
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nothing Earth Shattering

Sunday afternoon I went to see Delores and Don. We got weatheed out on Saturday and they had an invitation to Dessie Bebout's 89th birthday party. Dessie is in excellent health but her eyesight is failing. On the cusp of age 66, I don't know if 89 is wonderful or punishment. Conjecture is probably just academic anyway. Delores and Don's front porch was warm and a Corona was refreshing. Delores looks good after her summer in West Virginia. The doggies like to visit there and Honey was pretty well-behaved.

The dumpster got emptied on Friday and IF Tuesday is my pickup day (it is Tuesday now and it is not empty) I scurried to fill it repectably -not that there is a lack of trash.

I have been spending time in the "studio." A power bump killed one of the Kodak picture frames. That brought a bump in the road on the project. I am not very impressed with Kodak stuff. I note The WREN- rural electric news asks that easy-photo pictures not be submitted. Who knew? Good name. I also added to the iPod. I was intrigued by an article on Mahler's Symphonies so ordered all ten-the early Bernstein recordings. They are sublime. Mahler was the "last of the Classical, i.e., Romantic Composers"-post Beethoven. He experimented with form and everthing else. His symphony of a thousand requires 1000 musicians vocal, orchestral, pipe organ, etc. BIG sound and his work was the last gasp of tunefulness before Schoenberg and others started experimenting with polytonality. It is all fresh to me. The music languished from the late 1800's until Bernstein championed it in the 1960's. Great fun.

I may have dodged a bullet. I won't know for awhile. Little Audrey told Eve that they were coming to Wyoming for my birthday. Eve told me. I damn near had heart failure. I called Matt. He denied it but admitted if it were true he wouldn't tell me. It would warp my grandaughter for life:

Cheryl: "Audrey clean your room."
Audrey: Grampie doesn't clean his."
Cheryl: "Grampie's 'give a shit attachment' broke when he turned 60."
Audrey: "What's a 'give a shit attachment?'"
Cheryl: It's what keeps you from being pathetic in other people's eyes.
Audrey: "Can it be fixed?"
Cheryl: "Grampie is glad his broke."

My reservation is paid on time in Florida. I am trying to gain clearance for visits in Oregon in early October. Jason may join us. That would be fun. He is trying to get shed of work responsibilities. His friend (former boss) has parked his boat at Jason's dock with boat privileges for Jason. Jason has parked his boat at a neighbor's with boat privileges for them. He is going to take a crew to Bimini when things come together.

I took a re-run with the Iverhart. It was successful. It involved the coffee mill and a vanilla shake. Buster's other meds are producing some results. Honey and the coyotes are fun to watch. I am getting a few pictures. The coyotes are getting used to her.