
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birmingham, Alabama

Martin Luther King wrote his classic "Letter From the Birmingham Jail" in this town. I am writing in my stupid blog from a Flying J Truck stop.

The traffic from Nashville to Birmingham has been thick and crazy. Light rain most of the way but sleet started outside here as I was gassing up. I decided to stay here and see if the traffic abates. I waas a complete liar in yesterday's entry-not only did I not get a motel room, I drove north around St Louis and made it to Marion, IL and had a long hot shower and a fair sleep-her highness, the Honey, wanted to go out and howl for quite awhile. The doggies are good travelers. We have taken five comfort stops today and the have had Arby's for snacks but they had a healthy breakfast.

I need to go check on them. I may drive to Dothan if the traffic and weather let up-or I may not.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Warrenton, Missouri (Misery)

Snow or rain all the way from North Platte to here. Not hard or intense but still a strain and I am calling it quits before I have to deal with St Louis or even its beltways. A fresh start in the morning will improve the outlook and hopefully the weather. ( course it could go the other way too.) Buster worked so hard all day to avoid getting wet. I uncapped the doggie waterbowl while I was pumping gas and Honey spilled it. Buster is so pissed! He is on the dashboard and giving her looks. Buster does not do wet. Honey, on the other hand rolled on the wet grass when we stopped near Kansas City.

With the late start yesterday and the weather, I gave Gretna a pass. I saw Bob and Doris this summer and have already admired all their stuff. Even took pictures. Maybe on the way back. Susie said Bob told her he needed a day's notice which is certainly fair but I was beyond that deadline in Casper. It would have put me behind another half day and I have a half day to make up already. Trekking on!

Friday, November 28, 2008

From North Platte, Nebraska

I needed to see my little brothers face after his hip replacement and got a good picture of his bruised ass! But I will put that in the blackmail file. I also had never been to Val's house and needed to be able to picture them in mind. Cuzzes Jim and Susie were there and we ate turkey sandwiches! Yay!

It was a hectic launch this morning with some good details which I will share when I have more time than I have here at the Flying J in North Platte. But we are launched and need to make some more time tonight to drive out of a sputtering snowstorm. I abandoned Highway 30 at Ogallala. In the dark all scenery is pretty similar.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Happy Thanksgiving

Don and Delores, Denis and Dix, Greg and Kinsey & Arnie, Stephen & Honey & Buster got together for the feast. They started earlier with Bellini's at Ruby's and I joined in about noon. They were having way more fun at first than I was. Lots of history among us so good memories and chats and laughs. All good souls.
Delores did the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, yams on pineapple, all done to perfection. Dix made a Dutch Apple and a pumpkin pie. Denis carved, Don joined us for dinner. Life is good with friends and a feast.
Ed left us more than a year ago. Ruby still mounts the lighted star he made in his memory. Denis and Greg got it put up. Ruby's cousin Bess, Ruby, Denis and Kinsey pose in celebration. That is Greg on the roof. Ruby and Bess were off to the Svilar family celebration-huge group and great food at the legendary restaurant the family owns.

A very pleasant interlude, this was, in the getting launched program. Truth to tell, the fine time made me wistful about leaving my Wyoming life but I am so lucky to have both Wyoming and Florida. I will be happy enough when I am on the road to something instead of away from something. I had some daylight to burn so I turned the water off and drained the pipes. I'll have a little time in the morning to do the rest while waiting for the mail and my drugs. I'll get to Florida when I get there and not a minute before.
I talked to the Oregonians. With the time difference I am afraid to call the Floridians -their celebration might be in progress.
And the best wishes to you and yours.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


UPS is busting their buns- my orders are arriving before promised dates. The Canon S10 took the above picture though it has been mangled to fit on the Internet. I'm going to enjoy this camera too. I looked high and low for some of my other cameras. I want to teach a class at John Prince park on digital pictures and staying in touch via the Internet and "hands on" would be nice.. I know I contemplated leaving some in Florida and did leave some but I am flummoxed about which ones. I can't believe I left my C2100UZ but I am not finding it.

I am in pretty good shape for taking out of here as soon as my high quality pharmaceuticals arrive. Meanwhile, I accepted Don and Delores's invitation for Turkey Dinner tomorrow. Some Casper friends are coming up too. I turned down an earlier invitation because I thought I would be driving on Thanksgiving. I expect to enjoy the day but part of me wishes I were able to be burning up highways because a late Friday or early Saturday departure is going to put the pressure on the December 2, deadline. Then too, it is getting plumb bitter when the Sun goes down.

