
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Pride and Picnic at Sea

Sunday was a busy day. Waxing and polishing the RV a section at a time took up the morning (touchup in the afternoon.) I took a break at 11:00 a.m. to go to the Lake Worth Gay Pride Parade hoping to to be shocked and awed. The remarkable thing about it was how unremarkable it was. Aside from some flamboyant ones who were letting us in on their joke, it could have been Wal-Mart on any given weekend- a very diverse crowd ethnically, economically, body type, age and any other comparison. Attendance was fair. I only got hit on once, that by a sixty-five year old widowed woman who was attending with her gay son. I have Gail's card but I was involved with an artist once before and, while interesting, it did not turn out well...but the kids are just great.

Dykes on Bikes gave me a little thrill. When those Harleys roar and those macho women let out the clutch, it is pretty impressive. The Harley driving men take a backseat in the parade to the women. Lots of gay Harley riders out there evidently. I saw a lot of them in the parade. Either that, or the Hell's Angels got confused by the detour signs and ended up in the Gay Pride Parade.
A sunset cruise and picnic was a great experience. Jason made some turkey, ham, swiss cheese, avocado, lettuce, wraps that were very tasty. Good wine,veggies, cheese and crackers, and a perfect, calm, evening made for a great time. As we drifted in the Boca Yacht basin we heard the strains of several songs played on the bagpipe. Magical. It was way dark as we made our way home.
Eve Lori and Juneau relaxing, sipping and gabbing.

Having been caught in a major traffic jam due to a terrible wreck on I-95 on the way to Deerfield, I took Federal/route 1/ Dixie highway home. Buster did not go on the boat ride so I stopped at McDonalds for his late dinner. It was 11:30 when we arrived back at camp. Too tired to blog on Sunday night. A good tired.

Parade Pictures and Boat ride Pictures will be posted on the Web Album. Click the links below to go there.

Sunset Picnic on the Boca Yacht Basin 2008

Lake Worth Pride-Fest 2008

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Girls, Girls, Girls

Girl Scouts have taken over Scout Hill. There must be 200 of them. The sounds of play are similar to the boys but the girls cooperate, they hike and sing, some have Barbie pink pup tents, they have better manners and after lights out all that can be heard are giggles and whispers, and flashlights in the tents cast a glow. The leaders are on the ball. The kids look like they are having fun. They keep them in a group and somebody stands watch while the potty is used. I'd sign my granddaughter up in a minute. Good kids.
I introduced Gary and Joyce to "Fall Off the Porch Sangrias," the excellent Cuban Fusion Cuisine, and my favorite waiter Jamie and Adita's flan at Phyllis G's Bistro by way of a bon voyage/ thank-you. They are out of here Tuesday. They have fed me often. Turned out to be good neighbors. They said they would help me wax the coach in the morning so I hope I didn't hurt them with the Sangria. I got about half of the RV done today. It is looking good. Some fellow in a neighboring coach said my style coach is coming back and the old ones are in demand- he saw one advertised for $90,000. Show me the money!
Our waiter Jamie moved into his new apartment today and his wife made an appearance. She is very pregnant and due in May- a little girl. The man posing with her said he was carrying twins. Buster had leftover red snapper stuffed with crab meat, and cubano rice for dinner (and an egg). Nice day- productive and fun.
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Friday, March 28, 2008

Polishing-in a muddle

After watching Gary's good results polishing his RV, I availed myself of some of his advice and technique and tried a test patch. They invited me for dinner Thursday night and Greg had mentioned the same on Wednesday. Came into my coach to check emails and found I was double-booked. Since Gary and Joyce's was a kind of casual invitation, I made apologies and booked it for Greg and Lew's. They had another park friend stop by and the alligator and warning ticket story gets better with each re-telling. Grilled chicken Alfredo with pasta, and fresh melon, a bit of wine, and everything gets kind of muddled after that. The five minute bike ride over in the dusk seemed like a five hour ride home in the dark.

