
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, July 31, 2009

It is the Holiday, not the Season

I relish the escape from Christmas in December when I go to Florida. It is easy to just kind of slide by the hoopla under the palm trees. Now it is evident that the stress is self induced. Janet is mistress of the vittles and I am master of the revels. The Christmas in July event has grown to 20 guests and tomorrow is the day. The main fly in the ointment has been a photo project for Guy and Janet. Her mom is also a recipient. Kodak "easy share" (har-de-har-har) digital frames are not the cinch the the name implies. I have lots of photos taken over the last 10 years ( lots of his recently departed dad) and I sneakily copied Guy's recently because Guy has trouble erasing his camera cards. I emailed Janet's brother and he emailed quite a few. Of 2700 pictures, I winnowed them down to 547 and had to load a thumb drive one picture at a time with the proprietary "easy share" software. It seems they don't duplicate. I have product but it is not the product I wanted. I started early and am running out of time.

I will assemble 20 packages tomorrow for a random drawing. Inside each is some cool stuff and a gag or two. Should be fun. It will be good to have it over-lots of fun and glad to have it over-sounds a lot like traditional Christmas.

Nasty winds today. The Lindy was rocking and it is well protected. I have pretty much lived out there the last few days working on pictures. FortunatelyI have been feeling well.

One nice thing was a technology success story. The 3G store has USB gadgets for about $40 which turns the old computers into WiFi enabled computers. So my aircard now extends to the Lindy, the deck, the old tower computer and the laptops. The oasis is wired.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hey! I took third place!

Perhaps I should say Reddon's ass took third place in the County Fair. After doing Santa's helper stuff, I stopped by the Fair and looked at the competition. I was pleasantly surprised to see I placed. While I am not sure I would have picked the picture that won "Best in Show," after looking at the really good pictures I felt great about even placing. That was an "upper."

The dumpster deliverer dropped by and I settled on a two cubic yard one which he later delivered. After I got home it took me all of twenty minutes to fill it. That felt good. My pickup day is Friday so I will get a clean start then. The deliverer was very familiar with the neighborhood and worked for Ann McIntosh, a neighbor, for several years. Interesting conversation.

It got all the way up to 50 degrees today. A nice amount of precipitation accompanied the cool spell. My trousers are still on the line and have been rain rinsed twice. I wore a jacket all day. Depending on who you are you have different feelings about the moisture. The sugar beet growers are ecstatic, those whose first cutting of hay is already up are happy, those with hay down and not yet baled are fuming.

My hummingbird family has produced offspring. The tini(er) ones are visiting the feeder. Fun to watch but they are very wary and the light is wrong for pictures.

Buster was puny yesterday and OK today. Honey was energized by the coolness. She was playful all day. Full of beans. I have been up and down these past few days: feeling great when the sugar is under control,( neither low nor high) and crashing when it is not. Learning how to gauge is getting better. I get a fit of sneezing when it goes above or below a threshold. The good news is it is not always high. Getting better.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Too Much Fun!

Cousin Russ and Kristin sent pictures from Seattle. Daughter in Law Katina with son Colin above, Katina and Micah below.
Kristin's daughter Linsey with Micah, two weeks, Kristin with Linsey's Mia, six months, and Russ with Grace 10 weeks. "And Kristin and Russ are incredibly old," Kristin says. Actually Russ is a year older than I am. His specialty in aeronautical engineering is so esoteric Boeing is keeping him on to train others. Not bad for a Kemmerer, WY and University of Wyoming boy.
Perhaps you can see why bigotry in any form sends me right up the wall. Loving is so easy. Hate is nasty.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night...for about 15 minutes but what it lacked in duration it made up for in intensity- 55 m.p.h winds according to the weather service. Supposed to be stormy for a few days, they say. I got my laundry off the line before it hit.

We had a quiet and fairly productive weekend. No driving. Weedwhacking, watering the cattle, (I'm doing it for the cows-not Harlan.- I think they were dry-I can't keep their tank full and they usually only get one tank), working on my pictures, reading a little, playing with the doggies.

