
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday on the Rez

After the doings on Saturday, a quiet Sunday seemed in order. A little golf watching, cooking a good dinner-corn souffle, noodles parmesan, and a pork chop on the grill. I am really not so much a pork addict as it might seem . It is just that you can buy a pork loin for $2.37 a pound and slice it or roast it or barbecue it. Masterpiece Mystery for a treat and I watched The Bridges of Toko-Ri a supposed "classic" but so corny I couldn't finish it. Grace Kelly was a simp in this picture. Michener is not aging very gracefully as a writer.

We received about a quarter of an inch of welcome rain in the late afternoon. It was the constant lightning, seven power bumps and forty mile an hour winds that scared the bejeesus out of us.

In the run up to Saturday's birthday party, I was running around town. The phone rang. It was Mme. Latour of John Prince Park fame. From a kind of droopy, drippy camper last season, she is now raring to go. In fact several of my last year neighbors are getting excited. Andre photoshopped the campground map showing where everybody is going to be (click to enlarge). We are scattered this year and in my book that is good. We can get together but "re-creating" a happy time is nearly always a disappointment. My "circle" has grown every year and I like them all. The circle is not closed.

Jeanne had emailed a retouch of a picture of my great great grandmother, Nancy Jane Toal.

She did a great job. The picture on the right taken at the same time as a more formal picture was a jokey picture-glasses and a clay pipe. That is why I sent it to Jeanne. Evidence that goofy pictures are one of our family traditions.

Matt called and was at the Grant's Pass gun show and wanted to know if I wanted to replace my stolen Jimenez .25 caliber automatic. I did. I already got the Browning but the one gun seems to be in the wrong car about half the time.

Monday was started twice. Up at at 6:30 because Buster was gooning me. He is cat like sometimes. He was snuggling and wiggling and trying to kiss my face. But it was a short-lived rising. It was cold and the warm bed seemed like a good idea so, as usual, the door was open for the dogs and I went back to bed. I awoke at 10:30 with two dogs on the bed. Cup of coffee and a re-do.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Birthdays

Tye and McAye, above, have a joint birthday party. The older kids have their birthdays while I am down south so I do gifts all in one. They are really big family and friend get-togethers at the neighboring farm. Burgers, beverages, and hot dogs supplied and the always successful carry-in supper makes for superior eats. I got to see many folks that I hadn't seen for awhile. All I can say is time does march on. Here comes life, ready or not.
New guy, Debi, Janet, Guy and Eric above. Lots to visit about as most are in the ag business in some way.
McAye was in her play clothes when I arrived. Kristy came to get her and said it was time to put on her mini-dress and I was scandalized. A five year old in a mini dress? It turned out it was a Minnie Dress for the Mickey and Minnie themed party.
Granny Judy, instead of Kristy helped McAye unwrap gifts. Tye is developmentally delayed. He had constant mild seizures for seven years until Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake got to the bottom of his problem. He had no intelligible speech, night terrors, bed wetting, no fear, terrible tantrums, etc., etc. Now he is making good progress but as you can imagine there are significant delays. About the only intelligible word he spoke for 7 years was my name and we are buddies. He visited and visited, felt my beard, played peek-a-boo, dined with me. Kristy, who is a professional mom, is learning to let others help. With four kids from high school to age five, she can't do it all. Camey is the only girl out for Middle School football. Life IS like a box of chocolates-you never know what you are going to get but you love them all anyway. (at the risk of repeating myself)
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Showing Denis and Ida my Junk

I'm going to fool around and get my ass canned from this gig if I don't watch out. I haven't taken a picture for a week and the blogging has been spotty at best. No excuses but an explanation: I am moving into full hermit mode. There is a reason religious people become hermits. The noise of the everyday world drowns out the voices of the spirit and the universe. It is blissful to have quietude and direct the sounds that you do allow. You open up and tranquility bubbles up. While I need to be here sometimes to refresh and examine my spirit, I cannot dwell here forever. The dreams without me have returned. Padma and her partner were making sandwiches last night. I think roasted red pepper and Padma's job was to add a piece to cover the whole slice of bread and she deftly tucked a sprig of something, watercress or sorrel, with her thumb before adding the top piece of bread. She was Indian or Pakistani and had that inner joy you sometimes see. Somebody else's dream I fear. The deck at night has been stunning with the stars and shooting stars in the heavens. The infinitesmal experiences the infinite.

