
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bandits almost spoiled my party

Last night about 3 or 4 a.m., Honey commenced barking and wouldn't shut up. She raced from one end of the RV to the other and because she does this for dogs occasionally I didn't investigate. When I took her out about 7:00 a.m. I discovered the reason for her agitation: I was only able to salvage two eggs from two dozen and a pound and a half of hamburger was missing from the beverage fridge. The coons had cleaned it out. So, with guests coming at 8:45, I was in front of Publix when it opened. It only set me back about 15 minutes on serving and since I was plying my guests with Bellinis, they didn't mind and enjoyed the story. This initial run at entertaining focused on neighbors who were all bi-lingual, and artists. It was an unqualified success, if I do say so-they didn't leave until 11:00 and there was lots of good conversation, laughter, and appreciative comments. The Italian Frittata lofted, the sausages were hot, the French toast with roasted pecans was smothered in real Maple syrup, the cut fruit fresh, the peach nectar cold, and my guests brought French Press coffee and bagels and cream cheese. They took pictures, I was too friggin busy. Renee did what few dishes there were. He definitely gets to come again. Even Mme. LaTour was effusive.

A victim of my own success as host, I was late in getting to Deerfield to sit the Juneau pup and let my dogs run free. Honey was ready. She exhausted Juneau and continued to run and play. The kids got back from Vero Beach about 7:30 p.m. bringing 20 pounds of citrus, and Popeye's Chicken. I headed home about 8:30 with half of the citrus-Honeybell Oranges which most of the country never sees because the season is only 3 weeks and the high sugar content requires constant refrigeration, and a tangerine-grapefruit cross I have not yet sampled. Busy day end to end, though the duty at Deerfield is pretty mellow.

A nice strip of Gorilla tape was used to seal the beverage fridge tonight. Next time I will trust Honey. I already apologized to her and let her clean up the broken eggs this morning.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

West Virginia Playstation


Click the above link for hours of fun with a West Virginia Playstation.

Today just kind of happened. I am working at getting ready to entertain a little and as I am midway or more in my stay, kind of re-inventing my campsite. Pitching some stuff, getting new stuff, tidying, catching up. Old friends have left, the traffic is huge-some stays are only a few days, no real good prospects for new acquaintances. A few returning faces from years past. Gary and Bonnie have arrived. Bonnie is the one who smashed her knee to smithereens on her bike last year. She is a happy (religious, in a good way) soul.

The LaTours got their new awning installed today. I helped. Their big diesel truck is in the shop- the transmission is in need of something major- about $800.00 dollars worth. Mme. got her new computer from Costco that I found for them-a bronze colored HP with lots of memory. She is installing her software. As she likes to do that work this is a good thing.

Greg and Lew came to invite me to "lunch" which turned out to be a major dinner at 3:00 p.m. Steak, real mashed potatoes, green beans, fried onions and mushrooms, fresh strawberries with whipped cream and they sent me home with a piece of chocolate cake! It was ever so good. Greg is a good chef. Lew has been doing some interesting reading on Jewish history. Great afternoon.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Annals of Wretched (fun) Excess

Lori called to suggest a Deerfield visit Monday. Everybody was so pooped last week we all stayed close to home, so my laundry was ready and so was I. We had a great little visit-she ran out for a little while and I dog minded. They had fun. After she came home we installed Picasa on her computer. She was angling a little bit to go out to dinner and I was the excuse (reason). Jason was up for it when he came home from work. Lori picked the "Coal Mine" in Royal Palm Plaza. A pizza joint. It is a pizza joint of another stripe: coal fired-it can cook a pizza in 8 minutes. They were pushing a truffle pizza ($40 for a small one, $55 for a large) I immediately looked elsewhere but our Romanian waiter did a little sell job and amongst other delights we had a small one. Truffles, as you may know, are only in season for a short while, come from France mostly, and are mushrooms that grow underground. Trained pigs are used to root them out and the minder then has to wrest them from the pig. They don't stay fresh for very long. Jason accused me of making "bedroom noises" as we ate. It is mighty fine eating. Add french fries cooked in truffle oil, sprinkled with parmesan, excellent salad, and entrees (!) and you have wretched excess. Lori's entree was linguini with meatball (sic). I got the giggles-the meatball was bigger than a baseball, smaller than a softball. It was huge-more like a meatloaf.