Gary needed a guide to the RV store this morning so I went after the rain stopped. The RV store is moving to Deerfield and will be much further away next year so I bought a few things for next year. Came home, ate lunch, got dozy, went to the bed and woke up three and a half hours later. Gary woke me up for dinner. We had discussed Joyce on the way to the RV store- she is anxious to go home because her sister has a scheduled surgery. Gary said she will probably start cooking Sunday in Florida to have things for her sister in Pittburgh when she gets home Thursday. She is a very good cook and seems to see her mission in life as feeding everybody she knows. Hey, it works for me. Consistent with many Elementary school teachers I knew-mothering is a strong instinct.

Their friends Bonnie and Dave came by for dessert. They are in love with the West. Chatted about their exploits into the dark with the squeals and laughter of girl scouts playing and setting up tents for a big gathering in the background. A very pleasant day. I am yawning early so I must have been on the sleep-shy cycle again. Only one cure.

Will hit the buffer tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Two, Two, Two Days in One...

Gary finally uncovered his motorcycle. They are not going to be here too much longer so I guess it was time.

Yesterday at chez Elante' was a cool slow day. Multi-naps and copious water elimination. Took a lot out of me because I have had a case of the semi-slows today. Greg and Lew came back from Okeechobee. I walked Buster down to their new spot and listened to their tales last night. I am drawn like a moth to a flame. They live much closer to the edge than I am comfortable with but I enjoy their exploits and their company. They got three warning citations from the DEC (game wardens). On one of them Greg was feeding a 200 pound alligator ham and hot dogs and getting ready to lie down next to it for a picture when they got busted. They had to delete video and pictures and the warden told them if he saw anything on You Tube, he would drive to New York and arrest them. He must have been a mind-reader. My lips are sealed on the other exploits. I am sure my caution stems from childhood scars- in 1st Grade Mrs. Marshall was trying to stab Ronnie Kelso with her pointer and got me instead. Since then it has ever been thus: sitting next to mischief gets me in trouble. Probably because I laugh. But I always seem to seek out the wilder ones. Whenever we moved, I looked up the Methodist minister's son. He was usually a corker. Not boring!

I declared today "Buster Day." He has seemed a little subdued. He is very tolerant of my going and doing and attentions to other dogs so I decided it was his day to feel special. He got three good long walks, McNuggets for lunch, a good brushing, a shank dog treat, a sit in the sunshine, on the ground petting, and pork ribs for dinner.
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Bundled Up Picnic

It was a little chilly and breezy for dinner tonight. It is supposed to get down to 40 degrees. Gary and Joyce had friends arrive today. Our friends Ken and Mervi left this morning. The Rosenbergs also left this morning. Joe, the veteran joined us for dinner. He put his wife on the airplane for Boston today. She is somewhat fragile- whether mentally or physically, I don't know. He is out of here Sunday. Burgers and pasta salad, sweet corn, strawberries and ice cream was the welcoming dinner for the newcomers.
I rode the bike today. Too much food and not enough exercise in my life these days. I had hoped to do better on the waistline so it is time to get serious. I am definitely in better shape but I would like for it to show more. The way food is going up down here that may be easier. Folger's Instant went up a buck. Switched to the store brand. I can only handle one cup of coffee a day so instant is my sad fate. There was a fellow at the meat counter who was musing as much as I. "Sticker-shock,"he said.

Had email from Patsy today- nice to hear from her. They are getting ready to move up the west coast this next weekend. Joe went to see the Bayhill Golf tournament where Tiger made the great putt (he didn't see it, though).

I am weary tonight for unknown reasons. The bed is beckoning.
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

My beautiful children knocked themelves out: turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, crescent rolls, Chilean wine, and strawberry shortcake on a wet and beautiful Easter Sunday. An elegant table, a heartfelt prayer, kind hearts, good souls. Memory Made!
Lori decided the dogs needed an Easter Egg Hunt. She dyed and hid Easter Eggs. Buster was not too interested but Juneau got into it. Using his known vocabulary Jason played "hot and cold" with him and he found all four and enjoyed them. He is a smart dog. They will discover what happens to hard-boiled eggs in a Labrador's digestive tract about 2:00 a.m. A brave and noble experiment.
He enjoyed his Easter Bunny too. Poor thing is missing a leg and cotton is coming out of his tail.

