
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Papa Stephen

I had to wake Rick up this morning. He is usually gone by 7:00. There was no sign of activity over there. He had finally gotten some pain killers and had a good night's sleep but too long. He has been doing well at work-they have already moved him from hourly to commission and he has earned $436.00. Prudy and Gary came over to walk his dogs yesterday. They are Mormons but Prudy has had recent knee surgery and is sympathetic to the pain-killer deal. And I guess if such a pillar of rectitude as Rush Limbaugh can't quit them they exert a strong pull. I stick with it though: a junkie is a junkie. As Prudy said, we need to get Rick beyond this first paycheck. To that end I had some good beef stew and buttered bread in tupperware for him when he got home late last night.

I have a BIG slow cooker and made six quarts of stew yesterday and moved most of it. New neighbors from Quebec (but English speakers): I tried to get cute and borrow a bowl, thinking to fill it up. She offered not much of a bowl so I broke out the tupperware for them. Doc Rosenberg stopped by with a fruitcake Jan made-soaked in Amaretto and "no yucky green things," very tasty. I was able to reciprocate swiftly with beef stew. It was above average stew-not my best but nothing to be embarrassed about either.

That Honey takes her work very seriously. After she pulled up her second stake I tethered her to the water post-concrete. I went out last evening to find the tether with her hardened steel collar at the end and both dogs gone. I summoned her with the training collar and they both came-they had obviously been having a ball. Time to come in and go to bed. I am trying to fix her collar this morning but it is probably time for a new one.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mr. Fish Writes His First Check

Fish was found. Kitty was in bed. She is just picking at scrambled eggs-stew was not wanted. The Doctor's prognosis is 8 months to live- with treatment. She has had radiation on the brain cancer. Chemo is scheduled but I'll bet she gives it a pass. Ted doesn't think she will leave the park. Meanwhile, like a New Englander she is being very practical. Her father was a stingy tyrant and she did not like that so Ted was amenable to giving over the finances to Kitty. He wrote his first check Sunday as she is teaching him what he needs to know. She has been a brilliant steward of their resources-Ted didn't have a clue. Ted also seems to be doing what is appropriate: he has his wet-eyed moments but is realistic. At 80, this is not his first rodeo with death. He knows what it looks like. They continue to instruct me. But I am still sad and need to find an outlet for stew which needs to go in the pot today.

The Latours designed an outing. Nicole and Andre will go with them to Tradewinds Park and Butterfly World today. I declined. From ten a-yem to eight p-yem is too long to leave the dogs even if I were inclined to spend that much time with Mme. She seems to have exhausted her conversational repertoire. We are in heavy repeat territory now and she tends to be the only talker in many cases. She creeped me out telling how they gave over their marital (soundproofed) suite to her son and his wife during a visit. Rose petals, candles, etc. WTMI! I always preferred completely separate compartments for "mom" and "lust."

There are some units parked in the reconstructed area. Progress is good.

Honey gave a few sharp barks last night and then they faded into the distance. She literally pulled up stake and chased a coon up the chain link fence. She was dragging her tether and the stake. The coon was growling and spitting. It has been a nightly pest and I considered aiding and abetting the hound but I didn't.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday in the Tropics

Yesterday was the kind of day I come to Florida for-today is downright chilly. I keep track of home so I still feel fortunate though my hands hurt in this much cold because it seems to me winter in my neck of Wyoming has been brutally cold-I feel so bad for below zero temperatures.

I spoke to Eve a few minutes ago-I was calling to say goodbye but she had already left and was stuck in the San Francisco airport-14 hours without sleep. Not a happy camper. But the visit was fun and I was glad to see her. Good place to be about an ex: kind of neutral but friendly.

I have to get out and about soon. I bought makings for stew thinking to cook enough to give some to the Fish family but the ambulance left the park yesterday afternoon so I don't know if they are at home. I hope they are. Costco is a funny place. Some things are not a bargain at all but meat usually is -if you can use large amounts. Met my old friend Ange-a neighbor from two years ago who bought a condo down here. Waved at his wife and kids across the store.