I needed to make a water run and get some hamburger for the dogs so I decided to give my gut a real job after its rest and went to the Casino for the $13.00 prime rib dinner. Way good. Doggies got scraps. I saw lots of people and the place just makes me smile. Talk about sudden integration of town and rez! Some high-spirited Native American high school kids, duded up and dated were giddy with excitement. The large but attractive Native American hostess quickly dampened the exuberance down to commonly accepted etiquette-her presence and a look. The kids were a treat-obviously feeling like they were big stuff, walking into a "fine" restaurant like they own it-which they do. The place was packed-30 minute wait to be seated. All kinds of people just doing the Casino thing. I swiped my Senior card and got my November $5.00 and promptly gave it back to the Casino. It was fun while it lasted. Perhaps I should bank it from now on. It is more than some of my savings accounts are paying in interest. Saw Veronica and her niece who were waiting to dine also. The niece is a knockout! Veronica said she is encouraging her to try out for modeling. She has the looks but that is a hard life. Very impressive young lady who stuck her hand out for a shake.

If I can get the RightSource Pharmacy logistics worked out, it is going to be well worth the trouble. I looked at my account online. What I was paying retail for my prescriptions ($243.00 per month) will just cost the premium-$29.90 per month.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Clean as a Whistle and an 8X10 glossie to prove it

An interesting day and everybody was ever so nice. Don hauled my sorry ass to the hospital at 9:30. I was actually checked into a semiprivate room where I undressed, went to bed got a drip, and waited and waited but the TV was on and my blood pressure was way high so I dozed until about 11:30. They wheeled my bed into the suite. That seemed just wrong to me- a 100 pound nurse wheeling a behemoth down the hall. I was hooked up to monitors and oxygenated, and, and, that is about the last I remember until I was pushed down the hall again. Luncheon was served. I felt fine. Dr. White found one small diverticula which is close enough to egress that it should produce no problems and said he would see me again in 10 years- which I think is pretty optimistic on several counts. Don came to fetch me and he was thinking I would be hungry so he had waited. So we went to lunch and had a good gab. I ordered for the dogs and took it home. I was hitting on all cylinders. Stopped at the post office to commence the premium mail forwarding. RightSource had called and I think they screwed up. This is not rocket science, folks.
....an hour later just off the phone with Nancy from RightSource. Everything seems to be on track:five minutes to check that out, 55 minutes just shooting the breeze-she's 53 , divorced, has one chair in her new apartment in Mesa, AZ...misses being with grandaughters in Oregon, but has full control of the remote, a rotisserie chicken in mind and will be just fine.

Monday, November 24, 2008

C.S.I. Arapahoe

Less than a mile from my house, this scene was\is found. I missed all but the aftermath. It looks like a run off the road on the right, overcorrect, airborne, roll, event to me. This is one reason I am insistent my trees must stay intact. This stretch of the road collects more than its fair share of such events and my living room could be a target without the trees. Heck, an F.B.I. agent rolled his Lincoln down next to my house one time. I'm still looking for his gun which went flying.

I'm pretty sure men will find this Dave Barry Gift Guide more hilarious than women. I found it very funny. (you may have to register with the Miami Herald) Click the Link to see.

I am in hour 16 of my clear liquid fast for the dread procedure. The Fleet oral saline solution went down the hatch about about an hour and a half ago. Nothing...

Don Hall will take me from his house to the hospital and bring me back to there afterwards at which time we will visit and smoke until I am alert enough to drive home.

Buster's splint and/or ACE bandage do seem to help stabilize his leg and help him get around and even play The only snag is Honey is apparently very fond of Ace bandages (or is jealous) and removes the darn things. She is a chewer. Hardly a day goes by that I don't find something else in ruination.

I stayed pretty busy after it warmed up a little, covering the VW, packing stuff up and stowing it. I am getting the sense that it is doable and also getting a sense of what things to buy and leave at both joints. My checks arrived-that was fast! A couple of more orders including my prescriptions are needed. I called RightSource and the dodo on the phone said I wasn't due for refills on two of them. I guess they were going to wait on all of them. I may be stuck here a couple of more days-Friday OR Saturday! Oh, well. I'm still pondering routes. I-55 departs I-80 before St. Louis and parallels the Mississipi. It could be a good ride. Not decided yet.

Called to check on Rich and interrupted a Thanksgiving Party. Some of his kids and Val's folks were in attendance. He was holding his grandson. Short talk. I think he must be fine if a little unclear on the concept of recuperation.

