
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday's Blog Entry Are you ready for some Football!

Ken and Betty's light display-January first is around the corner so this might be the last chance for a picture:

There was a glut of football and I saw a lot of it. The Mastercard/Peyton Manning commercials really amuse me. I hadn't seen them before. But in between I took a couple of good bike rides, tended my unused Internet store, fixed another computer, jawed with Mr. Haley, helped Harold and Julia set up their patio area-they are back from New Brunswick and glad of it. About 2:00 I stopped by Greg and Lew's. They had company that were preparing to go eat lunch-all had been on a two mile nature walk here in the park with dogs. Greg offered me some chocolate which I declined and I suggested lunch at the Park Avenue BBQ as a better cure for the munchies. We convoyed down there-not far. Sweet potato french fries and corn fritters are the delicious sides there. We enjoyed our pulled pork sandwiches and a beer. They had gone fishing Saturday- Lew caught the biggest-28 inches, after a good fight. But it was still undersized for the species so back it went. He lost the boat pool for largest fish. But they had an adventure.

Buster is really getting the leash thing down and we go at a pretty good clip-he is in front. He enjoys it. Yay!
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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dog Portraits

Watching people and their pets interact here in the park gave me an idea. Take portraits of people and their pets. This man was happy to pose his beautiful retrievers. He had prints in 5 minutes and I had a picture or two. I like listening to people talk about their pets. Love is in their hearts and it is very positive. These dogs were beautifully groomed.

What if you opened a lemonade stand and nobody came? A man stopped to tell me to buy a WiFi router and he would pay a dollar a day. I said "Verizon"- he understood- that is his carrier too- a router could easily generate more bandwidth usage than they allow. AND, no money can change hands in the park- no private businesses on county land. He was a bright guy- fun to talk to. So far no browsers. I closed early because I was two cigs from paranoia and went to the liquor store. Bought my $2.00 Lotto ticket. Somebody else won the $37 million. Rats. I was counting on it. Shared a Subway sandwich with Buster for lunch.

Being tethered to the place this morning caused some tidying and cleaning to get done. This is a nice coach, very cozy. A nice place to be.
Some more to do, but we are presentable.

Didn't see Greg or Lew today. Rode the bike this afternoon as I do nearly every day. I blew a little oil in/on it-rainy days produce rust.

Fixed Buster's favorite dinner tonight- calves liver. He is strictly a carnivore. I gave him my plate after I was through- the little piece of potato was shiny from gravy removal but uneaten. He was a happy camper. He is settling in-being very good. We went clear around the upper circle last night. He gets to set the pace and direction, sniff what he wants. He is starting to look forward to it and doesn't hide when I get the leash. That is real progress.

The Patriots-Giants football game is on. I am missing more keys than I am getting right. I will stop this and watch that.
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Friday, December 28, 2007

Internet Cafe is a reality-no takers yet

Greg was over this a.m. The lad (45 yrs) has ants in his pants. This girl in NY has him dancing on a string. She says she got her court date deferred so she can come to Florida. I smell being taken for a ride and since I like Greg, I am feeling parent-like: warning bells going off. He seems to have his eyes open but can't help himself. Been there, done that, myself, so I am going to TRY to keep my mouth shut. Will try to steer the conversation elsewhere so I don't blow my top. His business.

I got the Internet terminal set up: went in search of a big cardboard box this morning which was no small chore. The sunlight washes the screen and of course the elements are not good for electronics so darkness and shelter were needed. Covered the box with a plastic tablebloth and it was field tested immediately with a good rain. Seems to work. Mr. Haley was walking his dogs and asked what I was up to. We talked: He is a dog (3) and horse lover as is his new wife (number 3- the charm one). They will be setting up in Tennesee after their stint in Livingston, Texas (via Ohio). He is a man of many mechanical talents and I learned from him but computers are not one of his talents. I transformed their gift laptop (1.5 years ago) from expensive doorstop to working Internet tool in just a short while. He was very grateful. Nice man. Had a good visit.

My old friend, the prostateless cop, stopped by to say goodbye-they were off to the Keys today. His doctor was not going to release him until he had put 50 miles on his bike and he was on mile 57 when we spoke.

Got my signs approved by John and they will be posted. Have my own signs out here too, but no takers yet.

Greg came by for a cold Heineken's this afternoon and let JJ off her leash. She rushed a big old lab whose owners Loraine and Bob couldn't have been nicer. Visited with them. If I get kicked out of here for an unleashed dog, that dog's name better be Buster.

The pork chops are gone. Buster was over the moon with his meaty bone.

I wanted to practice taking night shots of Christmas lights and was going around the circle. Had to tinkle so headed for the restroom. Ran into Bill and Sarah from New Jersey who had been showering. (they gave me a hard time about carrying my camera and tripod into the restroom) They went home for Christmas, had a fine time and brought 72 cases of juice back from their church in NJ to their church here which helps feed the hungry and homeless. Took a bad picture of them and their lights. They are ever so nice-good people.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wasting Away in Maragaritaville?

