
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

A pre-cocktail cocktail party at Jason and Lori's. Some friends from Fort Lauderdale and locally (and me) gathered for a pre-New Year eve party. After three gin and tonics and good snacks, I was done. They were off to other parties. Ah Youth!
Lori holds court. She was a stitch.
Juneau was playing persistently. I threw his stick in the pool-I missed the picture of the dive but he fetches very well.
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Lunch at John Prince Park with Jason and Juneau

I had a serious bike ride yesterday morning working up a good sweat. Jason called just as I was headed for the bathhouse and said he was bringing the dog and lunch. Juneau is a highly interactive dog and Lori needed a housecleaning break. Jason showed up with huge burritos from Chipotle. I thought mine was more than I could eat but I proved myself wrong. They were excellent. We took the big dogs on a pretty good walk. Juneau napped with his head on my feet, paying me a huge compliment. A very pleasant interlude.

Poor Goody was nearly comatose last night. I moved her pain pill up by a day and she is fine today. Buster is a little intimidated by Juneau so he stayed in the house.

My central air conditioning hs been working pretty well this year but it works best if started early-then it keeps up fine. Yesterday I failed to do that and it was 10:00 p.m. before it caught up. This current weather is more like summer they say. I wouldn't know.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Before we go we'd better give the boy a bath.

Jim and Georgia hit the road today bright and early. They were great neighbors and I will hope for some new ones at least as good. I helped them in miniscule ways. There is a difference between us vacationers and full-timers. Full-timer's lifestyle is vocational and part-timers are avocational. They are pretty darn organized and work at it. Lots of savvy about coach life. Meanwhile, I am consoled by the vista left open by their absence. The massiveness of their coach is made more obvious by its absence.

Yesterday afternoon was sunny and calm so they gave Tiki a bath. He turned out pretty fluffy. Baths are not his favorite thing but they were tender and he seemed happy enough.
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Do People Look Like Their Dogs?

In one of my first conversations with Jim I noted that he and Tiki were "grizzled" similarly. He said he grew the beard to make Tiki feel like one of the family. Now that is devotion (wink, wink). Father and dog posed for a portrait.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Zen and the Art of Motorhome Maintenance

New coaches and old coaches require constant maintenance and a philosphical attitude. Jim has been on top of, under, and about his, washing, cleaning, caulking, tinting. Georgia seems in constant motion whether it is working with her plants, baking, organizing or culling and their coach is new, built/modified to their specifications. Jim has a 220 watt solar array on top of theirs. It is also a learning experience to see how people approach the organization and adaptation to their desires. And the tales. I always seek out awning stories because of my experience and everybody has one! Jim and Georgia traveled for vacations before becoming full-timers and have had their share of (mis)adventures. We agree that Good Sam towing insurance is a good value. He got his money's worth in Alaska. They are getting ready to pull out on Friday and I will miss them. They have plans in Florida for about a month and then, who knows? A general direction west but no fixed dates. Zen-like.

My more venerable coach needed some tinkering. My MaxxAir fan ceased working. It is on month 21 of a 24 month warranty. Cleaning, oiling, and wiggling contacts seemed to renew it but I will have the man who installed it check it out when he comes to pronounce the refrigerator officially dead. My bathroom sink split during storage. Upon close examination I think it may have been repaired by the previous owner. We will see about a replacement. Note to shoppers: "well maintained" = "repaired constantly." Did a deep clean on the bedroom and reconstructed the bedding. In the event you come to visit you will have clean sheets. I have a layered approach because I stay in varying climates. I seldom get to the sheets. My blankie on top of the sleeping bag layer usually does it in Florida. Tonight may be an exception. A delightfully cool day had Goody revelling in outdoor naps all day long. Buster did the same on the couch. Goody escaped to greet the neighbors and Buster ratted her out. He knew she was not where she was supposed to be and started whining.

Had a good phone gab with Lori today. She's a peach.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Anti-Climactic Storm Front

After all that build-up from the Weather news we got a pretty good rainstorm but not much else. Drying out today. Skies are grey, temperature is 70, the Floridians are chilly and I am saying "perfect."