This post is a little spacy due to the visions of FOOD that pop into my head. Laters, I think I have to go!
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Sunday, November 23, 2008


It is getting cold these nights- days are not too bad. My bottled water on the porch is "solid state." I need to follow the geese soon because the cold makes me hurt and I am going to go this week sometime. A lot of things need to come together: checks need to arrive ( I had a legit debate about ordering them because I am all electronic and write about six checks per year- turned out I am so valued a patron they were FREE), a birthday present for my number two son needs to arrive. (December 4 he will turn the big 40), a camera will arrive from Amazon for me (yes, I have a lot of cameras-this is the extension of one of my faves. I have a Canon S2 IS- this is a Canon S10 IS- 20X zoom, with movie capability, 10 megapixel. Amazon's price was just slightly more than a good point and shoot. I can feel virtuous about not getting Canon S3,S4, S5...), then there is the regular stuff that needs to get done. I will fill on gas sparingly here. Rich says it is $1.45 per gallon in Casper. What that really means is the recession is about a year from Wyoming: energy prices down, Wyoming suffers. Energy prices up, the country suffers, Wyoming prospers.

Called Rich bright and early yesterday, Val answered and Rich was enjoying his breakfast and sounded quite chipper. Last night he said he had spiked a fever and they have him on 3 courses of antibiotics but are planning on getting him out of there today. His hip ball is purple. He has had so many visitors, he may have to go home to get rest, he told me last night. I will probably exit Wyoming via Casper so I can see for myself.

I went looking for Ace bandages for dogs and came home with several items. I got out my scissors and adapted a human thumb brace with a metal stay in it and it seemed to work pretty well. I will take Buster and brace to the vet to see where the support would be best. He doesn't seem to mind it and he was supporting himself on it. My sense is his joint is like a sprain-it doesn't hurt constantly but if he puts weight on it it goes all wobbly and hurts. I want to save the leg more than the vet does. But I don't want him suffering either. I'll carry him around on a pillow if necessary. He tells me every day who is responsible for his original injury. He goes ballistic. Karmic law seems to be working out just fine, though.

This computer was acting a little hinky yesterday. I ran a checkdisk on it that took hours. It seems OK today.

Bon says her colonoscopy was a "peak experience." We will see. I am still less than sanguine about it. I do appreciate the specific and general information she uses to allay my fears and encourage me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Goose, Goose

The hardier geese are still stopping by on their way south. They have taught Honey that pursuit is fruitless so they are mostly unmolested these days. But speaking of being molested and goosed, the final portion of the Welcome to Medicare Extravaganza is to take place Tuesday. The RMH Department of the Interior will blow smoke up my ass and take 8X10 glossies of my colon. It was nip and tuck all morning as I was trying to decide if I should bolt or go through with it. Take good pictures because it is the last chance you are going to get. The outpatient nurse said my job Tuesday afternoon is to expel the injected gas whether alone or in company. I told her
I came from a long line of people proud of their abilities along that line. The ignominy of it all still rankles. Perhaps I will augment my wardrobe with a paper bag for my head. But I am committed now.

I took Buster to the Vet. His leg is still turning outward and we reviewed the X-Rays. The plate is clearly broken. We discussed options and all decided to think about it. Amputation, bracing, trying to back a screw out the plate where it is broken, etc. On the way home I was wondering if an Ace bandage would work. I will get one this weekend and try it out. He trusts me and would likely let me put it on and take it off everyday.

Richie called while I was at the Vets and said in his very own words he was out of surgery. I was so relieved. When we talked last night he told me Valerie had sailed through a red light and creamed another car. The driver of that car had to go to the hospital to be checked out. Val got tossed around pretty badly and the Subaru is likely totalled. Kind of made him wonder if the time was auspicious for a surgery but he too soldiered on.

I had the best time at Riverton Tire and Oil yesterday in spite of the fact that the brake rotors had to be replaced-$400.oo total. Yikes! Everybody was just so kind- opening doors for ladies, "please and thank you." One waiter came outside where I was reading my Kindle and smoking in the sunshine and we had a good old chat. Her husband came looking for her. Her car had been ready for awhile and we just were visiting away. Paula stopped by for a minute. A girl who works at the service desk is a reader and we visited during the tire episode and this time. Turns out she is also a writer-as yet unpublished. I brought home some recommended book titles and was interested that she thought the post nuclear apocalyptic novel Alas, Babylon, was one the best she had read. Visited with the owner and we reminisced about his dad, talked the financial mess- he pulled his money from the stock market just before it went up again so he was kind of glad it went down again.

Lori called today and we had two conversations as I was headed to the doc the first time. It was so good to visit. They had loaded up the dog and headed for Texas. They got to Tallahassee, FL the first day and Jason mentioned the next day's trip would be 13 hours and Lori said, let's go home!

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Thursday, November 20, 2008


Four new Cooper Van tires-6 ply this time because I am loaded, adorn the Turnpike Van. It goes down the road straighter. I had it serviced-non Jiffy Lube this time, and had some things checked. As I was parting with the cash, Scott said the front brakes need attention stat! That is on the list today.