Greg and JJ arrived this morning for a visit-I wasn't finished with my coffee but soon Greg found the Heineken's. I eventually started to work on the Internet Station while we visited and later Lew and Pupper showed up. I had the feeling Lew was none too thrilled the party started without him as he had stayed home to clean their camper. We were coming up on 1:00 p.m. and Greg was feeling a little peckish. Lew's cell phone was at his folk's house down in Boynton so I suggested the Quarterdeck for lunch after I collected my laundry to do at the Boynton house. That turned out to be a good plan. We had fun. I was glad to treat them. I tried my first Mango Mojito. Mojito's go down so smoothly, they could be deadly. I enjoyed the one. Buster enjoyed his doggie bag- I hope he doesn't get accustomed to medium rare bacon bleu cheese burgers. All the food was good and the servings generous. Greg and Lew are lively conversationalists. I split for Jason and Lori's house and did laundry and took a luxurious shower while the laundry was washing. I am so relaxed tonight I am nodding.

I had good phone today. Sue called. She had her first full night's sleep in months, if not years, and it put a smile in her voice. She had had a big to-do with Rasty about the toilet bowl brush before he went to the hospital. She found it. Under her pillow.

Matt called to report it was 34 degrees in Medford and snowing. I was totally mean and honest to report to him we were sitting on the Quarterdeck verandah having libations amidst big breasted, scantily clad women and wished he were with us.

Lori called while I was on my way home from Boynton this evening. They went directly from the airport to entertaining the Withrow clan yesterday. She rested after her Pilates class and getting them to the airport today. They had a good if brief visit in White Deer. Saw her mommy and the rest of the family-always a good thing at Christmas. She said they would call after they get collected.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Such a fine Day

Greg came over this morning on his JJ walk. Ah, (relative ) Youth: after two days of dissipation he looked fresh as a damn daisy and my face looked like I slept in it! No Justice. He was reveling in the calm beautiful day. Lew was filing quarterly tax reports so Greg said he was going to go get tickets on a fishing boat for the afternoon and surprise him. Would I like some fillets? "Sure," sez I, and I bought some Heineken's Beer. I had another morning visitor- the retired New York policeman who had an emergency prostatectomy here last year stopped by on his bike-looked me up. I rendered them some assistance last year and accompanied him on his early slow walks-he was in danger of passing out then. Gave him some Mona Vie juice, too. His color was good today, he had lost some weight and he looked pretty good-vigorous. They are out of here in the next couple of days for the Keys. Another geezer survivor with a brightened attitude. Good to see him.

Meanwhile, others also thought this was a good water day so our lake got some use. A big old party barge was under way(above) when I got back from the liquor store. I saw this sleek boat show up and got out to observe. Was met in a somewhat surly manner but the owner got the boat in the water and proceeded to show off for the camera.

I caught the campground manager , John, in the office and ran my "Internet Cafe"idea past him- no money can exchange hands but permission was granted so I spent some time getting my old Toshiba set up to do this and loading the appropriate software on it. I think I will be ready to launch tomorrow or the next day. Went to Wal-Mart and found a sturdy camp table that will do and to Radio Shack for a laptop tether that will lock the laptop to something immoveable. Field tested the computer and the Internet connection. It worked. I am contemplating ground rules so I don't get stuck minding the store more than I want to.

Greg told me the story of JJ the police dog. She sleeps in the driver's seat when he is out of the car and of course he leaves the windows down some for ventilation. They were at the Legion Club in Boynton Friday night for dinner and some kid popped 11 tires on vehicles and then stuck his arm in Greg and Lew's car. JJ clamped her jaws around his forearm and would not let go. Before long the kid was hollering and crying for help. Greg and a policeman arrived and the kid left the scene in a cop car. As her papers and vaccicnations are in order- she was just making a citizen's arrest. She is an amazing dog-very smart. She and Greg are really "connected."

I waited until 7:30 but no fish arrived so other dining arrangements were made. Still have those pork chops.

Visited with the poodles' parents tonight. Nice people. We tried to spot a screech owl in the tree in front of my site. They base in Tampa but have a son in Palm Beach. Buster was unleashed and much more confident and a perfect gentleman. He is so good. Nice manners.
He wanted to go on a long leash walk tonight. He likes to poop where we camped last year. (still unoccupied! so why not?)

I am not the only nutso dog owner around here. I am going to start collecting pictures. Saw one in a child's shoulder pack today, and saw two Lhasa Apsos riding in a back seat bicycle basket.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Great Christmas Day

Greg and JJ , his great dog, just left. The day kind of began with Greg and Lew stopping by to wish us a Merry Christmas. They got hooked up with brothers of a New York friend of theirs Italians, like part of my heritage, and they have been eating really fine food in copious quantities as well as having libations the past two days. Sounds like a fantastic time was had by all. I was invited to go play some more tonight but my day really started at 4:00 a.m. when we were visited with a wonderful rain. For some reason I awoke to enjoy it. We got more than a third of an inch of much needed wet. In any case, I am starting to play out and one beer would probably put me on the floor.

