
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Before we go we'd better give the boy a bath.

Jim and Georgia hit the road today bright and early. They were great neighbors and I will hope for some new ones at least as good. I helped them in miniscule ways. There is a difference between us vacationers and full-timers. Full-timer's lifestyle is vocational and part-timers are avocational. They are pretty darn organized and work at it. Lots of savvy about coach life. Meanwhile, I am consoled by the vista left open by their absence. The massiveness of their coach is made more obvious by its absence.

Yesterday afternoon was sunny and calm so they gave Tiki a bath. He turned out pretty fluffy. Baths are not his favorite thing but they were tender and he seemed happy enough.
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