Buster didn't have a great night but he is resting easy now-not coughing.

Rick did well at his first day of work. His elbow was draining profusely so he went, as directed, to Dr. Patel at St. Mary's where he got a runaround and was caught up in the drama of a shooting coming in. If what I read in the paper this morning was related, it was a fatality- a second successful attempt in the 'hood. But I make no mistake-Rick is a chancy bet. Whether prescription or street, a junkie is a junkie. Those years running the shelter were instructive.

The new neighbors to my right came in from Texas because the wife's girlfriend is ill. He seems a typical Texan. He is very "coach proud." He drives a Foretravel made in Nagadoches, Texas. "The only limit to what you can get in this coach, is your billfold," he says. So I looked it up on the Internet. New ones (his is not) are going for around $800,000.00. So I went down the feature list. The only things his has that mine does not have is something called Hydronic Heating, and a washer and dryer. Bragging rights aside, I feel like I am $775,000.00 ahead. Right where I like to be.

They are getting closer to finishing my reserved site. Perhaps by Wednesday, the electrician said. I picked it for the tree. But part of the tree is gone now. (insert "S" word here)! The quest for my perfect site continues.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Comes but Once a Year-thank God!

What to give people who have everything? Hats! Rear Admiral Lori and Cap'n Jason. Juneau gets toys, as do the other dogs.
The old boy is taking some time off- I got too tired and too run down-did not feel well yesterday morning and was sick by last night. In the interest of keeping things to myself, I skipped a fishing trip and dinner in Deerfield with the kids and Eve today but I am happy for the down time.

How did I get so tired? Running forth and back to Deerfield. Lori decided to continue her Polish through Texas Panhandle tradition of a "Kill the Bug" party on Christmas Eve Morning. I helped cook and get the food together-I was cooking at 6:00 a.m on Christmas Eve day. The party was a big success- kids, dogs, all sorts of people-42 of them. The consumption of strong drink and food at this time is supposed to bring good health and prosperity through the coming year. This was a sort of "come as you are" party. After cleanup I had to go home and gussy up for David and Jacqui's Christmas Eve Party.

This was an intimate (by David's standards) party-sit-down dinner for 70. Pictures at the WebAlbum. (Click the picture)

Christmas Eve at David and Jacqui's

As interesting as the lifestyles of the Rich and Famous are, they are just people-very nice people with very real problems along with the perks. Jacqui is raising a grandchild with special needs, etc., etc. To say more would be gossipy but rest assured a pile of money does not insulate you from real life problems.

In between times I was elfing around for Christmas booty. Many miles to Macy's, to West Marine, to The Citrus Grove (out of business now). Then there is my "park son" Rick who has had a bad year. I am sure Lisa parked him here for a reason. I am not the only parent. Gary and Prudy have been feeding him too and lending tools as he makes a buck or two buffing up RV's. He is a good man- he repaired a couple's KIA. They, with family assistance, are taking a Last Hurrah trip -he is blind in one eye and riddled with cancer. Honey likes Rick's dachshunds. Rick starts a job tomorrow. He finally found a hospital that would drain his elbow tonight. He is in constant pain and is open about being addicted to Loratabs. He dropped a transmission on his right arm and has had several surgeries and according to this latest doctor a painful cyst that will never heal without more surgery. His mother lives here but has few resources. For Christmas she did his laundry and he was grateful. Hopefully the job will let him get some of his possessions out of hock.

I had to use my Wells-Fargo Rewards points before they discounted them by a third. So I got a 64 gig iPod Touch. It will hold all my iTunes-14 gigs and counting. Moving the music was no piece of cake. I had to buy software. Apple doesn't have any interest in your having music on your iPod other than what they sell you. But! If you paid for an application (like Scrabble) you don't have to pay again.

Wait there is more! The happy hour at Nicole and Andre's: simple hahahahahahah; melon with prosciutto, deviled eggs, lobster dip. Somebody brought a bag a Ruffles. I brought ice. Elise got a little tipsy and stopped the conversation telling how you tell the difference between male and female lobsters. We always laugh a lot.