Instead of Christmas cards I am burning cell phone minutes and calling folks. Miscalculated the time difference and woke Bonnie up in Seattle. We had some Christmas giggles. We have always laughed and it felt good to do it on this day. Caught Jackie, yesterday and did the same. I think I like this better than greeting cards because you can ask the questions, and give and take, and laugh. Kids in all cases are progressing with their lives and surprising us with their adventurousness and directions.

Talked to brother Rich. He popped the question to Valerie last night in the presence of her parents and her daughters. All were pleased for them. Rubyalice, Val's mom said "What took you so long?" So they were on a high. Told them G'ma's popcorn balls were delicious and the molasses still seemed to "work." if you catch my drift- and if you were here you would catch my drift. Brother Bob also loved this "blast from the past." And if you were with him it would be a blast from the passed.

Called Matt and they were just starting Christmas there so I said I would call back. Audrey got a big girl's bed and likes it. She got a new dress, told me about it and twirled so I could see it in all its glory. (?) Kids! Grampie's special gift can only be found in one place in the whole world and it won't be shipped until January 24, though it was ordered November 12. Bad Grampie. Cool present though.

Called Sue, Rasty is in hospital being evaluated and I guess he was a wild man yesterday. Mad Dog and the Pilgrim (Polly and Lynda) came from Sweetwater to help her move him. He is sedated today. She was still at the hospital and her friends were chipping in to feed her stock. That is what Wyoming friends do. (Except for one fair-weather friend who is in Florida enjoying the fair weather.) She called later on her way home for some rest.

Talked to Delores and Don. They were having the most traditional day of all- Greg and his daughter and Kim, mother of the daughter were coming for dinner. They need to come to Florida.

I still have my pork chops- by the time I got to Deerfield to go play with Juneau, I was hungry so went to the Super Buffet-Chinese and very fine food it was. Juneau and Buster got smuggled treats unless Juneau has the trots, in which case he didn't have one. We had a good play session. Buster is not sure what to make of all these strange dogs. I am loving him often to reassure him he is still number one with me.

Emailed a lot.

It was a different kind of Christmas Day but a very nice one. Oh, the present? It is a digital picture frame that plays your pictures about 5X7 size. It came preloaded with many pictures of our shared experiences-some I had not seen. It is a wonderful gift. It does much more- will even play music but I am enjoying just seeing the many memories scroll by.
Makes me smile.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

A busier day than anticipated: Socialized Buster with a toy poodle that scared him last night. They actually played in the daylight. Nice lady who owns the poodle-they are full-timers going on 5 years on the road.

I called Sue-she is having hard times. Rasty is beyond the care of one person and he is going into the hospital, then to a nursing home. She has been a saint-providing him good care but she feels sad. I can only imagine the conflicting emotions. Alzheimer's is awful.

Jason asked me to have playdates with Juneau on the 24th and 25th so I drove the 30 miles to Deerfield only to find that T and Lil had locked the house up tight. I tried the room being re-constructed and got to the vapor barrier but the plastic zipper door had the zipper on the other side away from me. My grandpuppy made quick work of that problem! Had to leave a note that the burgling was benign. I think Buster and Juneau are on the verge of playing. We had fun. Called Rich- the Grandma Mason replica popcorn balls he and Valerie made arrived and were a "blast from the past." Nostalgic Christmas item.

The Fresh Market in Boca was on my mind and on my way- Lori had been buying vegetable chips that I took a liking to- and I wanted to buy. They are freeze dried, recognizable vegetables, lightly salted and crisp. The Fresh Market is a an idea whose time has come. Could hardly find a place to park and the place was jammed- checkout line, long. The food-especially veggies and meats were gorgeous. Lots of "foodies" in the lines discussing what they had eaten or were going to eat. I answered the question "Can a determined person find unhealthy food at the Fresh Market?" Yes. Chocolate peppermint bark, for one.

I also hit the Publix in Lantana-got two fat pork chops for Christmas dinner as well as other comfort foods. We are set for a pleasant day. I will place calls tomorrow, having decided to cease Christmas Cards as one of my contributions to "greening."

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to Me!

Juneau enjoys the season-except for the dressing up part. But like most men he is a good sport about it. He is a dog with a strong sense of dignity and for whom playfulness and being goofy has to be his idea.

The kids are off to Texas to see Lori's family today (Sunday) so we did our little celebration last night at Phyllis G's Enigma restaurant which is one of those unprepossessing places with terrific food. (pecan encrusted grouper, lobster bisque, for me). All I gave them was Naked Lady Soap. What they gave me was terrific but I suspect others might be getting one too so I won't spoil the surprise-just toss out hints like it is "right up my alley," makes me smile to look at it, and is infused with thoughtfulness.

