
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Went Gator Hunting and all I got was a lousy...

Lizard. Thought it was time to get out of the house and park and do something. The Loxahatchie National Wildlife Refuge has been on my list for two seasons. Having been to some other N.W.R.'s this was a bit of a disappointment. The landscape and vegetation were interesting but the wildlife was sparse. The "Butterfly Park" was home to a swarm of gnats- no butterflies. I'm glad I had my Golden Age Passport because I would not have been pleased about paying for admission. Still, it was exercise, fresh air, beautiful day and a change of scenery so kwitchyerbitchin'. More pix here:



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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Guess Who is Coming to See Grampie?

Medford is apparently pretty chilly. Lake Worth is too but relatively speaking a low of 49 degrees is not cold. Just weeks until the party commences. Jason has contacted their mutual Belize dive buddies and Matthew will celebrate his 40th birthday on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Birthday party afterwards.

I was right about being visited with a bug: sore throat, fever, runny nose, cough, lassitude. Mona Vie made a believer out of me- nearly instant relief from the sore throat. Fortunately the medicine cabinet otherwise is well stocked. Blogging is useful to me- I had a glimmer and checked. I had a similar disease bout on the 28th of January 2006. A pattern? I am on the mend in any case but resting is good. I have been riding the bike but that is pretty much it. Keeping myself and my germs to myself.

Already new neighbors. These hold some promise.
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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Support for Aging Hookers

Dr. Rosenberg works on his lathe several times a week. As the neighborhood homely friendmaker I had to find out about this. He makes custom made, exotic wood, crochet hooks which have a market among older crochet fans. Being larger, they are easier to use. They are works of art. His wife, a registered nurse, crochets incorporating beads in her work. They have a website where they sell their products. I Googled but couldn't find their site because there are too many! Who knew?

Quiet day for me. I feel like I am coming down with something or there is a vile pollen in the air. Doing all I can do to head it off or minimize it: Zinc, tea, Vitamin C, Sudafed, aspirin, naps, Mona Vie, Fritos, chocolate, (the last two are unproven-but "feed a cold, starve a fever," or is it the other way around?)
Never mind.

I watched the airplane that tows advertising signs try to snag his sign on this blustery day. He watched me too, waggling his wings at me. There were eagles soaring at the same time and I swear one was trying to fly in tandem with the plane. Very pretty sight but the pictures were crummy. The pilot finally snagged his sign and flew south. He flies in at a low angle and then climbs steeply. Pretty cool. "Cucina de Amore" (cooking with love) was the message. I assume a restaurant rather than the PBS show.
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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Neighbors left, Goody is Home

My time here is half over-where is it going? Saw a Maxine cartoon that holds the truth: "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. When you get near the end it goes faster." I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to restore my computer to some level of stability. I think it is better if not perfect. I also have been sticking close to home for Buster's sake. He is a little clingy.

I washed the coach and have been experimenting with waxes to see which is the best. Cleaned and fixed things. The coach refrigerator is on the fritz again. Good thing to have two of them.

Lucy turned out to be a bit of a tease or has that French acceptance of her body. All in good fun. They were able to ride their motorcycles yesterday and loaded up today. Fond farewell. The new neighbors are not very promising but I will hope.

Talked to brother Rich last night. Alicia is moving to Denver. Rich fell on the ice on his back steps and though he minimizes, I think he banged himself up pretty badly. He can have a quiet weekend if he desires.

I went to pick up Goody and she came home in a hand-carved teakwood box. Very fitting for her. I am glad to have her here, though I have had happy dreams of her every night. Seems I have a daytime dog and a night-time dog. Life is good. The weather is cooler. A very agreeable day today.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Animal Dreams

I played with the neighbors and their guests yesterday: everything from providing hangover remedies to repairing a Harley that was eating its rear tire to re-leveling my coach. Repairman Mike came by to replace a fuse on my refrigerator. He hung around to admire Lucy and Lulu ("That Lulu really has a nice rack." "Yeah- they are Lulu's"). Dr Rosenberg (call me Bob) loaned his grinder and supervised on the Harley project. Listened to my iPod. Cooked some liver I had bought to tempt Goody's appetite but we like it too, once in awhile. Early to bed.

