
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Pizza and Pool Night

A night at Chez Jason and Lori's: Eve, Matt, Cheryl, and Audrey went for an Intercoastal Cruise down near Fort Lauderdale. Grampie forgot and had some aspartame Diet Coke this week in the absence of Splenda and couldn't get his shoes on until noon so he stayed home. He did manage to rally for Pizza night and enjoyed the antics of sons, grandpuppy, granddaughter and three dynamic women this evening. He only had an old camera with him so he got lots of redeye but a few decent shots.

More pictures at the web album.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday in South Florida

Cheryl and Audrey on the pier at the Old Key Lime House where we had lunch. The plan was for brunch at John G's at Lake Worth Beach but the wind was gusty today. Jason and Lori suggested this favorite and we enjoyed it.

Off to the street art Festival in Lake Worth where the crowd is as varied and interesting as the artwork. After a tour of about eight blocks, Jason and Lori split for a little quality time with Juneau. Eve, Matt, Cheryl and Audrey came to see where Grampy lived when in Florida. We played on the jungle gym for awhile. They left and my eyelids started drooping- awoke at 8 p.m. Grampy is finding he enjoys less, more, these days. I am enjoying the Academy Awards with Buster tonight though I haven't been to a movie since Superman (the original one).
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lordy, Lordy my kid turned 40!

So what does that make me? Older than dirt. But dirt can have a good time too. The boys went for a dive this morning and we scrambled to get ready for a 1:00 p.m. party. Cheryl and Lori and Eve decorated and arranged and fetched 40 helium balloons. I finished assembling the food. Two hot hors d ouerves, 15 pounds of cut fruit, chips, salads, cake, and beverages, and we awaited Jason's cooking of the shish-kabobs. The guests and guest of honor seemed to enjoy themselves. We had leftovers-women who were still enjoying the party after Lori and Jason went to a baby shower and I packed up and headed for home at eight. It was a happy mix of adults, kids, and dogs. Relaxed and a rich blend of personalities. More pictures at the web album. Click the link below to go there:
Kirsten, one of the guests, takes underwater photographs and posts them here:
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Friday, February 23, 2007

Audrey and Cheryl play at Grampie's

The brothers got in an early scuba dive and Lori had her Pilates Class so Cheryl and Audrey came to the park and we played on three jungle gyms. Audrey is careful but quite at ease in doing it all. She does not like sand between her toes so we found the one with the rubber mats the most congenial. She has a great sense of humor and her personality is asserting itself. She has a good momma. She comes with all manner of palatable foods, sunscreen, changes of clothes. Very good with her baby and enjoys her. Nice to watch. It warmed my coach to have family members here. I took pictures to savor later- they are at the web album. I don't know if Audrey made a memory but they made a sweet one for me.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Let the Good Times Roll (3rd try)

Matt, Cheryl and Audrey made their appearance on the 22nd. Audrey and Matt hit the pool at first light (for them not the Sun, Eve will catch up if the 8 inches of snow that fell in Medford allows it. Meantime the fun in the sun began with lunch at Hurricane Alley-great food and a fun place to eat. Audrey is a good little girl and so smart. Her mom manages her so well and dad is fully involved.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jobs I Do Not Envy

The black spot on the top of the blimp is a man working on it. Gave me the heebie-jeebies just watching him. Hope he is painting, not patching-though it would be quite amazing to see a quick release like a flying balloon. Jet propulsion.
If you like aircraft and the sound of engines as I do (in this metro setting-where trains, trucks, planes and boats contrast with my quiet homeplace in Wyoming -well there are the cars and car sound systems there) this is the place to be. The sounds interrupt conversations some days but the sights are endlessly fascinating.