They are turning over their house to Eve's brother Taylor and Lillian, who are coming from Amarillo ( where the kids are going-they will trade keys and handover their car at the airport.) to be with their son Chris from Los Angeles who is going with Leah, a Palm Beach girl (got that?) T and Lil will babysit Juneau but I will make play-date calls on the 24th and 25th to exercise Buster and Juneau as they will be in Palm Beach.

Excitement in the park yesterday three sites up- a pitbull bit a little girl. Sheriff, Fire and Rescue, Park Ranger, Animal Control-the entire hooplah showed up. It is the second dog incident this year- a Chow bit a kid, bit the irate father of the kid, and bit the Sheriff's Officer who was called in. I am afraid he is a goner or the owners have already gone. Makes it tough on the rest of us with milder dogs.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Indians of a different Caste

At home in Wyoming, I live on an Indian Reservation of the Native-American kind. Miscalled Indians by Christopher Columbus who thought he had sailed eastward to India, the name stuck. I had the good fortune to dine with the Jawarhalals whose ancestry is from India. The party was part holiday, part birthday and part graduation because our host Mahendrin, a colleague of son Jason's, had just received his M.B.A. degree. The food was exotic to my palate and very tasty-I cannot name the dishes but tastebuds don't care about names.

The kitchen was packed with good things to eat and drink.
Our host Mahendrin, newly minted M.B.A. degree, with two of his children. Daughter with a hula hoop and son with a lightup Elf hat, two other girls were elsewhere. His mother, who lives with them, was in Singapore visiting friends.
The feast, uncovered, in copious quantity: rice, eggs, chicken, shrimp, noodles and vegetables (and peppers!) were combined with spices and sauces to very pleasing effect.

Our hostess "VJ" with my son Jason, was a warm and happy presence-so welcoming and animated. Many employees of Career Ed and and a few others made a convivial and diverse crowd. The Hindu decorations and artifacts in a grand house made for interesting viewing and picture taking. More pictures at the Web Album-click on the small picture below. David, the boss man, came too. A memorable evening-broadened my horizons (and my beam).

Indians of a Different Caste

My scamp of a daughter-in-law, kindly called to tell me to make sure my socks were presentable because shoes were left at the door in this household. I was grateful so she proceeded to tell me to wear a bathrobe. I was a little incredulous, but willing, at that but when she told me to take a pen and make a dot on my forehead, I knew my crank was being yanked.

Son Matt called during the party- in pain. He had had hand surgery to remove growths on the ligaments that turned out to be more extensive than anticipated. It was done under a local and he watched. I hate diabetes more than you can know. It hurts the ones I love.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

King of the Road

The RV is warm at bedtime. At 6:00 a.m. sharp Buster is a little chilly and wants to snuggle giving me tiny kisses and snuffling my neck. Sometimes he can be appeased with a pat or two and part of the blanket but more often I surrender the warm spot and toss my blanket over him, go brew my coffee and start my day. He sleeps in until his breakfast is ready.

Park life is evolving. Betty stopped by on her trike, introduced herself, and we had a good gab yesterday. She is a cancer survivor who went through the experience here last year and was warmed by the community response. Cheered by the effort, but everybody brought food and all she wanted to do was throw up. They have been coming here for awhile. Their Christmas display is a little on the gaudy side complete with a lighted pink flamingo. A very nice lady-15 years into this marriage. She wants me to come to the Bunco games in the pavillion- "You don't have to be smart." (thank you for that assessment, Betty). After she pedaled off I went over and introduced myself to her husband Ken. He was weeding their evidently reserved site. They have had it for years. Betty had her weekly maintenance chemo to do in Boynton in the afternoon.

Greg and Lew dropped by-they had already scoped out the wood and supplies for the dock box and had spent the day removing a hot tub from "Pop's" backyard. He, at 90, has no desire to use it anymore so they took the moveable parts and arranged to ship the tub to New York where Greg has plans to install it near their rock wall. They continued on their walk with JJ and Pupper (not Pepper)

Harold (not Howard) stopped by in the dark after his trip to the showers last night-they had rescued my tablecloth before it blew away and were even prepared to roll up my awning when I was in Deerfield. He is a very nice man. They left this morning for Christmas in Moncton, New Brunswick-temperature 3 degrees. He wanted to see the grandkids but was reluctant to leave Florida. "Next year they can come here." He seemed concerned that I might be alone on Christmas. I told him we celebrated early before the kids go to White Deer, Texas. He shared some philosophy with me: essentially "Carpe Diem" make the most of this day because you will never have it again.

