
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Little "Q-tie"

I have been lost in "Geek-dom" playing with the Motorola Q. I feel like Dick Tracy with a new wrist radio. Considering the heat and the mosquitoes, inside play is OK by me. Between what Motorola provided and outside developers made, I have tricked out this device to:

1. Import all my contacts and lots of email addresses via Bluetooth wireless so I can call, send a text message or picture, or e-mail to anybody who can receive them;
2. Import my "favorites" from my Web Browser so I can surf the Net from anywhere;
3. Import 1001 classic books and 30 short stories;
4. Network with my computers from anywhere in the U.S. so I can retrieve or send any picture, file, or listen to music from any of my computers on the Q's stereo speakers;
5. Find any place via Google Maps in both street and aerial views;
6. Find almost any business by map, phone number, or street address and map it with Windows Live Search;
7. Show several television stations via streaming video, listen to music from several countries, and check the weather nearly anyplace;
8. Listen to any of the music in my iTunes collection on a virtual private network Avvenu;
9. Take any of my Microsoft Office documents with me or retrieve them by Virtual Private Network and edit them on my phone;
10. Receive or send many kinds of documents via Infrared or Bluetooth;
11. Enable the GPS function to get spoken and visual directions anytime I want to subscribe to the feature;
12. Hold 250 MB of music; and hundreds of pictures. The sound quality is not bad.
It has an alarm clock, calendar alarms, and other potentials I haven't begun to explore. Oh, I can talk to it-tell it to dial somebody and it will. Really Cool Toy!

Since I am being "techie" I have to comment on Google. They have improved the Blog, Picasa, and Web Albums continuously. ( I can now send pictures from my phone to my Blog). I wish to heaven I had bought stock at $80, because it is around $500 per share now and they are so on the ball that I am proud to be using their services. They constantly impress me.

On the mammalian front, I finally connected (via the Q) with Delores who somehow ended up in Connecticutt, helping Jayne's daughter with a downsizing Moving sale. She and Jayne sat out by the garbage cans and cut each other's hair today and Jayne hosed them down afterward. Sounds like she is having some adventures, working hard and having fun. She conveyed the "good news" that Ed C has returned from Texas and he is a candidate for Cancer Surgery. He has gained some weight and was responsive to the chemotherapy. Hold good thoughts for Ed.

Carl S. stopped by and we had a brief visit. I had him look at the fridge in the Lindy. I will get an estimate.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


A Motorola Q has come to live with me. It is a PDA "smartphone" and it has lots of features to play with. I have loaded: tunes (it plays stereo) 1001 books ( I tire of looking for something to read when dining, and this has its own light when I am camping), thousands of my pictures AND it has a Windows web browser and can send text messages, picture messages and take pictures, and, yes, it is a cell phone. In a pinch I can connect it via cord or Bluetooth to be a modem for my laptop. It cost me $29.00 after my hard earned rebates and the industry panic over the Apple iPhone. My original Verizon phone had died. (set on high ringer and vibrate it somehow found itself in the dog's water dish!) I got another fancy phone about a year ago- an LG-9800 with stereo, limited web browser, camera, etc. but it is in a "candy bar" form-think "Idaho Spud" which, in my pocket seemed a lump and gave the impression that "I had a rise in my Levis." I did not want to get arrested....for false advertising. I have kept my LG 6100 tri-mode activated, which in this neck of the woods is necessary because it is not entirely digital in this and other desert places I travel. I'm not talking about my Union account. Those phones are old but they work well in western Wyoming and the free bag phone I got years ago is a three-watt gem. The digitals have .6 watts of power. I don't get or make very many calls but at this point in this crazy world, a cell phone is security. The landline went away a year ago. Staying connected Web-wise is important to me.

In Florida, I decided to try to get along with over-the-air television and my Dish Network expired while I was down there. I decided to see if I could survive without it here. I get PBS clearly, ABC somedays, CBS most days, and FOX on "good" days. TV has mostly been "background noise" in my multitasking life. While I miss some aspects of 180 channels, I think I have to conclude that I am happier, healthier, and more active without them. Network News, even PBS, is not always accurate, upsets me, tries to scare me, and is generally toxic. The Internet in its wide scope gives me all the news I need. The TV entertainment programming is, likewise mostly toxic. If I had a friend who brought me down as much as TV does, I wouldn't answer the door. If there is to be a background to my life, PBS is least toxic. Voting with my feet on television.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

