No irony intended. This fall has been so mild so far (keep it up for two more weeks please!). Buster seems a little better-still really favoring his leg but he will support himself with it when standing. His heart medicine goes down disguised with a bit of butter in hamburger. I think we will be able to manage this all right. He seems a little more peppy. He complains a lot. The eyes are better. Honey was a firecracker all day long. I had to yell at her twice. I am going to Lander Valley Medical for blood tests tomorrow. Hopefully they will get to my doc by the time I do. I have to fast 12 hours so I am likely going to bed right quick.
Jason called and we had a good chat-he had a great time with his brother in Florida. One night they went moonlight fishing and Matt did well. I am really looking forward to seeing them in Florida. They have still not tied down their Thanksgiving plans but I took myself out of that equation. I will try not to travel on Thanksgiving. Even service stations close on that day and it is a little spooky in the midwest. I have done that before.
The sunset on the Wind Rivers tonight was a stunner.
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