I called Delores. They have been having a ball in West Virginia., Connecticut and NYC. She put a new roof on her house. Those "steel magnolias" support each other: Marilu is coping after Howard's death, Jayne might be depressed after the bypass and pacemaker but her house is now habitable and will get winterized after last year's floods. Jayne has been living with Delores and her granddaughter Cade for the summer. Her nephew Scott is back from Afghanistan-alive and intact physically. We old friends do go on-for about an hour. I know all these people so it is interesting to me to keep up.

I had a package of chicken breasts so I made a pot of soup and we had grilled chicken tonight on the deck. Tomorrow is taken care of with the soup- Chechnyan Wedding Soup. We howled at the coyotes. Buster started fussing and I shushed him. Then I heard them too. So I barked and he and Honey really tuned up howling. It nearly made me fall off my chair laughing.

I called Richard on this, his birthday. Sounds like occasions have been happening all weekend. A wedding, balloon rally, I'll take him out for dinner in Florida-he is saving his City Band money for it and has some miles.

Had email from Therese Desjarlais. They have reservations at John Prince mid January.

Friday, July 24, 2009

At Home

The rubber did not hit the road. The Dumpster did not arrive. Fasting glucose was 109. After a pill and a modest brunch it hit 217 -what a disappointment. Took another pill and it settled down and I felt better.

Honey is running true to her Pyrenees side. She is expanding her territory every day. I saw her down at the bottom of the thirty on the other side of the fence. I buzzed her in and when she arrived she was black with swamp muck to her chest. She was having a ball. Buster overdid yesterday and stuck close to home and coughed a lot. I got a Benadryl down him in addition to other meds tonight. I hope he breathes easier. They are great dogs. Honey is a stitch. She comes in and woofs at me to come play. I oblige and we have some fun games. She is really growing in obedience and affection. There is almost a sixth sense with her. We have some "head talk " going. She's a stealth dog. She can disappear and appear with no fanfare. I'll see her in the pasture and in a few minutes I am getting a nudge.

Janet sent an email- she was thrilled with the quality and quantity of the Fair photographs which I think did not bode well for ribbon territory for me. I got a positive comment from the judge though. I'll go to check them out and look for trends. Judges change every year so that might not mean much. I learned the ropes this year. It was kind of fun-now there is a challenge. Years ago my first potatoes took first, second, and third two years running and I retired with my reputation intact.

I called Lisa at John Prince Park. My site, which she kindly drove by to assess for me is in mid construction and nobody knows how wide it is going to be. I need 14 feet to not kill the grass. It had very little grass when I picked it. The Rosenbergs, my friends, were down there from NY and went to take pictures which I will get by email. Now those are friends! Why they are in Florida in the summertime is beyond me-I'll have to ask. The "feels like" temperature today was 103 degrees in Lake Worth.

I watched the PBS Friday lineup for the news shows. Had a steak and baked potato and salad-tenderloin for me-cube steak for the pups. We had a deck dinner. A nice day.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Santa's little Devil

More running up and down the road today. The pictures got dropped at the fair. Janet took a half day off work to set up the Cattlewoman's Building. I saw the pictures for the sheep contest and was glad I didn't enter that one. There was a sheep's head that was terrific. I saw Polly from Sweetwater Station Bookstore. She was ramrodding the Fiber Arts show. I also saw Bonnie who was a basket case when I first met her. Polly and Lynda took her in an adult foster placement. She was agoraphobic among other things. (In Wyoming!) I think she is on her own now but she looked great and was on top of things. I was impressed.

I went to the Wherehouse which is kind of a headshop/variety/sex shop place. I hadn't been in it for a long time-it has become more "fringe," I guess, is the best non-judgmental word I can find. I was looking for gag gifts for the Christmas party. Saw some possibilities and some impossibilities. There were a lot of shoppers but not too many cars in front. Perhaps they parked at Safeway and nipped on over. I also scouted the Dollar Store. Saw some more possibilities.

Amazon, which had backordered on me came through with the main things I wanted. Bill the UPS guy brought those. I called Wyoming Waste and asked where my dumpster was. I think I will get it tomorrow. I'm not so impatient for it as just wanting to know when to meet them so we can site the darn thing. I talked placement with Harlan and it is important to get it right.

