
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't Try This at Home

My keyboard was so grubby and had keys sticking from hair, dog and person, coffee, crumbs, etc. that I felt I had nothing to lose by trying to clean it. I went online to eHow where it told me to carefully use a flathead screwdriver and pry some of the small keys off and use a Q-tip and mild detergent to carefully clean around each key. So I took it out to the driveway banged it with my hand, used my shop-vac to get the easy stuff, sprayed it down good with water and Dawn dishwashing soap, turning it upside down so wet wouldn't get into the electronics, shop-vacked again, squirted WD-40 under the keys and called it good. Looks spiffy and works much better.

Lovely Lori returned my call. She would probably call more often if we didn't talk so long-still didn't get the waterfront covered in an hour and 10 minutes. They are doing just fine. And they are willing to board me at either Deerfield or Boynton depending on what turns out with the John Prince Park reservations. Her nephew Blake had quietly and consistently turned Juneau into a more obedient, slimmer dog during the thirty days he was house and dog-sitter.

The Ford van was fiddled with. I am trying to get it organized in a semi-permanent fashion. I always start out organized but it looks like gypsies have been living in it after 100 miles. I have three power systems in it: 12 volt, 110 inverter, and a 1000 watt generator so the electric alone is a challenge. Gotta have those gadgets! I also need to have a way to get horizontal in there and Honey is going to need a place (probably the same place). The trade-off (in my head anyway-I am pretty good at tricking myself) is high gas price, fewer motels.

I spent a lot of time researching my Medicare options. I am happy (for now) with my prescription drug plan. I keep scratching my head about how this wonderful benefit is somehow going to reduce my income by $250 a month. I was researching the average number of hospitalizations a person has between 65 and 75- no info out there, and spreadsheeted the Medigap coverage plans. I called the Senior Center which is supposed to advise and learned all about that lady's coverage and how she was going to stiff her kids on any inheritance-not terribly useful information. Somehow I ended up on a fascinating webstring about how to go to Mexico and get veterinary Nembutal and painlessly "off yourself." That may be the cheapest alternative and the trip might be a blast. Lace a Margarita and drop dead in the middle of a "donkey show." Wouldn't that make the family proud?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where There's Smoke...

Although we do sometimes get California smoke, yesterday's was from -just over the Wind River Range near Pinedale. I knew it wasn't local because the fire stations weren't activated. A good wind on this side left us with clear air this morning.

Honey was all wound up last night. I let her out about 3:00 a.m. and thought I heard someone whistling outside- eerie. So I went for a listen and my brave little girl was giving a band of coyotes "what-for." They were crossing the pasture. The Pyr across the river was also in full bay protecting his band of sheep. Every place has its dogs and there was a chorus establishing territory. Honey has a big bark for such a young dog. She seems fearless and that worries me-she may pick a bigger fight than she is ready for.

The books Sue gave me for "Christmas" were by Margaret Coel who writes mysteries set right here on the reservation. She has grown as a writer and these were good books. It is strange when the locales are very familiar to you and characters race up and down in front of your house. Names are changed for some things but facilities are recognizable. I think her hero is based somewhat on Father Tony Short who I never met but must have looked a lot like me because I would get mistaken for him in Safeway from time to time. He was a contemporary of Fr. Joe Damhorst, S.J. who was a friend of mine. Joe was very smart and fun and after our meetings on the advisory board for the Pine Ridge Mental Health Hospital we would often meet at the Union Bar in Hudson, WY for a libation or three and have the greatest discussions. Last I heard he was in Colorado. Fr. Tony had a stroke or a seizure and was retired early to St. Louis, I believe. But I digress: Coel is great on the local color but kind of one-sided on the good guys versus the bad guys. The exploitation of the Native American by whites is a given but there are some rotten apples in the red-man's barrel, too. But Coel's issues are real and her plots are gripping. Great fun to read.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Those Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Days of Summer

Scene of "Porch Therapy." Porch Therapy consists of ice cold Corona's, canape's, a long time friend (Delores), a long mutual history and mutual friends to share stories about. Laughing is allowed.
Delores and her granddaughter Cade- lanky Middle Schooler.
Two Corona's sent the blood sugar into headache territory. Stopped at McDonald's for doggie burgers and drove home in increasing smoke. I am pretty sure it is from the California fires. The swamp cooler makes a good air filter too so I am inside and breathing free. Smoke makes for great sunsets though.
Little Miss Nu-nu playing with the llamas.