Honey was vile to JJ (dog) and Greg when Greg and Lew stopped by Friday. I put her in the RV and she escaped. I finally tried to tackle her but she moved and I bit the dirt. That was a two aspirin night. I asked them to call before they come next time. It was not pretty. The training collar is back on her highness. Then, I took her on a long walk tonight and she interacted very nicely with two Golden Retrievers, two Dobermans, a sheep dog, and a Shih- tzu, four French hens and a partridge in a pear tree.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Too Busy to Blog?

Lots doing and I will catch you up. The social whirlwind of Christmas has to wind down soon.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Phil's Man Cave and the Clark Griswold Syndrome

At David's party Phil and Joy invited us to see his Christmas decorations. You may recall National Lampoon's Christmas vacation in which Clark Griswold, played by Chevy Chase, brings down the power grid of Chicago when he plugs his Christmas lights in. To Phil's chagrin, he takes 2nd place year after year. The guy on the corner usually wins and in fact was told to expect us because we would be looking for "big lights." I was really impressed with Phil's "Man Cave-" his garage. He is very handy and showed off his handiwork inside the house but he and his dog hang out in the garage a lot and it has everything a guy could want including a TV with the complete NFL package. Complete picture set at the web album. The man cave is a hoot.
Most of the lights are in the above picture. Lost at this distance is the snow making machine. Below is Phil's Christmas Village. Very elaborate and complete. He spends hours on his decorations and it shows. He says the TV is the villages' drive-in theater. The pics are worth a click to enlarge.

I did not stay too long because Buster had been sick earlier and in fact did not want to go in the car-a very unusual symptom. He seems fine today if a little logy. Honey did go and was rewarded with a good romp with Jack, Phil and Joy's Lab mix: a puppy and just full of it. Juneau pooped out pretty early-he is a people dog.
It is fascinating to me to see what "turns someone's crank." I'm glad people share.

Cool morning this Monday but it got nicer as the day went on. Honey got a run. She played with the Dachshund's next door and Lucy- a boxer/pitbull mix puppy moved in across the street. She is set with playmates.

The Latours were down for a visit. They offered to help me move which I thought was imminent as the 24th is nearly here and I have many social engagements to attend. I was worried. I went to see Lisa. The people who wanted this site cancelled so she blocked me in until February 1st. I can move when my site is ready but don't have to move until February. A huge load off.

I made chicken soup for Mrs. Fish and delivered it at dinner time. She had been in for more tests and treatment and had a big day so she was glad to get it. I hope she is still glad because it got gussied up a little from regular chicken soup. It might not be to her taste, though it tasted fine to me. Her son and granddaughter were there so I met them.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Whew..Sunday a day of rest

Saturday was spent in recuperation and hanging out and doing laundry at Deerfield. Unplanned and completely pleasant. Lori wanted some pictures for her Christmas cards and I took some crappy ones. Jason harvested bananas. We visited. We talked about David and Jaqui's completely fabulous Christmas party that we attended on Friday. (I'll provide a link to pictures) That party is completely over the top. The only thing that saves it from completely wretched excess is it is very egalitarian and diverse in guest selection-the gardener, housekeeper, dentist's helpers, as well as the well-heeled and well-off, attend. And they all enjoy. Some are real characters and now old friends to me. Jacqui's mom tends to get well oiled and is a hoot. David's mom just graduated from Clown School. Not boring.
It is pretty cool down here today and yesterday was in the mid 60's. The dogs were frisky and had a great play day with Juneau. They are very entertaining. We had a reasonable dinner at Duffy's Sport's Tavern, watched the Donco's, and I was heading home with clean clothes at a decent hour. Link to the Party Pictures:

David and Jacqui's FABULOUS Christmas Party

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jolly Old Elf

Weather forecasted: three days of rain followed by cold (low 40's) so I decided I'd better Christmas shop while I can. Lori elf gave me some suggestions for those I am usually at a loss for. The dogs got left after morning runs and walks and I paid the site rent for the next month, did some shopping on Amazon, and went to Pier One, Macy's, Dillard's and Wal-Mart. The Boynton Macy's is pretty glitzy and they now have a big and tall department that is going to get some business from me. Better value than Casual Male (huge and gargantuan) and lots more style. Malls are designed like casinos-the outside world just sort of vanishes. I really kind of liked it in there.