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

I am enjoying a treat: big slices of pumpkin and pecan pie courtesy of Georgia and Jim from next door. A touching bit of Christmas cheer. Georgia can produce delicious, picture perfect pies in her coach kitchen. I set my sights somewhat lower making my unique Taco salad. The dogs are fond of the spanish rice/meat I make for it-enthusiastic even, and since EVERYTHING was closed here and I had the makings, we went non-traditional. Even used our new bottle of Hell Sauce. (Is that sacrilegious on Christmas? It is made in Hell, British West Indies.)

We have been waiting for a long promised storm front to pass through: well-equipped with a library I bought at the Salvation Army (they will be donated back at the end of the season) snacks at hand, the awning ties snugged. This system produced a tornado further north so you may yet see me on TV standing in my rubble saying "Praise the Lord for sparing my sorry ass."

Did a little plumbing job at Jason's- the dog shower got stuck partially open and the dog-sitter called in a panic. It is now a drip. I played with Juneau and he was a treat. He is a good boy.
Murphy's Law has been rampant: Had to replace a turn signal light on the van. My coach refrigerator bit the dust so Christmas Eve I was at Home Depot buying a six cubic foot outdoor refrigerator until the coach one can be replaced. Many folks have an outside beverage refrigerator and other appliances. Some even erect gazebo tents for their overflow.

Had or made calls to my brothers and cuz Donna, and Matt and Cheryl making for a pleasant day. Since I didn't send out cards this year I made some other calls yesterday. The annual Christmas letter has been rendered obsolete by the Google Web Album and the Blog so to one and all I wish a Happy Holiday Season.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rescuing Wildlife in the Park

I found a distressed young raccoon in the dumpster. Jim and Georgia were on their way somewhere so I told them and we both got our cameras. There were some (nasty-looking) discarded mattresses next to the dumpster and Jim suggested that if we put one in the dumpster the coon would probably climb right out but he was loathe to touch the mattresses. I had soap and water at the coach and was not going out so I flopped one in and the coon made his escape. After pausing to assess his situation briefly he headed directly for the wilds.

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Link to more pictures of Early Christmas


Early Christmas at Chez Roberts

Jason and Lori are off to Texas until Tuesday for Christmas with her family. They treated me to a wonderful meal and great gifts on the 22nd.
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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tiki gets a Pedicure

Jim and Georgia are great neighbors, tolerant of the wacko next door and very mellow. Tiki is not mellow except when it comes to them. Doting goes both ways. Here he is getting his toenails clipped and sanded. He was completely at ease on his back for 20 minutes and only complained a couple of times. A pampered pup.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Compare and Contrast

Cousin Donna sent me pictures from Denver taken today (top)and I sent her pictures I took in Florida today (bottom). Her plane trip to Palm Springs, CA was cancelled from DIA and she got the last chicken at the grocery store because there was a run on groceries. To tell the truth it is a little windy in Florida if that makes anybody feel better.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Finally made it to the Beach

The wind made for big waves today but I had to cast my eyes on the Atlantic Ocean. Enough with the laundry, stowing and and settling. The pot roast cooked on Sunday ended with hot roast beef sandwiches on 7 grain bread tonight. Laundry was a big job with lots of items that had been sitting in the coach for 8 months going along with the wardrobe. Being the only native English speaker in the laundromat was an insight provoking experience but the people were very nice. Machismo seems to have given way to men who hold the babies and fold the laundry with their wives. They all look so young. Bless them.

But that was yesterday. Today we rode the bike and limbered up the cameras and visited the Jeep to retrieve doggie fencing and pay its keep for a few more months on the way to the beach... ships and birds and a few hardy sunbathers. Things to see.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Perfect Day in Paradise

Cloudy blue skies and temperatures in the upper 70's and no rain. Vibrantly green foliage to view. Coffee with the old dog in the screenhouse this morning. We watched a grey cat as it explored the undersides of the neighboring coaches. It disappeared evidently creeping under our coach where it discovered our open door and walked in to a waiting Buster. The fireworks began: a streak of grey and a streak of brown and lots of cussing on both parts. No blood. Made his day- he is still on high alert.