Mike the Coastal RV guy was by to continue work here in service Hell. I was on the verge of losing patience with him. He asked about Lucy and Charlie and said he brought his girlfriend to go bike riding with them but they were gone. I asked (because I was confused) what happened to his Dutch born wife who I spoke to first three years ago when they were just off to Holland for a visit. She had a brain aneurysm last June and died (age 56) after an ordeal on life support. Was I glad I was not short with him? Yes. Quite amazing he is even functioning. And I guess that is the lesson: everybody has a story and some of them are not very pretty, kindness rules.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Definitely I am a "Ten o'clock scholar" today having slept through the alarm, which I usually beat "up." I was up late migrating files to this computer which appears to be working more reliably than the other one. Then too, the cold snap probably made staying under the blanket more inviting. The temperature has dipped into the thirties here but it has not frozen near the coast. The Floridians are complaining but I have my "escaping winter wardrobe" so I am still warm and active.

Saturday I scooted to the "Green Market" (I was corrected by the fishmonger who overheard me talking to Jason on the cell phone-not "Farmer's Market.") I met Greg and Lewis on the way and they went too. I was on a mission-more great bread, more handmade soap, more veggies. We all took our dogs. The phone call from Jason set up a meet for lunch at Chili's restaurant where we did scheduling and planning for the 40th birthday party. Festivities commence on the 21st. That was fun and necessary. I handed over a Valentine's gift bag for Lori which I had been collecting for a couple of weeks. Fun to do. Good lunch. Chili's makes a "chicken fried steak" with batter and a deep fryer-deadly but delicious.

Lazy Sunday so far. The rest is an adventure.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Blahg

I am going to blog a bit while this computer is temporarily functioning. Coolish-it may even freeze inland but they don't know cold down here. One ceramic cube heater in the bedroom is keeping us toasty.

I did some deep cleaning yesterday in the cool rainy weather. Goody lives-in the vacuum cleaner. She was a hair making girl. This is not the first time I vacuumed since she left us but her presence is still considerable. I am concerned about Buster because he finds her hair clumps and really is interested in them, licks spots where she used to spend time, and will let out a mournful howl from time to time. He spends a lot of time comforting himself by licking, though his attention and petting has increased. He also seems to feel some pressure in being the only dog. He vied for riding shotgun in the Van when Goody was with us but declines now in spite of my coaxing. He really is a sweet little guy and deserves his "time in the spotlight" but I am considering going to the shelter to find him a "pest:" something smaller than he is and companionable. I like big dogs but Buster deserves to be number one dog after being such a good sport for so long. I don't know if they will let me take him along to help in the selection.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine Greetings!

Warm (85 degree) Wishes to my Friends and, in the spirit of the day, even people who don't like me because Valentine's Day is for everyone-even assholes. The day has evolved-this is a 1910 Valentine card, but it has also evolved for me in the different stages of life: From the classroom packs laboriously printed with names of all my classmates. To the pre-sensitive era when the scandal was "Marie didn't get a single Valentine," to giving Marsha Brown a friendship ring which she rejected because she was "going with" Dick Chura (he is dead and Marsha and I are still friends), to making Valentines with construction paper and doilies, to high school where we kept count of our popularity by how many singing Valentines we got from the student council fundraiser, to courtship, to early marriage ( something soft and satiny) to later marriage (better not forget if you know what's good for you) to post-marriage (fat lot of good they did you) to today when like the early days, a Valentine means "you like me, you really, really like me." (Sally Fields).

My dear departed mother and I had a tradition of homemade Valentines with a handwrought verse, usually silly. Her most memorable effort:
Rose's are Red
Violet's are pink
And So Are Yours,
I think.

So let's raise a glass to toast the idea of Love in its many forms. It's "What the World Needs Now." (Dionne Warwick)
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Deflated by my Betters

I took pictures for some up-the-street-neighbors who have the spot I had last year for them to send their kids. They are from New Jersey and we visit when I take my trash to the dumpster. One day I stopped in and she was working on stitching her afghan. Very nice "older" people. I took a couple of pretty good bike rides today-probably about five miles. I was visiting with them this afternoon and they said they rode 26 miles yesterday. He put 1100 miles on his bike last year! Made me feel like a piker.