Nicole and Andre biked over to tell me that the Happy Hour was postponed because Nicole hadn't had time to shop for it. I couldn't help myself: "Shop? I thought we were supposed to be going simple. A can of Vienna sausages and a paring knife and we are good to go." They laughed, too.

The weather forecast was for showers which began when I was coming home from Macy's. Only it wasn't a shower-it was a gale. It was every bit as complete a "whiteout" as a blizzard. Without anyplace for the water to go, the tires were planing. It was white knuckle time. Fortunately, commonsense prevailed. A lot of flashers were turned on and traffic slowed to about 30 m.p.h. tops. I made it home just fine and have been listening to the rain on the roof ever since. It may "shower" up to 3 inches tonight.

A roast is really a good investment. We three have had three meals off it and may get another.

My screenhouse with rainfly's is a good thing. We can actually be outside in this weather. The air conditioner is getting a rest. So am I- a nice nap in the rain took place.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Family Stuff

Audrey and her little friend Sidney look at Christmas lights in historic Jacksonville. Best friends. And adorable in a Grampie's eyes.

Richard called tonight and he sounded breathless. Said they were gathering foliage on state lands to have Foresters make Christmas decorations for the preservation fund. "Where are you?" I asked, not placing any such thing on Casper Mountain. "Hawaii," was the reply. They are visiting Melissa, Val's daughter and having a family get-together. (her side). He claims he told me but the nearest thing I recollect was some discussion about one of the daughters who couldn't go for a medical reason. Anyway, it was 2:40 in the afternoon there and 7:40 in the evening here. He was very impressed with the trails and the vistas and glad to be helping out. "Send pictures!"

I started my day by helping "Gilles" re-orient his RV. He figured out if he parked it catywampus they would have a better chance of entering and exiting. I think he was an engineer-just a guess. Each move involved putting down four blocks for the jacks and two ramps for the downhill side tires. I was OK for the first two moves but by the time the 3rd and 4th moves came around I was rueing the day. Pretty cool to sit in the coach and have some ungainly doofus from Wyoming crawling around under your RV. But he was finally happy and very appreciative. "You are one of a kind!" (so true, so true, and what a clever remark. It now belongs me. ) I gave him a banana from the huge bunch Jason sent home with me. They are starting to ripen and are so much better than shipped and store-bought. A little later Gilles brought me a couple of handfuls of candy bars. His wife works for Hershey Canada. I have a nice little treasure trove and a valuable connection.

I had a nice little rump roast that needed to be cooked. It was for the Sunday dinner I gave up on. So I roasted it and it was just right. I love the toaster-oven I bought last season. The dogs thought I was a god. Honey is turning into an effective beggar: first the kiss on the elbow to tell me she is there. Then the head on the leg and the soulful eyes. Not a peep. All this not lost on Buster whose closest approximation to begging has been a very intense observation for drops. He is starting to line up. He is so funny. He has always hated a leash. But Honey gets walked with a leash (I figure even I can catch a dog with a gimpy leg and a heart condition) so I put the leash on him and he just puffs up. Shows what a good dog is supposed to do. Bless him.

The cooling unit of the RV fridge got a good pounding with my rubber mallet. That is supposed to clear clogs. It is performing a little better which is good because Mike did not show or call.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rainy Day

I awoke to a short downpour which puddled things up enough to skip the morning run for Honey. What to do on a rainy day? I donned my plastic rain hood and washed the RV. I got a lot of grime off and the next heavy rains rinsed it. I'll buff it up a little when the Sun stays out. I made "on the road" business cards. Name and phone and gmail but no address. No point in advertising there is a house in Wyoming unattended. I tidied and straightened inside and out.