Joyce and Gary went to church and prayed for us this morning. I got a picture of them in their Easter finery. As we woke up to wet and I was leaving, I didn't open the Internet Cafe-but was cajoled into it. Ken said he would close it down which he didn't but he did make sure it stayed dry so no harm done. Although we had rain on and off all day it was straight down rain and misty, and really very pretty. Great Day.

More pictures if you click on the link to my web album:

Easter Sunday 2008

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Relaxing in the Park

A perfect, cool, still, Florida morning: Ken came rapping on my door at 8:30 a.m. Joyce's breakfast souffle' was ready and it was very tasty. My leftover fruit from last night and coffeecake, coffee, and orange juice made for a great start on the day as we ate outdoors like we most always do.

I found a nice note from some folks from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who appreciated the Internet. Bob Rosenberg stopped by to say good-bye. "Does this mean you will miss Easter Services, sez, I? "See you next year!" (We hope.) Did some finishing touches on the window covers. Rode the bike for awhile.

I forced myself to take my nap. I had leftover spaghetti to eat so no cooking was necessary today but I needed some toiletries and ended up at the store anyway. I paid a stupidity tax of $5.00 for a new umbrella because I got trapped by a good rainstorm. That makes four I own- and I even had one in the van. I was not the only one standing in line at the Dollar Store with a cheap umbrella. Lest you think I am a total weenie, Florida rain is serious rain. Buster freaked and didn't eat until ten minutes ago. Fortunately he had a productive walk this morning.

Watched The Tiger Woods Show, Idol, and now The Ten Commandments. The last being watched this time for laughs and high camp. The DeMille movies made me devout for about a week when they first came out. Now they are knee-slappers. Even the special effects are hokey.

Will go to Deerfield tomorrow for Easter dinner and perhaps a boat ride.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hi Jinks and High Seas

The neighbors at Lake Worth Beach. As I mentioned yesterday the surf was up. In fact it was a double red-flag day so it was supposed to be "no swimming." Some went in anyway. The breezes made things cooler and the neighbors all got sunburned. Me? I decided I had better do the spaghetti thing anyway rather than let good ingredients spoil. So I did the salad, sauce, and dessert. Prevailed on Joyce to use her stove and toaster oven to cook the pasta and garlic bread. She also cooked batch after batch of chocolate chip cookies in the toaster oven. I was eating them as they came out which is the best way.
I drove by the beach once but did not stop because I didn't want to bake Buster. I needed to run to the store again so I left him home and did take some pictures this time. A nice young man asked me if I needed a parking ticket- he had an unexpired one so I parked free.

The "summer people" are starting in the park. The new neighbors to my left are local and have a travel trailer, a boat and trailer, two cars and several bicycles. I haven't been able to count noses because they are in constant motion. They have a portable fireplace and I am not enthusiastic about that. Smoke gets in your eyes. Supposed to rain this weekend. I am glad.

I will be leaving Florida on the 15th of April. I extended a few days so I can babysit Juneau while the kids go to Texas for a few days. Eve will be coming for a visit around the end of this month. Her time will be relatively short so I will likely dine once or twice but stay out of the way for her chance to visit. She surely isn't coming to Florida to see me. Same way I did with Lori's mom and Martin. Fair is fair.

I have been looking for a dock box for Jason. The custom-made one I thought I had in the works did not materialize. After it took Audrey's Christmas gift 5 months to show up and Jason's birthday gift, a total no-show, I need to deliver or fall in the category of
total bull-sh----er.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Almost Finnished, S'mores, Pups

Though I laid in supplies for a spaghetti supper, I opted to take the neighbors to the Golden Corral- part payback for hospitality and part Bon Voyage for the Finns who will head back to Thunder Bay, Canada soon. Gary and Ken chow down above. The choice was right because these are world-class eaters. Gary had three steaks, Ken two, Merva two, but who counts? Serious eating. I felt like a piker. The spaghetti would not have done it. They had a good time. Ken had firewood to burn, Joyce got supplies for S'mores, so we had a campfire and Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and S'mores after dark. Tough life.
One of the cute little puppies below will be joining our family when we return to Wyoming. Sue sent pictures of the "new kids on the block." I am itching to hold them, snuggle them and smell the fresh air in their fuzziness. We will look for the personality fit but the one in front grabs me right now.