They gave me some ideas for some sights to see down south. They have been spending time with the grandson of one of our neighbors who arrived, was coughing up blood, and had a prostate operation. They are in the emergency spot and have become kind of a neighborhood project. The neighborhood people for the most part are very nice.

The neighbors south of me were gone and I surmised a cruise-I was right. They are from Quebec but he is a German and is zesty. They had a great time-went to Mexico.

I haven't posted for a day or two because I spent a lot of time Sunday trying to equalize myself- one of the side effects of my blood pressure medicine is edema-seems sometimes I have to choose between ankles like tree trunks or veins like pencils but feet raised helps even things out. The new medical advice that naps are a good thing is going to be a part of my regimen. I'm kind of like a Betsy-Wetsy doll. Have to lie down for awhile to pee. Then all night long, every hour. So sleeping is sometimes the best cure for me. Amazingly healthy for all of that, though. Feeling good. Rainy Monday and the pitter pat of rain on the roof and a book in hand was nap inducing. Bet I read 20 pages all day long.
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lake Worth Beach makes me Smile

While taking pictures at the beach I heard a man softly singing-very well, and it was this young man who was singing to his babies-the one in his arms and the one that is due in two weeks. It was so sweet a moment. They are excited for the event. I am thinking it's a lucky child to be born to them.
I love the colors at the beach

Saturday and a beautiful day, Touched up my waxing, rode the bike and chatted with people along the way. I decided I needed to go to the beach anticipating good crowds. I was right and came in at the end of the Saturday Farmer's Market/Craft show and scooped up bargains. I bought a pint of conch salad from a huge Black woman, a loaf of chocolate cherry bread, (she threw in a big soft pretzel) and three bars of handmade soap. I will go earlier next time. I walked the beach and took my pictures with a wide angle lens that seemed to have a hard time focusing at times but even those pictures are interesting. Ended up at the walkup window to John G's where fish and chips were purchased lunch and dinner generous. I saw Finland Day was in progress in Lake Worth but I couldn't find a place to park.

More Beach Pix here:



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Alive and Kicking

Coolish weather and it has been good for waxing. It is tedious work and the area is large.I have a battery operated buffer which helps a lot but doesn't last too long. First the cleaning phase to remove oxidation, then a wash, then a wax , then a polish. Some areas and colors seem to benefit more than others and they all have to be done separately. I wish I could say it looks brand new when I am done but all I can say is it looks better.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

South Florida is Buzzing

In the grocery store, on the street, from the internet, inquiring minds want to know. Anna Nicole Smith age 39 passed away.I was in the very hotel a couple of weeks ago-the Seminole Hard Rock Casino (pictures on the web album). A sad life really, perhaps she was ill-she was traveling with a private nurse but my money is on the boyfriend/lawyer/putative father of her sole surviving daughter, who was also present when her 20 year old son dropped dead five months ago. I wonder what the odds are for that happening? Or was it Trimspa?

In the life goes on category, I scored a pair of tickets to the Russian National Symphony on March 7 at the Kravitz Center in Mizner Park for donating to WXEL National Public Radio which is my nearly constant companion here in Florida. I can get it on my computer at home or wherever. It is a great station-lots of Classical Music and a Doo-Wop program that is fun. I will find out if I am in the cheap seats for the concert but never mind if I am. I am in the memory making business and I think that will be a nice addition.

Washed the Van and polished it, and washed one side of the Coach-preparing to do a big wax job.
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday at the Dog Park

Benjy was so glad to see Juneau. Juneau had to set some boundaries. Setting boundaries was why I went along. Some Rottweilers had ganged up on Juneau last week and it really upset Lori. For the most part all the doggies played nicely this week.
Francine from Montreal is one of Lori's dog park friends. She is pleasant-and vivacious. As is her Dobie. Juneau and the Dobie are good friends. They will be staying at Barkingham Palace today while Lori visits with a pregnant friend and Francine drives her convertible to the Keys.
The dog park was busy this afternoon. Juneau and his Dobie friend are good together.