So I seized this day (Wednesday) by doing almost nothing except taking a good bike ride, visiting with Lisa at the office and ordering RV campground guides for her from the ARVA of Florida, watering my petunias, and pruning my tree-it is already rewarding my efforts with new leaves. The Park Ranger came by telling us to boil our water for the next 48 hours because a broken pipeline might have stirred up God knows what. WXEL, National Public Radio provided the soundtrack for this pleasant day.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Laid Back

I found an opportunity to wear a quilted flannel shirt K-Mart special I brought along over the past two days. It has gotten to the low forties on the Fahrenheit scale. It gets shed by noon. Monday was mostly buy groceries, clean, and catch up in our cozy nest. My legs look nearly normal. I may chance shorts when it warms up-only causing blindness from white skin as opposed to upchucking from the Michelin man effect. The BP meds are reduced, the aspirin increased. The blood sugar is better and I have learned how I feel when I need to take a Glucophage tablet. I am sleeping better-longer and fewer wake-ups. My energy level is good and Buster is enjoying longer leash walks. He headed right for our old spot (still empty!)last night and the leash was useful as he spotted a coon and nearly pulled me over when he hit the end of the leash. He stopped pretty suddenly. We were both surprised.

Looking over the Blog I see where I omitted part of Saturday. For Jason's birthday, Lori and I were looking for "dock boxes" for him to store his boat cushions and paraphernalia. None big enough that weren't plastic behemoths. Turns out Greg is a carpenter/handyman. So I invited them down to survey the task. It took about 30 minutes to scope that out and we retired to poolside for Heineken's. They had shown up in a bright red Nissan wagon-the VW kept quitting on them. Carmax had no problem voiding the old sale and this is a great car that we took to Rattlesnake Jack's to sit on the sidewalk, ogle the hardbodies and surfers, drink more beer and dine on dolphin fingers with Thai sauce. Also turns out Greg is not quite so altruistic as it first appeared. The 21 year old woman and he have planned a photo shoot and he will post on his blog on the website "newbienudes." "Oh," sez I, Then it is not entirely altruistic, Greg?" Lew laughs hysterically. Lew is a Physician's Assistant in upstate New York. See I told you they were interesting. Companionable.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Everybody is at their Assigned Posts

Before I left the Deerfield House I made the kids a pot of pea soup and left it on the warming burner. To some people that might seem more like a dirty trick than a favor but Lori had mentioned in passing a few times that she was partial to it. They had called from Jacksonville, FL with an ETA of between 6 and 7 p. I was back here at John Prince Park with enough daylight to re-tighten the awning tiedowns and fix a couple of anti-flap devices and park the van strategically. We had an early squall in Deerfield that made me worry. Most of the big rigs have put their awnings up and if my screen room didn't have so much in it, I would consider doing the same. My side curtains make a huge difference in how much wind can get under the awning so I think I can weather this cold front.

The kids called: they had a wonderful time at the wedding in South Carolina-it sounds very unusual-the bride was aiming for "classy but not stuffy" and it sounds like she achieved her goal. Individual cabins with attentive room service on a restored Plantation, an eight person African-American Chorale, fireworks, to name a few things, AND they were scarfing up the pea soup in Deerfield. Just the right thing after days of eating decadently, apparently.

Brother Rich called: he had talked Valerie into trying to duplicate Grandma Mason's recipe for Popcorn Balls- an annual Christmas treat we really enjoyed. He had some process recollections he wanted to confirm. Grandma always had next door neighbor Casey Herschler help her. Casey had MS and the heat of the corn and caramel didn't bother her hands. Grandma was the only person who knew besides Ed and Casey and if someone told that Maine born, Boston bred, lady to keep a secret it was kept. That was years before Casey and Ed moved into the Wyoming Governor's Mansion. Poor Casey felt the stigma of the disease was worse than the rumors of drinking that accompanied her poor balance. What a trouper! These days she would have a Telethon. Gosh she had a wonderful laugh-infectious.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dog Sitting-a good gig

Tahoe and Juneau play in the pool.
They are checking the toy box for a new toy.
But wrestling and nipping are the most fun.

My little boys take a nap after Tahoe went home. Once again I am reminded that every day you make good for your dog(s) is a good day for you.
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Friday, December 14, 2007

Gone to the Dogs

Dog sitting in Deerfield Beach has been very enjoyable so far. I successfully integrated Buster and Juneau. While not best buddies, they are nice to each other and Buster successfully puts an end to things if Juneau gets to be too much-an easy thing for his rambunctiousness. That said, Juneau has been pretty mellow-snuggly even. Buster has eagerly provided backup for Juneau's emergencies, real and imagined, barking right along. Enter Tahoe, the great Golden Retriever from next door who IS Juneau's best buddy, and more Buster's size, and the practiced number two dog is not going to be number three. Buster is happy to go to the van for awhile. Tahoe and Juneau are a stitch-I got good pictures but the means to get them into the computer are in Lake Worth.