I don't often remember my dreams. I had an early one in which I was at Elizabeth Taylor's house. There was a fancy dinner and she took a shine to me. Then she performed in a spoof play in which she was a crone/witch type and we all admired her for playing against type. But in the process she revealed acres and acres of cellulite. Then she started to put the moves on me. I was sweating. I finally told her I was already "involved." She said she didn't care. I said I did and apologetically let her down easy. On the way out I saw Larry Fortensky directing the valet parking and said a little prayer of thanks for my wisdom. (Where on earth did this dream come from? It must have been somebody else's. Time to change the meds.)

The dream just before I woke featured my Goody girl. She was stepping high and looked so alert. There was a mist between us but she was in sunshine. I woke up smiling.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Neighbors from Ontario

Lucy and Charlie and a friend of theirs. They rode around Lake Okeechobee today. They are fun and friendly. They live in a small town in Ontario. Charlie grew up on potato farm in New Brunswick but his dad got into airplanes and finished his career there. Lucy has an instructor's license. Charlie is a licensed pilot but switched to construction and built duplexes so he has income. They have never splurged on a vacation before so the seven weeks they have taken this year is a treat. They are like kids in a candy store. Charlie's mom had a place down here so they are familiar with Florida. He said the snow did not melt from his truck bed until they hit Savannah so this really feels good to them. They are here for just a few more days. I have really enjoyed my neighbors this year.

I finally got up enough gumption to brave Wal-Mart today. I had modified the Van to accommodate Goody. I was going to de-modify it so a person could ride shotgun- or Buster-he can fit his bucket in a captain's chair but I just am not ready yet. Torn-because the empty space is a reminder but I need to hang on a little bit longer. Tried to find out what was causing my computer to crash. Maybe it is fixed or maybe it is not. I am not ready to use it for a doorstop yet but it is getting dangerously close.
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Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, Monday

Traditionally laundry day is Monday and that was the plan as of last night. I found two clean pairs of trousers in the closet so I said "Naw." Loaded Buster up and went to the neighborhood Publix for Deli stuff.
Hung out, called Verizon to try to get my Internet Connection fixed and it is better but not 100% reliable. Read my New Yorker and fell asleep. Surfed the net. Had condolence calls from Eve and Matt and Delores. Matt says Audrey is entering the "no" stage. They are looking forward to their visit as am I. The Humane Society returned my Saturday call. They offered their condolences and invited me to a bereavement group. I'll keep it in mind but don't feel a need now. A very nice lady. Also received some nice Emails. I am doing fine. Buster seems a little lost. He took his place at the back of the bus. Did not want to ride shotgun.

Janet's email commiserated- her dog Sally died in December. I was bummed. I loved that dog. She was my buddy. I always took biscuits when I went up there. She was a sweet dog. So sad.

I took Buster on a long walk in the "jungle" behind the coaches. He did so well with the leash. A couple of barking dogs caused him some anxiety but he just did fine.

Cleaned the house did the dishes, puttered around. Low key day.

Jason called and he had a good day at work. The boss sang his praises in a management meeting and four of his clients complimented him. He was checking on me.

Took two walks. This evening I did not hear a word of English- all French.

The new neighbors are a hoot- friendly Canadians-bi-lingual. They have a toy-hauler 5th wheel. Two great Harley's they are using to tour with friends ride in the back of it.. They seem to be having a ball. She is a bit of a dish. They have a screen that hangs on the back so they have a porch also but Lucy likes to work on her tan. Suits me.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

My Baby is Gone

Dr. Keenan called this morning. Goody was some improved but was in renal failure- terminal at some point. I went there and they had her bathed and fluffed up. We had a good long lovie and hugs and I talked to her, telling her what a good dog she was. She had a shot of valium at my request and the euthanasia drug and it was over-very peaceful. My final kindness was saying goodbye to her. She died in my arms. Dr. Keenan, the staff, and the people in the waiting room couldn't have been nicer. My eyes were leaking.