Dried things out and stowed stuff, ran the vacuum, did the dishes, gathered the dirty laundry for laundromat time tomorrow morning. I had a pot roast to cook so I inaugurated the slow cooker that I set up outside in the screenhouse. Greg and Lewis dropped by to say hello and said they would be back and I thought "Good" I will feed them. But they didn't return because I didn't say "I will feed you." It was good to see them-they are "up" people. Another time.

Matt called last evening with dates! For Christmas I gave all the kids sufficient moolah for plane fare from Medford, OR to Florida for Matt's 40th birthday celebration in February. The locals will be out a similar amount for food and scuba, etc. (at least). February 17 to March 3 and we have Matt's birthday, and Audrey's birthday to celebrate. Should be a blast. Of course I checked with Eve and she has frequent flyer miles. Fun in the Sun!

Last night web news about the wind/snowstorm in Seattle had me calling friends up there. Bonnie was fine- all utilities working. She said smugness was battling with survivor's guilt. Her sense of humor is intact. Kristin was in kind of a state. Their house overlooks the Sound and the wind was truly frightening to her. Russ decided a generator was a smart thing when they built their garage so she had power when others did not. Her kids and grandkids had been dropping in to get warm and enjoy electricity since they were not so fortunate. Russ is in England of course. She is coping though not liking the situation very much. Hope things get back to normal for them all soon.

Watched football quite a bit enjoyed pot roast and so did the doggies. Good gravy. Good day.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

We've got the Drizzlies

More rain today but it is gentle and the old girl and I sat in the screenhouse for awhile this morning. I drank my coffee and she napped with her head in the grass and her body on a mat I put down for her. She has found her bliss spot. Buster watched from the couch.

Jason and Lori and I went to West Palm Beach-he to get his car serviced and we to tag along and find lunch. We found a little deli/bistro (service non-existent, cauliflower-broccoli soup icky, sandwiches and salad pretty darn good and desserts prettier than tasty) Go to Paris if you happen to be close but don't make a special trip. It was fun to visit and soak up the ambience. They gave me a little orientation trip to the city center and I definitely will go exploring.

After loading Jason's birthday present (a hurricane survival hamper courtesy of Grampa Grunt who tends to worry) they were off to see if their doggie was compatible with a sitter they would like to use when they go to Texas for a few holi-days. Lori's grannie is not doing well at 93, besides, so they are covering bases. A holiday party at friends for awhile this evening for them. We are in for the evening and happy to be here.

Brother Rich called and he has amassed six of those lighted reinder for his Christmas lawn decorations over the years. Kids seem to find it amusing to arrange them in provocative poses which we both think is pretty funny but the novelty may wear off of rearranging them in the mornings. Justin turns 18 today. Happy birthday Justin. (Do you know anything about those reindeer, Justin?)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Touch and Go

Maybe 16 drops of rain today after a record- breaking 8 inches yesterday. The day was mild and still and brought out the helicopters, small planes and experimental aircraft at the airport in my backyard. The land soaked up the rain and it was a fine day. Washed the Van while the washing material was out and still wet. Made a Wal-Mart run for groceries and sundries including a slow-cooker because I have the intention to entertain more this year. The screen room is a pleasant place to be.

Having matched only one number in the Florida Lottery has me re-evaluating my gambling wild streak. Somebody won the $6 million but I was so far from it I couldn't even see it.

I had a conversation with an up the street neighbor from New York who has a converted 1982 Bluebird bus that is a great camper. He has a beard and a braid and is grey like me- well maybe not that bad. He was well-spoken and I wondered what he had done for his money but that is not a first conversation topic.

Took the bike for a spin and my first John Prince Park friend Ted Fish hollered at me. He asked where I was parked and said " Oh, you are up near Dr. Rosenberg-the guy with a pigtail and the converted 82 Bluebird." Ted said he was glad to see me because that meant we were both still alive. I will stop by to take pictures of his orchids this weekend. He and Mrs. Fish are both well- 78 and looking 60 and enjoying life.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006

The rent will probably go up now that we are on waterfront property. Posted by Picasa

My soggy Florida home. Posted by Picasa

Making a big fat Liar of Me...