After we wore Juneau out. Lori and I tried a restaurant she had scouted: Phyllis G's Enigma. What a find! Kind of a funky place in a nice way. We sat on the patio and enjoyed Sangria, coconut shrimp, pecan crusted red snapper, Cuban skirt steak and perfectly done veggies and rice. Our server was Cuban and had made the Sangria and was as helpful as she could be. My kids are fun to dine with because we share food and plan it that way. This place merits a do-over when the Oregonians arrive.
No food pictures because my batteries ran out (again).
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Monday, February 05, 2007

A Super Superbowl Sunday

An overcast and cool Sunday made for a great biking and hiking morning in the park. There are lakes and lagoons and walking trails. I took the "Apple Custard Trail" but shied away from "Coot." Being out with the camera sharpens the eyes whether I catch a good image or not.

Jason called and I went over there to watch the Superbowl on the 50 inch high definition TV as opposed to the 13 inch over the air version in the coach. I think the cravings for HDTV were born. It is pretty cool. Jason put together Brats and wings, and good bread, beans, sauerkraut, good mustard, cheese, chips and it hit the spot. Relaxing, warm evening playing with my grandpuppy and hanging out with my kids. Loved it.

More Park pictures:
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tripping to Miami

On weekends you can ride the Tri-Rail all day for $4.00. So I went to Miami. It is public transportation so the mix of people is great. Visited with a young Black lady who had never met anybody from Wyoming. A man next to us was talking on his cell phone with a friend in Connecticut and he started making up stories about us-she had a gun and I had a knife and he wasn't sure he was going to make it to Hialeah. Of course he was "feeling no pain" and had something in a brown paper bag. He became my new best friend.

Diversity works. People get along. It really is much more interesting

My new friend Pat from New York but a five year (separated from wife) resident of Florida. He works for one of those outfits like DiTech loans. Says they are crooked and terrible loans but it pays the bills. If he looks a little fuzzy it is because he was. Nice guy, I enjoyed talking to him.

A Tri-Rail car- I ride the top decks. I travelled 142miles, met interesting people and saw new sights- for $4.00! Lori called when I was in Miami so Jason, Lori, and I met for dinner-delivered my birthday greeting to her. She had baked goodies from Texas for me. They are sweet kids.
Great day.
More Pictures at:
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Friday, February 02, 2007

Sweatin' With the Oldies

Eighty Seven Degrees today- a little warm for me and for this area for this time of year. It is supposed to cool off to 74 tomorrow which is very pleasant. The main reason for the post is to let folks know that the tornadoes were north of me.
I am down where the tropics begin-West Palm Beach is just 10 minutes to the north of me. It took me 4 hours to drive to Leesburg to look at a van last year. That is the area that got hit.

Rich called last night to say minus 31 (wind-chill factored in) was the prediction for Casper. Cuz Donna called to ask a question about 4-wheel drive last night. She had to leave Colorado highway 36 due to wrecks on her way home from Boulder. It took her four hours to to get home.

I can stand the heat...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Journey to Atlantis

After downloading "fixes" for my computer early this morning and calling Lori to wish her a Happy Birthday, I had a burst of domesticity. Gathered and sorted laundry and set out for the laundromat in Atlantis. Several of my neighbors have gone there so I thought to give it a try. I needed assistance several times. The Indian lady knew where to slap, sock and kick the washers to make them go. One machine was still washing when I had dried everything else. She gave it a whack and it eventually released my hostage undies. First and last visit, I think.

I did have time to walk the Atlantis mall. I visited the Bodegon, a latin supermercado. It was pretty cool. Peppy latin musico, bright murals with Mayan designs and nearly nude ladies, some unusual veggies, and cuts of meat in the carniceria. I will shop here sometimes and try the cafeteria.

It is always a nice feeling to have the laundry done. Played with the Buster dog. Took a nap. Pretty windy here today but warm. Walked this evening.