She will be cremated and her ashes commingled with mine when I go. She became integrated in my life over 14 plus years.

Buster and I are fine. The kids took me touring to the Hard Rock Casino this afternoon and we had a good time- changed the subject for awhile. Pictures here:



Kind emails from some friends. I am sure I will have my moments...told Buster he has a big job-being the sole object of doggie affection but he gets to ride shotgun.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Baby is in the Hospital

I am wiped out. Spent the day talking with Dr. Gamble in Wyoming, and coming to terms with the end or treatment. I called a couple of Vets here and they have a referral system on the weekends so I took her to the hospital. Dr. Sosa is long on science and short on cutting to the chase. The facility has a good reputation but from his call just now, I have no real added information-she is very sick and her chances are not good. They are hydrating her and will see what happens. All at considerable expense which I would not mind if she had a decent prognosis.

Jason called and offered to come up but after I got home I was so very tired-I had slept outside with her for two nights and have been worried/stressed. I will go in the morning. Dr. Sosa will be in at noon so I will go back then and I have a commitment from them to call if she gets worse. Leaving her was very hard. I do not want her to feel bereft, or be in pain. I will be with her at the end which is very likely soon. Dr. Gamble called and encouraged them to hydrate her and see what happens which they are now doing after their tests. I could tell that it was not a very good call but I appreciate Gunda trying. Going to the couch now and snuggle with Buster who had a good look around for Goody. We played a bit to take our minds off the huge absence.

New neighbors and they seem nice.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Baby is Fading

Goody did not have a good day. She is fading. It is a battle to get the pedialyte and her meds as well as the Nutrical down. She does not seem to be in distress-just fading. She has surprised me a couple of times by getting up and wanting to walk but I am afraid the end is coming. She is 14 plus some months-98 in human years at least. I have been blessed to have her in my life. If she goes it will be very hard because we have been constant companions. We know at the get-go that we all have an end. Still it is not easy to say goodbye. I have an understnding with my Vets that we would consider an end when she was no longer enjoying her life. That time seems to have arrived a few days ago. I billed this trip as Goody's Victory lap. We have had a great run. She has peed in 46 states and made friends and helped me make friends in every one of them. She has been a good sport and now it is my turn to be the same.

Here's Looking at You

Lori, Jason and I met for more Italian food. While Lori and I were at classes in Delray, Jason scarfed her doggie bag Lasagna from Romano's. She had her tastebuds set on it and it was gone. Do-over time. We met at Carraba's and enjoyed wine, outstanding bread, salad, soup, and entrees: Lasagna, pork chops Marsala, Grilled salmon. Service 9, Food 9, Ambience 7, good place if a little pricey.

Happy Camper: Great food and laying my eyes and ears on loved ones sets me up. Smiling yet.

Goody is ensconced on the couch. I lifted her up there. She is still kind of puny but progressing I think. I went to Home Depot and found a window fan that (1) fits, and (2) draws the air conditioned cool air from the back of the coach to the front and makes a huge difference in keeping the mammals cool. The best $15.00 spent in awhile.
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Pictures from Home

Paula, neighbor and friend, took this one in October at the Church of the Transfiguration near Jackson, WY. Great picture.

Susie, neighbor and friend took this January 11, 2007 with snow on their sheep. Many of those are black sheep which she keeps for their wool and sells on eBay- around the world. It has turned bitterly cold in Wyoming. I love Wyoming scenery but at this time in my life, the cold is not my cup of tea.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Scoop on Poop (and a good awning story)

Few talk about it (Oprah excepted, bless her) but nothing focuses the attention more than poop going awry. Goody it seems has been plucking her tummy hair (Frontline now applied) and eating it, gumming up her intestines. She tries and produces a little in which, my close inspection and teasing with a stick reveals, there is lots of hair. Yesterday's post mentioned the suppository. As this is new territory for me I called G bar G Vets again and talked to Thea. You don't need all the details but "first joint" and "pretty near your whole finger" figured in the conversation. Goody is starting to pay attention when I get behind her. The laxative seems to be helping some and I upped the dose. She is still not 100% but is not going backwards today.

