
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Resurrecting the Elante'

Sunday is moving in to John Prince Park day. Jason has to fly to NYC on Sunday afternoon so I tried to give the old motorhome a start today because I will need his help getting her into her snug spot. When I left in March, David, the storage manager was going to move it to a permanent spot. So I did not disconnect the knife switch on the battery and I left it unlocked. Somebody discharged one of my fire extinguishers inside and the battery is dead, dead, dead. Furthermore, it was not moved- vines were growing on it.

We tried jumping it. I hooked up my Yamaha Generator which has an 8 amp battery charger and scooted down to Deerfield to dog-sit the Grandpup. Tough duty that- he was so mellow I had to coax him to play.
On Friday the canal was busy with all manner of boats heading out and coming in. I watched a resident Iguana and two pretty good size tree lizards. I think I was about to make friends with one. He was pretty curious about me. Juneau and I ended up watching an episode of the Dog Whisperer. The phone rang- Lori had been trying to reach me on a cell phone that was in the Van charging and was worried. Sweet of them to worry but no need. If injured or sick,I will call them, if dead, no worries.

Scooted back up I-95 to Lake Worth and a still dead battery. Tomorrow we attack that problem anew. Jason will help.

I have been in this nice house for long enough to appreciate it. Buster is quite at home. Each night the Hibiscus have a perfume time that is very sweet and enjoyable.

I had to resort to the support socks yesterday-I was ballooning in spite of my best efforts. More shapely today but they aren't fun.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Crisp Weather in the West-still balmy in Florida

Pictures from the Left Coast show more traditional temperatures. It is bitter at home in Wyoming-and windy. Today in Boynton we got a cooling sprinkle of rain. I did a little yard work, fertilized some bushes, worked with Buster on leash skills and drove up to Lake Worth on a little business. Quiet day contemplating clouds from the comfort of my Cabela lawn chair. The ankles and calves are somewhat helped by reclining.

Rich has posted his Florida pictures on Picasa web albums-which let me see some of the activities I missed. I like it when people share.

Oregonians went to the local Christmas Tree lighting and the Grammie unit got her picture taken by her neighbor photographer. Look for similar on a Christmas card coming soon.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Gwine Home to Casper

Justin fits the luggage in the Highlander. Rich,Val and Justin were taken to the airport this (Monday ) afternoon. They bought dinner last night at Mizner Park- Max's Grille- a classic Boca Raton eatery and the food was great-the waiter went for the hard sell at every occasion. Since we all share a bit of our entrees, we are better informed for next time. The toasts were touching-they apparently enjoyed themselves. They took in the Rockettes Christmas Show in Miami in the afternoon. I did not want to paste a memory on top of my seeing that show years ago at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. But they were very pleased with the entertainment. We did a lot!

I took group pictures at Mizner Park last night but the white balance setting was off so I went down to Deerfield to re-do some and say good-bye again.

Rich, Valerie, Justin, Lori and Jason on the Point in Jason and Lori's yard. Rich took a picture of the landscape to use as his cellphone screensaver. I checked the weather in Casper-39 degrees was the high.

I had a short visit with Lori-reliving the glory moments of the past few days, left her house with Thanksgiving leftovers, had a good long nap this afternoon, ate some leftovers, sent a few pictures, blogged and now you are up to date.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Played all day and Hard Rocked all night


Juneau and his neighbor/best-friend Tahoe are entertainers. They have the run of the place and wide latitude to play. Jason fixed breakfast Saturday morning and the plan was to go to Delray beach arts and crafts festival. My kidneys decided to work overtime, though and after three trips at the Deerfield house and a close call at a BP station in Delray, I knew I was an accident waiting to happen so I peeled off for home. They seemed to have enjoyed themselves- Rich and Val found one-of-a-kind rings for their "Day" (TBA). Jason found some signs for his dock and Lori and Justin devilled each other. Justin tried to report Lori for harrassment and the cop just said: "You should be so lucky." They came to see the Boynton house and we went to see my spot at John Prince Campground. It is going to be a tight fit. Lots of construction- I was a bit disappointed but I did see some old friends.