I've Been to the Fort for a Horse With No Name

Arrived at the Fort Washakie powwow grounds at 9:30 a.m. for the advertised "Horse Regalia" show and saw a few horse trailers. Ten o'clock, the advertised time, rolled around and I thought "Indian Time" which means as soon after the hour as everybody gets it together. Then the horse trailers started pulling out-so I asked. A roping was supposed to take place at 1:00. Killing time, I drove to Washakie Dam, found a hole in the fence and took some pictures of the reservoir. Returning to the Fort, I checked the electronic sign at the Tribal Offices. A feast was scheduled for noon and it was noon. While I know I would be welcome, I always feel I am taking food out of the mouths of folks who can use it better than I. So I moseyed home. Some you win, some you lose. Wish we would be rained out. Enjoyed myself anyway. It is 93 degrees and I am under air conditioning until it cools off.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Solstice: 98 Degrees Fahrenheit

The Eastern Shoshone Indian Days are coexisting with the Northern Arapaho Sundance. Respecting the local customs, there are no Arapaho pictures in my camera but I can tell you that a huge encampment of teepees have sprung up near Wyoming Indian High School on sacred grounds. Campfires and lanterns- no electricity, made an impressive sight. The Shoshone celebration is not quite so formal so I snapped some pictures near Fort Washakie. I arrived for an honor dance that was for a well-connected elder who passed away. The emcee at these things is supposed to keep talking-no "dead air." He did what he could-read the obituary twice while people greeted the widow, then a friend started and went on and I left when he was recounting how the deceased and he used to castrate horses for free when others charged $60.00. They were grasping for fillers. The next dance was to be a giveaway and they take a long time too. I will try to get back for the horse regalia in the morning. The light was fading, the traffic was heavy and night driving is not my favorite thing to do.

I worked on the motorhome today- moved it about five feet back to better catch the shade. It has been hot! I re-jiggered the electric cord, cleaned contacts and checked things out. I need to replace a few things on it. Took a hot shower out there last night. I watered the lawn. We need rain. For some reason the irrigation water has not made it here. I suspect I know the reason. Buster let himself out today, somebody honked and I found him in the road. He got a scolding and turned his back on me for the rest of the day. He also found the screen door locked. He is trustworthy outdoors 97% of the time but all it takes is once and the traffic has been brutal.
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Friday, June 22, 2007

A Belated Father's Day Gift

Our routine involves a wake-up around 7:00 a.m. at which time we both take a whiz. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we go back until Buster hears the Feglers' coming to feed their cattle-he has to supervise. So I enjoyed my coffee while he was being official. He was gone quite awhile and when I went looking for him the screen door was blocked. He had caught and fetched me a prairie dog. It was intact, (but newly dead) and it was obviously a love offering. I thanked him and praised him, fed him breakfast. (And wrapped the prairie dog in a bag and put it in the trash) Sshh. I was touched. I wanted him to think we were having it for dinner so I got him a barbeque sandwich from KFC.

The motorhome is taking more time than I thought. It started and ran but there was a wisp of smoke coming from under it, so the hose came out. I restarted it after it cooled and wrapped the engine and was amazed to see charcoaled plum pits shooting out of the tail pipe. Some dirty rat or mouse had moved in and squatted in my motorhome. So the doghouse came off the engine and I got some Gunk and cleaned the engine and checked the air filter. I ran it with the doghouse off and watched for smoke. I think we are OK. I am thinking a professional once over might be in order when I take it to town for fuel. I decided to take the computer out and use a laptop when/if I travel in it. It is a hotbox when it is 91 degrees out so I was running the air conditioner while cleaning- popped a fuse. My cord is plenty big but it is a good run to the rig. Something needs adjusting. I really like motorhomes. My usual reaction is "who needs more than this?" Everything is in a small space, and it can be cleaned in an hour- except when it has been sitting. Then it takes three days.

I got email from Paula who went to see her sister who is taking training for Delta Airlines in Chicago. She is going to send pictures. My roving correspondent. I love Chicago or I love my memories of Chicago. Haven't been there for four years but I have been there about every 10 years in my lifetime. The first time was in the late 1940's. We stayed at the Drake for a week. One day we heard the maid shrieking and carrying on. A guest had brought their chihuahua and the poor maid thought she had encountered the biggest rat she had ever seen. She got the vapors.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

God's Country

It is such a privilege to be able to step out my front door and see the Wind River Mountains, and be in them in 20 minutes if I choose. I am on a life-long quest to do them justice with a camera. I keep trying but not getting there. The present problem to overcome is the proliferation of powerlines, fences and buildings. Nature photography is supposed to eschew all the man-made artifacts-nearly impossible any more. After a business trip to town, I was trying to miss some of the construction and remembered a dirt road. Buster was enjoying his ride so I said "Let's explore." I found a place I first discovered about 25 years ago in my VW bus. The Dodge Van was equal to it though. Next time I will go earlier or later because the Wyoming Sun was "blowing the highlights," on the viewfinders. I was essentially shooting blind. The album includes some funny ones. Watching carefully for rattlesnakes, I poked around, and caught a few good pictures. This is a great vantage point and I will use it again and bring more equipment.