I wish I could "get up" for the drive. I am having some trouble getting excited about the trip. The best I can come up with is following the old Lincoln Highway- Route 30 for awhile. I would depart it when it starts to go north in Nebraska-I am headed south. As it has been replaced by I-80 in long stretches, it really is less than a thrilling concept. I could go 'By Gosh and by Garmin" and just pick cities and go there. My main principles: no St. Louis, no Atlanta, no Dallas, no Denver, still apply. The weather may dictate it all. Or a whim.

Richard and I do share the "Please Mother! I'd rather do it myself!" gene. He called last night as he was gathering for his hip surgery recuperation- a stool for the shower, he has purchased a recliner that elevates to get him standing, he has a couple of other stools. He will have a 6-8 week recuperation. He is planning on working from home. He has been practicing with the crutches. He's beyond anxiety to resignation:"Just get it over with." Tomorrow is the big day. I feel kind of like a rat for taking off but he has grown kids, his wife, and numerous friends at his beck and call, if he will only call.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Palm Beacher gets last word, writing own obituary

Palm Beacher gets last word, writing own obituary

I follow several newspapers in the places I frequent. This may be the second-best obituary I have seen.
It is great not only for what she says but the "read between the lines," stuff. "Whatever doodley dums might be out there," deserves to become a catchphrase. Wish I had known her. She would have been a fun friend to have. Definitely Dionysian.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Things of the Heart

A Wyoming Sunset on November 16, 2008

The Honey-bear watching the sunset with me
Casper Life Flight settling in at Riverton Memorial Hospital. We locals joke, with a point, that Riverton Memorial's mortality statistics have improved ever-so-much since Life Flight can come to take the sick ones away. I was there for an EKG (ECG)-part of my Welcome to Medicare Extravaganza. All this is pushing me closer to "having the talk" with my doctor. I am not opposed to tweaking some things, taking a pill or six, but I am also not opposed to shuffling off the planet with my dignity more or less intact. I have had a great ride and would be happy to continue to have a good time indefinitely as long as it is a good time. I've been a good sport about a lot of things and deserve to "have it my way," in my opinion, which is the only one that counts.

I stopped in at Riverton Tire and Oil for a second opinion on my tires. I am pretty sure they will get me to Florida but I am not sure they will get me back home. I'd just as soon spend my money here with a trusted vendor. Scott agreed with me. (These are the people who have declined to charge me several times for minor fixes.) The tires will also fit the white van so I will take them home. They want to charge a disposal fee and in Riverton,WY they will end up being sold on the rez or recapped and sold for a bundle. I will have to ditch the dogs.

The echo chamber: Rich called me in a panic. He had it on very good good authority (from a stockbroker friend) that the only way out of the financial meltdown is for us all to go to a worldwide currency that is de-valued from the currently devalued dollar. Are we better off with cash or stock, or gold? Well, Henny Penny, sez I...I will make a record of it but Nouriel Roubini hasn't mentioned a word and since his track record is about 98% , I am not going to lose sleep. In any case we will all be in the same boat. Too bad we have to go through this.
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Melange

David Horsey's cartoon is spot on. I have heard so much identical "bulloney" from different sources these past few days that I do begin to believe in the "vast right-wing echo chamber." Kristen sent me this link:


It is a video in which the speaker makes the point that both conservative and liberal have a role to play in society. Conservatives are hide-bound for ORDER. Liberals really like change. On other characteristics liberals and conservatives are mostly alike. It really is very interesting and will make you feel better whether you are "liberal" or "conservative." Is anybody all one or the other?

( I always do get a little annoyed, though when knowledge that has been around for thousands of years gets repackaged and somebody makes a killing out of Philosphy 101. In Greek times there were the Appollonians- the lovers of logic and learning and order. The Dionysians were more emotional, expressive, wilder. Both found a place in Greek society. Apollo ruled about 2/3rds of the year but in the spring the Dionysian religious festivals were a huge thing. (Mardi Gras, anyone?- a direct descendant) Apollonians joined in except for Jerry Falwell who ate and ate and told everyone they were going to Hell. There is a South American tribe that makes decisions once sober and again drunk, It has to come up the same decision both times- thus reconciling emotion and logic.)

And now for something completely different: (It could be related)
Bonnie sent this fascinating link on portraiture of women through 500 years. You will find it fascinating too.