Tried to make my John Prince Park reservations and was told the Volunteer Program had been scuttled. My days of privilege are over before they began. What a blow. It is high anxiety time about getting in now. Called Eve to see if the Withrow reunion is going to be in Deerfield at Thanksgiving or in February. That affects my schedule. Too early in and I am home too early-still winter. Too late in and I am home all winter. I'll call the Florida kids tomorrow to see what they are doing about the Boynton house. Maybe it is gone but with the real estate market being what it is, it might still be available to take up the slack on one end or the other.

I have been the weed and pest department for the past two days. Mowed lots of weeds, whacked some, fogged for bugs. We all know some prominent citizens here whose demise was directly caused or hastened by West Nile Disease so it doesn't take but the sighting of one mosquito and I am spraying or fogging. The heat has really brought out the bugs-flies especially, and the fogger seems to be effective on them too. I would prefer not to spray insecticide but given the stakes....Good investment so far.
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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Beating the Heat

We are still alive and kicking. No posts since Thursday is a big hint to get off the dead ass and do something worth mentioning. Not that we have been bored: books have been consumed, gift taffy finished off, trip to town, web surfed, web posters have been straightened out, dogs have been played with, food has been eaten, the swamp cooler has been turned to high on a couple of days.

The neighbors took their cows to the high country leaving five or six dry cows, whose days are numbered and Honey has been bored. She likes her critters in a bunch and these tend to stay that way. I am pretty sure they put all the critters in the corral one day- I went down and chased them out before we got caught. She and Buster get me up at 4:00 a.m. and they do their disappearing run. Almost no traffic at that hour and since I am not sure where all they go that is less of a worry. They often come back in high spirits, soaked and muddy in time for an 8:00 a.m. breakfast. It takes the edge off Honey's energy- a blessing. She gets bored then acts out- pushing my buttons and I oblige. CD's have headed out the door, the vacuum cleaner nozzle, diskettes, etc. She is quite the little girl: she moved her bed to the porch, she stole and dropped the dog brush in the irrigation ditch but eventually brought it back-she is acquisitive. Her toys always come back. If something is closed she will open it, under the furniture, she will fish it out. Things turn up that I haven't seen in awhile and things turn up that I have never seen. She is quite smart and minds most of the time. Quite affectionate. They both can't stand to see the other one getting petted without joining in. They are great buddies too and that is wonderful. I truly wish she liked to go in the car-that is limiting my life and I feel badly about leaving Buster to babysit because he loves to go.

I am within days of having to make my reservations in Florida. You have to call early in the day and on the day if you expect to have a spot.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here Comes the Judge

Janet is active in the Cattlewomen's Association and in desperation asked me to judge their Photography Competition for the County Fair. There were some gems among the prosaic-had to struggle a little bit and in the end, ceteris parabus, it comes down to taste. An interesting experience.

The gig came with a nice gift certificate for beef which I will use later and Guy, Janet and I went to Perrett's Italian Restaurant for dinner. I saw some faces I hadn't seen in quite awhile and also seized the opportunity to do a little payback by grabbing the check. They feed me a lot. While I try to hold up my end of things in other ways, I don't get many opportunities to return the favor. So I counted the evening as a fun time and enjoyed their company. I have been in the valley a mere 32 years. Guy grew up here and his reminscences about who lived where and going to school were interesting to me. The tales were rich. It seems a certain other neighbor (not a fave) was always kind of mean and got slapped silly by another neighbor (a girl) for his efforts. She cleaned his clock in such style it is still being talked about. Still no love lost there either.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Time Passes...

Wierd sleep patterns abetted by the canines, a good book Sue gave me, and my usual apnea and bladder issues produce kind of a blur. I got up three times today: 4:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. In between times stuff happened. Now it is bed time.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Road Running

Like thousands of others on the rez, we have been up and down the road a few times in the last couple of days. The traffic-almost freeway level on our two lane has been from The Northern Arapaho Tribe Sundance. It involves physical and spiritual purification so there is a huge encampment overseen pretty strictly. Every car truck, and minivan going east today had one, two, or three mattresses strapped on it. They were crammed with people and camping paraphernalia. It has been 90 degree weather until today which started cool and got warm then cool again. So I don't envy their campout.