I am not sitting Buddha-like for all this, though the Buddha carving I brought from Lake Worth is presiding over the dooryard. It shares a stump with my "scareowl" which personifies a more animistic philosophy. The home archeology is continuing. I'm finding stuff I had forgotten and other stuff is hitting the dumpster.

A package from Venice, Italy via Florida arrived. An ornate dipping pen with four nibs triggered Jason's memory of my pen fetish. Alas! My penmanship has deteriorated with the advent of the computer in my life. Perhaps I can revive it with this incentive.

Ida and Denis wanted a meet and greet on their way to Atlantic City (WY) for the weekend and Don's birthday party-73, he is. We met at Wal-Mart Subway for food and went to the park where the doggies were well behaved for their command performance. Denis and Ida are animal people. They were towing their RV with their never-seen-by-me cat "Spook.' Maybe it is a fictitious cat. They wanted to know all about iPods so I did a show and tell for them. We sat on the grass for our lunch on this beautiful August day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Strange and Wonderful

Cool morning. I awoke rested but felt allergic as heck. So an aspirin and a Benadryl went down the hatch. Drowsy, I plopped in the campchair and vaguely remember thinking several times I ought to get up. About 3:00 p.m., I did. My loyal Honey was under my chair and Buster was next to us. That part of her job being done Honey went chasing Wily coyote who seems like he or she is getting tired of the game. He showed a little aggression but the Honey danced away and returned to cussing him out.

I got creative with my fresh vegetables and along with some turkey sweet Italian sausage, combined tomatoes, zucchini, egg plant and my own sauce. I am not a big eggplant fan from the eating standpoint. From the object of beauty standpoint I love the aubergine. That may have changed today. My spaghetti sauce was just the best! The turkey sausage was an experiment and it is just fine and has 70 percent less fat. While it simmered I took a run to town. Buster was out of ground meat to disguise his meds. I stopped at 789 Casino and stuck my card in their machine and got four nice surprises. The Casino gave me a $25.00 gift certificate at the Red Willow Restaurant for my birthday, bought me lunch, gave me a $5.00 stake to gamble with and I entered an $18,000.00 giveaway. That was just all right with me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Still coasting

Still coasting happily on the weekend. It was a cool, then chilly day with winds and some rain. I kept trying to enjoy the outdoors but retreating every few minutes. Honey was bored so I played with her a few times. It seemed a good day to cook something in the oven. When presented with garden fresh vegetables, keeping them on hand does not honor them. Fresh: sliced cucumber and tomato salad, new potato (baked), banana squash cooked with the little pork roast. Oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert. This is living.

I had phone calls from my much older brother and my much younger brother. Bob is doing well-says he feels better than he has for a long time. All through the wonder of socialized medicine- Medicare and his supplement. I caught him up on the fammily news that I know of. When Richard called yesterday, Val let slip that they had rented the old family manse. I was disconcerted because Rich had not mentioned it at all and there are things to retrieve. But the valuables have been locked into trunks and some furnishings left in place. Renters are acquaintances. Still, it would have been nice to know. And from Richard. It was a jar.

Lori called-we didn't get a chance to gab when Jason called yesterday. Those little rascals have been busy. They bought a foreclosure and spruced it up and moved it. They bought another property on the Intracoastal and were not having luck renting it so Jason dangled the coming swimming pool and got two firm offers on the next day. That property will rise again.

An envelope came from Eve and Audrey. Audrey drew me a Happy Birthday picture. I haven't had any "refrigerator art" for years. It is touching to see it. I love it.