Jason insisted the waiter have a slice of the pie. He had to get permission but was grateful and as we asked all the stupid American questions about Romanians (are you a gypsy? are you an acrobat?) he was friendly and patient.

So, I got a good visit, clean undies and a fine dining experience out of the latter part of the day. The kids have two sets of company coming next week so it might be awhile before we play again.

The early part of the day was less than perfect. Honey was desperate to go out about 6 a.m. She broke loose from my grasp and chased a possum out of the screenhouse and over in the neighbor's yard. Me without shoes on yet.

Greg came over- they got banned from the park for next year for switching their registration from Greg to Lew to get more time this year. It is a fine legal point and I can see both sides. It is also a moot point because they will likely be living in a gated community in Boynton with Lew's mom and dad. At age 92 pops is less than steady and mom's mind is slipping. But they are ticked. We still have a month to enjoy this season.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Lots of different things today: I took pictures of this rig- Boone, the great Dane's home. This modified horse trailer has it all-the small living quarters are not so small with a slide out. It even has an awning, as if hauling horses around the country weren't complicated enough. The owner belongs to some "shooting while astride a horse" association.

Forgetting about the three hour time difference, I called my baby boy Matt at some ungodly hour this morning to inquire what he wanted for his birthday. He called back later but was of absolutely no help. He had been on a ride-along for his new job- patrolling and doing saturation patrols and he was frankly pumped about the job. I called his mum to get an idea and we concocted a plan after she consulted with Cheryl. Now we are working on Audrey.

I did not go to Target for a spendy day the other day-instead I went to Wal-Mart and blew $4.00 on a new watch battery. It still is losing about 20 minutes out of 24 hours. But I bought a $15.00 watch at the clothes store. I have been ruminating on buying a toaster oven which is a popular item in the campground. Energy saving and it can go outside to keep the heat out. Yesterday I invited Greg and Lew for dinner tonight and got a definite "maybe." So I went to Target, after researching diligently, and got a Black and Decker Toaster Oven and a griddle that was on sale-had my spendy day. Took a little nap and was unpacking the toaster oven when Greg and Lew and two dogs arrived. The toaster oven got its trial by fire. A nice little pork roast, and potatoes went into the thing and it turned out a marvelous meal. It is a honey. I am glad I got it. Added some fresh asparagus and green beans in the microwave and some cut fruit for dessert. The roast disappeared- dogs shared. It worked out fine because we always have plenty to talk about. Greg who is kind of obsessive about dog grooming (J.J. has a mohawk) took the brush to Miss Honey. She is starting to "blow her coat" in the heat. She looks about 10 pounds lighter and is beautiful. It remains to be seen if Greg will be able to get back in the yard.

Took the dogs on their separate walks tonight. Buster gets a short one. But he likes to get one, too.
The Academy Awards were on tonight. Kind of fun but I am not current. I saw some I will watch for when they come out on DVD. Nice day, if a little toasty.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ken turns 65

I was invited to Ken's 65th birthday in the Finnish enclave in Lantana Friday night. He is a youthful looking 65 year old. Nice people attended- there were four or five solely English speaking people but the majority were bilingual and I often felt I was watching a foreign film. I kept waiting for somebody to get naked or die and an ensuing long philosophical and sad discussion about the meaninglessness of life. But it was just a party and occasionally joy broke out. Below, Ken is posing with his birthday presents: entirely liquor and lottery tickets.

Ken's wife Mervi holds the cake while Ken blows out his candles.
We had a Finnish celebrity with us- a race car driver of some renown. They have a condo in the compound. I had met his wife before and all I can think of is "Russian athlete." She is very feminine in dress and appearance but there is something that seems a little "off." He got up to whisper in Ken's ear and disappeared, to the half bath off the kitchen, I think. He was gone quite awhile.

There is an album on my webalbum site of all the festivities. Ken and Mervi's eldest daughter is married with a newborn in Finland. His younger daughter who swam for the University of Wyoming and was an Olympic hopeful is in England right now. I help them keep in touch through pictures and other Internet relays. I like the sound of the Finnish language. It is pleasant to listen to and remarked on that to a lady who lives down the way from me. Then we dissed the French because when they talk it sounds like they are fighting (her words).