Took a moveable feast from KFC up to Rasty and Sue's last evening after clearing it with them earlier in the day. Since retiring to look after Rasty, Sue is working with both hands. She has painted fence caught her lawn up, planted a big garden, is cleaning the basement, etc. I try to take enough so she can coast on the cooking for a little while. I enjoyed the visit but it is hard to get away from there without more than I brought. I held firm and escaped with some fresh peanut-butter cookies. Yum, huh Buster?

Today is Lindy Motorhome day- fixing up continues apace. The venerable Lindy is only a 24 foot Class C, but it is still a dandy. (The computer I put in there boasts Windows 95!) Very comfortable-we have been from sea to shining sea, Goody and me. Buster is interested.
Click the pic to go to the album.
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God's Country

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Beating the Heat

The need for cooling always comes suddenly in Wyoming. Two days in the low 90's outside, mid-70's inside, made the installation of my venerable swamp cooler imperative. It was a smooth installation-almost too easy, which should have been a warning. Thirty minutes into the first cool breezes the lights dimmed and hot wiring smells wafted through the house. I checked it out and it may have been only a switch but I was on the third water pump, sixth set of pads, and the blower was vibrating and complaining last season. It lasted many years-at least 14, amortizing out to about $25 per year. I may have found the last 2007 model in Riverton at Ace Hardware. I thought it a little undersized according to rating. At home, out of the box, plenty big. Thomas came down to help me pack it to the back of the house. It is keeping us nipple-firm cool at half speed. Buster came out from under the Van. Blessed relief. Life is good.

This is my 350th Blog Entry. I know my readership is not wide but I find it satisfying and instructive (history and patterns) and it also makes me justify my existence to a certain extent. Nothing to write=not much happening. So I will mark this event on Father's Day 2007 in the blog and find some way to celebrate. Treats from the Florida kids and a good conversation with Cheryl and Audrey commemorate the day so far. Matt has gone fishing. Good for him.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Our Town

River City will never rival Thornton Wilder's imaginary distillation of small town life but these past few days, as I have patronized a variety of places it has felt "hometownish." A lady at a drive-in asked if I remembered the time she stormed into my office at the high school: the basketball coach had accused her kid of smoking dope. She was a momma bear on the fight. I asked her how "B" was doing these days. He is fine, has a good job and a family of his own. "He had to go to prison in Colorado for awhile. He said I should have put him in there when he was sixteen," she reported. Exactly our point way back then but it was nice to clear the air. I am glad he is doing well.

That is kind of a Riverton trait: One lady stood up in the Middle School lounge and announced: "Yes, my husband has been having an affair but we are working on our marriage." They are still together.

Bought wiper blades at NAPA and the clerk offered to put them on for me!!! I took him up on it and tipped him and he seemed surprised-like I was. He was an on-the ball kid.

The owner of RTO went out of his way to help me with the VW and called me by name. His employees did the same.

Went back to NAPA and a big Arapaho Indian man/clerk asked me if I was Steve and did I remember him. I told him many years had passed and asked his name? "Tommy" and in an instant I supplied his last name. He attended the Alternative School I founded/directed at the time. He went up the river for a major crime but is back and competently finding blower motors and explaining installation. (Successfully did that, ahem.)

A kid at the QuickLube was so on the ball, I was filled with admiration.

The town seems thriving but is short-handed-a lot of people left positions I know they had last December-probably for the energy business which is booming. Riverton has always been boom and bust with an average 1% annual growth over time. But the ones who are serving the public seem perfectly nice and helpful and have hope in their hearts. Bless them all.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Roll em'...

Getting the rolling stock rolling has been the main focus. Towed the VW to Riverton Tire and Oil ("RTO," locally)behind the Ford Van. The old tow bar disintegrated in their driveway but the pack rat had another one Cuz Donna gave him. The VW is restored-fuel line and fuel filter replaced, oil changed, tow bar exchanged: $53.00 which is a bargain in my book. Runs fresh. I lost most of the tank of gas I had and I am glad to have all fresh gas. Buster got to go with today so he now speaking to me again. What a baby! I left him home twice this week and he was out the door this morning and was not about to come in until he got his ride.

