking down Christmas decorations. They had a ball with her brother and his wife. Joyce was very impressed with David's mansion on New Year eve. David invited them all to fly in his plane to the Bahamas, so Jason had Chad and Joyce get their passports overnighted from Texas to Deerfield and they spent 24 hours in the Bahamas at the ritziest of places. Lori said they were "pie-eyed." I think this is so great-they made an unexpected memory. Out of the ordinary for a Texas State Trooper and his wife. And I suspect a real treat for David to share, which he likes to do. Lori said many of the guests at the New Year party were Hispanic-David's employees and extended families-dancing and whooping it up. Rich but not snobs.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Monday already!

I feel like I need a vacation-yet I can't really count any major events but I feel busy, busy, busy. The Turtle-savers just pulled out. We got pretty close. Richard did some maintenance on the RV that I was needing done and that needed two pairs of hands. In return I made a good donation to their Turtle Foundation, (them). I sensed they were living pretty close to the bone but they are proud people. They were grateful and I was able to avoid offending them...or I was played like a fiddle but I think not. They left me with refrigerator art by Teakahla and turkey feather totems and a hand carved turtle. Lovely mementoes. A feel-good interaction. Part of the approved Sea Turtle protocol calls for specific identifiers for hatchlings- Stephen, Buster and Honey will have namesake hatchlings. I may go down to Deerfield to sit a nest with them ( for about an hour-maybe).

It has been fun to watch the Quebecois with the tiny camper blossom in the sunshine. She was so out of sorts when they arrived. Now they are having a ball-she has invested in some colorful, beach wrappers, and seems to be beaming all the time. The sunshine will do that to northern dwellers.

Suzanne, the large lady next door brings Honey dog treats every day. She is a treat-so kind, yet so capable and determined. I think provoking her wrath would be a major mistake on anybody's part. Honey just might make up to her. She was having none of Richard, Siouxzann, and Teakahla- I think they tried too hard and put her off.

In some ways I envy Suzanne's husband. They are sun worshippers - he must be in his late 60's and has the body of a 30 year old- from the head down. The face is Bert from Sesame Street. That part I don't envy.

It is a tad warmish for my taste today-the dogs are having a siesta under the air conditioning as I type.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Whirlwind Day

My temporary across the street neighbors moved to their lake side site today. Apparently this is the kind of winter you can have if you work cement in Quebec in the summertime. Last year he did Mesa, Quartzite, AZ and the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Honey and their black Lab became friends.
The Georgia neighbors on the right, her sister is visiting for a few days. Nice folks.
I was scurrying around and saw them taking pictures and turned around to see what they were shooting and took some of my own of the sunset.

Greg and Lew dropped by for Greg to have a beer. They are always fun to talk to- we laugh a lot.

Richard, and Susan and Teakala invited me over for dinner tonight. Much younger, they are living their lives according to their ideals which are a mix of native American traditions, green, and save the turtles. They are resurrecting an ancient Airstream Trailer and it is a sight to behold on the outside because the finish is so irregular and it is outfitted with solar panels and a wind powered generator. It is a sight to behold on the inside because it has been completely custom built in a green fashion. They are 97% plastic free. The engineering and artistic flair is manifest in everything. The lights are L.E.D., the fixtures are sherbet cups, and hubcaps. Richard fixed an organic chicken gumbo and cooked a separate vegetarian meal for Susan. Teakala is being homeschooled and she is a delightful redheaded six year old. Their time in the park is up on Monday and they have not found a place to go...yet. Here is their house and some of Richard's art. These pictures are better enlarged so click on the slideshow to go to the Album.

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Friday, January 02, 2009

The Miracle of Modern Connectivity

The phone rang about 2:00 p.m. It was Tim! He told me in great detail how he landed a 27 pound Wahoo and he would drop me off some Wahoo steaks! Shit! I can't argue with his thoughtfulness, though. I was kidding him about his laundry and asked him if the undies were coming out white. "What underwear," he said. Too much information. I don't even know his last name but now I know he doesn't wear underwear.