Saturday I hung about the park. Between Gary and Joyce, they visited 6 times. Greg visited once but for awhile. He is trying to wrap his mind around being a Florida resident for awhile- Lew is the eldest (Jewish) son and is feeling responsible for his aged parents. Greg brought Pupper so Honey got to play. Honey also made the acquaintance of Boone- a blue-eyed Great Dane. They wanted to play so badly. Honey barked and Buster came rushing out of the coach as fast as his gimpy leg would carry him-to the rescue. Boone's dad travels in a half-camper/half horse trailer pulled by a diesel dually. He has ridden 22 trails across the country, has corral sections hanging on his trailer... but no horse here. Interesting guy- I hope to visit with him tomorrow. He knows the Wind Rivers.

When Buster was being heroic I put him in the van- opened up the door to get him out and Honey jumped in. They wanted a ride. So I went to the Verizon store to pick up my repaired fancy phone, not the new one. It is not repaired (they said it was) but they updated the interface. Went to Ace hardware to get some bolts and mounted my solar lights on the awning bar. Solar porch lights- pretty cool if I do say so.
Mme LaTour is on the track of a new computer. They brought me another gift-a certificate to John G's which has excellent food. Now I am embarrassed. I do see that she is loosening up and is even letting her hair go gray. I provide them solace and reassurance-they may become campers yet. Mark is just fine and is enjoying the laidback life. We'll probably become best buddies and I will have to eat a steaming pile of crow-which is better than the steaming pile of what I thought I was going to get out of them. One never knows, does one?
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Friday, February 20, 2009

Problem Solved

My modem had been stopping. So I downloaded a software update for the router. That has several improvements. But I forgot to adjust the timeout setting-the point at which the router decides I have fallen asleep or passed away and attends to other business. It was set at 15 minutes. These days I can't even scratch my ass in under 15 minutes, let alone post a blog item, so after laboring on my blog, I would push the post button and it would disappear. VERY frustrating. But the timeout is now set to a longer period and I can continue. I think.

I am recuperated from the reunion experience. I got too tired and a sinus infection came and I have been tired though the infection left. If the point of a reunion is to renew the bonds of family affection this one worked admirably. It worked on every level. It exceeded expectations for everybody. I am still smiling.

Life in the park has returned to normal. I have had visitors, went to Gary and Joyce's for burgers last night, walked Sheryl's dog while they went to Sebring, visited with Greg. He has been making money hand over fist down at Pop's. He bought a pressure washer and is quite handy at a lot of things. He has been washing roofs and driveways and the word of mouth has kept him hopping. They do other things to beautify a neighborhood of mostly aging people. They are popular.

Street Art in Lake Worth this weekend, and Ken's birthday tonight. My watch has died. I think I am going to Target for a spendy day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I m still having trouble posting. This web album will tell the story. Click on the picture to go there:

Withrow Reunion in Florida

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday Reunion

The Oregon girls in the pool. Audrey is part fish. She swam well in the ocean too.
Cap'n Jason filets Joel's fish. The fishing trip commenced at 7:00 a.m. and that swiftly separated the fishermen from the wannabe fisherman. Two nice fish were brought home- a yellow snapper and Joel's muttonhead. We all had a few bites with the big fat burgers and brats on Sunday afternoon.
I was having trouble posting to the blog. I downloaded updated software for my router and so far, so good. I will attempt to reconstruct and get up to date after yesterday's day of rest. I got way too tired and got a sinus infection-little ones arrived with sniffles and coughs but I am on the mend.
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

Herding Cats would be a cakewalk next to getting this crowd to plan and execute a plan. But as I told Lori, after the day at the beach turned into a 5:00 p.m. excursion, they seem to be enjoying theselves and that is the point. Some did get to the parade in the morning. Matt's knee was in pain after carrying Audrey home 5 blocks. Some went shopping. The gift bags Grampie left for the little kids did not get distributed until evening and they seemed to provide more than the anticipated ten minute diversion. The dinner menu was flexible and was decided on late in the day. Matt had a plan early on but one person is gluten allergic so the plan was changed to the expensive Fresh Market ka-bobs at about 10 bucks a pop. But they were delicious. Add potato salad, macaroni salad, bread, and Galen and Nan had bought a raspberry cheesecake in Palm Beach. Very excellent tastes if impromptu.

