Somewhere North of Dallas, TX
There were a couple truckers-same uniform shirt, standing outside the Flying J as I prepared to move on. The younger asked the older if he wanted him to break wind for him. I had two flashes: "Gee, these Nebraskans are sure polite!" The second was "I have some prowess in this department and perhaps the family, if not the state of Wyoming's honor was at risk" so..... Well it was an impressive effort if not my best. Alas! I got such a look. Seems that without an advanced degree from the University of Wyoming the double entendre was lost on them.
Oh well, we made a memory.
I was feeling fine so I pressed on going to York, Nebraska and being mindful of the pursuing storm pressed on arriving at the Flying J near Salina, Kansas about 6:30 a.m. I had the breakfast buffet and tooks some stuff for the pups-I only did one plate so have a clear conscience about that. Naptime.
We drove on to Wichita and needed another little nap. Donna called and I thankd her for her timely advice to avoid Denver because the Rocky Mountain News I picked up had a front page picture and story about the traffic foul-up in Denver.
From Wichita south things started to deteriorate. My plan was good but the aftermath of the storms in Kansas and Oklahoma was snow, slush, and crazy driving. More than forty cars in the ditch. In Oklahoma be continued this connection is acting up
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