Sixty-six and Blessed

This was the big birthday weekend and what a weekend it was! Guy, Janet, and Hollis took me to dinner in lovely downtown Pavillion, WY (population 126). In Wyoming when someone suggests you drive 30 plus miles to a restaurant, you don't quibble, you go. The Roost was a gem of a choice. A New Orleans refugee, Ginny, is now operating it. I knew Jim Rutter who was one of the early owners but it has morphed into something pretty special since then. The Saturday night special was prime rib and we all went for it. We live in beef country but I was unprepared for the hugeness of it. I ate all I could and still had enough to be a hero to the dogs. The culinary accoutrements were exceptional: Baked potatoes rolled in seasoned salt with a sauce more delectable than plain sour cream; baked beans, a pretty good salad with blue cheese dressing, Texas toast, and Bananas Foster Cheese cake-made right there. Their wonderful gifts: a bucket of Janet's oatmeal raisin cookies and a Harry and David's box of homegrown veggies. I can vouch for the broccoli being exceptional so far.

We had interesting conversation. Guy is a student of old west stories- ala Jeremiah Johnson and others who were so damn tough it is hard to imagine. Hollis who is a trapper in the winter time almost lives the life. Janet had cooked wave after wave of sourdough pancakes on this very day for an annual pancake fest they have. The woman is never at rest. Tough as nails with tender hearts. I am lucky with my friends.

Sunday was a cooler day than anticipated. Delores hosted a garage picnic and she had worked all day. Brats with chili and cheese, onions and relish, home-made potato salad ( zowie!) baked beans, a huge banana pudding compote, and a birthday cake that nobody had room for. Ruby had just flown home from a weekend at Priest lake near Spokane with her family. Dessie, her mom (age 89) came with a bottle of wine, Greg and Kinsey and Cade, and dogs Arnie and Edgar who played with my dogs. Big old Honey and Edgar the chihuahua were as cute as can be and Arnie the Yorkie is game for anything. Honey got a little sharp when Arnie made a beeline for me. I don't know if it was jealousy or protectiveness but after a time-out all played harmoniously.

Hearing of the early days of Svilar's restaurant was a treat. Ruby washed dishes and missed out on the big tips but her aunt Sophie bought her a Mustang when she went to college. Dessie said the old ladies who made the famous sarma (cabbage rolls) made 7000 a week. The home made ravioli, about 4000. And of course the place is a steakhouse still going strong and under family ownership today. Ruby is head of Wyoming PBS and is on the national board, Delores had her summer with Cade in West Virginia, so we had lots to gab about. Dessie told a naughty story. Don kept trying to rant about Obama but nobody bit.

Rich, Audrey, Matt, Jason and Lori, all heard from: a splendid birthday weekend. If it could have been any better I can't imagine how.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

One Day at a Time

It is one day at a time for me but the poor blog has been getting multiple days at a time. Everything is fine. I am just in a "zone." I'm really enjoying the days but they are not generating much to share. Some days are productive, some are not too productive.
Yesterday was a good picture day. The dragonfly is interesting and Honey's escapades with the coyotes are amazing.
The migrating geese fly right past my deck. Their interactions are interesting. Though there were more than a hundred in the pasture, when they decide to fly they leave in the groups they came with. They spot the coyotes before even Buster or Honey. Buster stays on the deck but he gives a warning and soon Deputy Dawg (Honey) is on her way.
Oregon and Florida responses were all positive so October 1, we'll be on the road again. Buster is doing fine-I went to get more of his meds because he is tolerating them and taking them. I inquired about missed doses because two of his meds are life-long. One missed on the Enalapril is about max but the new one is more forgiving. On the road is sometimes problematic on keeping to a feeding schedule. For a home grown "free dog" he has been a money pit but he is worth it. Honey was vile to the mail lady yesterday.

I have invitations! More later about these.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nothing Earth Shattering

Sunday afternoon I went to see Delores and Don. We got weatheed out on Saturday and they had an invitation to Dessie Bebout's 89th birthday party. Dessie is in excellent health but her eyesight is failing. On the cusp of age 66, I don't know if 89 is wonderful or punishment. Conjecture is probably just academic anyway. Delores and Don's front porch was warm and a Corona was refreshing. Delores looks good after her summer in West Virginia. The doggies like to visit there and Honey was pretty well-behaved.

The dumpster got emptied on Friday and IF Tuesday is my pickup day (it is Tuesday now and it is not empty) I scurried to fill it repectably -not that there is a lack of trash.