"Never mind"... the rain got serious. The weather bureau has started those emergency warnings on the radio. Six inches have fallen in past 3 hours and streets and underpasses are flooding. The pitter pat of rain on the roof has turned into a drumbeat. The awning is leaking like a sieve, there is a puddle outside my door. Rain is running off the coach in sheets. Still snug though. Feels like a nap inside.

And Kristin has already returned from England.

Raining Bouquets

A good steady rain has been falling since before dawn. It is likely to continue until Saturday and officially we are happy about it because it droughty here in Florida as well as Wyoming. The lush vegetation will reward the rain by blooming. As my neighbor Jim noted (he used to be in charge of Public Works for Pompano Beach) the soil is so sandy the grass has to catch moisture on its way by. Unofficially we are also happy because we are well-provisioned and snug in the land yacht. Let the squalls blow Queeg-Queeg!

Yesterday I finished washing the coach. It took all day because even the morning sun dried the coach before we could rinse it so had to delay the final wash until dusk. The north side, however, was clean so there was no barrier to pulling out the awning and with the new side curtains, finishing our spacious screen room. It adds about half again more living space and Goody saw the benefit right away-getting to lie on the grass and watch the dogs and people pass by us. It is all navy blue and not only is it shade making, it has a high privacy factor. I watched a flock of birds gleaning within six feet and they did not know I was there. Buster is still regarding it as a trap of some sort but he will watch Goody and relax in time. Today has been a test-the awning is mostly waterproof, which given its age and history is pretty amazing. Only a few drops of rain seeped on the furniture and it is a pleasant place to sit and watch the rain. The winds will be the next test but I think we will be OK.

Kristin, cousin Russel's wife, was kind enough to send her travel diary on her trip to England. Her observations are keen and interesting. Russ is working there on an exchange (Boeing to a university) and Kristin flew over for a visit. I can tell she is not ready to leave yet. If I can't be there, I want to hear (read) all about it. Pictures are even better.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chugging Along

I am always a little bit surprised how much more time consuming the tasks of daily living are in metropolitan areas. Lake Worth is not even very metropolitan but grocery shopping and hardware and so forth are time consuming and much more complicated than in rural Wyoming. Still, there is an element of adventure and this year I feel completely comfortable setting out without the Garmin turned on-I still pack it with me mind you.

Took the bike cruising a couple of times yesterday and picked up my mail... The USPS has a new forwarding service that does not expire and resembles the scheme I put together last year. They throw everything in a priority mail box on Wednesday and it evidently arrives here the following Monday. It is only a couple of bucks more than the postage and does not involve any intermediaries. Very satisfactory.

I have accumulated enough staples to successfully make dinner- and I cooked some pork chops yesterday- dogs got one apiece. Goody seems thin to me and Buster is skinnier than when we left. Sat on the grass with the old dog and she put her head on my lap and soaked up the attention. Bless her heart.

Bought my first Lotto ticket ever today. It is up to $6 million which is not unusual for the Florida Lottery. I am not typically a gambler but reading the Palm Beach Post about winners in the past few months did cause the "somebody has to win," idea to cross my mind. We will see. ( See, I am going to hell in a handbasket, already.)

Washed half of the coach this afternoon after a trip to Home Depot for cheap hoses. Why half? Because it was dirty. Stored near I-95 it had some streaks that needed considerable scrubbing. I will get the other half tomorrow morning. Mother Nature is giving it a second rinse this evening. Sultry is the right word.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


The shuttle was launched but I missed it. Cloud cover here was too dense. Perhaps there will be more and conditions will be better for me to see.

The bicycle got some exercise and so did I. I am looking forward to building back up to several-mile trips but the circuits around the park are fun. I see faces and people I know.

I am enjoying the Bose radio. The sound is good at low volume and it replaces the TV as I surf the net and type. I haven't tried to hook up the satellite dish as it takes two people: one aimer and one shouter so I have been watching the free TV. I did watch the Doncos get shellacked this evening

I had tried to connect with Lori earlier to see if she needed anything at Wal-Mart. That store is an entirely different experience here-she does not care for it, nor do I, but I do know where to find things there. After that I went to the Golden Corral for Sunday dinner. That is also a different experience here: from the policeman in the lobby to the manager who scouts places to seat you to the wonderful variety of humankind that passes through the doors. Different colors, languages, and customs than I see at home and I find it fascinating. There are servers behind the counters constantly replenishing. I like to go about once a week because I know my veggie intake is not varied enough. I really enjoyed the brussel sprouts. I am not the least offended- nay, flattered, when they ask if I am a "senior" because I readily own up but take it as a compliment that it is not abundantly self-evident.

