
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Yesterday Got Away From Me

Yesterday got away from me. First, I was off to the Latours with my Christmas decorations. Since I will be moving, it does not make sense to put them up here. They are settled. That part was fine but I realized I was out of pill hiding material for Buster and made a trip to Publix. Greg called while I was there and he and Lew were waiting at my site. Lengthy discussions with Greg. His daughter is generally making a mess of the opportunities for education they have provided and she now desires to spend the winter with them along with her 32 year-old unemployed boyfriend. How to get her set straight without rupturing his relationship with her is a problem.

Meanwhile Jason called and Matt's bon voyage had morphed into a trip to Hollywood and the Hard Rock Casino. I had less than an hour to get ready to get to Deerfield at the appointed time. I made it. There I found they had spent the day with Matt giving gun safety and self defense lessons to Jason and Lori at a Delray shooting gallery. They produced impressive used targets. I suggested backlighting them and taping them to the windows. They would deter me. Then they all went for massages. When I got there the mellow factor was so evident I felt like I was hyperactive. No rush to get anywhere. We got four miles down the road and Lori remembered the driver's licenses were at home. We went back. Jason had booked online tickets for the Improv and I.D. was necessary. We dined at the Hard Rock Cafe. They had $15.00 hamburgers, I opted for $18.00 salmon. It was all delish.

I had picked up coupon books and Matt got a freebie when he purchased mother/daughter Hard Rock T-shirts. Then we scooted for the Improv. Jason discovered they were closed and the tickets were for tomorow (today). He was embarrassed but it was no big deal to the rest of us. We wandered and shopped and had a few drinks at the bar and gambled a little. Up and down, but net losers this time. I lost $5.00. Lori lost $30.00 and Jason did about the same. Matt says he doesn't gamble but I gave him my cash out ticket when I was up and he quickly tripled it before it went away.We had fun though
It being Tuesday, the weekend throngs and sidewalk acts and fountain show were not featured. We shopped some. I bought a cute top for Audrey and did a double take when the receipt showed $53! Oh well, her grampie loves her. Below is the incredible shrinking O.F. with his boys. Matt is gloating because he finally tops the old man. The old man is beyond caring but was surprised how much shrinking was taking place. Maybe it is not shrinking, but settling. Do you suppose?
Fueled by strong coffee I left Deerfield at 12:30 this morning, I was home by 1:15 but the coffee kept me awake until 3:00 when I sort of passed out. I was also mad. The coons had cleaned out the outdoor fridge while the Honeybear was in Deerfield playing with Juneau. Not only that, they walked on everything with their muddy feet. The war is going to escalate.

Today is going to be a quiet day with meds. The first thing Dr. Lew noticed was my edema which is not even all that bad at this point but a diuretic and horizontal time seems to be in order. There is a 98 degree difference between here and home in Wyoming this morning.
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