Fifty (50!) degrees at 6:00 p.m. on November 16, 2008. Plenty cold at night though,
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nice Little Party

What with me decamping to Florida we bros. and cuzzes have tried to have pre-Thanksgiving get-togethers the past few years. I usually go to Casper. This year with Richie's hip replacement coming on the 21st, we decided to meet at the Casino to play and have dinner today. Susie and Jim jumped the gun. Susie really likes to gamble and if I did as well as she does I would too. The original plan called for all of them to depart Casper about noon but they came earlier and Susie was up some $600 or so when we all converged at 2:30. I lost my obligatory $20.00 and I thought I would never get to the end of my investment. I was down to 3 cents and I would win another 4 and get down to 2 and win 8, but I finally lost it all. Jim was a little up, Rich was up a few, Val was up $20 something. The Casino starts its dinner menu at 4:00 p.m. and everybody was ready. We ate rather well. Prime rib and lobster tails for those who wanted them and the bill was still pretty reasonable. We had a chance to visit at dinner. Nice time and they were on their way home at a reasonable hour. As we age and realize that we are after all, vulnerable, the farewells have grown warmer. We treasure the face-to -face time even more. My dogs made out like bandits.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Digital Conversion

This made me fall off my chair. The lady and her approach to electronics reminded me of my dear mother. Janet sent it to me. Click the arrow to play it.
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Day of Reckoning

Test results and Medicare card in hand I showed up for my appointment and subjected myself to the ministrations of Nurse Jessica and Dr. Hedgecock. The new offices are much better suited to her style. "Homey while professional." Overall, we both were fairly pleased. The soup is paying off. I dropped 11 pounds which gives me some enthusiasm for losing more. She was pleased with the other results, we decided to leave the potassium dose where it is. Blood sugar is to continue as in the past year. The BP was high- I am doomed for weekly BP tests for awhile but I am sure I can get it down by simply taking my meds as prescribed. Support socks seem to be a constant in my future to squeeze the fluid up and out. Some "welcome to Medicare tests" are scheduled. Prescriptions are in the mail. No lectures, just help. Nearly done and glad of it.

The package for Rich and Val arrived at the house at the same time we did. I will be silently celebrating fairly good health for another year.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amazing what you can learn from a little prick

We were off to Bishop Randall Hospital bright and early this morning. The phlebotomist drilled in the left arm and came up dry. She drilled in the right arm and hit a gusher. She was painless both times so no worries. Procedures changed a little and if I wanted the results for my doc tomorrow they could not be faxed and I would have to wait. I tried to do that and took a few pictures in Lander but it was really windy so we came home and went back after 1:00 p.m. An amazing amount of information can be obtained from that little blood draw. No real surprises to me but I think I will get a little feedback from Dr. Hedgecock. She will like my blood sugar results. She will be less happy about my cholesterol because my good cholesterol has slipped but my evil cholesterol is low too. PSA is fine. My potassium was low again- once again I was fasting after a night of "pop up and pee" so it might be expected to be a little low. Carbon Dioxide was a little high (apnea and smoking) Not too bad for an O.F. intent on not overstaying his welcome. The remedies according to Dr. Internet for low HDL are more olive oil, avocadoes, a couple of drinks a day (I'll try but I have tried and failed in the past), exercise- (this happens in Florida pretty easily), losing weight- I need to get serious about this, and quitting smoking (very iffy).

Hospital hill offers a panorama of the Lander Valley. Clicken to embiggen. The "Bronze Roundup" is a Bicentennial statuary installation in Lander -bigger than life. I have always enjoyed them but never stopped to photograph them.

Bad light and big winds, I was lucky to get anything before we headed for Riverton. Water, juice and burger for the dogs took us to Riverton. We stopped at 789 Bingo/Casino for $2.18 per gallon gasoline. With 160 miles in all our meanderings today that was welcome. The hounds were exemplary. Jason said they found a great dog trainer for Juneau, I might avail myself in Florida. Honey is coming along just fine except for not coming when she is on-guard. This could be fatal to her. She really needs to come when she is called. She has the concept down pat in the house, or just kicking around the yard. When she goes on-duty- nobody is home.

Rich and Val and Jim and Susie will be up for a little get-together Saturday noonish. I am looking forward to it.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just another day in Paradise

No irony intended. This fall has been so mild so far (keep it up for two more weeks please!). Buster seems a little better-still really favoring his leg but he will support himself with it when standing. His heart medicine goes down disguised with a bit of butter in hamburger. I think we will be able to manage this all right. He seems a little more peppy. He complains a lot. The eyes are better. Honey was a firecracker all day long. I had to yell at her twice. I am going to Lander Valley Medical for blood tests tomorrow. Hopefully they will get to my doc by the time I do. I have to fast 12 hours so I am likely going to bed right quick.

Jason called and we had a good chat-he had a great time with his brother in Florida. One night they went moonlight fishing and Matt did well. I am really looking forward to seeing them in Florida. They have still not tied down their Thanksgiving plans but I took myself out of that equation. I will try not to travel on Thanksgiving. Even service stations close on that day and it is a little spooky in the midwest. I have done that before.