Tahoe's owner/parent got her wallet stolen today and spent the afternoon dealing with that. What a mess. Her husband, who awaits her in Hawaii, and she share the same credit cards except for American Express so he is without funds too.

Cooked tonight- Juneau thinks I am an amazing cook. Buster said "I told you he was a good cook." Shopped this morning and will have a warm dinner for the kids when they return on Sunday evening-even if I am back in Lake Worth by that hour.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Crock-Pot Friends

JJ gives Greg a kiss. Three years ago when they camped a few spaces away from me these rescued dogs, JJ and Pepper, were nearly wild. They are mellow love hounds today thanks to Greg and Lew.

The day took me to unanticipated places. I knew I was going to lunch after 2:00 p.m. I knew I was going to the Boynton house to wash clothes and myself. I knew I was going to look for new collapsible chairs because one of my old collapsible chairs collapsed... with me in it. Heat and age rendered the plastic in the old ones brittle-to say nothing of my personal characteristics. I was let gently to the earth last night. What I did not know was that I was going to Deerfield for 8:00 p.m. dinner and instructions for babysitting the grandpup, nor how completely original Greg and Lew are- marching to the beat of different drummers.

Over Heineken's we visited while the original crock-pot recipe for sloppy joes simmered in their new pot. Lew is more science and Greg is more poetry-both kind, dog loving, country living in New York state, gardening, social, photographers, good humored, do it our own way men. Greg shared pictures on his computer. They have ten acres of rural land they have transformed. Rock walls, herb gardens, flower gardens, and an 8000 square foot vegetable garden that feeds family and friends. They dug a 24 foot deep lake on the property, stocked it with a variety of fish, and raise pheasants for release. They are footing the bill for a 21 year old neighbor woman with three kids and no present father to come to Disney World and South Florida for a vacation. Greg pays tuition for the kids-preschool and provides transportation insisting that mom holds down a job. Interesting people. The sloppy joes and cole slaw, and my cut fruit (from Publix) made a delicious lunch. A great time.

My kids are off to one of the Carolinas for a wedding tomorrow and I will de-camp to the Deerfield house to ride herd on Juneau for a few days. Like any bonded parent Lori wants the best for her pup so I got the instructions, the vet number, etc. Mariella, the neighbor whose companion animal is Tahoe ( Juneau's playmate) will provide backup. Lori made a very nice dinner-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, asparagus, salad and crescent rolls, and we had a laid back time. Very pleasant. I am excited for them-since driving into the state nine years ago, they have never driven out of it. Flown, often. The wedded-to-be are our Saturday hosts David and Jacqui's son and his betrothed, Brigitte. All guest women are required to wear long black dresses, and it promises to be a production. I am sure I will enjoy the pictures and a review.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Still Nesting

The trick to getting out of here in good shape is to remember that I am now on day seven of setting up and it will take more than two days to disassemble. My new "patio rug" came in and covers the shell rock. The screen room now resembles a real room 20' by 8' greatly expanding the liveable area.

Greg and Lew dropped by after laundering their nice dogs-both dogs were rescued and they are now as sweet as they can be. I am invited for lunch tomorrow. Lew traded off their Buick at CarMax and they bought a VW station wagon with 22,000 miles for $10,000.00. They are really pleased with it. We will try out the Legion Club in Boynton someday soon. Greg is a member.

I planted petunias around the sad little Ficus tree my friend Wilbur of the grounds crew entrusted to me to nurse back to health. It is already looking better. Then I got out my Christmas tree lights and decorated the patch to good effect.

The Van is now completely unpacked and more or less restored to order-doesn't look like I am currently living in it, anyway. Found some stuff that never made it into the house in Arapahoe. Speaking of which, the tent camping area is full- the repossession of homes is making itself felt in the park. There are dispossessed families living here.

Cooked dinner tonight pleasing Buster no end. We have been relying on the deli at Publix entirely too much. Chicken breasts, gravy, baked potato, and sweet and sour Italian succotash. Pretty tasty. Even have the TV antenna aimed and get seven free channels. So domestic.

Delores called tonight-our old professional acquaintances are dropping like flies or going bonkers. Cold and miserable in Wyoming and my being in Florida is engendering strong feelings in some quarters. My little brother told me to do something that is physically impossible-unfortunately. We are going to get a cold front through here by the weekend-it could get down to 72.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Paying for my Sins

Sunday was spent paying for my excesses on Saturday night. I haven't had to do that in many moons. In fact I woke up Saturday night and ate an orange and a bowl of soup-about all I had at the Boynton house. We headed for John Prince Park where I slowly worked up to washing the RV-sweating out the vapors of $100.00 wine- or was it the Oregon Syrah? We may have to field-test again to find out. There are rumors of water restrictions so we rumor recipients decided we had better wash our vehicles while the washing was still available and maybe for the only time this season.

Called Sue and Rasty- he didn't have a clue. So sad. Sue is bearing up.

