
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lordy, Lordy my kid turned 40!

So what does that make me? Older than dirt. But dirt can have a good time too. The boys went for a dive this morning and we scrambled to get ready for a 1:00 p.m. party. Cheryl and Lori and Eve decorated and arranged and fetched 40 helium balloons. I finished assembling the food. Two hot hors d ouerves, 15 pounds of cut fruit, chips, salads, cake, and beverages, and we awaited Jason's cooking of the shish-kabobs. The guests and guest of honor seemed to enjoy themselves. We had leftovers-women who were still enjoying the party after Lori and Jason went to a baby shower and I packed up and headed for home at eight. It was a happy mix of adults, kids, and dogs. Relaxed and a rich blend of personalities. More pictures at the web album. Click the link below to go there:
Kirsten, one of the guests, takes underwater photographs and posts them here:
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