Lori instructs Val in Pilates Exercise. Lori goes to sessions twice a week to help keep her joints from freezing with diabetes. She also has some equipment at home. Val was impressed-helped her.
Justin at nineteen is legal for the Casino but not the bars at the Hard Rock Casino. Nonetheless, he had a few Coronas with our excellent Tex-Mex meal at the Tequila Ranch. Full of himself, he bought himself a cigar which nearly caused his father to have apoplexy. Jason coached Justin in playing the slots and he made $6.00.
The Hard Rock was teeming with a great variety of humanity, the fountain light show has become spectacular, the music venues were rocking, the rickshaws were beeping. It is always a hoot. Jason proposed a toast to my dear Goody for this is the place they brought me to cheer me up on the day she became a place in my heart only. When we left at midnight cars and people were still streaming in. Rock and Roll!
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

We had a Whale of a time at Seaquarium

We mapped out a loose agenda on Thanksgiving evening. Richie bought tickets on-line for Seaquarium in Miami- paying the premium for we locals to have an annual pass.
We were continuously amazed at the clever animals and devoted trainers. It really was a wonderful day spent with dolphins, killer whales, sea lions, dugongs, alligators, and other creatures on exhibit.

Jason said, "It kind of makes you mad at those 7th grade Guidance Counselors who never mentioned that there were jobs like this, out there."

Pictures at this link:

Miami Seaquarium November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Lori, Jason, and Val are not too many cooks-just right. Fantastic food was enjoyed by all. My part was cooking the dishes Lori had made the day before, up at the Boynton house and carrying them in. (plus some other dishes I made on-site. Juneau was having a play date with his friend Tahoe next door so it seemed OK to invite Buster in. He was sniffing for other doggies and marked the easy chair! He blotted his good dog record on this occasion. Then the other dogs came home and Tahoe promptly pooped on the patio-twice! There was some sort of doggie interaction going on we did not understand.
After stuffing ouselves like little piggies Jason treated us to a sunset cruise on the Intracoastal waterway. We scoped out the mansions, and the yachts, enjoyed a bottle of wine, and the fine weather. Pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream after the cruise. Lots to be thankful for on Thanksgiving 2007.
Jason has cruised this way often. He said " When you come back after dark, you can see the TV sets in those mansions-they are watching the same crappy programs I get."
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Day

My granddog Juneau is a stitch. He is highly interactive. After a game of fetch and a dip in the jacuzzi, he paid me the compliment of falling asleep on my feet.
The housecleaners worked the inside of the house. Jason and I spruced up the patio and tables outside. Lori had supplies to get and we went out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant-Baja. Terrific food and waitresses dark-haired, slim and stacked. We played "Underwear or no Underwear," an amusing guessing game. We did some last minute shopping at a two story Target store and a huge Publix grocery store. Jason had to go fetch the Casper contingent at midnight.
Lori, bless her, went in search of more napkins for her beautiful table. We ran out of ovens at Deerfield so I took some dishes home to put in the oven here in the Boynton house. She also knocked herself out making this place welcoming for the O.F.
Buster has been acting put-upon because he has been. He is a good sport. I will do something special for him tomorrow ( in addition to giving him more of the Publix roast chicken I bought him this evening.)
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We arrived very early on the 21st-it was almost the 20th. Buster was so good, but he was tired of riding and is so happy to have a stationary couch to zonk on. The kids have work and errands in preparation for a Thanksgiving crowd so they called and signed off for bed but told me where they hid a key for me. After the fiasco last night, I am watching TV on a 52 inch screen, and catching up my blog in the "Boynton House." I will first see the Deerfield house tomorrow.

The drive from Montgomery, AL to the outskirts of Tallahasseed also took me through a little bit of Georgia. I loved seeing cotton fields and peanut fields, and a cotton gin, and this little farmer's market where I got some peach jam, some pecans and some yummy looking tomatoes. I-10 and I-75 were the nightmares they usually are with construction and "home for the holidays" traffic. Three lanes in both directions all nearly bumper t0 bumper at 75 miles per hour. Throw in a nutcase or two and my teeth were on edge until we hit the Florida Turnpike. Things settleed down a lot and we cruised on in. Overall, I am pleased with the choice of route this time. Much more scenic, much less traffic, and not as breakneck. And we made pretty good time and came in under estimated mileage. This is good because I was hitting some $3.25 per gallon gas today.