Cheryl shares her materials and know-how in a Valentine making frenzy. Cheryl, Angela and Lori seem engrossed.

Jackson models Ginormous body parts.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Too much Fun!

Those who wanted and had kids went to Seaquarium in Miami Friday morning. Jason took brother Matt and uncle Galen deep sea fishing, well stocked with beer and cigars. Fish were caught (they said). The Seaquarium kids (ages 3 to 40) came back with inflatable dolphins and sharks for pool time and wine and cheese.

Lori, quite wisely, set the agenda for each branch of the family to provide an evening meal. Brothers-in-law Joel and DJ teamed to make a stunner: a huge Paella-rice, veggies, chicken, and assorted seafood; shrimp, mussels, clams. The presentation was beautiful, the taste terrific. In every case of the younger generation, the men do a lot of the cooking. We certainly benefited.

We had a moment of panic: Jackson disappeared and with all the water around the search was immediate and frantic. He was discovered in the pantry, with the door closed, helping himself to the donuts.

Awful and funny: The wine flowed, inhibitions shed, the Wii game, Guitar Hero was introduced to the kids. Soon the adults horned in. Basically, the Wii presents a famous song and guitars, drums, and microphone are manned by the players who are scored on accuracy in synching with the music. It is hilarious and the results (ours anyway) were pretty awful to listen to. I took some video and will try to post it. It was great fun.

We had reason to celebrate on this day. Son Matt, ironically received word via cellphone while he had a beer in one hand, a cigar and a fishing rod in his other two hands ( I know-too many hands-but it is his story and he can tell it any way he wants to.) that he was selected to be an enforcement officer for the Oregon Liquor Control Board. He has wanted to be in law enforcement and now he has a great job with the state, excellent benefits.

Saturday is to be more laid-back. As some are staying at the Embassy Suites with Jason and Lori, some prime beach is available. Deerfield is having their Founder's Day parade about three blocks from the house.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reunion Day One

What Is Wrong With The Above Picture? As cute as they are, they hogged the bed this morning. No room for dad!
The grandkids are gorgeous, sweet and good-just like their parents before them. D.J. is so good with them all. I am glad to experience what our parents felt when the clan gathered-a feeling of pride, gratitude, and awe that "the kids" turned out so well in spite of our bumbling parenting. I'd like these people even if we weren't related. The Colorado folks arrived about 2:30 from chilly Denver and were in the pool within thirty minutes: chilled Corona's or wine, Turkey or Ham and Swiss sandwiches, fresh cut fruit, chips and dip welcomed them. Talking and soaking up rays, and the tumult of the young, dogs, and life, fishing from the dock, a manatee sighting, whiled away the hours until dusk when Jason took them on a boat ride-Audrey, a chip off her daddy's block kept saying "go faster!" as if 40 miles an hour in a boat wasn't fast enough. Those twin Evinrudes will indeed go faster but not with precious cargo. Nan and I were sitting on the dock waiting for their return and we heard them before we saw them. They do have fun.

Eve's lasagna, salad and warm bread were a hit and two pans of it almost disappeared. Jason and Lori had emailed options well in advance of the get-together. The young ones (who are in fact reaching "middle age," whatever that is), had a big pow-wow to determine the weekend agenda and finally reached agreement on tomorrow (only). We oldsters are mostly interested in "when's dinner." My pups were kind of shell-shocked with the commotion. Honey stayed right close and Buster was near too. We left for home about 8:30. I enjoyed the day so much but am grateful for my own quiet space tonight.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let the Party Begin!