It was a right toasty day-started very early with the usual coffee on the deck. Fasting glucose was 111 which is very good for me. An eagle soared, the cows were all bedded down. The Sandhill Cranes I think were talking dirty. Three raspy calls and three clucking noises were repeated often. The clucking is new to my ears. Maybe they are just clucking around. The doggies were full of it and played hard. Buster wore himself out. Honey is perpetual motion but when she conks, she is o-u-t. I took the collar off her to charge it last night and she didn't even wake up.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Trip Day

Tuesday was nothing to write home about-pleasant enough. I think I was a little too successful on the blood sugar. I remember doing deep breathing exercises all night long. I woke up today still short of air and tired, tired, tired. But Buster was out of burger. I had punted Tuesday and stuck his meds in hot dogs which are way too salty and I wasn't going to do that to him again. Fell into the freshly marked down meat department this morning and stocked up. Unfortunately I forgot a slew of other things so we went back this evening. I'm still kind of fogged up so I am going to fold my tent very soon.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting evened out

OK, I lied. "As directed" on Metformin was one at lunch, two with dinner and one at evening snack based on what I told the doc the eating habits were. I am waking up hungry and don't mean a little hungry. So the pills are going with breakfast lunch and dinner and evening. I felt great today. Got things done but must have messed up a little because I crashed about six p.m. But this is better. Numbers were better.

I got on the garbage route today. I was looking at buying a trailer. The solid waste authority decided in their infinite stupidity to institute use fees. They voted to turn the rez into the world's biggest dump. If it is going to cost me the cost of a trailer and $10.00 to empty it, the Wyoming Waste Services $39.00 a month plan works for me. It is suspendable for Florida time and I will be able to get rid of my backlog. Thomas was my trash hauler-he had a pickup to support but after Thayne and Paula's divorce he is gone. That is about what I was paying him per month (one load). This will be two loads.

I called Lisa at John Prince Park just being a Nosy Parker. The site plumbing and rewiring is at a standstill. Everybody is shrugging. I gave her a lot of my groceries when I left. She had just moved and I could tell things were tight. Turns out her new neighbor is nutso-bangs on the walls, stands outside and stares while they eat, turns up the stereo. The last occupants broke their lease after a month. Lisa can't afford that. Ed's heart is OK, Jim's pacemaker seems to be helping if he just stays off caffeine. John is grumpy. It was like old home week!

Picked up the fair entries and took Janet's to her as requested. I also delivered their camera-it seems OK after Guy fell off the pickup with it. I took the pictures off it and put them on a thumb drive.

After reading the fine print, I may have screwed myself. The pretty cashier at WalMart asked if I wanted a WalMart Credit Card. At first I said no but she said it had a $20 off for every $100.00 spent feature. So I did the math and said sure. The website that I checked after getting home had no mention of that feature. It is a Discover Card with an 18 percent interest charge. I think I have some complaining to do. Too bad, 20% off at WalMart would have been real money to me. It would have paid for the garbage collection.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I wrote of my cousins who recently lost their second consecutive bull mastiff to cancer. The brave souls now have Grace who will eventually top 100 pounds and hopefully will be as sweet and loving as Agnes and Madison were. It is a compliment to them both that life without a mastiff is not in the cards for Kristin and Russ. I wish long life for them all. And I want to pat that tummy!
Another Country heard from: Pat emailed from Bathurst, British Columbia. She had the travel plans of several friends and acquaintances. They are reversing their itinerary this year. They will do the Gulf Coast until January and then come east to JPP. Harold and Julia and Fernand and Yvette also from B.C. will do the same and come over after December. Yves and Andee from Montreal will come to JPP right off the bat as will Hal and Marilyn from Maine. Hal works in a golf pro shop at a ritzy golf course. Doc and Janet from Delhi, NY will come straight to John Prince Park too. I don't expect this to be of any interest to you, but it is now in my blog where I can find the information.