Part of the park was filled all day long with soccer players. At first I thought it must be a Middle School tournament until I saw some faces up close. These were adult hispanics, probably Guatamalans- just squatty bodies. They play hard and wives and babies come to watch.

I am pleased with this new keyboard-it is a Logitech and one of the mouse features is the ability to "zoom" in or out. I am zoomed in permanently because the type is larger; something my aging eyes really appreciate.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Christmas Came Early

Lori called mid-morning yesterday to say my packages had arrived. I neglected to mention that I stopped in Sidney, Nebraska at Cabela's and admired my own restraint for getting out of there only $250.oo lighter. I had them ship two sturdy XL zero gravity outdoor lounge chairs to the kid's house. I had also used their address to receive side curtains for my awning so perhaps the doggies can be outside more in an enclosed area.

We tried Augy's Italian restaurant for lunch (dumb waitress, fresh ripe veggies on the salad bar, lasagna and spaghetti about 6 on a scale of 10, garlic rolls 8 on the same scale). Lori is good company. Doggies had Italian dinner last night, too. Also picked up my bike after its tuneup while in Boynton.

The Christmas present was from my bank. I had ignored for years my Wells-Fargo Reward points and so had accumulated in excess of 40,000. I discovered before I left Wyoming that some points would expire at the end of year so went online to choose a premium. A Bose Wave Radio II arrived yesterday and it is everything they claim. I had coveted this "too pricey to buy item" for years and as this is the updated model I am pleased to have it. Excellent sound and reception and a great selection of stations in south Florida.

So I am surrounded by toys. Ride the bike, doze outdoors and listen to tunes. Windy and grey today but one out of three isn't bad. Better weather to come, not that I am complaining about 70 degrees and rain showers on December 9.

PBS is doing their pledge drive here-probably all over and as usual the programs are outstanding. Enjoyed a marathon of Country Music classics, Doo-Wop,and Pink Floyd. PBS is pushing the idea that they are preserving the culture of the country and I buy into it. While I don't seek Country music as a rule it is amazing how many of the songs make up the soundtrack of my life. Same with the doo-wop. Seeing my age peers in the audiences singing along and dancing in their chairs or the aisles taps into the reality we were young and beautiful outside once. Though the husks are worn, the seeds are alive and well on the inside. I was amazed how well some of those old performers looked and sang. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps ..."

Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting to Know the Locals

Snowbirds mingle with year-round residents in John Prince Park.
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Cozy Day in Paradise

Fresh brewed coffee, Publix oatmeal cookies, a single cube heater on low taking the chill off, two dozy dogs, grey skies, breezes from the ocean, green foliage out my windows in all directions, finally rested after the travels, a quiet day is welcome.

Met park residents from Minnesota, and upstate New York last night as we independently gathered to watch the shuttle launch from the open area in the center of our part of the park. Several were veterans of this activity and knew where to face. I had the laptop tuned to NASA and the countdown clock and my camera at the ready. Of course we were skunked. Perhaps Saturday they will be able to launch. It was a pleasant evening to be out. I had considered a drive up the coast for a better vantage point but I am glad I passed on that.

I am taking a break from the Mona Vie. It is highly concentrated fruit juice, largely, including the Amazonian Acai berry. One of its touted benefits is its cleansing properties. That property I can attest to. Maybe a little too effective. My Oregon daughter in law consumed a bottle in three days and won her office weight loss pool. She is already at her pre-Audrey weight level and looks great. The Mona Vie does seem to provide a sense of well-being and feeling well. I will resume it after a rest.