Then there are the neighbors: They failed to pay attention and the waste tanks on their coach got too full essentially rendering it a $180,000 outhouse. Grandma was distressed. After the men got back from soggy golf, it was too late for the honeywagon so they decided to go to the dumpsite.

Their Carefree fully automatic electric awning failed to retract. Of course I got involved. We checked fuses and circuits-still no movement. Grandma was sticking her head out the window gasping for air and kibitzing. Todd finally found his manual but no help there. I got on the Internet and went to the Carefree website. There was a way to connect electricity directly to the awning motor. So Todd was standing on my picnic table on top of his Coleman portable grill while "daddy" tried to maintain jumper cable contact on the Chevy Tahoe. This was in the DARK and in the RAIN by now. By fits and starts we got the darn thing rolled up. Off they went. I helped Todd back into his site in the dark.

Visited with Todd for awhile this morning. He is a high-end contractor building million dollar plus homes in the mountains. Only 43 but he has already had a stroke. A nice man. He is a very busy man so a couple of times a year he asks his folks where they want to go and they go. In the sixties they lived here in John Prince Park. "Daddy" and mom and four kids in a 20 foot travel trailer, moving out for a day every three weeks to renew eligibility while dad built their home on Hypoluxo Road.

Todd built a home for Wayne Huizenga the owner of the Miami Dolphins. They were off to golf on Wayne's private golf course today. Grandma stayed home and took a nice long shower (you can tell because coach water heaters sound like a propane torch.)

I'll have dinner with Lori and Jason tonight.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What's Happenin' Dewed?

Awoke to a mist and heavy dew which transformed itself into a nice shower. Warm and muggy now. Went to Wendy's for kiddie burgers for the dogs. Goody is turning up her nose at chicken these days. She ate then wanted to go out and it was clear she was trying and nothing was happening. Phase II: Drove to Walgreen's for suppositories and a laxative. Came home and working front to back administered same. Goody was very surprised as was I (I keep having unexpected new experiences later in life). Within minutes she was ready to leave the screenhouse for the yard and Voila! She emitted the suppository.

I took her for a walk and let her eat grass. That usually makes a mess. We are desperate. I can scrub things.

May have to call the vet again for Phase III.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Bless my Vets!

Goody was looking pretty wan this morning. I called G bar G Vets at home (they are on speed dial). They have treated her for some time and know her problems. Gunda was kind enough to discuss and suggest several possibilites and options. One of which was stress. I had considerable investment in doggie meds for the trip. I gave her half a Valium and we scooted for Walgreen's and PetSmart. I was syringing Pedialyte into her mouth on the way to PetSmart where we got highly nutritious Nutrical. She was perking right up and ate a McDonald's plain kiddieburger on the way home. She is still not 100 percent but is better. I got her daily meds shoved down her throat. Another possibility was a blockage but from our recent walk, I think that is not a problem. We will see...

Got two pretty good bike rides in today. Ordered the honeywagon. Got some toys for the grandpuppy at Petsmart and some chews for Buster. He gets pretty intense on those. Entertaining for us both.

Had email from Janet and Delores. They wanted me to know I missed the mark on the temperatures at home in my last post. 21 below in the valley and 16 below in town and they are not enthusiastic about it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Catching my Breath

Played with my good dogs. Goody has been off her chow for a few days but is still up for walks and wants to be outdoors. At her age it is never clear when the end is nearer or what is up with her. Heat makes dogs go off their feed. I cherish each day with her and we have good long lovies. Buster is a love bug too. He keeps an eye on Goody and gives her little kisses when we have group love-ins.

Met the patriarch next door. I was sitting with Goody having my coffee when he came out. As I am pretty near invisible behind my blue screens, I watched him "digging for gold." Then I knew I was going to cough, laugh, or give myself away somehow so I went over to introduce myself; save us both some embarrassment. He and his wife are traveling with their son who owns the behemoth parked next door. The patriarch has two last names. His first name is Jones. ( Along came Jones) He was a brick contractor in this area but his wife preferred North Carolina where they and his kids now reside. The son is a General Contractor and must do pretty well. The old boy seems to be in demand- lots of vacations with his several kids.