I felt pretty well today. After a light breakfast I whacked weeds and got the tremors again. The Metformin cured them in short order. I surmise my sugar is not going low but the insulin resistance that is part of my syndrome makes my muscles think they are starving. This is a guess. I will ask my doc but I am not going to see her unless I have a real problem . I want to get my blood sugar evened out before the long term glucose test. Otherwise, the needle is in my future. That doesn't scare me but pills are simply easier. The fasting number was 125. The number after a cup of coffee and a piece of bread and weedwhacking was 187. Down from yesterday's 297 but still not rosy.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gadding About

Out of bed by 5:30 a.m., not by choice, the eyes were open and I was hungry! Today seemed like a great day to go to Boysen Dam to see the water. It hasn't been this high since 1999. It may be full next year too but it has been so long and it makes my heart glad to see it. We went to McDonalds for McBarfups, washed the van-bird poo was whitewashing it, and hit the road. The balloon rally is on but we were a little late for the big launch. We stopped to watch this one set down-trying to hit the pasture instead of the alfalfa patch. On the way to Shoshone I was feeling bad-tremors in the hands, but we soldiered on to Boysen.
It had been years since I looked around the campground below the dam. It has been improved but includes FEES! I found this woodchuck calmly basking in the sun. My dad called them "whistlepigs" because if you whistle they are curious and when they pop their heads up they make a good target. In my bloodthirsty youth I offed quite a few of them. This guy must be some kind of campground pet because he was not inclined to run. Looks well-fed.
At the risk of seeming a complete fossil, the tunnel was in use when I last played along the river. Sometime in the last thirty years they put up a trestle when I wasn't looking. Burlington Northern was doing track maintenance today-picking up railroad ties. If you do the click to enlarge thing you can see the truck is designed to move on the tracks as well as the road. I think that is so cool. I think they about have a load.

I did find my way to the dam and even drove over it then back up the road to the campground where I exited again. There were boats on the water, the cabins and marina were busy, people were fishing-you used to be able to pull some lunkers out below the dam. Then by 10:30 we were on our way home. Stopped by Wally World for dog treats and glucose test strips-mine were out of date. Did a little testing and was put out with myself. Way high, but I think I was way low when I got the shakes. Four test times a day for awhile and taking meds"as directed."

Sue called to tell me the Ethete Powwow was going full tilt-they counter program against Riverton's Rendezvous Days every year. I went up there this evening. I love the Arapahos. Shoshones are squatty bodies, typically. Arapahos are linear and tall often times. In full regalia, very impressive. They are also more down to earth in some ways. Kids start out with homemade regalia that looks homemade. That said, they are also like herding cats. No grass at this powwow ground and the water trucks were nowhere is sight. The heat and the dust were oppressive. Some dancers had made face masks out of scarves. I did not stay long. Maybe that is their plan.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

What Do I Have To Say For Myself?

Nothing-no excuses. Just enjoyed the day. Watered the yard, talked to the mail lady-she delivered my shirts, ordered some useless crap for the Christmas in July Party (it is going to be in August this year), beat the heat, (49 degrees at 7:00 a.m., 92 at 3:00 p.m.-siesta time), made spaghetti and meat sauce-ate same with gusto-I had been hungering for it, played with the dogs, read a New Yorker, surfed the Web, killed some flies.

Lots of Europe pictures at this album:


They did a lot and found so many people in Europe thinking the USA is the cat's whiskers-land of opportunity. They are glad they did it but think that will suffice. They did the O.F. proud, taking about 1500 pictures. I get to see and stay at home too.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Entered in the Fair

No, not in the fatted calves competition, but the photos. All they wanted today was the entry form. They were ever so nice in helping a first-timer and it was a busy place today being the deadline. Apparently they will generate my entry tags by Monday, the photos are to come in on the 23rd. My matting exercise this morning was not necessary but I am glad it is done. Mats do sharpen a photograph.

On to the store for a basic shop. Holy cow, the prices have skyrocketed. And with so many people out of work? Soon they will have no money to spend and things will get worse. Desperation breeds danger. Of course I blame Bush for letting the foxes run the financial henhouse but Obama is getting into ownership territory.

I started to water the yard today. Warm winds suck the moisture right out of the ground. There is still snow on the peaks of the Wind Rivers and the nights are delightfully cool but the foliage is starting to harden and water is important. The swamp cooler developed a water shortage but I think I fixed that.