Our trips have been more mundane-provender yesterday: dog food, real food, fast food. After debating overnight I scooted for a Wal-Mart bargain today and they actually had one left. A Toshiba laptop ($398.00) has power and storage well beyond the old Sony desktop so I am making a switch to all laptop, all twelve volt equipment. The satellite modem is a goner in a few days- I am figuring out web page hosting for the site I have on that service.

The growing seaon has been dynamite. The farmers and ranchers have been busting their butts to get the first cutting of hay done. I can tell from the sounds that their equipment is laboring harder than usual. Guy's father-in-law was impressed with Guy's already baled main meadow and he doesn't impress easily. Their bean crop is also ahead of the game. Good for them. The ag people need to catch a break from the weather once in awhile: make hay while the sun shines and the rain waters.

I have been kind of spacey, dizzy and quasi-queasy today. Meds and bed soon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Christmas in July- Great Fun

What with my early departure in November last winter and the press of business for the un-retired neighbors, Janet said "We'll have to do Christmas in July." Well, she did it! She laid on a turkey and all the trimmings and her friends brought delicious dishes and winning personalities. Guy and Janet's new home was delightfully cool (temperature) and warm (atmosphere). What is interesting is that everybody kind of sneaked up on each other with fun gifts. Some goofy, some very thoughtful, all unique. Some good characters in the lot-so some good laughs and conversation. Janet picked all warm hearts from her mom and Max to Norma and Dave, Sandy and Howie, Sue, and Hollis and Guy.

It was great seeing old friends and meeting some new people. A real mid-summer pick-me-up. If you are looking for a new tradition....
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fleet Week is ending

The Dodge Van went back in to Plains Tire and out this morning in just the time it took me to walk down to the Trailhead Restaurant for a leisurely breakfast and waddle back. They knocked off the price of the coolant but I am still feeling stung by them. Riverton Tire and Oil did right by me: only $63.00 to assess and fix the reason the "Service Engine Soon" light was flashing on the Ford Van. I was sure it was going to be major and so it sat for two months. It took a week to get an appointment is why I didn't schedule the Dodge there. Lesson learned. The Ford had developed a leak at an engine coolant hose clamp which had fouled a spark plug. I gave it a good bath at the carwash and I am glad to have all the rolling stock rolling. Now I will go about re-fitting the Ford. It is my long-haul turnpike cruiser and it is fully outfitted for every contingency. (crammed, in other words).

I got the usb wireless adapter to work on the Desktop Computer, after removing previous networking attempts. It is still not quite right but I know it can function. The 3G Store is great and Cradlepoint Routers are good products. They perform as advertised. Unfortunately that is not the norm.

I had the sleepy drags yesterday but got mostly caught up.

Janet is putting together our "Christmas in July party" for Saturday and I am scurrying about doing what I do. Should be a great time.

Honey is starting to look like a young dog- lanky. Buster is getting chubby because I work so hard to reassure him he is my best boy, he gets too much to eat. The Honey bear needs it, he doesn't. So what is my excuse?

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday AND Monday

Did a little weed-whacking Sunday. I have been contributing to the great American debates as in leaving comments, where invited, and I am moved to do so on various websites-the several newspapers I read daily and some political websites. Herzog revisited. (Saul Bellow book). I check a few blogs too and noticed my winter friend Greg's had disappeared. It being Sunday, I burned a few cell phone minutes to catch up with Lew and Greg. It seems Greg's daughter whom he had not seen since she was nearly three (long sad story) looked him up and came for a visit. She likes to noodle on the computer so Greg did some frantic housecleaning on his hard drive (ahem). Lew said Greg was a dutiful father and I could tell that Greg really got a lot out of the visit. The daughter is on her way to Denver to work at a Starbuck's.

The Oregon kids called and sounded good. They were bathing Audrey and being a family. They said Audrey wanted to play with Buster. I haven't told him yet because I know he doesn't share her enthusiasm.

A brand new day for the pups. They get me up at 5:00 a.m. every damn day and are off. They have found someplace wet to play and come back soaked and mucky-so they stay out until they are semi-dry. They are full of beans, then they take long naps and I don't- most days. They are buddies again but Honey is learning Buster means "No" sometimes. Now if I can achieve the same thing...no, that is unfair-she knows "no" and I don't even have to raise my voice. She just decides to ignore me sometimes.