Time to feed the pups. They are such good doggies. Buster has behaved so well I am proud of him. Key seems to be walking them individually.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Settling in

Spent some time at Lori and Jason's Tuesday a.m. to meet my adorable and energetic grandpuppy, Juneau. He is a cream colored Lab who likes to swim in his pool and will wear you and himself out playing. A craftsman was installing the kitchen vent which looks like it could raise a turkey off the stove. The kitchen is coming together and the master bath is within sight of being finished. Don't forget we are in "service hell" here in South Florida. It will be a jewel box of a home when complete. So what if it has been a year. Lori could write a book on dealing with subcontractors. Jason was flying out Tuesday night for a week in Palm Springs- the other coast so we met at the Quarterdeck, a few blocks from their home for dinner. It was a little cool to eat outside (rainy day) so the waitress seated us by a big sliding window so we had the best of both. Food was good. I had chores in that neck of the woods, too. Got a standard keyboard to use with the laptop because the laptop keyboard drives me to distraction. Took the bike in for its "FREE" six-month tuneup at the shop where I bought it. I am anxious to begin training again.

Met my neighbors- Jim and his wife are full-timers who used to live in the area and are here doing their medical checkups until December is over. They have a Cheetah diesel coach which is very elegant. He seems nice and I have not met his wife. The dog is a plump chihuahua-terrier mix with a a protective personality. They rescued it from a life lived in a bathroom and he is the apple of their eye.

The other neighbor is one of the good Quebecois-he had a hilarious big fluffy white dog last year-personality plus. I asked about her and learned "she had cancer in the mammals and it went to her lunges so the Vet shot her." So sad even at age 13. But, he speaks and smiles and seems to have separated himself from the merde de poullet Quebecois who are down in the new section of the park this year. I am glad I passed on that section- they are packed in like sardines down there. I have a nice yard here.

Today I spent time under, inside, next to, and on top of the coach, reinstalling sunshades, trying to fix the air-ride (the compressor runs constantly, bringing the battery down) removing the sun protection dust covers and window coverings, going to the grocery store for ketchup, mustard, mayo, butter, and all those things I pitched in the spring. Bought the small sizes because of that factor and the refrigerator is small-it is a live and learn life here in the vagabond world. Watched Oprah, took a nap. Life is good. Supposed to get down to 69 degrees this weekend. Brrr.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's Always Something....

The motorhome was deader than a doornail and I charged it with my portable generator, then jumped it with the Van and finally got it running. I let it charge and decided I had better turn it off and on before I took it out of the yard. Dead again. Called my Good Sam travel insurance and after a comedy of errors Russell pulled up to help me about 5:30 p.m. in the waning light. But he was a good guy and cheerfully tested and fetched a new battery so we got out of the yard with all three vehicles. Jason and Lori came and we caravanned to John Prince Park where we plugged in the coach, watered the doggies and left for Jason's birthday dinner at Rosalita's. Had sopapillas covered in ice cream and whipped cream with almonds for birthday cake and kept threatening him with a staff birthday song. We had a delightfully wacky waitress with a slight lisp. She was transitioning from counseling teenage murderers to massage therapy and holistic healing. We rode in Jason's Lexus hybrid SUV which is a very nice car. The technology is fascinating and it has a video screen that tells what is happening in the drive train at any given moment. Jason has lost about 30 pounds and Lori is trim. They are working at it and using Mona Vie, which they sell. I have a bottle to try. I will give a report. Then they hauled me home where we three Wyoming travelers fell into our beds in our Florida home. Jason shares a birthday (separated by a decade or two or three) with my friend Bonnie Spaulding whom we wish a happy belated birthday now that we are emerging from the fog of travel.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Eating up the Miles