I have been spending time in the "studio." A power bump killed one of the Kodak picture frames. That brought a bump in the road on the project. I am not very impressed with Kodak stuff. I note The WREN- rural electric news asks that easy-photo pictures not be submitted. Who knew? Good name. I also added to the iPod. I was intrigued by an article on Mahler's Symphonies so ordered all ten-the early Bernstein recordings. They are sublime. Mahler was the "last of the Classical, i.e., Romantic Composers"-post Beethoven. He experimented with form and everthing else. His symphony of a thousand requires 1000 musicians vocal, orchestral, pipe organ, etc. BIG sound and his work was the last gasp of tunefulness before Schoenberg and others started experimenting with polytonality. It is all fresh to me. The music languished from the late 1800's until Bernstein championed it in the 1960's. Great fun.

I may have dodged a bullet. I won't know for awhile. Little Audrey told Eve that they were coming to Wyoming for my birthday. Eve told me. I damn near had heart failure. I called Matt. He denied it but admitted if it were true he wouldn't tell me. It would warp my grandaughter for life:

Cheryl: "Audrey clean your room."
Audrey: Grampie doesn't clean his."
Cheryl: "Grampie's 'give a shit attachment' broke when he turned 60."
Audrey: "What's a 'give a shit attachment?'"
Cheryl: It's what keeps you from being pathetic in other people's eyes.
Audrey: "Can it be fixed?"
Cheryl: "Grampie is glad his broke."

My reservation is paid on time in Florida. I am trying to gain clearance for visits in Oregon in early October. Jason may join us. That would be fun. He is trying to get shed of work responsibilities. His friend (former boss) has parked his boat at Jason's dock with boat privileges for Jason. Jason has parked his boat at a neighbor's with boat privileges for them. He is going to take a crew to Bimini when things come together.

I took a re-run with the Iverhart. It was successful. It involved the coffee mill and a vanilla shake. Buster's other meds are producing some results. Honey and the coyotes are fun to watch. I am getting a few pictures. The coyotes are getting used to her.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cold and Rain

After three blustery and dark days it finally rained and it was a good soak Saturday. Forecasted high for today is 62 but I think that is optimistic. Meanwhile, my hands are cold which means painful. Buster crept into my belly/chest area in the night to exchange warmth. Honey stretched out along my legs. The heater is on. One de Longhi oil filled heater in the bathroom will heat the place when it is not too cold. The rain was salutary- green has crept back into the pasture and prairie. The Wind Rivers have fresh snow on them. Some snow has been visible all year long this year.

Buster is showing the benefits of his new meds. He went wandering with Honey this morning-not too far. The Iverhart strategy failed. Twenty bucks down the drain. I got one down them about 30 days ago so I am going to call it good. I did not request them this time. My vets had a bad experience with a dog in failing health from Lander last year. When surgically opened it was creepily wormy and they have mounted a campaign. Twice a year is usually enough and since mine get the Iverhart every month in Florida, I think we are good. The meds and feeding really are pretty major around here. The dogs tend to poach each other's food. Honey does not need Buster's meds and he does need them-twice a day. Fortunately Buster is always eager for his meals so I supervise until I am sure the meat/med parts are gone. Honey is a day grazer and midnight muncher. She doesn't eat much during the day so her dish has to be put up so Buster doesn't gorge and skip a meal. After we are all in bed Honey goes and cleans everything up-shiny bowls in the morning.

I watched the Tiger Woods show on TV yesterday-a great rainy day activity. It makes me feel close to my dad-golf on the TV and several little catnaps on a Saturday afternoon was a favorite pastime of his.

Adobe Photosh0p Elements and Roxio's Creator 2009 came by mail from Amazon yesterday. Windows Vista has rendered many of my favorite photo editors obsolete. My replacement computer has resided mostly in its box but that has to change and readiness for Florida borne in mind.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Headed South

The geese are heading south. They took my fickle hummingbirds with them. I had just bought and filled the feeder with nectar (with vitamins A, E,C, and D). Never mind, the beleaguered Italian honeybees have discovered the feeder. The geese love this pasture and right now with irrigation water in it, they enjoy it even more. And I get to watch them. Honey leaves them alone this year but she is hell on the ravens.
We went in search of a roast last night. The only way I have found to get the Iverhart pills down the dogs is to steep the pills in drippings. At 10 bucks a pop, I hate wasting them. My first foray into getting the new meds down Buster was a bust. I got out my coffee mill and reduced one half to dust which I made into a little burger ball. He ate all but that one. I had success later with breaking the other half into parts and hiding them in burger. This is getting a little out of hand. The poor guy has a pill in almost every bite.

