The Neighbors left, Goody is Home
I washed the coach and have been experimenting with waxes to see which is the best. Cleaned and fixed things. The coach refrigerator is on the fritz again. Good thing to have two of them.
Lucy turned out to be a bit of a tease or has that French acceptance of her body. All in good fun. They were able to ride their motorcycles yesterday and loaded up today. Fond farewell. The new neighbors are not very promising but I will hope.
Talked to brother Rich last night. Alicia is moving to Denver. Rich fell on the ice on his back steps and though he minimizes, I think he banged himself up pretty badly. He can have a quiet weekend if he desires.
I went to pick up Goody and she came home in a hand-carved teakwood box. Very fitting for her. I am glad to have her here, though I have had happy dreams of her every night. Seems I have a daytime dog and a night-time dog. Life is good. The weather is cooler. A very agreeable day today.
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