The neighbors turned the bulls in with the cows. There is some entertainment value in that. The bulls grumble and complain when they aren't getting any and the cows are coy until they are good and ready. The neighbors must have broken some hay bales because a second feeding this evening of some prime alfalfa made the cows act like kids chasing the ice cream truck. They scarfed it down. I'm glad they are breeding them before they take them to the mountains. I always thought that was complicating matters and if a cow doesn't "catch" she will be sold this fall.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cranberry Wine and Smoked Gouda Cheese

I spent Monday messing with photos. Wednesday is the deadline for Fair Entries. Janet brought some forms home so I went up to their house in the evening. She broke out some Cranberry wine from a South Dakota (Prairie Berry) winery they favor-it was delicious. Made me a little dizzy too. A very pleasant interlude. I scooted to town to buy matting board for the photos and made it home in time for Buster's med time.

I rarely leave the dogs home. Honey took exception to the abandonment and rearranged the back porch so I had a hard time getting into my own house. She is very competent, if misguided. There was an odor in the house and I thought perhaps she had done an anger poop. They are both completely housebroken but she has never rearranged the furniture before either. I looked and looked but found no problem. I got engrossed in my book and read until late. Went to fall in bed and discovered a dead prairie dog on it-I did a little dance-Buster's claim I am sure because it was ripe. This necessitated a 1:00 a.m. trip to the trash barrel in my undies. The dogs seemed unusually understanding-perhaps a little contrite?

I am still doing photo work today-set up in the "studio." I changed the photo paper and got much better product today. If last year's crop of photos were typical I may have a chance. We will just have to see.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dog-eared Books

Dogs and books. First, I got screwed on one of my ten cent books. Wasn't worth a nickel: a spy thriller that was not thrilling. I can't quit them so I saw it through and felt disappointed. The one I am in now is called The Day of the Jackal and is much better- maybe worth 15 cents. Since it is about the attempted assassinaton of Charles DeGaulle, I already know how it turns out but the background is interesting. Very pleasant reading on the deck.

The doggies have been entertaining. Honey the huntress has been bagging Prairie Dogs. They venture out into the pasture and all is lost. They are pretty big so the dispatching is not easy. She she was so proud of herself yesterday. Buster of course would love to have one. So the contest was on all of yesterday. Honey would get distracted and Buster would go for the limp little carcass and Honey would rescue it and parade around. Kept them busy all day. Buster is pretty determined though and this morning when she was on patrol he got it. They are buddies so there is no snap and snarl but Buster was not able to sit down and chew with her on his tail so he deposited it in a wild rose thicket that he can access and she can't. Nothing for her to do but bag another one. This one put up a little fight and she was yipping and dancing a little. I can see no wounds on her. She wanted to play keep away with me with it but I draw the line doing tug-of -wars with dead critters. It found its way into a plastic bag and a sealed garbage can while she was seeking fresh quarry. I'm not crazy about this mayhem but the nature of dogs deserves some indulgence.

For the third time I made a trip to town to pick up my special order phone kits-one was missing. Went by the Oriental Palace for takeout and had Chinese food on the deck with a book in hand. The dogs are partial to Crab Rangoon and Chcicken Wings-yes I de-bone them. Crikey! They are spoiled. A very warm day day in town-in the 90's according to the bank sign but pleasant here under the trees and with the aid of afternoon swamp cooling. Life is good!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Music, Music, Music

The new "Party-Pod" is supplying background music. It is a clamshell carrying case for the IPod that holds a battery powered single speaker that is amazingly strong and clear for its size. On-sale at Buy.com for $13.00, delivered to my door from California for $6.00. About the same delivery cost as a trip to town. About the only thing I don't like is the big imprint with the name-a too hip an accessory for an old dork.

Nate from Verizon called yesterday saying my phone music kit was in. I went there but he took the day off and the other guy didn't know jack about it. I was overdue on a CD I borrowed from the library. Val's nephew Curtis has mostly filled a Terabyte hard drive with free music borrowed from the Denver Public Library System. Smart thinking sez, I. I found a dismal collecton at the Riverton Branch Library. I borrowed a Pure Prairie League CD then forgot to return it. It cost me a 40 cent fine. BUT they had free books by the door so I got four. Ten cents apiece the way I figure it. Two mysteries-one is half done. I'll try the libraries in Palm Beach for music.