Some equipment arrived. The EVDO router worked as promised-no glitches. The desktop wireless adapter is problematic. A challenge! A big flash attachment for the Sony DSLR camera came also. The professional photographer for Rich and Val posted his pictures on the web and got such good results I realized I needed better light sometimes. It is pretty sophisticated- mostly automatic but can function as an off-camera slave, too.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pop Phoooooosssssshhhh

What goes "pop phooooooosssshhh?" That is the sound of your air conditioner fluid leaving suddenly as you are parked in line at Taco Bell. I went the three blocks to Plains Tire to have a little confab with them. They inspected it and nothing was very apparent. I'll take it in next Thursday.

This guy was checking me out checking him out. I tried to get closer but he thought I was up to some mischief and took off. Click to enlarge.

It has been subdued around here today. The dogs left for the swamp about 5:30 a.m. They came back separately and Honey had some fang marks on her leg. I have no doubt Buster put them there and surmise she probably had it coming. He is awfully patient with her but she gets in his face and impedes his progress-kissing him all the while. It makes him snappish. They have been keeping a little distance most of the day. Played a little this dusk. Honey stayed close to dad most of the day. I made a meatloaf and their attitude improved. Mine too. Won't have to cook until Monday.

Had nice conversations with Richard, cuz Donna, and cuz Jim and Susie. In addition to getting married, Rich and Val have been hosting their friends from Sweden and Rich has been a major domo of his 40th class reunion! It all closes out tomorrow. They have had a good time. Jim and Susie figured out I filled the gas tank on their Nissan when I borrowed it one night in Casper and called to say Thanks and chat. They are sweet. Three people said "I love you," which makes it a good day even if my Van is being a problem child and "the kids" are not getting along.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Burning through the Cash

Feglers were shipping cattle somewhere so my fleet was bunched up. By plan I took the misbehaving Dodge Van to get some service. I had pretty much decided that Bob was right- the battery was weak and I had noticed it was running a little warm and the air conditioning was weak. I think they saw me coming. Plains Tire put an 86 month battery in a 16 year old car- that is optimistic. They had to put the new freon in the air conditioner-change the fittings. When the mechanic brought it out I noticed water dripping off the front. I asked him about it. He said the cooling fins on the radiator and the air were filled with bugs so he washed them out. Probably my whole problem right there- $336.00 later! {expletive deleted} The Ford Van is going to Riverton Tire and Oil next Wednesday.

We are enjoying a cold front- sweater weather this evening. A low of 44 predicted. OK by me.

I have felt like I could use a mechanic-so I tweaked some meds to good effect. Depleted, I guess. Should have somebody take a hose and squirt the bugs out maybe. Cuz Donna who had to abort attending the wedding because of a wasp sting that turned septic, has support around her but is still not 100%. My little Lori had a cataract operation yesterday, a diabetic complication, and is doing fine. Matt started physical therapy Tuesday after his surgeon's good report. His knee is now capable of bearing a load.

Fortune magazine had an article on Ken Heebner-the only mutual fund investor who has made 40% per annum over these past 6 years and kept it. He did it by selling short and successfully predicting the trends. He says we are looking at a world-wide recession and double digit inflation over the next couple of years. Plan accordingly. Read the whole article below. The predictions are toward the end.

America's hottest investor: mutual fund manager Ken Heebner - May. 27, 2008

America's hottest investor: mutual fund manager Ken Heebner - May. 27, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

As Others See Us

O would some Power, the gift to give us,
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us,
And, foolish notion:
What airs of dress and bearing would leave us,
And even pridefullness!
--Robert Burns

At the wedding, I took my plate to sit on the lawn with Buster and eat together as we have done nearly daily for the last four years. Natural for us. Some kind soul came to say there was space at their table. I said I was fine. And I was! Perhaps a lonely picture to others but I am quite content with my own company and the dogs.

One of the younger cousins had heard me described as the "kind of free spirit, uncle." I am tempted to say "If they only knew!" But I see myself as pretty conventional with a willingness to experience life and return- go off on brief tangents might be a better way to say it. I always come back better informed. I don't like "boxes" I guess. I find what my aunt Esther called the grinding "dailiness of life" to be something better endured with vacations.

Perhaps the strain of so-called "polite society" is why I have been so tired since the festivities. When we had guests at the Double 4 Ranch back in the late 50's early 60's Hank True and I would sing Lonnie Donegan's "Puttin' on the Agony, Puttin' on the Style." as we dressed for dinner.


Anyway it was great fun, glad to be back at the Hermitage.