The sunset on the Wind Rivers tonight was a stunner.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mama Africa is dead

Miriam Makeba (Mkeba in the olden days) has died at age 76. We used to listen to her records at the Double Four Ranch back in the early 60's. I don't know who had the effrontery to bring them into that Republican stronghold, but Belafonte, Odetta, and Mariam (radically left) were listened to a lot along with The Kingston Trio (radically bland). I still sing this one in the car-doing all the parts. The chorus is a hauntingly beautiful melody.
It was a duet with Belafonte singing the call and Mkeba the answer: One More Dance

Darling, go home, your husband is ill.
Is he ill? Let them give him a pill. Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance, Then I'll go home to my poor old man, Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, your husband is worse.
Is he worse? Well I am no nurse. Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance, Then I'll go home to my poor old man, Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, your husband is dead.
Is he dead? There's no more to be said Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance, Then I'll go home to my poor old man, Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, the will's to be read.
What's that you said? I said the will's to be read. Oh, no, no, my dear Franz, this is no time to dance, I must go weep for my poor old man, I must go weep for my poor old man.

Goodbye Mama Africa and thanks for the beautiful memories.

Parlor Tricks , I mean politics, one of the three taboo subjects (sex religion and politics) for social occasions is, nonetheless, always illuminating of the personality of the speakers. Listen to anybody and you can catch their "backstory" and "life script." Events seem to change a person's politics, but like religion which is not subject to rational debate, talking seldom does. Political discourse could benefit from an injection of facts but the facts seem to have less, and life-script more, influence on political pronouncements. People who would never expose their inner feelings will strip their souls naked and let you see their anger or joy, feeling put upon or grateful, in control of their fate or feeling powerless, cheated by life or blessed, generosity or stinginess, prejudices, and the quality of mind, sometimes painfully dull, sometimes amazingly acute, is apparent.

Monday, November 10, 2008

All Day at the G - G

G bar G is my Veterinary Service. Buster was in at 11:00 a.m. and he was still knocked out when we came home in the dark. He was sedated for X-Rays. There is nothing real obvious wrong. I think I see a place where the plate in his ankle might be broken but the vet says no. He is clearly in pain but a good sport about it. Prednisone to heal it. Gunda hypothesizes that the nerves are inflamed and this will help settle them down. They did this same surgery on another local critter and that owner also reports that cold seems to cause discomfort. So perhaps Florida will help. She checked his heart prior to sedating him, detected a murmur, and X-rayed his heart. It is enlarged. I am debating starting him on a med for that. It doesn't cost all that much but ceasing after starting is a quick trip downhill. He is not an easy dog to get pills down and if it amounts to twice daily torture for us both that is no good either. This is likely a congenital condition and he has done pretty well to this point. "This is for your own good," doesn't work with dogs. The lower altitude will help that condition also. He has an antibiotic for the goopy eyes and his shots are now up to date. It makes me feel sad because I like my dogs happy and healthy to say nothing of the "waiting for the other shoe to drop," effect.

Honey was a good girl all day long and I finally wised up and we camped in the lobby where she got some good socialization and really did pretty well. We got meds for the next 6 months so we are good to go. Four hundred dollars later and its a crap shoot on the leg getting better. I'm next!

I hear rain on the roof. November 10!

I am waiting for a package from TigerDirect. Matching GPS's My much younger brother who is at least as big a gadget-freak as I am called Saturday night. He and Val followed a driller out to a rig near Edgerton to do on-site drug testing. They got lost coming home. He wanted me to Google Map the area and give them directions. Converse County road 31 wasn't on there as such. Val's cell phone battery was fading. I lost them. I called the Converse County Sheriff''s office. They were helpful with alternative road names and I alerted them to be watchful. Rich finally made contact and they could see the highway and soon were on it. A big "whew!" By then they had relief giggles and allowed as how they were in survival mode because they had stopped at a cafe in Edgerton and had a piece of coconut cream and banana cream pie in the back seat. I asked Rich in the course of the conversation about his Blackberry phone (should be able to Google on that- battery was down) if he had a GPS, "nein." I immediately ordered matching Garmins (refurbs). They are likely going to bring Jim and Susie up for a Casino early Thanksgiving celebration this week. All of a sudden my relatives want to come to Riverton- tain't me they want to see. I'll take what I can get this time. Merry Christmas Rich and Val.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday Shrimp-fest

Not a Sunday stew. Janet's folks, Susie andMax, were going to throw her a birthday dinner on her birthday but I gummed it up by going to Oregon. So we had it today at their great home in Sinks Canyon. Max has built them three homes all of them spaced up the hill from their present address. I envied the storage, the craftsmanship and very nice spaces to live in. It was very nice to hear Susie say "We have done well for ourselves," which is a nice observation to have in the upper "senior" years. They have had good lives with some travel on behalf of the Lion's club, two great kids and hard work that paid off for them. Janet's daughter-in-law was there- she is an occupational therapist in Green River, up for some training in positioning severely handicapped children. She is a warm girl. Got caught up on Guy's recent doings: he has brought the cows home for the winter and they summered extremely well.