Tomorrow is the Ford Ranger's turn for service. The Lindy motorhome is next. It was hot today- 91 degrees and they are tearing up the road to town. They are flat getting after it which can mean delays in getting to town. The Wyoming Highway Patrol is actually monitoring speed on the road which I think is a fine and new thing.

The sleep thing is just a sleep thing. Fell asleep in my chair last night and did not have to make a single pit-stop. Got chilly about 7 a.m. and went to the bed and spent some time there and felt fresh as a daisy all day long. It is called apnea and sleeping propped up helps and I can do that.

Perhaps the Corona's I had at Hall's helped. Delores is getting ready to go to West Virginia so I stopped to say "so long." She gets up there in the hills in her folks old house with her lifelong chums and they have an estrogen fueled renewal. She is feathering her nest for longer stays when she retires. Don and Greg will fly out for a visit around annual Ford family reunion time. I have met many of them and they are characters. My Florida friends Howard and Mary Lou live nearby. I know they are going to laugh. "Cousin Jayne" (another snowbird from Wingrove Hill) called Delores to celebrate only two blossoms on the apple tree. It is usually so prolific that they have a hard time figuring out what to do with them. Same thing I faced when I gardened: Liked the work, liked the picking, hated the waste-everybody has a garden so you just end up trading garbage. What ! Another Zucchini! Crap!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sunday Dinner with Sue and Rasty

Sue, bless her heart, must have cooked all day long: two exotic pies; one like a macaroon, one raisin pecan, homemade rolls, saffron rice with veggies and marinated lamb steaks. In their shady secret spot surrounded by flowers, dogs, birds, bunnies, and a few ants, we enjoyed a feast and good gabbing. Wyoming produced a fine warm windless day and if we didn't have a nice time, I don't know what one is. Pried a few stories of the good old days from Rasty. He is willing to tell them if he can access them.

The Volkswagen is now getting 100 miles per gallon. I started out for their house in it but it quit and I pushed it back home. It is blocking the main drive right now. I got a battery for the Ford Ranger and eventually got it installed and found a key. I think I can squeeze it past the Ford van and the VW and then hook the VW up to the tow ball and take it to town to the doctor. I am going to be installing battery tenders for all these vehicles. While I am in Florida the batteries discharge and eventually freeze. No I am not interested in selling them-you can see a fellow in this neck of the woods needs spares and purpose dedicated vehicles: economy, four wheel drive, turnpike cruising, going to the store, hauling the dogs, etc. I think the VW got a bad tummy from a full tank of gas and the fuel line is constipated. I hope that is what it is. I downloaded a VW manual from the Web and found a picture of what the fuel filter looks like but I can't find it. Got a nasty note from Starband about the size of the download. Unlimited use somehow morphed into limited. They may lose me- nothing about the three months I didn't use it at all. I do have options now, though my Florida friend Greg said he got warned by Verizon. Based on his further conversation about a future Filipino wife, I think he may have been downloading something a little racier than a VW manual, though. Bait and Switch wherever you look.

I stayed awake all day long- I am playing a temporary elimination game with meds to see if I can find a culprit.

Sue and Rasty have wonderful dogs-dog's dispositions and owner's dispositions tend to be mirrors. Big pictures of a great evening at the web album. All you have to do is click:

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Saturday, June 09, 2007


I feel fine...when I am awake. I even manage to get something done. But the sleep time whether in the bed or in my easy chair just comes. The eyes droop and sometime later I awaken, usually to answer the call of nature, then doze off again. I have been having some scary dreams involving trying to find a restroom urgently then awakening and barely making it. I arise at 7:00 a.m. only to fade again. I can feel it trying to come upon me even when doing things or driving though it can be resisted in those circumstances.

I will forego the one-half Xanax tonight and see if that helps though the doziness was the reason I took it in the first place. If some sense of normalcy does not arrive by Monday, the Doc will be consulted but even that seems kind of dumb because I feel fine-when conscious. Dr Internet has not been very helpful, either.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A little friend

The day: Awoke at 7:00 a.m. It was still raining-we got at least a half inch of the nectar. Got dressed and had coffee, Dozy old Fart went back to bed, awoke at 1:00 p.m. to sunshine. Decided I had better do something so I waxed the Beetle and fiddled with it. Made my stewp, dozed in my chair. This after a good night's sleep. So I am catching up on sleep or falling apart. We will see what tomorrow brings after more sleep.

