We were up at the crack of dawn enjoying coffee and the battle of the interlopers over the hummingbird feeder. They can be kind of nasty to each other. My Sun magazine came today and I am ashamed to say I read the whole thing before I watered the lawn, hauled trash to the dumpster and otherwise waxed domestic. The day got warm and we had a siesta in the cool house. The flies have gotten bad and they like to cool off too. I sprayed and swatted. Without the cows they come looking for other prey. I brushed the dogs and we were sitting companionably on the deck this evening when Honey bolted with her siren running. She confronted a coyote.
She chased it to its den I think. I have looked for dens down there because Goodie would like to walk with me down there and suddenlyI would notice her heading for the house and refusing to return. Honey boldly goes but I wasnt sure but what the encounter could turn into a playdate. The play instinct in her is very strong. I thought she and Buster were wrestling on the bed this evening from the growling and yipping. Then I noticed he was under the table. Honey was playing by herself.
Cooked a good dinner for us. A pleasant day. I have some banking to do tomorrow. I will try to be more productve.
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