Susie with a little assistance from Janet put on a shrimp feast- all you can peel and eat, baked potato with chives, cabbage melange, gelatin mold with raspberries, rolls, and Oreo pudding cake. We started with a nice wine. It was very pleasant and great fun to learn about their life and times. Old Timers. Kind people.

Buster is not well-we will see the vet in the morning.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Psychopathic Bitch

We are uncharacteristically subdued today. I have been battling a low-grade bug for weeks. In the bitter cold yesterday Buster and Honey went after an itinerant dog and Buster strained his gimpy leg and is acting like a tripod. He has had runny eyes for a couple of days besides. I've been pumping the Benadryl to him for the eyes and it sedates him. Vet on Monday if he is not well. Earlier today a Boxer bitch and the German Shepherd that live across the street came clear into our yard looking for trouble. The Boxer was completely psychopathic-its owner was standing in the street having a fit and she completely ignored me as well. She went after Honey and Honey was on the run. Buster wasn't backing down but he was no match. Then the real Alpha dog entered the fray. I pitched my full water bottle at the Boxer and she didn't even flinch when it hit. Then I got my clothesline pole and with an all-out aggressive attack, shouting and hitting it, she finally retired from the field. It did not whimper, or yelp or cower in the process and I got in a couple of pretty good licks. It was scary to see such an emotionless purposeful aggressive attack in our territory.

The aftermath may be largely positive. Honey does seem to truly realize who is Alpha- she has been close all the rest of today. I am not unhappy that she was cowed and did not incur injuries in the process. I do not need any hyper-protective dogs. A few alerting barks are just fine. One major domo around here will do.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Sat in the chilly Lindy RV/Studio for awhile this morning trying to get my iTunes music library transferred to a second computer that lives in the house and is easier to access. Not much luck. I found a little program (recommended by the iPod website) called Yami (Free). It worked slick as a whistle although I have lots of music and it took awhile this evening. This was all in aid of trying to develop some playlists for possible dances in the pavillion at John Prince Park. I downloaded the latest incarnation of iTunes - 8, I believe. It has a new feature called "Genius." While connected to the Internet, you select a song from your collection, push the Genius button and it loads a playlist with "go-withs." I am pretty impressed with it. DJ'ing by Apple.

Called and have a Doctor's appointment for next Friday at 9:00 a.m. My doc is kind of old-fashioned. She seems to think she needs to see me before she writes annual prescriptions.
Of course there was a new receptionist and office. This receptionist sounds like a good egg.

The Collins have put some cattle in the pasture across the road which is an attractive nuisance for Honey. When I got ready to go to town, Buster loaded right up. Honey started to chase the cows so I chased her and was increasingly irate. She finally scooted for the van. It wasn't until I brought them treats from the deli at Wally World that I discovered-no Buster. Though I have never hit him, he decided if I was irate he had better leave the van and got left at home. I felt terrible for him. He lives to go for rides.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I have to admit I wept a little-twice

I wept twice last night and was thrilled and amazed and thoughtful. I wept the first time when John Mc Cain conceded. He was gracious, large-hearted, statesmanlike, and had I seen more of that in the last several months, I might have voted different. The second time was at the Grant Park Celebration and speech. I feel like I got my country back-not mean dumb, greedy any more, but generous -hearted, hopeful and fair. I think the righties and lefties are going to be surprised how centrist Obama turns out. I wrote to the campaign some time ago when Obama endorsed the use of federal money to have churches do social service programs. I am staunch about separation of church and state. I told them it was a deal-breaker for me. They said sorry but we believe in it. Honest and definitely not leftish. But what was I to do? There was 72 year old McCain with Cliche' Palin just waiting for him to croak. You betcha. Not that I didn't vote enthusiastically. I felt the country overcame itself- rose above this kind of crap:

One thing I was thoughful about is that this takes away the 'downtrodden" excuse. Obama didn't come up in easy circumstances. The message to minorities is clear. Get off your butt and get after it. It is not skin color holding you back any more. I also was thoughtful about the close-eyed redneck mentality that I know is out there. I hope the Secret Service is up to the job. And the tasks Obama is faced with are daunting. How much success can he have with no money to work with? George Bush was so eager to invite him to the Whitehouse that I really wonder if he isn't ready to just go home to Texas. I hope Bush didn't start out to make such a mess and become the least popular President in history. If he didn't seem so oblivious I would give him credit for having the courage to just get up in the morning.