The geese remind me about heading south. I need to pay my first month's site rent on the 17th of this month. Thereafter, it will be three months until I show up there. I want to take a trip to Oregon after we get the dog meds straightened out. I am missing the moppet.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dealing with the Unexpected

I was down by the fence this morning visiting with Thayne who was changing the irrigation water-making the pasture green again. I was surreptitiously "breaking wind" standing up the hill and upwind. My cell phone on the deck started to ring so I exerted myself at a clip. Yesterday's potassium had worked its magic and I was the victim of an atomic fart-you know, the kind with "fallout." I went directly to "go." I did not collect a hundred dollars. Time passes... Rich calls again. "Whatcha doing?" "I just crapped my drawers!" "God, I hate when that happens," he said. I didn't expect him to say that!

He was working in Lander and wanted to get together for lunch. That was unexpected. I motored in to the Golden Corral with the dogs thinking it would be a good day to go to the Vet after lunch. The dogs were not expecting that. After we got our food Rich said he forgot his wallet-it was in the car. Was that unexpected? Maybe. Did I buy? I think that was expected. We had a good visit. That was expected. We both qualified for the senior discount. Made me feel old to have my much younger brother getting the senior discount. That was unexpected.

I had called the Vet's office in the morning so we were sort of expected. Honey got her vaccinations-she wasn't expecting that. Buster got his toenails clipped and a meds checkup. At a price, his new meds are likely to extend his life six or seven years. That was delightfully unexpected. The vet's dog is 14 and has been on the meds for six years. I got scolded for feeding my dogs raw hamburger. That was unexpected. But since that is the only way I can get meds down Buster, I will likely continue giving him some. Iams all natural dog food has lost it's reputation for being an excellent food. I need to check this but I was told WalMart bought Procter and Gamble which owned Iams and now many pet foods are suspect. Corn is out of much of it and filler is being substituted. I didn't expect that! We will go back to Purina One, though my dogs got tired of that one.

Life IS like a box of chocolates-you never know what you are going to get.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Earwigs in my coffee, snakes in the grass

Being "in nature" on my deck felt a little hostile yesterday. I found two earwigs in my coffee. Ever since the Twilight Zone episode where some malevolent writer had earwigs tunneling in your ear until they ate your brain, the harmless little critters give me pause. Don't like 'em. Honey alerted on something by the bench on the deck. I decided I'd better look. A small yellow and tan snake had a mouse in its jaws and was attempting to eat it. I couldn't see its tail so I decided to err on the side of caution and kill-the-fucker! But how? The space was too small to use a shovel. I finally decide "rifle" and got shells and gun ready. Meanwhile, it finished its business and started to leave revealing a beautiful little skinny tail. Bull snakes are welcome-sort of. I got out the mothballs and spread them generously. The effectivenness of this is debated but it gives one something to do while the heebie-jeebies subside.

Laundry and dejunking continue. Some good progress. I called Waste Management so see why the dumpster was still full-I thought Friday was my day. They said Tuesday was my day. (I am writing this Tuesday night and the dumpster is still full). I'll see what they say tomorrow. Re-upped my Good Sam Emergency Towing insurance. Got online to pay my dumpster bill which came today. Sure glad I did THAT!

Electrolytes, Taurine, and the massager had some good effect on my calves/feet-I also skipped a dose of Lotrel which I am pretty sure is the root of the edema problem. I looked up Taurine on the web-and some vets recommend it for CHF in dogs. I gave Buster a capsule-it is tasteless so it mixes with the burger well. He actually played with Honey tonight. Of course he is hacking as I write this. The killer spaghetti sauce I made Sunday somehow morphed into killer beef stew tonight. Magic!