I am getting the fleet serviced. The Verizon Broadband Rev. A is doing very well for Internet Service so I ordered a special EVDO router and wifi adapter for the desktop. If all goes well, this capital outlay will be recouped by saying goodbye to the Satellite modem and $70.00 per month. I will use the router in Florida to make a wifi hotspot.

Since Medicare is imminent I have tapped my heart attack fund to pay off some credit card debt. They ticked me off. The banks are all desperate. I got two notices that my interest rates were going up- one from 9% to 16%. I mentioned this to my brothers-same thing happened to them in spite of our timely payments- Rich had one jump to 39%. Check your statements carefully. One customer service lady in Omaha admitted they were doing this to me then became uncomfortable. Unfortunately with the web, you have to have plastic. I have concocted plans to cost them the max to service my miniscule balances.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Rich and Valerie get Hitched

My much younger brother and his long-time girlfriend ended their courtship with a nice church wedding and informal reception. It was relaxed and fun from beginning (with a 4th of July picnic at the ballpark, fireworks) to end-(a sit-down dinner/dance cocktail party at cuz Jim an Susie's.) All the brothers and significant others attended as did cousins, children of the bride and groom, friends, etc. numbering about 100.
Ever generous, the couple shared the limelight with three birthday celebrants,
The traditional dance was non-traditional- "Steamer" by Jimmy Buffett. All my work on songlists ended in a bit of a fizzle- about 20 songs would have done it. Feed a bunch of age 50 plus folks a big dinner and they start to get sleepy. Oh well, the 60-95 group awaits in Florida. I gave cousin Jim the sound system I scored for the event. It was just too big to haul between WY and FL. I have a good one here so it seemed it would go nicely in his new above-garage den/office. I'll get something that can stay in Florida when I go there next.

Honey's behavior was just fine and Buster is always good. People kept asking me how I found such good dogs. I just smiled and accepted the compliments. They added to the occasion. What really added to the occasion was a Margarita machine! Yummy-just pull the lever: we dispensed about 300 of them. It was a rental- I have been looking on eBay for one-they are out there at a big price. All sorts of beverages were served- one man who professed knowlege of tapping a keg had to go home and change.

Tricky and Dixie came by- kindly bringing a bottle of wine for the newly-weds-I made a down pay on the winner of the quotation contest. I have to correct myself- the Beacon Lounge is completely new from my days in Casper. I will look forward to buying an Amber Bock at the Beacon.

More (not so hot) pictures at the Web Album. I was too busy to be a very good photographer.

Rich and Valerie Get Hitched 7/5/2008

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Monday, July 07, 2008

At the End of My Tether!

The Wedding was great, the parties were great but I had a heck of a time. Walked in the door here at home and started snarling at the dogs-Buster who did not deserve it and Honey who did deserve it. This post is all about me and it is one long whine. I'll deal with the nice wedding later.
We rolled into Casper about 3:00 p.m. Friday the 4th of July. Decent room at the Parkway Plaza for $85 per. All was fine for the wedding Rehearsal and the picnic at the ballpark. Reminisced with Heather's husband,Tom, and nephew Justin. We all three have mortifying memories of "last choose," left field, and hoping no ball ever came near us. I drifted away after Alicia sang the Star Spangled Banner- great powernotes, and went home. The Parkway was a great place to watch the fireworks.

Saturday dawned and I needed to set up the music. MyVan was deader than a mackerel. Brother Bob came and though my van would crank, he thought a jump would help. It didn't. Transferred all the music equipment to his van, and got the music set up before the 2:00 p.m. wedding, catching a ride with cuz Jim and Susie. My new shoes were in Bob's car though but I got that taken care of -only sluffing on part of my usher duties. The Sand Ceremony I was asked to do was a hit. But I was without my car- and the dogs were locked in the Reception Hall/garage. That part turned out all right. I borrowed nephew Justin's lawn business van to load up the dogs and go home. Of course no mechanics were operating on the 4th of July or the 5th, so Monday morning I called Good Sam Emergency Service. Their regular Casper tow truck was 4 hours away from seeing the likes of me so I asked for an alternative and they obliged. Then my cell phone rang. It was the new tow guy, and Good Sam hadn't given a credit card number-. Did I want him at my own expense.? I did. Rich had tried to get me into Kelly's but they were jammed so he called Leo's for me. (cell phone was now dying due to no vehicle to charge it). Watched the Van leave for Leo's on a flatbed truck. Got in Justin's van- dead as a doornail. Called Good Sam and waited and waited, finally called Rich, Called Justin- no answers. Called my cousin Jim who told his wife he didn't answer the call because they didn't know anybody from Riverton. She hit the ceiling and I got an apologetic call and a jumpstart. Good Sam called to see if I still wanted a jump at $45.00 cash. I was able to say "no."