Anyway we have a fresh start. There is hope in that.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

"I Have Did My Duty"

I was voter number 169 on the optic scan. The voting was well organized and took about ten minutes. We have a secret ballot but I am unafraid to say I did not vote a single incumbent above the state government level. The working definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. It is also no secret that I have been unhappy about the last 8 years- not all of them but when the invasion of Iraq started I turned sour. Not that my vote will change much in solidly Republican Wyoming. But they do not deserve my approval. Beyond party politics entirely-if they screw things up-vote them out. Add it up. They have screwed things up royally. Imagine my surprise when the Casper Star Tribune endorsed Obama for President. The Editor, Chad Baldwin, graduated from RHS while I was Principal, is a staunch Mormon, from a very conservative family. It took courage personally and publicly.

Afterward I took the hounds for a burger in Lander. We went to Dairyland and the service was terrible-long wait. I am sorry I went in. The place is dirty. I didn't tarry. I did see Veronica and her younger son there but she was busy texting so I did notvisit much with them.

I fell asleep in the chair after the dogs went out this morning and woke up with a wry neck. I have spent the day with a scarf wrapped around it. Dinner seems to have helped more than Aleve, massage, and wrapping it. I needed somebody to pull hard and long on both ends of the scarf.

In response to my yesterday birthday greeting, my much older brother responded: "Thank you for the pretty picture and kind thoughts. God, 70 years old. Who'd a thunk it!! Well, were happy, will get through retirement, feel good, and are still in love. Have a lot of friends and laugh a lot. Blessed to live in this country. Can you come this way when you snow bird south?" That is nice to hear and I will see about stopping. I am contemplating a trip along the Lincoln Highway (old U.S. 30) after seeing a show on PBS. I have already driven long chunks of it. It will depend on the weather. I may be lucky with the gas prices this year. I am sure that is an unintended consequence of Bush driving the economy into the ditch.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday Stew

After getting up about 6:00 a.m. Doggy Standard Time, I eventually returned for a snooze until 9:15 after realizing that daylight saving time is finito for 2008. It was salutary for I have not been feeling the rosiest. Once upright I tried to make the most of the fine day. Lordy it has been nice for early November. It lulls me and I have to conjure up visions of doing what I need to do to button up things here and get ready to roll southward with 10 inches of snow on the ground and gale winds, in order to urge myself on. It works. I got quite a little done. I have cars to service, Dr. appointments, vet appointments, stuff and such, that need to be done before the 22nd to 24th of the month-a scant three weeks.

I had "a moment" or two. My mother and I both enjoyed reading and reading mysteries was a particular pleasure. She gave me Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine every Christmas for forever. After she passed 10 years ago or so (I still celebrate her and dad's birthdays but death days escape me) I discovered she had my subscription to Ellery Queen paid up until 2009! So I have received a monthly love note from my mom for all this time. There are still some issues left so I will regard the messages as dilute but still from her. I hate the fading. I also hate that I spent some time pondering whether I should re-up for the one year or the two year term and might the latter result in a waste of money. I am pretty sure I am good for it but the very fact the idea even crossed my mind was kind of a bummer.

I also re-upped The Sun, a magazine Eve gave me a couple of years ago. It was a premium from her NPR station and it really does have excellent writing by people you have never heard of. There are some convicts, budding authors, old people and regular people. They publish issues along certain themes that are announced well in advance. If you want to write for it you can give it a shot. All the writing is pretty intense. Heartfelt and personal, sometimes spiritual but never churchy, real people, real life. I have really enjoyed it.

I also looked at Television sets. I don't watch much but I do value it at times. I have about six of them between here and Florida. Converter boxes? New TV's? All present sets will be defunct in February. I am leaning toward a flat portable 15 inch Phillips. It is about the size of a large screen laptop. It could go-with easily. More research and awaiting the sales. I have a feeling there are going to be some bargains this Christmas season.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Continued

Grampie Rich with Tristan at the 2008 Spooktacular. ( Lord, he looks like our dad-who often held contented babies on his warm lap.) Heather and Tom annually invite other young marrieds and their kids for a party. Gourmet finger food for the grownups and food and goodies for the younger set. The tables groan at first, the people groan later.
Meanwhile, In Oregon Miss Audrey Hannah Montana went trick or treating in her neighborhood. Namee (Grandma) and Mom did the honors. Dad was traveling home from Florida. She is singing. The girl is transported by music. You can just see her "go someplace else."
As is my fate, no brave trick or treaters trespass here. And why should they? Riverton merchants cordon off six blocks of the downtown, put out their seasonal best goods and lure thousands of parents and kids with good treats. It is a zoo. Safe, police presence, no tricks, and beaucoup treats. Walmart evidently gets hurt so this year they did their own out on Federal. I forgot and went for bottled water, took one look and drove on by the whole shooting match.
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