Serious winds earlier today but mostly breezes tonight. I may go to see the ocean in the morning. The surf is up.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Breezy Breakfast, Windy Supper

Ken and Mervi made Finnish pancakes, Joyce cooked sausage and bacon, on this breezy morning. We had a great breakfast and a good time. Then they were off- Gary on his scooter, Joyce, Mervi, and Ken on shank's mare-walking it off. I opened the Intenet Cafe and then rode my bike until my knees ached. I don't know why they are sore these past two days. Too much praying?

I left for Deerfield way early for a 7:40 p.m. meet-up stopping in Boynton to do laundry and shower. Then I took the scenic route, scouting for Wolf's Camera Shops. I found one and the rudeness was appalling- not the shop guy but the customers, barging to the front of the line, monopolizing time and not buying. I blew $5.50 for a new lens cap and tether. So after starting early I was late, found my camera batteries dead, and the dining contingent split in two. The girls were on-time in the Lexus, the boys were cruising in the Volvo convertible with the stereo booming. What a great ride! Season's 52 is a "concept restaurant" serving what is in season in entree portions less than 475 calories. It was very tasty, excellent ambience, service, and probably why I just finished a peanut butter and marmalade sandwich. I'm too old and too far gone to dine like the "beautiful people."

Jason put the Volvo's top up after we got home. It is like those toys: "transformers." The back flips up and panels slide out. When it is enclosed it is a metal-roofed car; no real evidence it is a convertible. Snappy looking. Wish I had a picture.

One of my stops on the way was at Petsmart for grandpuppy toys and treats for Buster. Buster got some bone segments that he really, really, liked. So we had dog treat time when we got back to Deerfield. We have more. That Juneau dog does like to see his grampie. It is mutual. Buster is an indulgent uncle. He knows he gets to go home with dad.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Report from your Homely-Friendmaker

Richard, my neighbor, has been prepping his coach for a face-lift-a black mask. He has been working diligently. He removed decals three days ago and was working on removing the glue with gasoline yesterday. It was slow going. I looked up on the Internet and it said penetrating oil works for this. I had a can of WD-40 and voila! It scraped right off. Today was Bondo day to fill the holes. I had never worked with Bondo so I was interested. That stuff is weird. You have about a 5 minute window to use it before it sets up hard as a rock. I took "before" pictures. He may be back or he may send me email pictures. He leaves for painting in the morning.
The other neighbors sent me to the store with their list, because I was going. Joyce made a terrific lemon dessert tonight and we gathered to watch Dancing with the Stars but the show didn't start until 9 p.m. so we went our separate ways. I nearly wore out my thumb switching back and forth between that and American Idol. Priscilla Presley gives hope to all us 60 and aboves.

In other earth-shaking news, I rode the bike in the wind, and brushed Buster.

Memory Hook: Heather Mills got a $50 million divorce settlement from Beatle Paul McCartney. She poured a glass of water over his attorney's head before she left court. There is a word for her but you will have to ask Jane Fonda what it is. The judge's decision said she was "not credible." Works out to $34,000 per day for a 4 year marriage.

Lori called- we are going to a fancy-schmancy restaurant tomorrow night and I will get to ride in the new Volvo convertible. Will experience the wind blowing through my hairs-both of them.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Me, Howard Hughes and Elvis...

Break out your tin-foil hats! My friend Audrey, told me that a key to storing RV's successfully in Florida is to get those shiny sunshades and put them in each window. I scouted and cleaned out the Dollar Store but did not even come close to having enough so I ordered a 25 foot x 4 foot roll from the RV store. This 88 degree day was spent measuring, cutting, and custom fitting 14 windows with aluminum coated bubble wrap. A major benefit was a significant drop in the interior temperature. TV, cell phone and radio signals seem to be stronger...and those voices, those infernal voices are no longer audible ( joke-I can hear them just fine.). Richard, my neighbor, said that Elvis visited Howard Hughes and came away with Howard's idea of putting foil in all his windows. I'll let you know...

Memory Hook: I saw the putt that Tiger Woods made to win the Arnold Palmer Tournament and tie Ben Hogan's record for the number of tournaments won (on TV- just like millions of others).