I visited with the LaTours-the Georgians. Their awning was vibrating in the wind last night. I happened to have some spare de-flappers which we quickly installed. They were ever so grateful. They are chatters. But they have things to say so that is a good thing-for now.

I found a closer El Presidente grocery store. Very convenient and I made a bottled water run and did deep reconaissance. It is part grocery store of my youth with real butchers, whole fish, bulk food, and part exotic garden filled with food I have never tasted and am clueless about preparing. Found some things to try as well as some bargains. I came back by way of Radio Shack and purchased a digital TV converter box. Bill DeMille, the previous owner of this coach told me his nephew had wired the electronics-and it has a full spectrum: VCR, CD jukebox, 2 televisions, satellite hookup, antenna booster, inverter, switching station, and 2 AM-FM stereo systems. Bless the little sweetheart, he took masking tape and labeled the wires! It took me all of 15 minutes to complete the transition. Forty new channels, subtract the religious wack-o's, the Spanish language channels, and it is still about six watchable channels but I am now digital.

I was frustrated with my netbook computer- I turned Jason's courtesy call into tech support last night. The netbook wouldn't connect. I did a system restore and the works. It turned out my wifi router had a brain cramp and nobody could get on last night. The first ones to complain are always the S.O.W.E.R.S.- they are CHRISTIANS (their emphasis) who travel in their RV showing up to do the Lord's work wherever they are called. I wish they were needed in Wisconsin. The surname is Syriani and he is about half aggressive. For freeloaders, they are pushing their luck with me. http://www.sowerministry.org/

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Salud! Happy New Year

I started my day early taking down my Christmas decorations at 6:00 a.m. It went pretty fast and I think I have a place to stow everything.
I stuck my nose around my RV this morning and found myself in a morning-after celebration. The two in front are brother and sister-Claude and Suzanne. Suzanne is a big lady but aside from not being able to cream her feet-is very capable and active. She is also a stitch. Their last name in American mouths comes out as "gay." So she says when they go to restaurants they say their name is "Brown" to avoid the "Gay, party of two." announcements. But she says they often forget they are the Browns. They went to the new Gulfstream Casino last night and had a ball. Then she was up early to make croissants with cream cheese and lox, capers and green onions to go along with our Mimosas (champagne and orange juice). I was in bed by 11:00 last night so this was my new year celebration and I was pleased to have it-very enjoyable surprise.
A very pretty table she set with champagne flutes and real linen. They have been coming to John Prince Park for 40 years! They come for a month. They own a car dealership which helps explain the meticulous attention he pays to his gorgeous red Ford. Her husband Claude is just a plain nice man-virtually no English. Below they model their New Year Hats and Suzanne kept blowing her noisemaker.
Tim came by- he moved up on Belvedere Road and is working on his laundry until the 6th. He has been buying new instead of doing his laundry and he was pretty impressed with the mound of clothes he had accumulated. His reservation here ends tomorrow but he got a jump on it. Greg came by ostensibly to go fishing but the morning beers prompted him to leave his tackle here and just go home.

Ken and Mervi Haapennen came to visit. They were neighbors last year but rented an apartment in a Finnish enclave in
Lake Worth for this season. I am anxious to see it. Lots to talk about as they spent time in Finland and Thunder Bay and stayed busy.

Jason said they might pop up here so I went on a cleaning spree. They didn't make it but the effort is not wasted. Chad and Joyce and Jason and Lori went to David's fabulous party last night and had a real good time. I would have liked to see the two Maseratis in the garage but I have been to David's parties and while I hate to pass one up- I needed to work on my water situation which did result in looser shoes today.

It was kind of a wild day- lots of company. I cooked the chicken livers- over rice, with sour cream gravy. The dogs think I am a genius.
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