This little tiny bunny was watching us wax. He was so still, Buster didn't find him. I took this with my toolbox in the background so you can have a size comparison. His camouflage is pretty good-he is left of center and in the foreground. You might need to click on the picture to enlarge it and see it clearly.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Slow Day

The sleep deprivation monster caught up with me again. I did manage to get to town to buy a replacement headlamp for the VW-it didn't have dim on the driver's side. Installed it-still don't have dim on the driver's side. More to do here. Fixed the battery cable which I believe was the problem with not starting. All good fun because I can do work on 1976 cars-except for the the fuel injected engine.

Had about four spontaneous naps today and three yesterday. These are deep, waking up paralyzed, naps. There is a Xanax in my future. Fierce weather- big winds, thunderclouds, supposed to snow 10 inches in Dubois, lights are flickering- good night for an early to bed.
Buster retired a couple of hours ago. I'm next.

Had email from brother Rich. He is in California with Valerie. Her youngest child Brittany is graduating from high school this year after a Rotary foreign exchange stint in Sweden and enrolling in High School in California to establish residency. Her dad lives there. She has been accepted at UC-Santa Cruz.

Rich is staying in a $2.5 million house that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. Taxes are $30,000 per year. (He would know these things). Told him to send pictures of the view. I want to see if it is worth the money. I'll settle for the picture.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back to the Future

Raining but snowing...cottonwood cotton. I see some nice puddles up the road but the bit of rain we got here seemed just enough to settle the dust for awhile. Buster is sneezing, I am stuffy from the cottonwood but otherwise fine. Sudafed is my friend. The cottonwood in Oregon was just ending when I was up there three weeks ago. Just starting here.
Back to the future? The Superbeetle is operational and I am testing its reliability. So far the gas saving project is operating in the hole. My trusted tire dealer said new tires were not necessary, repair totaled $14.56. The darn thing decided to quit at the garage. They boosted the new battery and it took off and so did I but the prospect of sun cooking groceries while stuck in town led me to scoot for home. Once here it started 3 times and has started since. But I decided to take the Dodge van to town for my grocery trip. Two trips instead of one cheap one. We are learning to trust again.

The tire store owner said I was not the only person resurrecting a more economical vehicle. Here, the thirty-one year old car is parked in front of Swine Acres, where I used to raise piggies and chickens. With all the good nutrients at hand, I planted a nice strawberry bed but provided hospitable ground for trees which are always welcome. They have done well. No strawberries.
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Justin Graduates!

Saturday saw Buster, the wonder dog, and me tooling to Casper for the festive graduation of the last of we three brothers kid's: Justin, pictured here with his two elder sisters, Heather and Alicia. Alicia drove from Denver, outdistancing me by plenty and she is on her way back now so she can work tomorrow. The graduation was great: kid focused, warm, not too rowdy (parents!-some of them do have reason to be pleasantly surprised their kid made it but there was no suspense on our part.) The Casper Events Center was pretty nearly full, dim and big so the cameras were hard put but we assembled some pictures at the web album.

Click the slideshow below to go to the album. You can click on any blog picture to enlarge it.

Justin's mom and her husband hosted a post-graduation party and it was very nice: good grits, good will, and good chatting. Justin's dad, Rich played for his kid in the KW band which was small- school is out? The choir was full and great. It rocked.

Too bad Rich and Peg had such homely kids.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Putt-Putting Along

My 1976 VW SuperBeetle is up and running again. It was bought in a time of rising gas and as a tow car for the first motorhome I bought. It has languished for a couple of years with a bad battery and a tire that was flat on one side. I priced batteries all the way down Federal Avenue and ended up at Wal-Mart. The Beetle started with a short period of cranking, the tire was inflated, psssst is the sound of a slow leak, it got at bath and a Zip wax. After I tested it, I decided to take Buster for a spin. He needed some encouragement to enter such close quarters but he finally did and he seemed to enjoy himself. He WANTS his ride every day and his favorite is the Dodge van. With gas prices being what they are, if he wants a daily ride it will be in the Vee-Dub. The cost of a trip to town will drop almost 50% to $3.00 per round trip. It feels more like apparel than a vehicle to me but it moves right along. It is fun to drive. The air conditioning is missed.

It will stay home tomorrow while I take a flying trip to nephew Justin's graduation in Casper. A party at his mom's house, then home again for me. Rich will play in the band, as he did for Alicia's graduation. Rich has jazz band practice later tomorrow night so the visit with him will be brief. Justin has covered himself in glory in different ways from his sister Alicia. KW's soccer team took state, and he has earned a scholarship to Casper College. His lawn service is already booked for the summer. Eighteen, graduated, money in his pocket, pretty girlfriend, own car, living at home... I am going to give him a camera to record his own adventures now. I won't tell him that this may well be the peak. Lots of joys to come but the free-est ride is over.