We passed through Vicksburg, Mississippi and still felt pretty good So we went on to Jackson. Blundered off the path in Jackson but I knew where I was as I drove past the transmission shop that replaced the motorhome transmission. One thing has not changed-the rudest drivers in the world live in Jackson. Saw a bumpersticker: I am NOT speeding, I am Qualifying. Amen brother. This little adventure had us wide awake and wanting to distance ourselves from Jackson so we headed for Hattiesburg about midnight. The Van was chalk white from all the Texas and Oklahoma slush and mud and I found an open carwash about 2:00 A.M. Slicked up the van and scared the devil out of Buster but we arrived in Gulfport in about an hour and headed directly to Wal-Mart for a nap. The chill awakened me so I bought gas and coffee and we headed on, taking another nap in a rest stop where the heat awakened me. I called Jason and said it would be a Monday arrival in Florida. We had a pretty good nap in Quincy, Florida where we have slept before at the Flying -J. Breakfast buffet and gigantic pigs in the blanket for travel fare. Goodie was tired of traveling and started to punish me by declining to eat. (She has since recovered) We zoomed into Lake Worth late on Sunday and slept in front of the storage place for the Motorhome.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Fomenting Civil Unrest Wherever I Go

The Garmin was set for Shreveport, Louisiana. I had anticipated it taking me to the 635 Beltway but did not question it as we travelled through Denton, Texas on 65 mph highways with stop lights every few miles. We saw farmlands next to vast tracts of McMansions- not made out of ticky-tacky but they all look just the same. Small towns and isolated churches, and megachurches. A scan of the AM dial found Country music, Rush Limbaugh, Rush again, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, a blues station, Rush again, Rush, Rush, and a moldy-oldies station. East Texas has some pretty country and oak groves, and prairie. Two hours into the drive I was starting to get a little anxious about the Garmin's usually reliable sense of direction. But we emerged from the wilderness very near Tyler, Texas and halfway to Shreveport. I am glad to have made the trip ONCE.

Delores had told me she especially like the pictures on the blog and I had posted none so something that said "south" was on my mind. I saw a kid taking his own picture with his camera phone in front of the "Welcome to Louisiana," sign. I stopped at the Flying-J in Longview, very near Shreveport and several flashy cars pulled in with Rap music rocking the universe. People were piling out of cars and dancing to the music. This struck me as "southern:" black people rocking out in the gas station so I snapped a couple. One woman took umbrage and made a show of pretending to write down my license number. I gave her scant attention so when I next looked at her she started all over again. Maybe I will get a letter from the NAACP for unauthorized photography of Black people or maybe the Rap underground is out to get me as I write this. Sheesh, everybody is so touchy. Jesse Jackson needs to start with Rap music folks. I heard the "N-word" coming from their stereo at least four times.

Dined well at the buffet and took leftovers for the pups and the resident feral cats who were there last time I came through and seem to have increased their number. Still feeling fresh, we headed for Jackson, Mississippi not knowing when we would play out and need to rest.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Somewhere North of Dallas, TX

A lot of traveling since yesterday morning-many miles. We rock and rolled from Riverton to Rawlins with terrific winds-none in a helpful direction. It took more than a quarter of a tank of gas to get to Rawlins. As is my wont we left I-80 at Walcott and enjoyed a nearly solitary trip to Laramie on old highway 30. That is the way to go. Just enough traffic to reassure that if you break down, someone will be along in 30 minutes or so. Laramie to North Platte was pleasant and straightforward although the temperatures were plummeting-to 13 degrees at 10:30 central standard time.

There were a couple truckers-same uniform shirt, standing outside the Flying J as I prepared to move on. The younger asked the older if he wanted him to break wind for him. I had two flashes: "Gee, these Nebraskans are sure polite!" The second was "I have some prowess in this department and perhaps the family, if not the state of Wyoming's honor was at risk" so..... Well it was an impressive effort if not my best. Alas! I got such a look. Seems that without an advanced degree from the University of Wyoming the double entendre was lost on them.
Oh well, we made a memory.

I was feeling fine so I pressed on going to York, Nebraska and being mindful of the pursuing storm pressed on arriving at the Flying J near Salina, Kansas about 6:30 a.m. I had the breakfast buffet and tooks some stuff for the pups-I only did one plate so have a clear conscience about that. Naptime.

We drove on to Wichita and needed another little nap. Donna called and I thankd her for her timely advice to avoid Denver because the Rocky Mountain News I picked up had a front page picture and story about the traffic foul-up in Denver.

From Wichita south things started to deteriorate. My plan was good but the aftermath of the storms in Kansas and Oklahoma was snow, slush, and crazy driving. More than forty cars in the ditch. In Oklahoma City...to be continued this connection is acting up