Picked up my mail and threw most of it away. Kept the checks and the tax info and the magazines. My Swivel Sweeper arrived. (as seen on TV)and it works much better than expected for a $19.95 item. Rode the bike after not riding for a few days. Huffed and puffed a little. A schedule will be kept.

I spent time giving the NLP manual a good read. They gave the manuals to us at the end of the class because the class was applying the information and practicing it. It was a good review for me.

Mike from the RV repair place came by. The refrigerator went warm yesterday after being fixed. There was a blown fuse. He had a sink in his shed and he needs a down spout but the sink, although white instead of almond looks to be a perfect match.

Regular day in paradise but it beats 7 degrees above 0 at home.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Level I Practitioner

Now I are one. Lori and I did an intensive 3 day workshop which taught us the principles of NLP. NLP posits that words cause us to form ideas and images. Negative experiences tend to accumulate or get stuck in our minds. NLP is a way to change the associations and free us from negative ideas that weigh us down. It also teaches ways of shifting forward. We gained experience in deep meditative techniques and coping techniques to make healthier ways of coping with life's many irritations and problems. Much much more... There was a strong focus on practicing the methods and our workshop companions were great-smart and accomplished. Pretty powerful stuff and well worth the time and money.
We are Certified to help others but I think we will practice on ourselves and each other a bit before we "hang out a shingle."

Tomorrow I play with my patient doggies who were so good while being left on their own so much.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bandits at One O'clock!

After all I have done rescuing raccoons the little beggars paid me a visit last night. Goody, bless her soul, woke me up with a gentle nudge and I thought she needed to go out. My outdoor refrigerator door was wide open and Goody was on high alert. She did not want to come in so I left the coach door open and went back in. She gave one of her big "woofs" and Buster was out the door running backup. I settled in the Cabela lounger with a blanket and Goody and I guarded our food until I woke up cold and left her to it.

I was at some pains to try for a good night's sleep because Lori and I are taking a course in Neuro Linguistic Programming and I was due in Delray Beach at 10:00 a.m. The Coastal RV guy, Mike, was also coming this morning to fix the coach fridge. (Not such a good thing to be on a first name basis with the repair man.) It all came together.

The NLP course is very interesting. It involves a lot of practicing so we can use these techniques on our own behalf and others. The other people taking the course are interesting. We started Friday night and will finish Sunday night.

The Vermonters moved to a place on Lawrence Road and there is humongous shiny rig parked next door. North Carolina plates but I haven't seen a soul.

Yesterday a big tent encampment was setting up and I talked to their honcho. Pathfinder Scouts sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. All Black, nice looking kids, and military order. They were having inspection in their uniforms today. Lots of laughing and a bonfire tonight.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Doggie Playdate

In the land of leash laws, parks exist where dogs can romp with their own kind, unfettered. Lori is conscientious about taking Juneau to the dogpark on Lake Ida. We were invited. Buster was all excited by all the dogs until it became clear that he was supposed to interact. The Van looked good to him. Goody got the concept right away but she is not much for scampering anymore. She sedately did the meet and greets and we walked the path. My Grandpuppy Juneau however was the king of interaction. I am pleased to say he knew us right away and came to greet us. He and Lori had a headstart so he was wearing down a little. A walk in the park is nothing without a little picnic so Grampie had packed some treats. Juneau was happy to share his with his playmates. I was so proud of him. The muddy paw prints should come right out of these pants in the wash. This was fun and if not all dogs look like their owners, their personalities match.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wild Life in John Prince Park

I found these cuties in the dumpster this morning. I called the gatehouse and Loretta said the ground crew would probably stick a palm frond in there for them to use for a ladder. I found a frond and one of them climbed right out but the other one was not budging. I showed the gent from New Jersey and his wife buttonholed Ed on the ground crew and he did nothing so they put a palm tree limb in there. Still no action. I was afraid the garbage truck would come so I slapped the bottom of the dumpster and the little guy moved on out. Pictures on the web album site.