Camping World sent a catalog-that started a reverie about the winter lodgings. A couple of items I may purchase-and let them ship to Florida. They are ingenious about peddling "must have" accessories,you don't really have to have. Somebody devised a double track insert for the awning slot. I was wishing for just such a gadget.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Great Day in the Morning..and all day.

Top: After the 4th of July fireworks Cheryl and Audrey are "being Fireworks." I always like seeing pictures of my kids and grandkid.
Below: The pictures are starting to come in from Europe. Lori posted several Albums and it looks like it was a great time. This one is from the island of Santorini. I blatantly stole it. I will see if Lori will let me post links of Paris, Naples, Pompeii, Santorini...

Today I met early with the Appraiser, his assistant, the Project Engineer. and a representative of the Highway Department from Cheyenne about my trees and property. The Surveyor, bless his heart, was true to his word. The road is moving 12 feet further from my house but is being widened. I will lose trees that volunteered in the borrow ditch but my old growth will be spared. I will get a new approach, a new fence, a new gate and maybe a little cash. Now I have to decide if I will continue my forestry project in the yard. The effect of losing the borrow ditch trees will be pretty severe. A lot of the screening will be gone but a lot has also been spared. I am so relieved. I can live with this and since the project won't begin until 2010 or 11, I can start mitigation right now. Evidently others are complaining about road noise because the engineer attempted to shoot down the "sound barrier fence," before we got very far into the discussion-before it even came up.

The appraiser had an Eckankar sticker on his SUV. He was amazed I knew what it was. I was into Eckankar in the 1960's and the Cosmology was very inclusive-the organization has had its problems as all church organizations do but I am probably as much an Eck-ist as anything. I read the Wikipedia entry on it today and there were some fantastical beginnings but not any crazier than the the Mo's.

Janet is coaching me on the Fair photo contest. I think this will be fun.

I put up a temporary fence today. The puppies across the way bark and play and my dogs race over to, and Thayne told me ON the road. I had some chicken wire. I think I have them slowed down as of tonight and by tomorrow I will have them stopped from heading on that path anyway.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wyoming Traffic Control

Over by Clearmont somebody has the right Wyoming idea. I long for the cojones to do something similar on my piece of 17 Mile Road. I had to let a string of cars pass me up on the hill so I could safely enter my driveway. I have taken to getting out of my van to scan the highway before chancing getting on the road. Even then it is exciting sometimes. Six highway deaths in Fremont county in the last 10 days. They are nutso.

My day was so stupid I hesitate to tell. Buster kept playing out this morning. I found him in the driveway. Then I found him on the lawn. He sticks pretty close to me except when he doesn't. He came in the house this afternoon and settled down beside me. His breaths were shallow and his muscle tone was very loose. I thought that this "was it." and stroked him and told him what a good dog he was and recounted our travels and good times for a good hour. Then I had to pee. So I gently moved him and walked away. Up he bounds ready to go. I was so happy and felt so foolish. But he got some good loving. I didn't lie to him.

Another gorgeous day in God's Country. The swamp cooler didn't get turned on until 4:00. The meter reader for High Plains called per my suggestion and I got Honey in before he came. When I let her out she traced his path exactly with her great nose. She is like Goodie was in that respect.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Sometimes Thanksgiving comes without a turkey dinner. It was a glorious day-cool and sunny, and coffee on the deck became a time to feel good; Two good dogs at my feet watching over the pasture and the river; kids doing well and gainfully employed in these hard times, my younger brother celebrated the first anniversary of a happy marriage, my older brother just back from a GoldWing motorcycle rally in Tulsa, my ex enjoying being a grandma and artist, my friends industriously making progress, and me with sun on my face enjoying it all. Gratitude.

The dogs were frantic to get out this morning but I'm trying to sleep to 7:00 so I played possum-didn't work. Feglers cows were in the backyard munching down. Two words "get 'em." sent them crashing back through the fence instantaneously. The doggies went no further than the fence but they were puffed up all day long. They did their job. Per usual the pasture is down to the nubbins, they feed really bad hay-the cows go from pile to pile hoping for something better but Harlan bought it so they will by gosh eat it. And across the fence there is this lush oasis which I did not grow for the Fegler's cows. I am generous in letting them use my pasture land.

