
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

People Watching

Two old ladies in the grocery store. Their wardrobes could have been from my mother's closet. On one, the clothes hung loose- a baby-Robin looking woman. They knew each other and discussed the latest tabloid outrage. Two excruciating shopping checkouts: A coupon rejected-out of date-the loaf of bread goes back, six large cans of cat food, a large bag of rice, some crackers. The 'robin lady' had six limes, eight cans of cat food, a loaf of whole grain bread. $11.48, and the change was counted out as if she were bidding it a "reluctant goodbye." Are there cats at home? They held their dignity as they broke my heart.

New neighbors are interesting but no soul matches yet. One couple got an extended stay because Ron had a heart attack when they first checked in. He had a stent installed and seems daily to be getting stronger. He is a photographer who travels to market his great outdoor photography mostly of Michigan's upper peninsula. He works in 35 mm film and blows up his pictures to 3X5 ft size, mounts them on aluminum and frames them. They are knockouts! He had decided to sell one of his demos since the heart attack was expensive. A couple drove from Sarasota to write him a check for $1200.00. His companion, Gayle changes clothes about 3 times a day. Often overdressed but nice to look at. They have a pickup with a camper on the back and a trailer to haul the art.

Mike and Gayle are the latest arrivals- from Massachusetts. Falstaffian and Wagnerian are the words that come to mind. He resembles Onslow-Hetty's beer drinking brother-in-law on "Keeping up Appearances." Muscle shirts on hairy arms and loud. He doesn't hear very well and she compensates. A cheerful and enthusiastic couple with three dogs- a Springer Spaniel and two English Cockers which I thought were also Springer Spaniels but was informed of my error and told that one had appeared at the Westminster Dog Show. They could be fun neighbors if they are not "too much."

Monday, January 30, 2006

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Begonias are doing well as are nearly all the plants I have planted. Only one croaker and it may come back. A rainy muggy day today. It is just now cooling off at 10:48 p.m Eastern- 75 degrees. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Time Goes at a Gallop Where the Tropics begin

One reason I Blog is so I can remember- a diary of sorts. But you have to remember to Blog. In no particular order:
  • Blew up the airbed outdoors and spent time on it brushing dogs and sleeping in the sunshine-a dogpile.
  • Tended plants and yard. The flowers are doing great-deadheading the petunias keeps the waist functional.
  • Am attempting to tame a stray pitbull with the blessings of the park management. He is a very dignified, wary, and seemingly sweet, smart boy. I put a dish of food out for him and he steals the whole dish. I go to where he passes under the fence and there it is. I want this to have a good ending. I will not adopt him. Goody deserves to get off the planet knowing she is number one and Buster deserves his turn in that spot.
  • This hacking cough seems to have passed the germy place but seems to be allergy triggered. Was fine most of yesterday then walked out of a restuarant into the night air and wham! the waterworks, sneezing and coughing started right up. Patent medicines are getting tryouts.
  • Labored in behalf of our businesses and the governments of the U.S. and Wyoming in completing the quarterly reports. Most of Friday at this.
  • Was rewarded with a delightful dinner at Carrabba's Italian restaurant last night- a treat from Lori and Jason. Lori found a delicious wine and was in high spirits-very amusing. She is a pistol. They are still working away at getting their house finished. They had a cocktail party/private showing of the King Tut exhibit Thursday evening. Very interesting to hear about.
  • Have so enjoyed my neighbors. Sadly they must leave today although I went to beg the management for a little more time for them. January is just booked. I am glad that Real and Diane are on the planet. Good people. We have exchanged email addresses. I gave a business card to a previous neighbor and then kicked myself. "Why don't you just take out an ad that your house is unattended," I asked myself. Made traveling business cards with email address and cell phone numbers only. We exchanged little gifts...Diane found me some table cloth clips, I made them CD's with some of my iPod music.
  • Windy but warm. The awning is up. I am getting better with it but it is still no picnic.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Better than NASCAR!