This afternoon I snapped pictures of some Black Vultures fighting over a Possum roadkill. Also on the Web Album site. They are strong formidable birds.

Web Album: http://picasaweb.google.com/sroberts.wyoming

Took a chance tonight and called Lori to see if they wanted to dine this evening. We met at the Macaroni Grill and had a good meal and a nice visit. Very pleasant ending to a day that included cleaning out the refrigerator in preparation for the repair job and a visit with the Vermonters. Nice people. They have kids in the area, too: three grandchildren here and seven in Vermont. He said his daughter asked how many could sleep in their large 5th wheel trailer. He said, Two." She said, "No really, how many can it sleep?" He said, "Two." No family vacations in their future!

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Saw this unusual bird-I thought at first it was a juvenile bald eagle but a park employee said it was a Snakebird. Snakebirds make their living diving into the water to catch fish or snakes.
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Living and Learning

New neighbors yesterday afternoon from Vermont. Newbies to their camper and camping. Older folks: he with funny hair (toupee?), she pleasant enough- relieved to not be driving. We will see what we will see but I am not sensing a connection. Short termers, I believe -his pass card is wrong way around on his mirror but the date looks like the 14th. A missing child poster in the window of his Dodge 1500.

Great excitement at the gatehouse today: Mr Danikin arrived driving his Class A. He was delayed because of a hip replacement. He is 94. He nearly took out the gate but he is here. I am asking for fair warning when he hits the road.

  1. Head and Shoulders is not just for that: Stripped down in the bathhouse a block from home when I realized my soap was home. Can't see that I am any more conditioned nor less flaky.
  2. Within eight hours of purchasing an air conditioner in Florida the temperature will drop 30 degrees-well worth it. The coach air went from feeble to intermittent. Goody was suffering so Home Depot got another bonanza. Good little machine. Goody is much improved. Delightfully cool today. She was even up for a walk tonight. I took a nap with cool breezes on my face.
  3. Security will drive by when the leash is not attached.
  4. When you have a baggy in your pocket, the dog will not poop and vice versa.


Buster often makes me laugh. There is more going on in his head than I know. He is canny. He was sweet with Maddy, Leila's Yorkie, but he was a little jealous I think. When I finally invited my dogs to the party, he immediately found and snitched Maddy's pig's ear, then methodically "marked" every single one of "our chairs." None of their chairs got the treatment thank goodness. I kept scolding him and saying I have never seen him do that before-hope they believed me.

Gatormania has lifted the state. National champs.

Had good calls from brother Rich and Rasty and Sue. Sounds like the Wyoming winds are fierce. Glad I am not there but I am glad to hear from folks.

Got the flight itinerary from Matt and Cheryl today-Feb 20- March 3. A good visit. I am sooo looking forward to it.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday in the Park

Arose at 5:00 a.m. to help and see Leila and Ron off on their 13 hour trek. For maiden voyagers, they were very accomplished. They touched my heart: They had 8x 10 glossies of some of their pictures made "so you don't forget us." Noblesse Oblige defined. A short but meaningful interlude. I told Leila I will look in on her folks as she asked. I have had excellent luck with neighbors this year.

After feasting for two days a bike ride was in order to burn a calorie or six. The bougainvillea in front of the manager's house are coming into full bloom.

The WARM weather brought out the boaters on Lake Osborne. I snapped pictures for awhile and tried to will them to stop and say "Want to go for a ride?" Didn't work for that pony I wanted for Christmas many years ago and it didn't work this time.
Towing inflatables is a good sport. This yellow one had bat wings and would rise out of the water for a ways. The ducks are unperturbed.

