
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Comes but Once a Year-thank God!

What to give people who have everything? Hats! Rear Admiral Lori and Cap'n Jason. Juneau gets toys, as do the other dogs.
The old boy is taking some time off- I got too tired and too run down-did not feel well yesterday morning and was sick by last night. In the interest of keeping things to myself, I skipped a fishing trip and dinner in Deerfield with the kids and Eve today but I am happy for the down time.

How did I get so tired? Running forth and back to Deerfield. Lori decided to continue her Polish through Texas Panhandle tradition of a "Kill the Bug" party on Christmas Eve Morning. I helped cook and get the food together-I was cooking at 6:00 a.m on Christmas Eve day. The party was a big success- kids, dogs, all sorts of people-42 of them. The consumption of strong drink and food at this time is supposed to bring good health and prosperity through the coming year. This was a sort of "come as you are" party. After cleanup I had to go home and gussy up for David and Jacqui's Christmas Eve Party.

This was an intimate (by David's standards) party-sit-down dinner for 70. Pictures at the WebAlbum. (Click the picture)

Christmas Eve at David and Jacqui's

As interesting as the lifestyles of the Rich and Famous are, they are just people-very nice people with very real problems along with the perks. Jacqui is raising a grandchild with special needs, etc., etc. To say more would be gossipy but rest assured a pile of money does not insulate you from real life problems.

In between times I was elfing around for Christmas booty. Many miles to Macy's, to West Marine, to The Citrus Grove (out of business now). Then there is my "park son" Rick who has had a bad year. I am sure Lisa parked him here for a reason. I am not the only parent. Gary and Prudy have been feeding him too and lending tools as he makes a buck or two buffing up RV's. He is a good man- he repaired a couple's KIA. They, with family assistance, are taking a Last Hurrah trip -he is blind in one eye and riddled with cancer. Honey likes Rick's dachshunds. Rick starts a job tomorrow. He finally found a hospital that would drain his elbow tonight. He is in constant pain and is open about being addicted to Loratabs. He dropped a transmission on his right arm and has had several surgeries and according to this latest doctor a painful cyst that will never heal without more surgery. His mother lives here but has few resources. For Christmas she did his laundry and he was grateful. Hopefully the job will let him get some of his possessions out of hock.

I had to use my Wells-Fargo Rewards points before they discounted them by a third. So I got a 64 gig iPod Touch. It will hold all my iTunes-14 gigs and counting. Moving the music was no piece of cake. I had to buy software. Apple doesn't have any interest in your having music on your iPod other than what they sell you. But! If you paid for an application (like Scrabble) you don't have to pay again.

Wait there is more! The happy hour at Nicole and Andre's: simple hahahahahahah; melon with prosciutto, deviled eggs, lobster dip. Somebody brought a bag a Ruffles. I brought ice. Elise got a little tipsy and stopped the conversation telling how you tell the difference between male and female lobsters. We always laugh a lot.

Honey was vile to JJ (dog) and Greg when Greg and Lew stopped by Friday. I put her in the RV and she escaped. I finally tried to tackle her but she moved and I bit the dirt. That was a two aspirin night. I asked them to call before they come next time. It was not pretty. The training collar is back on her highness. Then, I took her on a long walk tonight and she interacted very nicely with two Golden Retrievers, two Dobermans, a sheep dog, and a Shih- tzu, four French hens and a partridge in a pear tree.

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