Glad to be here safe and sound.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Civil Rights Memorial

For years I have been supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center. When the Civil Rights Memorial was being planned and built I sent in money for me and my uncle Binks and aunt Iola. I was invited to the dedication but my trip plans didn't allow it. So, when in Montgomery, this morning I went. Though the picture is fuzzy from being taken in the dark my name was sure enough there on the Wall of Tolerance-a multi-media constantly playing slide show.
The fountain and wall were designed by Maya Lin, who also designed the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
The film and the exhibits are powerful. I am glad I went even if I was embarrassed when I had to empty my pockets to get through security-three days on the road required three containers to hold my accumulated "stuff." The guard was very nice about it.
More pictures on the Web Album-soon.
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Monday, November 19, 2007

When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day and the bed ain't made

Paid more to stay at the Quality Inn after the "volunteer" ($5.00 tip) who washed my windshield said the Motel 6 was "drug infested." Opened the door on the last room to stripped beds, no towels used, cup for an ashtray. Called Keesha, the night clerk- and told her I was an "old cowboy from Wyoming" and could make do-just don't blame me for no bedding. Looked assiduously for signs of "hot monkey love" not from a prurient standpoint but for hygienic reasons. I think we are ok. Buster has had a good scratch on both mattress pads-so there!

I asked the owner of the Radio Shack where I was this morning. He was taken aback then admitted he never knew what day it was. Turns out I spent the night in Marion, Illinois. Also got an oil change there from a kid who grew up in Cheyenne. I left there about 10:00 a.m.

The Garmin took me far and away from the route I plotted at home which was mostly along Interstates-which I am not crazy about unless pressed for time. We went through the most picturesque parts of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama- not a single picture was taken because the roads were good but too narrow to allow stops. Mostly highway 41-we went past Army Posts-Fort Campbell, KY- home of the Screaming Eagles and another in Alabama. The hills rolled-the fall foliage was crimson and gold and brown and the fields and lawns were green. One place would be a ramshackle house where you might expect to see a granny smoking a corn-cob pipe on the porch, the next, a massive brick pile of recent construction with a Dodge Ram diesel and a Lexus, the next a mobile home, decrepit barns dotted the hillsides. All peacefully co-exist-the kind of eclecticism I love. General Stores, generally selling beer and gasoline, were strung out between historic old towns- some thriving, some dying. Washed the Van at some little burg with the most generous washer timer I have ever seen. The other drivers were mostly polite and safe-even when it was bumper to bumper practically from Birmingham to Montgomery AL. Had phone calls from Matt, Jason and Rich. It really was an enjoyable drive.

Where Am I?

I will try to form an outline of the days and back and fill when I am not operating on the basis of racing batteries before they fade. I made it to Gretna , contiguous with Omaha, Nebraska, in plenty of time to have a visit before Bob and Doris headed off to see the Irish Rovers. (A dog act?). Their new house is great. I took lots of pictures.

The trip through St. Louis did not disappoint- for an hour and a half I did not have a clue where I was-entirely trusting my fate to the Garmin GPS. There is no doubt St. Louis is a great American City but the transportation and roads are a mess. I was glad to drift into Illinois. I think I am in Mt. Vernon or Cairo. Motel 6 and a shower is next. All is well although I am tired tonight.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

North Platte, Nebraska

It is 11:22p. Central Time, Flying J, North Platte. My great waitress is threatening to take my computer away if I don't eat. We are way behind schedule but still feel fresh so we are going to press on toward Omaha in hopes of getting within striking distance of Gretna and lunch with Bob and Doris.

It has rained since Scottsbluff- not hard but enough to keep the windshield wipers hypnotically waving in front of my face. I needed a break and some coffee. The Flying J Scramble is a bonus. Buster has gizzards we bought for in Scottsbluff.

My big old Van has just purred along. Getting launched only required one go back home. I decided to do do a little extra work to avoid taking some stuff along. Well worth it.

I 'd better post and eat before I get spanked- I believe this Nebraska girl could get the job done!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Devil is in the Details

No 6 a.m. start on Saturday but 10:00 is possible. The van had dropped its coolant level and it brought out the inner worry-wart in me. RTO checked it out and all is well-no charge. Whew! Seems when I had it flushed and refilled in Oregon in May it is likely that the rear heater core was empty or had a bubble. Turn on the heater in Wyoming months later and the coolant level drops. I had other running and gunning to do and I wanted to personally say good-bye to some folks. I do have some wonderful friends here. I ran out of daylight.