I counted eight prairie dogs running relay races in the pasture. They hid when Honey went down there. She ended up running and splashing in the slough just because it felt good. Buster's mother used to do the same. It is fun to watch a joyous dog.

I downloaded two programs. Pandora is Internet radio. You give it a song you like and it creates programming in a similar vein. The internet radio business is officially legal after today-there were royalty squabbles which are now settled. Pandora is free with commercials or commercial free for a price. The second one is called Amp. It turns an iPhone or iPod Touch into a hearing aid with the ability to go back if you miss something. Thus you can feign listening to your Ipod music when you are really trying to hear what is being said or played. That download cost $9.99. I will see if it is any better than my abortive earlier attempts at hearing augmentation. It works well but the folderol of earbuds, etc. may be the downside.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Long Weekend

This ultralight plane flew over the pasture on its way back to Riverton International Airport this morning. Cool. It was almost as much fun as watching Daryne feed all by himself. They use those huge square bales, a trailer and the old Dodge pickup. He would put the Dodge in low, jump up on the trailer, toss flakes off and jump off and chase the pickup before it went into a ditch or the fence. He is very competent but there was some drama involved. They must have all gone to the hills for the 4th.

Today was our first really warm day and the swamp cooler proved its mettle. Cool inside and pleasant outside for most of the day. I needed some things so I took the white van (no air conditioning) to the Casino store. It was pretty warm so I went and came back with no other stops. Buster threw a tantrum. He didn't get his treat so he wasn't going to disembark. I reached for him and he hopped in the back. I went to the back and he hopped to his place. I went to the driver's door and he hopped in the back. This went on. So I decided to leave him there for awhile. Honey took a dim view of that and I didn't want him to overheat so a showdown took place. I finally dragged him out backwards with his little toenails grasping whatever he could find. Once out, he was fine.

Sunday was just a laid back day. I can stay home and spend money! Eddie Bauer had a pocket tee shirt sale- $9.95 , which is less than half what I usually pay for my modified tents. Too good to pass up. I was reflecting that is has been such a beautiful Spring that I should collect the photos into an album. So I did that. There is a link below. Little pork roast in the oven, taters, salad, applesauce. Masterpiece mystery, early to bed. Life is good.


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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Democracy Lives on the 4th of July!

Or, "What if you threw a TEA Party and nobody came?" I had a bowl of soup at the Trailhead Cafe last week and they had a sign that said they would close at 2:00 on the 4th of July and people should go to a TEA party in the park at 2:00. TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already and is a Republican grass roots movement. I loaded up the dogs and cameras and thought to go to Boysen Dam for picture taking and check out the the rally on the way. I couldn't find my mini-wallet so I wasted a lot of time looking for that before calling WalMart where it was last in my hot little hand. The wallet was there (Bless this small Wyoming Town!). It was 2:30 when I cruised past City park and nothing discernible was happening other than a lot of brown skinned families having picture perfect picnics on the 4th of July. I thought perhaps I got the park wrong so I checked out the other major parks. Same story. I was so pleased to see Native Americans, in town, on the grass, being as American as apple pie. I was running out of good light so I put Boysen on a list for another day. I saw where the TEA Rally in Washington D.C. drew 2000 people. Not exactly a huge crowd. If it had been Blacks or Gays it wouldn't have even made the news. Maybe the problem is that taxes so far are only slated to go up on incomes over $150,000.00 a year. I can name all the people in Riverton that would affect. They've already bought their congressmen so they don't need to rub shoulders with the hoi polloi in the park.

Talked to Rich to see how they fared on the flash floods in Casper. He said they weren't affected then described how the carpet in their house got wet as did the one at their Wellness Center. They rode their bikes down there and had to dodge debris. That is a long ride but they seem to be enjoying them. His new hip is working just fine.

Also talked to Eve, the ex. She had sent an email in early June about all her Art Shows and exhibits. I wanted to see how they went. They went well. She sold 20 little sculptures and has sold four paintings. This after a dry spell so she was pretty happy about that. She also is more newsy about our kids and grandkid than they are so I found Matt is already being eyed for promotion and Audrey is precocious (I already knew that-she carries my genes!-too bad about the fat and bald genes.) Cheryl is much the same as usual and I didn't miss her birthday-yet.