I went to the store to stock up on staples for normal eating-mayo, ketchup, mustard,lunch meat, potatoes, etc. and saved several bucks by stopping by Family Dollar before Publix which is right next door. Spent most of them right away giving $5 to a non-Inglesa speaker who was clutching $2.00 and had four cup of noodles (31 cents apiece), and a two liter bottle of store brand soda. He was buying for bulk, not balance.

I went outside about 10:00 p.m. to enjoy the night cool air in my screen house and awoke about 2:00 a.m.,stumbled in to find Buster in my bed and we had a nice snuggle.
Monday morning it had either sprinkled or heavy dewed. Buffed the RV.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Puttin' On the Ritz

Jason's boss has a series of Holiday parties and is kind enough to extend an invitation to me. I took the top picture of the kids in their home where we pre-indulged in very tasty Oregon wines- not a wise decision it turned out. Five minutes away a generous glass of David's $100/bottle wine was poured and we were off!

Part of the catering staff at work producing canape's like veal, raw tuna, lamb chops with a mint jelly sauce, etc. before producing a sit-down dinner for 260 people on the verandah. Real flowers bouquets, etc. Yet it was all relaxed David wore his jeans and a black shirt, Jacqui wore jeans albeit $800 jeans. The guests were a broad cross-section-I visited at length with a delightful Bahamian lady who adores Jason. The guests were pretty dressed up to casual. It was delightful.
Poolside dining on the Verandah.
Roasted Lamb chops with mint jelly dipping sauce do beat Vienna sausages in barbecue sauce, I have to admit.
More mediocre photos at the web album. Fabulous doesn't begin to describe the evening.
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Puttin' on the Ritz

Saturday, December 08, 2007

An Accidental Parade

Lori said Jaqui likes candles so I was on my way to the nice candle shop in Lake Worth on Saturday morning for a hostess gift. There was a Christmas Parade. It was a hoot but the bridge was closed to the Fresh Market so further shopping went by the wayside in favor of parade watching. Everybody turned out: black to tan, to yellow, to red, to white folks, gay, straight, old, young, rich poor, English speaking to non. Everybody clapped for everybody- put my mind in a very nice place. It was a good humored event- the Red Hat ladies were cheered by the machismo crowd, tan kids marched in the parade and tooted their horns and daddies were proud of them, black majorettes marched regularly then inserted Zulu spear moves in their routine. Guatemalan daddies wanted their kid's pictures taken with Shrine Clowns. Life is richer for the diversity. I loved seeing the classic and restored cars. Hordes of Brownies and Cub Scouts not doing much but marching in a parade being a part of their community.

More pictures at the Web Album:
Lake Worth Christmas Parade December 8, 2007

You Observe the Natives and they Observe You

These two big fella's were at the entrance to the park this afternoon. A baby raccoon was not bothered even a little bit as I stopped to watch him eat not three feet from me on my walk last night. No camera.

I went to get a hostess gift for a big shinding at David and Jacqui's tonight-and found myself at a Christmas Parade in downtown Lake Worth. I love this place! The diversity is jaw-dropping. Everybody enjoys and gets along. It makes me smile. I think I missed the first half of the parade but what I saw was great. It deserves another post and an album -perhaps tomorrow.

Slept at John Prince last night-twice- a nap around 4:30 and beddy-bye time around midnight. Headed for Boynton and a five nozzle shower ruight now- have clothes that I think will work but getting presentable takes a lot of time these days.
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Thursday, December 06, 2007


This is home for the next 97 days. Pretty nearly set up. Popped a joint in the waterline and Mike was supposed to fix it today but he did not show. This is how the season always starts-three years running. I started to fix it myself but the pressure coupling disappeared behind a board. I have been busy, cleaning, waxing the wood, stowing stuff and at least starting out organized. I've decided I am high maintenance but low rent. By the time I got all the electronics sorted and set up, I had this realization. Could be worse.
I took my first bike ride, took Buster for a leash walk in the park-he did well, stowed all the clean clothes I washed in Boynton, as well as bedding, throws, etc. Goody is still with us-she shows up in the vacuum cleaner-she was a good little hair factory. The heat really took the starch out of several things in the coach this year. I am not done with fixing and maintenance but the Elante' is certainly liveable.

I have seen many old friends- same story everyplace- almost nobody got the spot they wanted. Some of those spots are still empty so something is rotten in Denmark but this is nearly the only affordable nice park in the area so we shut up and roll with it. Glad to be here in the sun and vegetation and it is good to visit and find out how the "park people" have fared. Ted's wife told me they had been talking about me-wondering if I would be back..."well you never know," she says...it is year by year at this point and there is an air of "we made it for another season!"