My "rainflys" on the screenhouse did their job. I ordered cloth shower curtains to replace the plastic ones. The plastic ones make good covers within the awning area. Overall, a good idea for limiting rain and sunshine. I had to school myself in the art of fastening snaps to them to keep them from billowing in the breeze. Snaps are harder than one might think. I believe I could invent a better tool than Dritz has come up with.

The park is beginning to fill and I got a new neighbor from Quebec. Gillis is the translation. I helped him back a gorgeous Damon coach into the worst site on the campground. Then I helped him level it. He was alone but his wife will fly in Thursday. He has neat toys: a scooter and a "Smart Car." The entrance to his coach is in front and to get it level the front had to go way up. He said his wife was short and we got the giggles imagining her hiking up her dress and putting her knee on the first step. Seems like a good guy.

My RV refrigerator freezes things just fine. The fresh food part is warmer than it ought to be. I called Coastal Repair and it sounded a little slurry on that end but maybe it was just the rain.

Honey was pent-up by the evening run. If other dogs show the least aggression she tends to give it right back. We had a few "moments"-she is strong enough to drag me and the bike. Matt noticed that she holds a human's gaze. She doesn't break it . He says that is "Alpha Bitch" behavior. I know the type but the term was new. Buster had a bad night. I cooked liver for them tonight but opted for Chinese for me.

A cool evening, welcome after a sweat lodge afternoon. Cooling trend in the air. Welcome. And that is how I spent a rainy day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Picture of Bob's Big Woody

Doc loves wood and carts his lathes and chisels from New York to John Prince. He has an earlier vintage Bluebird Wanderlodge. They hold value like crazy because they were built by the schoolbus people and you can still buy parts off the shelf. They were built like tanks but are the "plain janes" of the RV world. Bob made a "woody" out of his. So cool.

When I was running Honey this morning I ran into Ted Fish. He was in a lather. His wife is in the hospital. She has been having dizzy spells and had a bad one. Tests began. She has had a series of tiny strokes. The Scan picked up some anomalies in her lungs. She is being biopsied for cancer. We are all just sick about it. They were my first neighbors in the park and Ted was very helpful to me. I thought she was indestructible. They have kids in Atlanta though they live in New Jersey. Lots of decisions to be made.

Then I stopped to pick up my mail and Lisa, the head clerk was holding some lady and comforting her. She came to look up a friend and discovered she had passed away here in the park. I was touched that Lisa was so tender with a stranger. Of course many of the residents are closer to "terminal" than the average population. Maybe it is covered in the employee's manual. The Rosenbergs and I reacted identically: Enjoy Every Day You Have. So I cleaned things today.

As for me, I also rode the bike, visited with folks, gave away some of the huge banana bunch that broke a limb at Jason's house-at least 30 pounds intact, got the new element put into the hot water heater. It works but I swear I can pee warmer water than it makes. (Not that I ever checked, mind you). I was hoping for tapwater coffee. I am biding my time for Mme. Latour. She has been making the rounds conspiring for "simple" get-togethers. The bitch don't cook! Nobody has ever said a word. They get invited, nobody expects them to do anything, but now we have to have weenie roasts! I told Nicole that Jeanne does not get to set the agenda. The way it works is somebody extends an invitation. You either accept or refuse. I enjoy the occasional weenie roast but I left that "lowest common denominator" at the schoolhouse door.

Now we will think pleasant thoughts or I may be joining Mrs. Fish at the medical center.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Memories...of the way they were

Lapses: Greg forgot his camera and some complimentary dog-poo bags I gave as party favors. So he and Lew were back this morning. Had a couple of beers and another rehearsal of "How the cow is going to eat the cabbage" when his daughter gets here. Lew's fallback position is moving in with HIS folks if it gets bad. Hey, a little drama makes life interesting...as long as it isn't happening to me.

Their memory lapse was perhaps understandable because we were a little wrecked. Mine happened after I got THROUGH the check-out line at Publix today. Not one red cent on me and my wallet was home. Fortunately, the checker knew me and held my groceries while I went home and returned. BUT, I was behind a family with an autistic teen (laying on the floor, playing with the toys, wandering off, dancing, being bizarre), and a harried middle-aged woman and her mother in an electric cart. BIG shopping. Had time to visit. The old lady's mother was from Oak Hill, West Virginia. I happen to know the area. Behind her were three generations of Guatemalens with two birthday cakes and a ten year birthday boy who was hoping to get through the checkout before he turned eleven. We all got pretty chummy before it was over.