Thayne started the irrigation below the house. Honey had so much fun in the water. It is really funny. Wish I could bottle that exuberance. I could use it some days. I polished the bathroom mirror. There is an ugly old man living in this house. Seems harmless, though.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Looking at the vegetation, summer has peaked. The leaves are hardening, weed seeds are popping, and there is a bit of a chill in the air. The jacket is getting lots of use. I didn't blog Saturday because I felt great and was a working fool-didn't have time until I was too tired. I didn't blog Sunday because I felt lousy. On Saturday my calves were almost normal. On Sunday my toe hurt and I took a look and my feet and calves were huge and kind of purply. I invested in a vibrating, heating cushion for my legs at night. It seems to have helped me but it alarmed Honey. She is so funny.

Buster has had a couple of bad days. He had the drizzlies Saturday night and was so good about getting me up to let him out- the first time. The second time I missed. He didn't so I was washing throw rugs yesterday. Poor Busty. He was embarassed and waiting for me to get mad, I think. Which I don't do. He seems pretty chipper today. Me too. Day by day.

Manu was sighting in a big rifle Saturday. He must be going hunting this year. I haven't seen them this year at all. My old chum Bonnie subscribes to a website call the Story People and they send very short stories that are often hilarious or pithy. One was: "I like people until they give me a reason not to. Some days they drop like flies." Some time ago I got over what Oprah calls the "disease to please." I think the realization that your days are numbered though you have no idea what the number is, has something to do with it. It may have something to do with realizing that while other people are important, I am important too, and the only person in charge of my happiness and well-being. Fortunately, I keep my expectations nice and low. It is a pretty easy job.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Perking Along

I did get to the bank yesterday. They are very nice and helpful but banks creep me out. They always have. And I am no fan of the institutions. Their mismanagement has cost me considerable. I am still amazed no one has gone to jail or had a bullet put between the eyes. I pretty much live on my Social Security (cheep, cheep) and my pension goes to another bank. When auto insurance and license plates roll around they bust my budget so I had to transfer some funds.

Honey had another coyote confrontation yesterday. These take place way down the pasture. It looked to me like she caught up with it but whether it decided to fight or it yipped, the chase was terminated. The event didn't deter her from giving chase today. She also had an encounter with a couple of domestic dogs. I had not seen them before. Then last night after bedtime both dogs became extremely agitated but when my shoes come off they stay off. I trust their instincts but whether the marauder was porcupine or mountain lion or bear, I thought we were safer in bed. (If you look in the picture of Guy and Janet's house you can see a bear hide on the wall. That bear was in their apple tree just two miles up the river from here. )

My new meds regimen seems to be paying off. I am feeling pretty well and have more energy and am in fact being productive. It feels good. It is kind of an adventure because I feel like my body is changing. One effect is I get ravenous but after about six bites I am done. I notice this phenomenon with Lori. Order big and take it home in a box.

Thayne started the irrigation water down here this afternoon. It is very welcome. The winds and heat have rapidly dried things out even after the wet spring. Honey was playing in the ditch and having a ball. In addition to the practical watering of trees and grass, it is very pleasant to have a little brook running in the oasis. It used to run all season but comes and goes now. The pasture cannot be irrigated with critters in it so we have been waiting. After he finishes I will put in a card and draw from my allotment. There is plenty of water-I still can see snow in the Wind Rivers.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sheriff Honey

We were up at the crack of dawn enjoying coffee and the battle of the interlopers over the hummingbird feeder. They can be kind of nasty to each other. My Sun magazine came today and I am ashamed to say I read the whole thing before I watered the lawn, hauled trash to the dumpster and otherwise waxed domestic. The day got warm and we had a siesta in the cool house. The flies have gotten bad and they like to cool off too. I sprayed and swatted. Without the cows they come looking for other prey. I brushed the dogs and we were sitting companionably on the deck this evening when Honey bolted with her siren running. She confronted a coyote.
She chased it to its den I think. I have looked for dens down there because Goodie would like to walk with me down there and suddenlyI would notice her heading for the house and refusing to return. Honey boldly goes but I wasnt sure but what the encounter could turn into a playdate. The play instinct in her is very strong. I thought she and Buster were wrestling on the bed this evening from the growling and yipping. Then I noticed he was under the table. Honey was playing by herself.