We were on the edge of a violent thunderstorm late this afternoon. Just a little hail and big winds, some rain. It was a doozy a few miles away and was heading for Casper.

Friday, July 03, 2009

New Kid on the Block

This colt is three days old and the calves on this side were very curious so they moseyed over to get acquainted. The colt decided to hang out with them for awhile. The ears look a little long on him-he may be a mule. There are some magnificent mules being bred down the road. Mothers appear to be about one quarter Belgian work horse and are dark palominos. They have a common donkey dad. This year's crop of foals are just hitting the ground. Last year's are in another pasture. They are striking looking and would make a great matched team or big riding mules
The little guy is black, his mother is white and she prefers the company of a nursing cow rather than the other horses right now.

We had a quiet day at home. Rain came during my nap.
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Venice and Arapahoe

The entrance to Venice Harbor yesterday as Lori and Jason arrived. It would appear from the pictures that they have good accomodations on board their ship. I hope they are having a blast. I am a little confused on the itinerary. They are either on their way back from their eastern-most destination-Turkey, or on their way. The view is fabulous and Venice has been a big seaport for thousands of years.

Arapahoe has been coolish and damp. Little drizzles but lots of thunder-boomers. Between those and fireworks, Buster has taken up permanent residence at my feet, under the table. Honey is unfazed by the noises. Having gotten the scent of Prairie Dog she has been on patrol which is not a bad thing. She is a dog who needs a job. She went directly to a corpse that the neighbor's produced-she gives the Ravens what -for; loves to chase them. She would rather eat carrion than tenderized steak. I am not crazy about this because she is a hard one to get pills down. Her prize disappeared when she was on a junket down to the corrals. She knows who did it and was in a funk about it.

I got a couple of CD's in the mail through Amazon's network of second-hand dealers. Perhaps my taste has matured from years ago. The violins of Villa Fontana; a Mexican orchestra of some renown, seem overly arranged and way schmaltzy. They found their way onto the iPod anyway.

I am so-so. Not in the pink, and not blue-maybe the book should have been "When I Grow Old, I Shall be Purple." Guy and Janet are going to have a "pickin' and strummin" up at their place this weekend. It sounds like great fun but I am not sure I can get it together and keep it together for a big social event. I have had some spectacular "crashes"- perking along and then the bottom falls out. I am glucose testing, Buster scared witless with a dicky heart... But I am inclined... We'll just have to see.
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Hell for Prairie Dogs

Harlan and his 13 year old granddaughter fed by themselves today. Camey was a good little driver and Harlan tossed flakes off the hay wagon. They paused at the bottom of my land and commenced shooting at the prairie dogs. They spent a lot of bullets but I didn't see any carcasses bounce. Then this afternoon a prairie dog came calling at the house. Honey leapt into huntress mode and she is a good one. I have not seen a live prairie dog up close except at the Palm Beach Zoo. Of course it was brutal but interesting. Honey is much faster and caught it. It turned on its back in a submissive posture to a dog so Honey was puzzled and looked. Then it ran and she was after it-it squealed like a cat. She got it down again and it went submissive. Then it hopped up on its hind feet and they sniffed noses. I thought they were bonding. Then it ran again and Honey was in full pursuit. I was concerned for both so I was not particularly helpful and it ran under the van. I was hoping it would get away and tell the others not to come around here again. It got nipped but I saw no blood. It really did make Honey's day she has been on the alert ever since. She missed a feral cat that went along the ditch bank but the birds did not-they escorted it right off the property. If the prairie dogs come around they are now fair game. Buster was hiding from the thunder today but he knows what to do too.

For me today was a better day inside and out. I loaded up on calcium in the last 24 hours and paid attention to my trace elements. I feel perkier. Got some stuff done too.

All the news about people croaking is kind of overwhelming. Pitchman Billy Mays was a surprise but he gave me fits. Harve Presnell at 75 was in the order of things I guess. Molly Sugden was a treat as Mrs. Slocombe on PBS. Somebody collected a lot of her double entendres on youtube. They always make me laugh.