They walked away. Exclusive web coverage by WCHR Consulting. I snapped a picture and called the Palm Beach Post. The editor said their photographer was on the way. However, I think they had this thing righted and on its way to the hangar before the photographer got here. I'll know more tomorrow when I see the paper. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006

New neighbors from the North

In their maiden voyage in a 2006 Roadtrek 210 (about $100,000 per copy) I found good French Canadian neighbors- I knew there had to be some. She is 60 and a delight-a translator for a prestigious pediatric hospital. He is also cheerful and engaged with the world -age 67, retired Pediatrician. We visited a few minutes yesterday and this evening I told them I was cracking open a half gallon of Bombay gin for tonics and why didn't they join me? Truth to tell I had about a half of one headstart as I had determined to have a drink and listen to the iPod and soak up the twilight rays. Gave me Dutch courage to ask. They did not have to be coaxed. Dianne was enamored of the iPod and the great tunes. So much in common-great kids, digital photography, bird watching/photographing, and of course the iPod tunes evoked common experiences growing up. I had on hand some chips and cheese and salsa so we had a grand time. Interesting stories. Kind, compassionate people. Beautiful evening to be out.

The Roadtrek is perfect for them- they like to move around the country and they are compact people. It is an amazing machine. About 15 miles to the gallon and it has everything- potty, air conditioner, two burner stove, sink, fridge, dinette,/beds and drives like a dream. I would be like Pooh Bear stuck in the hunny trap in the darn thing but it is an admirable piece of equipment.

There are Quebecois and there are Quebecois!

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Discovering downtown Lake Worth

Emerged from the crud and while still feeling spacey decided to act like I am alive this Saturday. I am in self imposed quarantine from the kids. Some things should not be shared. I visited with my neighbor for quite a spell. He had been a lineman for the local utility- he told me to keep that to myself. I had read enough to know that the city of Lake Worth owns the local power company and is constantly catching hell over it. My neighbor lives in Tennesse now but they were visiting kids and friends. Unfortunately they leave tomorrow. We travel a lot of the same territory. They are retired and pull their camper behind them. He has tricked it out cleverly. They have a 22 pound cat. He put a cat condo on the side. I enjoyed hearing his story.

Decided I was going to find the beach and started out. It was pretty easy but in one section I almost expected to hear that National Geographic narrator saying "the people of Guatemala are of short stature..."because it did look like a foreign country. Downtown Lake Worth is going to see more of me. Lots of little bistros and sidewalk cafes, boutiques and bookshops. Some of that "Miami Vice architecture," and some historic buildings as well as great landscaping create a style. Ample parking at the beach and a great cross section of humanity to gawk at. No more than 15 minutes from here. Resisted the fried food at the beach and stopped at an older shopping center that had some atmosphere and just about everything I needed to round out my whims: Chinese takeout, small Publix store, laundromat, Radio Shack, Subway, liquor store, bakery.

Travel is 'broadening." I have had to process my "reactions" on occasion. Finding myself sometimes in areas where my color, size and language, are in the minority causes some discomfort. I then try to realize that is how other people feel whan I am in "my element." Most people try to be nice most of the time. Has worked out fine so far.

Being out of my area I have had to show my driver's license and my credit card fairly often. The clerk at Publix said "Wyoming! I have had Germany, Quebec, and Wyoming today." That's me from the great country of Wyoming. Enjoying the great country of Florida.

Son Matt called as I was pulling into my drive. That kid gets into some of the most interesting deals. He was on his way to Bend on snow lined highways to do the announcing for one of those "caged, ultimate fighting" matches. He is also learning what every parent learns-mastering mixed emotions. Audrey has learned how to kiss and wants to lay a big smacker on everybody which he thinks is adorable. She also has a cold and runny nose. So it is "adorable with a gag factor."