Cooked a good dinner for us. A pleasant day. I have some banking to do tomorrow. I will try to be more productve.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

A Hug and a Kiss in Ace Hardware

Monday was spent on idle- trying to get the sugar ironed out. Just the piddly stuff-a load of laundry, watering the lawn, watering the cattle, reading some magazines on the deck. Life goes on. I was still smiling about Saturday's party. It had its moments. I called Matt and he is doing fine-work is good. Audrey had a playdate she was excited about. I think he s getting the marriage thing figured out. I asked him where the playdate was and he said he didn't know he was "just along for the ride."

Today the cattle left for summer camp in the mountains. I miss seeing them but not hearing them is kind of nice. The trucks came and went. Honey seems at loose ends but while the neighbors were pouring fly killer on the cattle, Manu's Pyrenees chased a coyote across the river. It made the mistake of crossing the pasture. Honey is an athlete and very fast. She was gaining on it when it scooted under the fence and the girl had the good sense to stop. Later in the day she retraced the path of the flight and sniffed diligently. Buster is hacking more. Bless his heart. I felt like a skunk after the party. I left the dogs a total of four hours. He lay by my side and whimpered for two hours after I got home. Guilt-tripping me and it works!

Paid the car insurance-why is that going up? Ordered my last refill on this year's prescriptions. I will need to do my doctoring in the next 60 days in order to have continuity. That is do-able.

We have been having big winds in the late afternoon. I took advantage of the cooling off to go get some kibbles and things I had kept forgetting at the hardware store. Ace was getting ready to close so we were lined up. Shawna, a former student from long ago informed me she had five grandchildren! And then she told me she was raising five of her daughter's whose husband died. She gave me a big hug and a kiss and said she never would have graduated had it not been for me. I stood a little taller on my way out. She is doing some lifting of her own.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Christmas in July/August

The event: A 22 pound turkey and a carry-in that always brings out the best food, a gift exchange, and a gag gift/good gift giving, family and friends and newcomers. Lots of laughs and good-sportsmanship. Guy and Janet's home is just the best for such an event. She and her grandkids decorated a tree and put out the Christmas decorations- Christmas napkins, red plates-the works. They are gracious hosts. Some distant relatives were visiting Janet's parents. They drove their motorhome from California and seemed fascinated. As Janet says: "We wouldn't want them to think we are alright out here." Linda holds up her bikini "coverup."
Janet's dad, Max, models his foldable hat- He has it on backwards because the bill is huge and he disappears.
Janet with her clown hair and Norma's dirndl T-shirt. Janet got a whoopee cushion which she blew way up, sat on, and it popped! She brought the house down.
Janet carves the delectable turkey. Home made rolls, corn/spaghetti casserole (everybody wanted the recipe) cherry graham cracker cake, frog-eye salad, pasta salad, cranberries -(two kinds, ahem) Gelatin salads, sweet potato pie, apple pie, white fudge with almonds, veggie platter, etc., etc. A feast!

I was in a lather getting the cranberries made, boxing 20 gag gift boxes, two boxes for kids, attaching baling twine to them for a chance draw. I decided the picture project was not expected and I could take the time to get it right and deliver them on another occasion. Big load off. I relaxed and enjoyed the event immensely. Great people and some good humored ones at that. We Made a Memory!

I had good phone too. Greg called and I talked to him and Lew. The matchup I made on their selling their motorhome and my Thunder Bay friends wanting a new one, paid off. Greg had been swimming in his lake. Knowing Greg I am sure it was skinny dipping and there are 14 inch fish in that pond but he says he survived intact.

Jason called and I talked with Lori too. They are back in the groove. Jason negotiated a smaller job-timewise that he is excited about. They are making some changes toward a healthier more relaxed lifestyle. Lori loved the Europe trip. She is energised. They missed their dog and he missed them. It was so very nice to talk with them and watch the Sun go down over the Valley of the Little Wind.

A great day.
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