
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Scurrying to keep up with the Wild-life

This bird appeared in the neighbor's back yard yesterday. He was pretty relaxed.
The morning view- mist and dew burning off the Quail Ridge Golf course in my back yard. if you enlarge the photo you can see there are two chainlink fences. One to contain/protect the merely very well-off on this side, and one to keep them away from the wealthy on that side. I guess everybody is riff-raff to somebody.
Hostess gifts for my daughter in law. I know she will like the bars of Naked Lady Soap because she asked for some-I get it at the Fresh Market in Lake Worth on Saturday mornings. It is the best. She has my permission to re-gift the weavings if she chooses. They are woven on back looms in South America and bear the names of the ladies who wove them. The money goes directly to them and they feel handsomely rewarded. I think they are a steal at about $10- $14 apiece. Fair Trade.
Buster treed a coon in the back yard. He was all macho about it and I felt glad for him. Not so glad for the raccoon who was frightened. Better Buster to teach him to be wary than a dog who might have hurt him.

I snagged a new battery for the RV and played hell with it most of the day. Not quite a match in orientation of the posts. I saw sparks and will return to it tomorrow, fresh and with a better attitude I hope. The "F word" was noun, verb, participle, and adjective in the storage yard. Cussed so bad it snowed at home.

I begged off an 8:00 p.m. pizza in Deerfield. The kids were running all day, too. Jason flies out to NYC at noon tomorrow and even offered to come work on the RV in the morning but he has important meetings in New York. Early to bed will be better for him. I have Fresh-Market Florida Oranges to eat. Man are they sweet (but ugly-a private grove).
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