I checked my list last night and surprised myself. Most of it was done.

Lori called. We were both driving. She wanted to check on arrival times and had been to the Boynton house. We talked dogs quite a bit. She is a sweetheart. Made me feel welcome.

It appears that Winter will likely make a real appearance here next Tuesday. I should be in Alabama by then if things go as planned. It will be nice to escape before a blizzard arrives instead of in one or between them.

When we meet in person ask me about the Wise funeral and Rasty's deck. Good stories.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

PPPPerking Alllllong, brrrr

This more than brisk cold snap was salutary for the tasks at hand....getting out of Dodge while the getting is good. I do not do well in the cold (anymore). I am getting closer to being ready. Friday will be super busy but I think things are do-able.

Buster has been staying close and thinks each time I head for the van we are going to go-someplace. And we did go to town twice. Thomas came with his truck to haul me and my trash to the dump-I came back. Thomas is a treat-he is "blossoming," kind of chatty and starting to form his own opinions about things and generally appreciative of his mom, family and life at this time.

Walgreens has a "club plan" for we uninsured. I joined last year. I got a heck of a deal on my "generic-type"prescriptions. The name brands are still pricy. I have a three month supply of many of the prescriptions.

I made a list the other night. I need to see how I am doing and what was "blue-sky."

I think I decided on an alternative "Plan C" route. The good news is it will avoid Atlanta, include some new territory and is fairly efficient. The bad news is the new territory is Alabama- I know that is unfair. The last time I was there the people were among the most friendly I have met anywhere. No "Boss Hogg's" in sight. This is the new route:
This route is 2450 miles- 18 miles to the gallon, $3.00 per gallon- $408 for gasoline alone- if I am careful and lucky.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Boy-Friend is Back-We're Going to Have a Party

Prepping for departure yesterday I was working in three vehicles-I put last year's road Atlases in the white van and the new ones in the Turnpike Cruiser Van. Meanwhile, I guess Buster saw his chance and jumped in the white van. He likes it in there but I didn't know he sneaked in. I must have walked past him, hidden behind tinted glass, whistling and calling him until 10:00 p.m. I was motivated this morning-emailed pictures and copy to the Riverton Ranger. Sue made posters and took them along the Lander route. I was making some and needed a new ink cartridge so got ready to go to town around noon. Buster stuck his face up close to the window in the white van-ready to go to town. I was so relieved. He was nonchalant but after 24 hours, peed so long he had to change hind legs mid-stream. He is so talented. Goody house-trained him well-I certainly didn't. He had a little breakfast and then he had a little lunch, then he had a little dinner. He is on the bed- where all good dogs belong.

So many supportive Emails. Very nice to know how much good-will is out there. As for me, the events certainly put a little perspective on things.

Bonnie's daughter Sooz had emailed her mom with vibes Buster was in a vehicle or motorhome. Pretty good psychic. Using her own vibes Sue G. had suggested I re-check vehicles. I did-forgetting the van door had been open two minutes.

Neighbor Sue asked if I was going to make him sit in the yard all day so the neighbors can see him. Her mother would make her sit on the front porch all day when she ran away as a youngster-so the neighbors could see she was back (and eating crow).

I lost a day of preps, now it is down to a race but at least I can leave town. So glad to have my traveling (through life) companion back safe and sound.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Baby Boy is Missing

About 1 p.m. I was cleaning and messing with the Van. I went to the house and Buster was waiting for a ride. I came back about ten minutes later and he was gone. He is good about coming when I whistle. I have been up and down the road, neighbors places, looking in the ditches, holes barns, old dog house, calling him and whistling. Not a trace of him. As each hour passes and each daily ritual passes with no Buster, my hopes grow dim. He is a dog who doesn't miss dinner. He is/was my buddy. I am so sad. Life without a dog is unimaginable to me and I like the one I have. The clock is ticking toward departure. I do not need this. I want him here under the table as I type. I want him warming my bed before I get in it. I want to know he is safe and warm and not afraid.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Everything Party

