Deflated by my Betters
They gave me some ideas for some sights to see down south. They have been spending time with the grandson of one of our neighbors who arrived, was coughing up blood, and had a prostate operation. They are in the emergency spot and have become kind of a neighborhood project. The neighborhood people for the most part are very nice.
The neighbors south of me were gone and I surmised a cruise-I was right. They are from Quebec but he is a German and is zesty. They had a great time-went to Mexico.
I haven't posted for a day or two because I spent a lot of time Sunday trying to equalize myself- one of the side effects of my blood pressure medicine is edema-seems sometimes I have to choose between ankles like tree trunks or veins like pencils but feet raised helps even things out. The new medical advice that naps are a good thing is going to be a part of my regimen. I'm kind of like a Betsy-Wetsy doll. Have to lie down for awhile to pee. Then all night long, every hour. So sleeping is sometimes the best cure for me. Amazingly healthy for all of that, though. Feeling good. Rainy Monday and the pitter pat of rain on the roof and a book in hand was nap inducing. Bet I read 20 pages all day long.
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