I took Gary to the Costco Warehouse in Lantana this morning-he drove, I had the card. We got skunked on what we were looking for. Joining may go down in my annals of dumb decisions because the quantities are huge (and the prices are not all that hot).
This afternoon I motored to Deerfield where my former wife, the boys' mother, Eve was busy making lasagna for the hordes that will be arriving tomorrow. She was busy being mother. She has a cold. Jason's boat was back from the repair/detail shop and it looked really spiffy-shiny. It is going to get some use over the next few days. We had some time to visit between loads of laundry, trips to the recycling center, (Eve made Jason dumpster dive for something, I scored a comforter in "Miami Heat" colors that came with their house), making up the Murphy bed, and the girls going for manicure/pedicure. Eve had boatloads of marinara sauce so we had spaghetti, a nice salad, and wine on the patio. Very pleasant company, food, and weather. The doggies gamboled on the waterfront.

Son Matt called from SaltLake City-they had a scheduled layover and will be in tonight about 11:30 p.m. The Hemme contingent will arrive tomorrow afternoon bringing our number to 14. Vicki and Angela will come Saturday from California. Jason and Lori have knocked themselves out getting ready for this. I am praying for no more drama other than exuberance in seeing each other. My rule: the 3 and 4 year olds can act like 3 and 4 year olds-nobody else.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It was the darn tetracycline: I was aware of the new warning that comes with it saying it needs to be taken with a full glass of water (did that) and 30 minutes before laying down (didn't do that). But I had recovered sufficiently by 8:00 a.m. to clean out the van in preparation for a bon voyage dinner I intended for Joe and Patsy.

Then I went to the Boynton Verizon store to exchange my phone for one with a camera (same model only different). That took four effing hours and six people, cost me $50.00 and I will get that back with a mail-in rebate. Sheesh! But I like the phone- it is built to military specs: waterproof, dustproof, damage resistant-it is nicknamed "the Boulder." I have a year to break it because I did not get the handset insurance. They did transfer my contacts.

Greg came over for a beer. They had spent the day at "Pops." They didn't work today but the gate guard recognized them as the ones who were doing good work in the gated community. There are lots of elderly there and services being what they are in South Florida, the work is lining up Greg.

I took Pat and Joe to Phyllis G's. It did not disappoint. The weather was nice enough for us to sit on the veranda, start off with a pitcher of "fall off the porch" sangria, and enjoy the delectable food. We had a fine time-they are easy company and our locales are so different, interesting conversations. I told them of pow-wows, they told me of lobster fishing. We talked family and laughed about getting old. We all had careers as educators. They had some new foods. Joe works a golf tournament for the rest of the week so this was our last chance for a get-together. "Next year, God willing."


It is 3:30 s.m. and I am sipping Sprite and nibbling Ritz crackers in an attempt to settle my stomach. I awoke awhile ago gulping air and swallowing. I think it is just taking my Tetracycline too close to bedtime. I ate light and sensibly all day long Monday because I had eaten grandly the day before. It seems I do end up "paying the piper" for my excesses more quickly at this time in my life.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Happy Hour Here, Dinner There

A very social day: Greg for coffee and a clandestine smoke, early. Visits with the neighbors who loaned me an opera, Patsy and Joe stopped by to coordinate social calendars, Gary scootered over for a chat, Joyce came by, and the day continued with happy hour with Pat and Joe and Fernand and Yvette and Harold and Julie. The picture below is of a new delicacy peculiar to the Maritime Provinces and very delicious: "Bar Clams" are clams that come from a sandbar and are prepared by the process of freezing in a block of ice, thawing, cleaning them and canning them in a hot water bath that takes three hours. Not available at the corner grocery. A real treat. Crackers spread with smoked salmon dip topped with bar clams-to die for.

Next week is Pat and Joe's last full week at John Prince Campground. I always hate to see them go but hearing of their plans helped. They have a great campground on the other coast and the Pinnellas Trail to play on: 48 miles of hiking, biking, kayaking, some familiar faces there too. Sounds much cheaper over there. I may have to go see.

Joyce and Gary were my hosts for dinner tonight. Joyce is an artist with everyday food. She has myriad tricks learned in life and at her German mother's knee. Wonderful meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, baby veggies, rolls, and a chocolate chunk ice cream sundae. Gary's salsa & cream cheese, dip was a hit, too. Ken and Mervi came too, bringing wine. Had to take Honey on a third walk to work off a calorie or two. Weather is better and improving.