Speaking of chummy, I pulled past Latours and Jeanne came over to the van. She raised her arms and it struck me who she reminds me of. Do you remember Molly Shannon on SNL-the Catholic schoolgirl skits? Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret turned out pretty well.

Honey got two runs today-it started to cool off so she could have an afternoon run. We had a pretty good rain last night. I bought stuff to cook Sunday dinner and lost interest. But it was a nice day and I am glad to be alive and in it-even with the marbles spilling out of my head.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lew's Birthday Party

I'm looking at a stack of garbage on my kitchen counter. I was too tired to haul it to the dumpster and the outside garbage can is too big an invitation to the coons. All familiar sights: They saw the game hen post on the blog and expressed envy so I did a repeat. There is very little in the way of leftovers. I saved a half of hen for my "kids."One exception: "Death by chocolate dessert" with a trick candle for dessert. We had a nice time. I am glad to have them around. We got nearly hysterical talking about them getting kicked out of the park last year. Now that they are settled and happy at Mar a Lago Cay trailer park, it is a funny story. As Lew said "How bad do you have to be to get kicked out of a trailer park?" Doesn't look good on the resume.

Mike from Coastal RV called about the time I was really getting going on my cooking. The element for my water heater came in. I told him to come on Monday.

My poor neighbors left this morning. They are on their third site and will be near neighbors when they get to their reserved site. Unfortunately, Honey decided she didn't like him last year and her opinion hasn't changed. He is a nice man. He coasted on my Internet for two years. The park internet seems to be down since last night. Verizon is still cooking though.

Friday, December 11, 2009

No Further Explanation Necessary

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Loose shoes

The plan worked and a lot of fluid was shed. Shoes loose, legs less lumpy. I was tired so a quiet day helped all around. We had gone to Wally World last night after it cooled off. I had a list in hand when I left but could not locate it once there. I did pretty well considering that. Will have Greg and Lew over for dinner tomorrow evening. Lew's birthday.

I spent a few hours today up Bravo Lane with the Latours. Their air conditioner fried its controller board and I loaned them a fan. I have a spare air conditioner but they do not want that. They are from Georgia so maybe they are better acclimated than I. The evenings are cooling off pretty nicely. Then I took them some tools and helped finish off the installation of my Christmas decorations on their site. They did a nice job.

Matt made it home safely. It was so great to see him. He was missing Audrey. Treasured times.

They are going great guns on the park remodel. They are at a point when the big machines can be used. I walked the dogs that way and visited with a black man for quite awhile. I thought he was very chatty but after I left, he wasted no time unloading a front end loader. I think we were in his way.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Yesterday Got Away From Me

Yesterday got away from me. First, I was off to the Latours with my Christmas decorations. Since I will be moving, it does not make sense to put them up here. They are settled. That part was fine but I realized I was out of pill hiding material for Buster and made a trip to Publix. Greg called while I was there and he and Lew were waiting at my site. Lengthy discussions with Greg. His daughter is generally making a mess of the opportunities for education they have provided and she now desires to spend the winter with them along with her 32 year-old unemployed boyfriend. How to get her set straight without rupturing his relationship with her is a problem.

Meanwhile Jason called and Matt's bon voyage had morphed into a trip to Hollywood and the Hard Rock Casino. I had less than an hour to get ready to get to Deerfield at the appointed time. I made it. There I found they had spent the day with Matt giving gun safety and self defense lessons to Jason and Lori at a Delray shooting gallery. They produced impressive used targets. I suggested backlighting them and taping them to the windows. They would deter me. Then they all went for massages. When I got there the mellow factor was so evident I felt like I was hyperactive. No rush to get anywhere. We got four miles down the road and Lori remembered the driver's licenses were at home. We went back. Jason had booked online tickets for the Improv and I.D. was necessary. We dined at the Hard Rock Cafe. They had $15.00 hamburgers, I opted for $18.00 salmon. It was all delish.