I ran down to Deerfield for a belated birthday dinner for Jason-Mexican food at the Baja Cafe-Jason's choice- he wanted to let me off easy. He regaled us with eating at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant in NYC. (Have you seen Hell's Kitchen on TV?) He gave it a positive review. He also shared his birthday cards: "There is an Art to Farting....Happy Birthday Rembrandt!" We drove through a ritzy neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights, went to the house for carrot cake which sent my sugar over the top and gave me a headache to drive home with. Juneau was glad to see his Grampy and he and Jason had a romp.Lori looked smashing. Pleasant evening.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A beachhead has been established at John Prince Park

The RV is on-site. The awnings are spread, the air conditioner tested, the refrigerators turned on. Harold from New Brunswick, Canada helped me get situated . He seems a nice man who cooks for his wife, and speaks English and offered to help me back in. I have mere inches to spare between the coach and a palm tree. There is a lot left to do. I am going to stay here at the Boynton house at least one more day so I can run the vacuum without scaring Buster, and do all the settling in. My pad is shell rock which will require some ground cover to keep from tracking in the coach.

Lori came to fetch me and reunite me with the Van. She then checked on Buster for me in Boynton so I could stay and work. We had alternative plans depending on what Jason felt like doing. He has had two grueling days negotiating in New York and flew back this afternoon-his birthday. Thirty eight years old.He wanted to defer a birthday celebration. Too tired. Lori is a good scout. She liked her little gifts. Small potatoes, they bought this king-size bed here so the O.F. would have a place to sleep.

Lori said Buster was coughing-there is something in the air that he is allergic to- I gave him a Benadryl- he is knocked out- that is what they do to me too. My northern Florida Vet says Benadryl is OK for dogs.Don't say "cigarette smoke" because I smoke outside exclusively here. One thing to stink up my own homes, and quite another to stink up somebody else's.

Had calls and emails from the Oregonians because I sent enquiries. Eve, Cheryl and Audrey came back from a trip to the coast in 70 mile an hour winds and fallen trees but missed the 40 foot seas and 100 mile an hour winds. A forty foot surf in Florida would have me swimming even as far inland as I am. Maybe I need to get a life-jacket for the van. The hurricane season ended December 1 and was a non-starter. It is very dry here.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Elante' Lives!

I purpled myself from right elbow to mid-chest, but the key turned and the mighty 460 cubic inches engine roared into life. It is not a pretty job but it should work. I disconnected the knife switch for the evening so the coach batteries do not suck the life out of the engine battery. There is something amiss electrically because the windshield wipers have a life of their own that seems to be related to the hazard flashers. I will have to consult an expert. The dope at RecVee in Casper was the last to fiddle with the hazard flasher, I believe. But I believe I will be able to move onto my spot tomorrow. The contrast between motorhome and this nice home hit home. That will give way to the joys of settling in and making a cozy campsite for the next 100 days.

I got mail-email from Greg. They arrived and got a crummy site and had two blowouts and had to replace an axle on the way down from New York. He is already kvetching about the French Canadians. Hungry for an English speaking friend. I have only seen one familiar face among the staff. Something is up. Everything (nearly) in Palm Beach county is crony or corrupt or both. Three County Commisioners are currently serving time as is a Lake Worth city councilman. We will just have to see.

I spent a delicious few hours this morning reading an 18th century sea yarn. I have heard raves about this series of books by Patrick O'Brian. Master and Commander is the first. Very well researched and authentic and engrossing to read by the seashore.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Scurrying to keep up with the Wild-life

This bird appeared in the neighbor's back yard yesterday. He was pretty relaxed.
The morning view- mist and dew burning off the Quail Ridge Golf course in my back yard. if you enlarge the photo you can see there are two chainlink fences. One to contain/protect the merely very well-off on this side, and one to keep them away from the wealthy on that side. I guess everybody is riff-raff to somebody.
Hostess gifts for my daughter in law. I know she will like the bars of Naked Lady Soap because she asked for some-I get it at the Fresh Market in Lake Worth on Saturday mornings. It is the best. She has my permission to re-gift the weavings if she chooses. They are woven on back looms in South America and bear the names of the ladies who wove them. The money goes directly to them and they feel handsomely rewarded. I think they are a steal at about $10- $14 apiece. Fair Trade.
Buster treed a coon in the back yard. He was all macho about it and I felt glad for him. Not so glad for the raccoon who was frightened. Better Buster to teach him to be wary than a dog who might have hurt him.

I snagged a new battery for the RV and played hell with it most of the day. Not quite a match in orientation of the posts. I saw sparks and will return to it tomorrow, fresh and with a better attitude I hope. The "F word" was noun, verb, participle, and adjective in the storage yard. Cussed so bad it snowed at home.

I begged off an 8:00 p.m. pizza in Deerfield. The kids were running all day, too. Jason flies out to NYC at noon tomorrow and even offered to come work on the RV in the morning but he has important meetings in New York. Early to bed will be better for him. I have Fresh-Market Florida Oranges to eat. Man are they sweet (but ugly-a private grove).
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