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Juneau Turns Two

OK, his real birthday was Tuesday and he already had a party. Grampie had to do his party so he got another package-floating footballs and some big pool toys which probably won't last ten minutes but he will have some fun. It will be fun to watch.
He likes the footballs- only one was totally destroyed this evening.
He is not quite sure what to do with the inflated alligator. It is still floating!
His favorite toy is still a human. Kathy E. and Lori were on a shopping mission. Earlier Jason thought he might come up to the park after a stop at Boynton. So I tidied and as departure is in the back of my mind I played "pitch till you win," discarding quite a bit for me. I got a good start. Jason is still recovering so he fell asleep and had a good nap, called and suggested he grill something there in Deerfield. That was fine with me. The evening went on and the girls finally arrived and we went to JB's Bluewater Grille for dinner- hopping place with a band and outdoor dining. We had a surly waiter ( I kept thinking "parolee") who was rewarded accordingly for his efforts. The food was good, though. Always good to be with them. They are very good to the old man. They are doing very well and it is nice to see that.

Visited a little earlier in the day with new neighbor Richard as he prepped his rig for some paint. He is a singleton camper also. He bought his camper more than a year ago and has been full-timing it since. He raised his two kids by himself. The girl is well set-up and the boy moved home recently. Richard told him he can stay in his house for a year while he is "getting it together" but then the house is going to be sold and the old man is going to travel. Seems like a nice man- positive attitude. He loves RV life- moves every couple of weeks.
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Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Crappy Day in Paradise

Coolish day to start, Warm day later, Cool evening. Just the sort of day to catch up on sleep. So I did. Rode the bike halfway around the circle and found Bob Rosenberg in a talkative mood so we sat outside his Wanderlodge and had a great talk. Good laughs and philosophy. His wife Jan came back from Yoga and Tai Chi classes and it was nice to see his face light up when he saw her driving around the bend. We all three visited while she spent her energy weeding their flower bed. I needed some intelligent conversation. I recall the old saying "Small minds talk about people, Average minds talk about things or events, Great minds talk about ideas." Of course I do my share in the first two categories but it is very refreshing to take a walk among ideas. He told a story about being on an elevator in his office building in NYC. Mel Brooks and Gene Shallit got on and they were talking. Bob was listening. The elevator came to a stop on the main floor and Mel Brooks put out his hands and said "Wait!" Then he said "All Jews should exit the elevator." They all did exit...laughing.

I was delighted to find that Audrey's Christmas present, ordered November 12, 2007 arrived finally. Perhaps my nagging call the other day did it. I will FedEx it Monday. It is a child-sized computer- one of the rare One Laptop per Child computers. I ordered two on the give one get one plan which means I bought two for third-world children and two for gifts. They are pretty slick.

Jason was still feeling poorly. By the time he called I had already figured out the lay of the land and was buying takeout at China Panda.
Rain this evening.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunset in the Park

The Campground is almost a peninsula. Lake Osborne is a large lake to our east. Lagoons and wetlands and an airport are to the west. Wildlife and beautiful sights abound. Last night I watched an alligator swim in Lake Osborne. Lock up those little dogs. While Wyoming sunsets are the best I have seen, these pastels are very nice too. I guess different is the term- both are as they should be and inspiring.
The day was not as I expected but it was nice. It was supposed to hold a dinner with Jason and Lori but Jason has been battling a cold for a couple of days. I appreciate not being exposed. I went to Boynton to do laundry and gussie up but the call came so I went to the Golden Corral for a "filet" and came home. All dressed up and nowhere to go. Had evening coffee with the neighbors as we have done the past few nights. We spike the coffee or have a little liqueur on the side, snacks, and gabbing.

Fernand and Yvette dropped by to say goodbye on their way to Tampa. That was nice of them. Had a couple of medium bike rides today. I have been taking pictures around the park the last couple of days. As usual it helps me "see" what is around me.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How to Take Unique Bird Pictures

First, unique up on them. Let then let them get used to you, Then you snap away. Muscovy Mike below does people impressions and political humor"
Below he is looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction:
Below he is doing his impression of George W. Bush. He can't quite get his head up there, though.
Memory Hook: The Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer, resigned today after Federal wiretaps revealed he was using high priced prostitutes.

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