Janet Emailed Thursday and suggested a Hasta La Vista party at Sue and Rasty's. I had been harboring a semi-gag gift for Sue's still undisclosed birthday, Rasty seems to do better with some company, I will miss all occasions until after Easter, so we decided to gather. I told Janet it was my turn to feed. Sue's builders arrived in the afternoon and made GREAT progress on her deck and ramp. This included her Indian adoptive daughter and "grandsons" and her (Veronica's) partner Will who is doing the building. What a treat to visit with these accomplished people as well as my long-time friends. The Oriental Palace was able to cope with my order for 10 persons (they only forgot the hot mustard for egg rolls). We had a feast and a few yuks. Janet made bread pudding with lots of raisins and white chocolate that was a yummy capstone. Above, Sue is modeling her new flower decorated tool belt and tools. Not shown is the barbecue tool set. I had to razz her over the 4th of July barbecue when she said she didn't have tongs and was turning the skewers with needle nose pliers (also included in tool belt). She can do it her way. Whatever works! It was getting toward ending time and Rasty announced it was time for him to go home. Janet caught him before he got out the door. He WAS home. Poor guy.
Earlier in the day I took a fall. I had to stay down for awhile. Fortunately nothing of value was broken (no electronics anyway). I am gimping on my left knee, but right knee, hiney, and weenie, are intact. I think there are some other spots that might be sore but when a twinge makes itself felt, the Aleve (generic) comes out and I plan to keep it that way. Too much to do to sit and hurt.

The weather has been just beautiful, Feglers are starting to fill the pasture with returning cattle, Geese are in the pasture every day as they migrate south, the Sandhill Cranes are mostly gone, the leaves are gone, I am getting ready to be gone. Guy said a northern storm was due on Thursday. I may be taking the southern route.
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Friday, November 09, 2007


I blahgged about doing tech support to Greece- I don't think so-I think maybe all the way to Casper. The Greece pictures merely appeared as if they were posted in real time. I had pictures in my head of Denis lugging his laptop up the Acropolis by day and blogging in a Four Star Hotel by night. Turns out his wife's pussy started to fail so they hurried home. You can read about it here: http://nospare.blogspot.com/ (blog entry "Spook")

High Anxiety

Long ago I gave up on controlling anybody but myself but I am accustomed to being in control of myself and my circumstances within reasonable limits. I usually get anxious when I don't know what is going to happen but for this trip, I am anxious about what I know will happen. I have plotted two major routes and am now weighing pro's and con's of both. There are a couple of advantages to both but the anxiety part is weighing which of the Snake Pits I have to traverse. The northern route is 3 hours and 180 miles shorter, has some serious mountain driving, and offers a chance to glimpse brother Bob and his new house.The snake pits are St. Louis and Atlanta. The southern route has snakepits Denver and Dallas but is pretty flat and easy driving. Being of a certain age and needing to get horizontal in order to keep me from settling in my ankles, I am resigned to not sleeping in the car this time-sometimes. Motel 6's are reliable pet friendly, though austere, stops. The Flying J's are mapped out. Each route will take a grueling 13 hours first day to escape the gravitational pull of Wyoming. It is about a 40 hour drive in all-with no stops. (Ha, Ha, Buster and I both need our stops.) I will mull for a couple of days. Check the weather forecasts.

Meanwhile, I have called my favorite cheap cigs place in Florida-no change in price. When I took the motorhome down I had hundreds of dollars of contraband only to discover I could have purchased them cheaper in Florida. I have downloaded PDF documents for Flying J. With gas prices being what they are-those discounts help. It isn't that I can't afford to go but it gravels me to pay through the nose for some things- ($90 for a nap and a crap? $3.00 per gallon?). I have better things to do with my money. I could get something with batteries for that kind of cash, dinner for three at Two Georges, an annual pass at the Zoo. You takes your choices, and pays your money, to turn the old phrase.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Kokopelli-the Flute Player

Sue has been beading. I think as much to keep sane as well as plying a craft at which she is excellent. The television has to remain off at their house because Rasty can no longer distinguish between reality and television. What is on the tube is happening in his house and you can imagine how upsetting that would be.

She sells her handiwork on eBay at paltry prices-I keep encouraging her to go higher.
Here is a link in eBay and you can see her other items.