The Grammy's are on the tube- Always enjoyable. Stephen 3, Computer 2, in Scrabble. I haven't played, been able to play, since my best buddy and spitfire Scrabble player left the planet. Makes me feel closer to mom. We played for blood and laughed like loons.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Honey has her first Sleepover

Friday I took the Honey bear to Deerfield for a sleepover at Juneau's house. The point was to attempt to improve her socialization with other humans with dad out of the picture for her to hide behind. She was a hit with the neighborhood dogs and some progress was made. She settled in pretty well-she is comfortable there and she and Juneau play well together. I have to admit I suffered some separation anxiety too. She is a a big presence in our lives. After a welfare check last night, I settled down and enjoyed not putting on my shoes until 9:00 a.m. But I hit is hard after that- throw rugs hauled out, vacuum run , dusting, straightening up, etcetera... Things I am unable to do while either watching like a hawk or sharing space. I fetched her Saturday evening- we all had pizza and visited. We were glad to see each other-Buster got some kisses. He enjoyed some undivided attention and sleeping in the sunshine today.

I did some business in Deerfield while I was waiting to see if Honey would settle in. I found a Verizon store and attempted to get a new phone to replace my main one that has a broken hinge. According to the website I was eligible. According to the store I had to wait until Feb 24. BUT, I was eligible for a new aircard. That cost $100.00. I tried to install it and it didn't install. Called tech support after trying several things and told them to just turn on my old one after reciting my story. Skyler was very helpful and agreed after assisting awhile that the new aircard should go back but he was happy to send me a new phone-it will be here Monday or Tuesday. Go figure.

The LaTours lost a pedal on their tandem bike today. Mme. had to pedal with her bad leg. But they got the giggles. She was sure the whole camp was wondering who these zany people were.

The weather was incrementally better- more sunshine and is supposed to improve. For the sake of the Coloradans and Oregonians I hope next week is splendid. Jason and Lori have been breaking their necks to make a nice time.

My rusty Scrabble skills are coming back.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Loose Ends

Another chilly windy day in Florida terms. Once again the forecasts were more dire than the actuality but it is not the most pleasant weather to be in-perhaps I am turning into a Florida weather-weenie.

In the fullness of time...all will be revealed:
  • The man dragged by the alligator is alive and well, minus his top two joints of his index finger and with a fused thumb.
  • The suicide on the island was by hanging and the man was despondent over losing his job.
  • The eviction of the tenter was a result of the camper getting blitzed and passing out in the bath house. (Note to self....)
  • My Right Source Pharmacy is a good deal-very efficient.

I joined Costco. There is a warehouse very near here. I haven't been yet.

Everybody is a critic! I loaned Greg and Lew some of my Foreign Films. Verdict: "They suck!" In light of that opinion, I sent them home with my Looney Tunes Collection.

Withrow reunion will commence Tuesday. Should be fun. I am taking Honey to Deerfield tomorrow and will leave her for a few hours initially, perhaps overnight, in order to try to get her over her shyness of other humans. I will do things in Deerfield for a few hours in case it goes sour.

We all took a two hour nap today. Very refreshing and relaxing and I guess needed. Good day for it.

Rich called this a.m. I guess the economy is going backwards in Wyoming too. But we had a good chat.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Laid Back in the Chilly Tropics

It is record cold in South Florida, which means we have to wait until 9:00 a.m. to sit in the sunshine and enjoy a cup of coffee that friend Greg brewed and brought. We sat at the WiFi picnic table by the road and yakked. Our dogs met other dogs and we greeted passersby. A very pleasant way to start the day. Greg left with intent to create some activites for the day- and he did. We late lunched at their RV on a Greg Italian creation ( cheese ravioli, sweet sausage, meatballs, pasta in marinara sauce) and garlic bread that was right tasty.

The winds came up and while they were not rivals to Wyoming on a WINDY day they were gusting in the thirties and awning maintenance became a priority. I did a little maintenance on the coach. Joyce dropped in to borrow a cup of 409 cleaner. We visited for awhile. She has made a project of petting Honey and she might succeed. Greg got in a few pats.

I downloaded a Scrabble game to my iPod Touch. It is very like the board game. Lots of fun. $4.99.