Spent the rest of the day re-stowing stuff we used for the party, cleaning, washing throw rugs, maintaining things and nesting and resting. Satisfying quiet time after the social whirl.
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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Annual Burning of the ChristmasTrees

The park hosts the annual burning of the Christmas Trees on the first Saturday following the New Year. Brings out the firebugs, kids, campers, and folks who want to put Christmas behind them as well the Fire Department. Pretty exciting. More fun to watch the people, almost, as fire is primal and it causes behaviors: dancing, cavorting, whooping, hollering.
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Little Finland in Florida

Family is all with this group of Finns. They own all the condos but two in this older but respectable complex and they gather. This day for lunch at 2:00 p.m. was George's (from Brooklyn) turn to entertain, Finnish music and fun and talk. He worked like a trooper. They cut each other no slack in a loving way. The matriarch was kidded about how she acts feeble then got up at 4:00 a.m.to bake a delicious Finnish flatbread for the occasion. She laughed hardest of all. (I was presented with a loaf.) Her brother with the dark glasses, a retired architect, has lived with the man in the gray shirt since they met in the Finnish army as teens. No big whoop-as it shouldn't be. They have a fancier condo on Lake Osborne (and two other homes) but they all get together in the season. Dear people all. I will keep in touch after Leila and Ron leave tomorrow.
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Friday, January 05, 2007

Going Ethnic with the Finns!

Big Party today in spaces 254 and 255. Ron came over this morning and invited me to the party they were having for Leila's (pr. Lay-La) family. I helped with tables and chairs and sundry and Ron scooted around and got fixings-scallops and shrimp and filets and veggies. Most of these people hail from Minnesota but have been coming to Florida for years- own condos in the area and are particularly concentrated amongst a group of other Finns. Grandma speaks not a word of English so there was considerable translating and jokes told twice. A congenial group of older ethnic people. Very warm and nice people who currently hail from Brooklyn to San Francisco. At times I felt I was in one of my favorite movies Antonia's Line. Ron and Leila worked their fannies off and were rewarded with a great success. The elders felt honored. He and Leila are a couple but not married-yet, he is hopeful. We three visited for awhile after the others left. Everybody has a story and I like to hear them. Great fun and more pictures at the Web Album.

Click here: http://picasaweb.google.com/sroberts.wyoming

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Pretty Things Outside my Window

My new neighbors are only here to the 7th. They spent the holidays in the Keys. They are fit and fine looking people. They biked most of yesterday and their kayaks are in the back of the the truck. Make me feel like a slug but you don't have to be a musician to appreciate music. They are very nice, friendly, "up" people. They live upstate in Florida.

Their Yorkie is sweet and friendly and goes everywhere. She went biking yesterday and she kayaks too.Leila's parents are snowbirds from Minnesota who own a condo. She prefers to visit them in Florida.

The sunset from my backyard. I had a slow day yesterday. I tend to get sleep deprived what with my own nocturnal interruptions and Goody's late night and early morning needs. It took my doc less than a minute to figure this out and I have Xanax but am not craxy about taking it. So I found myself dozing off a lot yesterday. It may be time for the pill.

Did have a good bike ride yesterday and had a visit with my friend Wilbur from the grounds crew. He recounted his experiences during the big hurricane. The newspapers cannot convey what it it means to individuals who have to live through these events.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Day at the Palm Beach Zoo

Aside from doing nothing and still spending money, ( the Coastal RV guy came and gave me an estimate for the refrigerator repair- awk!) I wanted to scout the zoo to see if that was something Audrey would enjoy when the kids come for a visit. I ended up joining at the Grandparent level which will get two adults and all my grandchildren in 100 zoos across the country. I like zoos. I really enjoyed this one. It is a natural habitat zoo-focusing mostly on tropical animals although the prairie dog exhibit did amuse me. They were fat little devils-the living is easy.

You wander around a veritable jungle and visit the animals and exhibits. Lots to see and photograph IF your batteries don't run down. I will have to make the sacrifice and go again to complete the project. It is only about ten minutes from here. Great fun. Lots more pictures at the Web Album.
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Monday, January 01, 2007

Link to New Year Day Lunch


Lunch with nephew Chris and Mia

Nephew Chris and his friend Mia were in from Los Angeles where Chris works as a grip in the movie industry. Mia's dad lives in West Palm Beach so they were visiting and the cousins decided to get together for lunch at one of our favorites-Two Georges Waterfront Restaurant. (service so-so, food above average plus, ambience, diversity and sights excellent, prices not bad.). The weather was just right. Good to see them and a great thing to do on the first day of the new year. More pix at the web album.
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