The whole business of aging is closing in. From cousins: great aunt Eleanore is in care now. She fought tooth and nail threatening her kids with her lawyers, but loves where she is now and says she feels like the "Sheen of Queba" with all of the help she has.

Rose and Smitty have also gone into care-unfortunately not together because he requires skilled nursing and she is at the assistive level. But they are close and the kids are breathing easier and the apartment is cleaned out.

We are glimpsing our futures, unless we have the good sense to ignore all the Health Nazi's and depart while we are still young and beautiful, have most of our marbles, and can still muster a giggle. I can still hear my father saying, with a double Scotch in hand, "If I am going to live to be 70, I am, by God, going to LIVE to be 70." He didn't quite make it.

I am whittling away at departure tasks- got critical banking done. Good to go on the moolah front. Winterizing the "stay at home motorhome," making lists, and dithering about what I forgot to put on the lists, seeing the close friends that want to see me. Buster has his medical appointment. I am enjoying much less appetite and more vim. I am doing some non-critical tasks that seem critical: more memory for the cell phone, so my pocket entertainment center has plenty to keep me engrossed. I usually drive till I drop, repeat, and have no leisure time on the way but I MIGHT.
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Monday, November 05, 2007


Tech assistance is closed. Last evening I helped bro Rich find his disappeared E-mail over the phone, and Emailed instructions on Picasa Web Albums to friends vacationing in Greece. I'm glad I know how to do some of these things and can help. The Greece venture is my longest tech assistance gig-though I know I have been helped by people in India so it is no record.

One hand washes the other department: Susie had invited me for lunch at their house. She had made a delicious roast with taters, onions and carrots. Rasty peeled carrots this morning but was idly wielding a huge meat fork and had a problem deciding where he would sit. As tragic as it is, it is also interesting trying to figure out what triggers his conversation because it is out of context most of the time. Sue is great at having conversations that allow him to participate but don't pressure him. It was a pleasant time and I left with dinner- a person has to give in on the leftover war once in awhile-besides it tasted sooo good.

Rasty's son Guy and his wife went to Fort Collins to see an orthopedist with X-Rays in hand planning to go down and back in the day. When they arrived they discovered the envelope had somebody else's X-ray. They had to stay over. I told Sue that excuse for Janet missing work another day is going to go down like "the dog ate my homework." Improbable, but true.

Jason called last night. They had been over to get the "Boynton House" ready for me. Sweet of them but now I feel like a pain. I had sent the kids Email on how I am the Houseguest from Hell due to my quirks, sleeping issues, etc., etc., and how "my space" is better suited for all than my becoming rapidly unwelcome. I will be underfoot for several days until my reservation at the park opens up but I will have a palace of my own in which to be odd.

I didn't advance a single agenda item today toward the end of leaving by the 17th but I will honor the invitation to arrive by Thanksgiving. Dozed a lot.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Living and Learning

Elation soured a bit-I did not feel very good yesterday. Felt better this morning and was pleased with a glucose reading of 109. I was so pleased I had a mini Oh Henry candy bar about 11:00 a.m. Criminetly! My heart was racing, my head was pounding, I was worried. Glucose popped up to 144 which is what I was walking around with most of the time pre-Glucophage. I tried to walk it off, flush it off with water. Tried to call the Doc-Sunday of course. Decided to try another pill as I am supposed to take 2 at dinner. Eventually I returned to "normal." Lesson learned. Must be like what an alcoholic feels on antabuse. Goodbye Candy.

Shopped for edibles along new parameters.

A heavy Email day but fun. I am not the best typist but I muddle through.

Friends Ida and Denis are vacationing in Greece and blogged about it and sent an email about web albums. I tried to help. http://nospare.blogspot.com/

Sue and I corresponded.

Heard from neighbor Paula. What a woman! Her eldest son is 16 and has Deer and Elk licenses so mom takes him hunting. Her husband's family is in the midst of heavy duty farming and ranching right now so off they go. Pictures below:

Thomas got a clean shot-first time. They saw some great country on Copper Mountain. I shot my first and last deer when I was sixteen. It is a rite of passage in Wyoming but having passed it, I never found the need to repeat it.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sun setting on the Wind Rivers this day

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