I had picked up coupon books and Matt got a freebie when he purchased mother/daughter Hard Rock T-shirts. Then we scooted for the Improv. Jason discovered they were closed and the tickets were for tomorow (today). He was embarrassed but it was no big deal to the rest of us. We wandered and shopped and had a few drinks at the bar and gambled a little. Up and down, but net losers this time. I lost $5.00. Lori lost $30.00 and Jason did about the same. Matt says he doesn't gamble but I gave him my cash out ticket when I was up and he quickly tripled it before it went away.We had fun though
It being Tuesday, the weekend throngs and sidewalk acts and fountain show were not featured. We shopped some. I bought a cute top for Audrey and did a double take when the receipt showed $53! Oh well, her grampie loves her. Below is the incredible shrinking O.F. with his boys. Matt is gloating because he finally tops the old man. The old man is beyond caring but was surprised how much shrinking was taking place. Maybe it is not shrinking, but settling. Do you suppose?
Fueled by strong coffee I left Deerfield at 12:30 this morning, I was home by 1:15 but the coffee kept me awake until 3:00 when I sort of passed out. I was also mad. The coons had cleaned out the outdoor fridge while the Honeybear was in Deerfield playing with Juneau. Not only that, they walked on everything with their muddy feet. The war is going to escalate.

Today is going to be a quiet day with meds. The first thing Dr. Lew noticed was my edema which is not even all that bad at this point but a diuretic and horizontal time seems to be in order. There is a 98 degree difference between here and home in Wyoming this morning.
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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Life Changing Moment

You can tell from this young man's face, this encounter with birds is profound. He is rapt. Taken the other day at Butterfly World.

Yesterday was stow away and technology day. I am finding or making a place for everything. Of course this means some stuff must go. I gave a fairly new Eureka vacuum to a groundskeeper. It was good but it made me want to commit vacuum abuse everytime I used it. attachments would fall off or it would tip over when I used the hose and wand. It was replaced with a refurbished Dyson cannister-much more compact, very sturdy and the pet hair comes right up. The staple job on the headliners is barely noticeable. I am relieved about that. I placed a few preventive ones too because I can see some sags. Things are starting to look right homey. The Bose radio is tuned to NPR as I putter around.

Among other things I installed Skype on the main computer. Nicole and Andre just installed it so we had a connection and video chatted for an hour and sixteen minutes last night! Clear across the park! (sarcasm). Gotta run the dog- be right back. Back: today was a two-bagger. A coon tried to make off with a plastic bag of connectors, power supplies, etc. last night Scattered it good. I think I will arrange for a close encounter of the Honey kind.

Put Google Goggles on the Droid. Supposedly I can take a picture of something in Google Goggles and the program will tell me what and where. I usually know where I am but the technology is fascinating. It works with other things too including bar codes.

Matt will leave soon-bon voyage tonight. I didn't get enough but am happy I got what I got!

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Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday Morning

The nice respite from heat will end today. I made the most of it. I got a lot done. The dogs could be outside which helps considerably. Honey has had her run today. Buster had a bad night. He had a lot of coughing but he came to me for help and I patted his back which seems to help. Doze and pat, doze and pat.

We scooted to Deerfield for steaks, squash, pasta salad from the Fresh Market and birthday cake Sunday night. The boys had gone fishing and all they caught were big waves and some color in their faces. They have some events planned over the next few days. I am so glad we, and they, have this time together. Matt looks just great.

I've bitten the bullet and am setting up the HP computer as the main one. I have been using my netbook for months. It is up to the task except the screen size is a little hard on my eyes and my proof-reading has suffered. And since software manufacturers are so chintzy with their licenses, I have not been using some of my favorite programs because they have been saved for the big cahuna.

I am back after installing some of said programs: Microsoft Office 2003, HP Printer program, Latest version of Picasa. Now I need to stir my stumps.