Greg and Lew came over late afternoon and we shared some pea soup I made in the crock pot- out of the day I made out better than they did but they usually eat once a day so they got a little bonus on the day. They are good people and we do laugh. They brought Pupper and he and Honey played-she needed the release and was so happy to have a playmate. They are fun to watch. Gregs dog JJ is gentling to Honey and me. It was a very agreeable day with disagreeable weather.

It is going to be another two heater (on low power) night. The only negative to that is my furry friends don't feel the need to come snuggle in the cool part of the night with the front heater on.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tragedy Strikes the LaTours

We had a MAJOR rainfall last night-much needed. I was out pushing on my awning to force the accumulating water out of the "bucket" created by the weight of the water until I could lower one end to provide a runoff channel. Alas! The LaTours were snugly inside playing board games with her sister. Said sister is flying to Massachusetts today and unwittingly opened the door and their awning, bent beyond repair, released a deluge I was privileged to observe. Mme. LaTour was fit to be tied. Sister was a good sport though soaked, Mark was under pressure. I volunteered to retie their tiedowns while they scooted for the airport. Now they have an awning story!

In other news: Joyce and Gary arrived from Pittsburgh via Jacksonville where Gary's cousin's wife pitched a fit over being able to watch the Australian Open Tennis Match finale and threatened to send the guests upstairs to their room. They had a pretty good trip. Joyce played roving reporter at a truck wash they used to get the grime and salt off their RV and had a great time.

Greg was here catching a little buzz on my Coronas and sneaking a smoke or two. He brought his remaining packs here when the quitting began. They are in the beverage refrigerator creating what I guess in legal parlance could be construed as an 'Attractive nuisance." He was amped over summer plans up north and a visit from his daughter. On a lark about four years ago he bought a big bag of koi fish for a pittance and released them in his man-made pond. They have prospered and a four inch one is now worth $40.00 and the bigger ones worth more than $100.00. Breeding size are rarely sold and his are breeding size. By accident he has created wealth. He had a hard time coming up and seems more content with himself in his mid-forties. Nice to see, and instructive.

It is breezy and cool today though the storm clouds appear to be dissipating.
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Monday, February 02, 2009

How did it Get to be Monday, already?

Saturday morning Greg stopped by so I drove to Hypoluxo to a Denny's Classic Chrome Diner to meet Nick and Jody, their friends from New York. They came down to visit Nick's family and it was a several day family fight, Italian style. So they took a cruise and enjoyed it immensely. We heard the details over Grand Slams and Omelets which Greg paid for. Nick and Jody had the Italian/ New York accents I remember and you have seen on Television if you haven't experienced it live. I really enjoyed meeting them. Nick does woodworking and had pictures on his cell phone. Pretty cool stuff. My camera had a dead battery. Saturday afternoon I played with and brushed the dogs. Honey is getting three a day walks to keep the edge off. The weather has not been too shiny- What Wyoming gets eventually ends up here only milder. Joyce and Gary called-they are on their way from Pittsburgh aand escaped on icy roads.

Superbowl Sunday was fun all day long. The LaTours brought me a bottle of Sparkling Raspberry Wine as a thank-you for Intenet, loan of de-flappers, etc. etc. That was unexpected. What was expected was the Tailgate Party at Patsy and Joe's. It was a lot of fun:

Click on the slideshow for bigger pix.

For actual game watching I drove to Deerfield for the High Definition Super Size Screen, stereo, "you are there" presentation. John Madden in stereo is almost more than I can bear. They were celebrating Lori's birthday (she looked gorgeous- all dolled up), so there was Barbecue: pulled pork, potato salad, BBQ Beans, and a red velvet birthday cake! I was popping glucophage pills, Lori boosted her insulin pump but we had a nice time. Jason was rooting for Arizona, I was pulling for Pittsburgh.I think we had equal time on the "Yays!!" and "Oh Crap"s!The doggies played and were almost as entertaining as the game. No problems falling asleep for any of us.

Today I sneaked away for a bike ride-tried to burn off a calorie or two, and am still digesting- paying for my Sunday gluttony. It is pretty windy today but the dogs are tethered outside where they like to be and I'd better check on them.