Leo called- he said the Van must have been vapor-locked due to alcohol in the gas. He had a couple of start and die episodes then it straightened itself out. He charged me NOTHING!

Had lunch at Frosty's with Jim, Sue, and Charles, cost me $60.00 but was a nice refreshing treat and I really, really needed that gin and tonic. Much rather spend $$ that way. Loaded up my stuff from the motel, Justin's van, Jim's garage and headed for home about Four p.m.

Honey started to kick up a fuss near Shoshoni so I stopped at the park. She played "Catch me if you can" for an hour. Fat man chasing small white dog in 90 degree heat. She came within a whisker of finding a new home in Shoshone but I found a flat cat that intrigued her with its pungent odor when I picked it up. She made a beeline for it and I snagged her. Home by 7:00 p.m. hot and ticked off. Day late, and many dollars short.

Now entering a no whining zone:->>>

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Visitors on Horseback

Kristi and daughter Camey were riding "the 78.3" today. It was a beautiful day to do it. The gully whomper we had last night made for a mist rising in early morning hours and it got warmish this afternoon. Kristi said the river was very high. This was no small storm-the ground is still damp.

I tricked the dogs about noon and left them to nap after they came back from the swamp wet and filthy. I had lots to do in town and they would have been too hot. I worked my list: Vet, Walgreen's pharmacy, Traihead for lunch (needed veggies), Wally World, K-Mart, Casino, It looks like the whole town is going to take the long weekend for the 4th of July. Business is either very good or very bad. There won't be much doing in Riverton but I will be in Casper anyway. I know I make getting ready to go harder than it is-but I don't seem to be able to help myself. By the time I am ready to go I feel like staying home. Bought a big plastic container for the music equipment. Then I had to lift it into the van. It is a pipe dream to think of taking it to Florida. Maybe I will get a similar setup down there. We'll see how this dance goes. If it goes 7th grade on me, this may be the shortest DJ career in history. But fun awaits. I am not responsible for other people's happiness. Mine is a big enough job.

Delores and I had been playing telephone tag and finally connected for a good long chat. It is good to have somebody the same age to compare notes with. We do laugh. It would appear becoming a curmudgeon is a developmental task.
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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Utah Supreme Court tosses out conviction of 'wedgie' killer - Salt Lake Tribune

Utah Supreme Court tosses out conviction of 'wedgie' killer - Salt Lake Tribune

Not to ride a good horse to death, but this SLC Tribune article was pretty interesting. Evidently a "wedgie" is grounds for killing somebody in Utah. The article is pretty interesting but the reader's comments are a howl. In particular, the Wikipedia definitions of the whole range of wedgies made me laugh.

Update on Wednesday: Busy all day. The sound system is cobbled together-I tested it outdoors. I don't know if 1000 watts is going to be enough. It almost got rained on -we had a terrific thunderstorm. Lights out three times and a deluge. The sound system was crammed in the van in a hurry. Designed to be portable. Still lots to do and I seem to always be underestimating my energy these days. Getting old?

And speaking of good horses, Kristi decided to keep Lily so she and Camey came down to install her in the pasture with Misty. Two beautiful horses to watch, now.

Hop to It!

Yesterday was lost to fat ankles and multiple naps. Delicious naps. Necessary sleep. But, this day dawns and now it seems I am behind in preparations for Friday and Saturday in Casper. I will hop to it.

I was finally able to access my Adsense account on Google. I got caught in a transition they made and was unable to get in. My Blog has earned the magnificent sum of $18.63. They don't pay until it hits $100.00 and at the current rate of accumulation, I will be long gone from the planet. What generates the revenue is people clicking through on the ads Google generates for my Blog based on key words their computer programs find-at 1 to 4 cents a click. They did offer some constructive ideas to "increase my monetization." Son Jason said one of the presenters at his workshop said his mother travels around and blogs and nets about $700.00 a month! Blogging has never been about money for me (I was surprised it even was about money.) but there is no harm in paying a little attention to details and seeing what might happen.

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