The weather seems to be very bitter at home. My friends are welcome at anytime to share my modest digs and go visit the fat cats from time to time. They are very generous with the O.F.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Jason turns 40!

The big party was yesterday-the big recuperation is today. The kids are at another (surprise) birthday party tonight. The O.F. stayed home on a coolish drizzly day though the call of excellent leftovers was strong. The kid's parties always include "kids and dogs" and even my pooches had the slows today as Riley, a rescue lab, joined the mix and swam and played chase long into the night. I "put on the agony" in the form of a pair of loafers that nearly crippled me. Lori put on a high class bash for the occasion last year but Jason was single minded about his plan: nothing too fancy and time spent with those near and dear. It was a blast. Catered from Uncle Julio's the fare was "build your own fajitas", with trimmings. Uncle Julio uses real steak and real chicken breast-excellent food.

Warm, nice people who visited and chatted. The little kids asked to do Guitar Hero and quickly got shouldered aside by enthusiastic wannabes. It was a hoot. Lori singing Johnny Cash's "Burning ring of Fire" was not to be missed. I nearly wet myself laughing.

I left at 11:30 p.m.. The last guests left at 3:00 a.m. There were millionaires, multi-millionaires, and multi-multi millionaires, Porsches, Ferraris, Hondas and suburbans, civil servants, business people, a holistic chiropractor, working people, graphic artists, retirees, ages from six to 71, gay, straight, reformed alcoholics and imbibers. but warm, kind and funny. Good sports. Now comes the fun part for you: Guessing who is which: (click for the album and slideshow. I will label the pictures in a few days.)

Jason turns 40!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

"This isn't my first rodeo..."

"This isn't my first rodeo with these things," said Mike the repairmen as he prepared to install my electrical element in the hot water heater. I took this as a signal to keep my yap shut. So I did. It did not take long at all to put it in. He fiddled with my jacks a bit and had no success. I paid. (he had been holding back on some charges-all legit-so this time it hurt a little.) I plugged in the hot water element and the breaker popped. Gave him a call. He was full of all kinds of advice. But he eventually came back. He had installed the thing completely bypassing the thermostat and controls. The heating element fused into a short circuit. He ordered a new one-left a little red-faced. Got bucked off in this rodeo, I guess.

It was windy and threatening rain yesterday so I stiffed Honey on her morning run. We got that done at 7:15 this morning. She needs to blow off energy but we have to go early. It is 78 degrees at 8:15 this morning. Cooler by the weekend thank goodness.

Jason's birthday sounds fun-very casual- kids and dogs welcome. Matt arrives this evening. I am excited. Jason told me about the Celtics/Heat game they all attended. The Casperites hit the jackpot on celebrity watch: Celine Dion was in their section. They'll have tales to tell.

The park is not all that full- I think they built their business plan in the boom market. Many seniors are on a fixed income which took a hit. A lot of people I know from Canada are spending more time on the Florida west coast where bargains are to be had, or not coming at all. Nicole said her sister in law is suicidal over their reversals. Pretty shallow in my book and to which I say "get some pills and therapy or get it over with." Otherwise, it is emotional blackmail.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Party time!

Monday I was a complete slug. I was tired and needed peace and quiet. I texted Rich and they made it to Denver and were headed to Casper on the highway. Forty-eight degrees in Casper so the return was not a shock.

Yesterday was Latour arrival day so I pitched a dinner party. I had some leftover makings from Thanksgiving that needed to be used so there were some repeats for me but it was all new to the other four: Game hens with wild rice stuffing and blueberry sauce, cranberry relish, creamed onions with peas, romaine salad with apples, and sunflower seed-raspberry vinaigrette. They carried in wine, a veggie platter, and chocolate covered strawberries.We didn't miss a beat in resuming warm friendship. Honey was not a gracious hostess so she sat it out in the RV. Buster was the love object and it was nice for him. Beautiful night, warm, full moon and great to be dining outdoors on December 1, 2009.

It is 77 degrees at 7:00 a.m. and today is going to be too hot. I am told the contractor for the park improvements can't make his payroll so work is ceasing. An adventure every day in South Florida.