Found Lake Worth Beach Today

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Pestilence in Paradise

That lingering on and off again cough matured into a doozie. I am sitting quietly because my ribs hurt so much from coughing. Seems to be getting a little better today but I have thought this before. Bundled up and "broke the fever" last night. Have changed clothes twice because of the sweats. Nothing else doing with us. Goodie is always so attentive when I am sick. Hope whatever this is does not transmit to dogs. Cool gray days in Florida. Not missing much by being laid low but I am very tired of this bug.

Monday, January 16, 2006

An ill wind and Cousin Jayne

Saturday afternoon saw strong winds up to 38 miles per hour according to the NOAA weather site so the awning had to be put up. Monday it is still up although the wind is pretty calm. Along with the wind came a good rain storm. Snug as bugs in our cocoon. Used the time to tidy up and think. At this point: thirty days in, it seems we have all that we really need or desire. The dangerous thought occurs that this is just fine; fairly simple, convenient, low-key, living. Could we become "full-timers" as they call those with no fixed address? I have met some in this park and others. The answer today is "probably." We will see what the answer is in another thirty and another thirty days. There are times when getting past, or over dogs is annoying but we all are pretty good sports. Goody lives to thwart poor Buster so she plunks wherever she can block him. When he starts to complain we have a "Chinese Fire Drill" (if that is racist, I apologize- I don't think it is.) Everybody out of the vehicle and since Buster is more nimble, he gets first choice of spot which works for awhile. I usually end up sleeping wherever Buster isn't. Sometimes my bed, sometimes the couch. Both work for me and are comfortable.

Cousin Jayne rolled in today and called. She had gotten to a part of the park that I had never seen before so I went in search and found her. I was proud of her for even finding the park. There are still so many signs down from Hurricane Wilma, that it is very confusing sometimes. She is not my cousin-she is my friend Delores' cousin from West Virginia. She is a pistol-very fun. She has Lupus and Fibromyalgia but an overwhelming zest trumps the rest. We went to lunch and had a good gab. Decided we had better call Delores and ended up writing a letter of recommendation for Jayne's neighbor Anna (who lives in Delores' West Virginia house but Delores really lives in Riverton, WY). Anna wants to become a school lunch lady. Well didn't we have fun with that before we settled down. "Looks elegant in a hair net." "Slings hash with verve- you should see her backhand." Jayne left for Vero Beach to meet up with an old boyfriend who has a brand new prescription for Cialis. I will await the results of the field research. My interest is purely academic!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Lil Audrey

and a Grandpa to this one. I see my son's expression in this face and it makes me smile. Posted by Picasa

New Baby Elison Van Heaton...

The cousins have been busy. Three babies within the calendar year. Something to Celebrate. This one in Colorado. I'm a great uncle to this one. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I've bought underwear for my kids and underwear for my former wife. But I have never received underpants from a 75 year old cowboy...until now. Brokeback Mountain is just opening in theaters but maybe the fever is running through the Valley of the Little Wind River! Rasty's wife Susie insisted on a Florida mailing address because Rasty was sure I would need this Christmas present in Florida. They are fetching- black Joe Boxers with frogs and trumpets and "Horny Toad" emblazoned on them. They took me back to childhood Christmases when we kids would be in a fever to open a package and my mother would let us open the present from her mother-usually socks, underpants or pajamas. She was a cruel mother. (not really)

But I really think this year's undies from Rasty were a running joke on the unfortunate incident of last Christmas: Cold Wyoming morning and a Christmas party the night before found me sitting in my living room with my Santa Claus hat on and in my underwear, enjoying a cup of coffee. All of a sudden there arose such a clatter; somebody named Rasty had barged in with greetings and I in a state of undress bolted for the bedroom and trousers. Unfortunately my poor dog Goody was in the path and I fell over her. So what Rasty saw was the south end of me on all fours over the dog struggling to get up and wearing underwear and a Santa hat. There is a Wyoming expression that covers this picture but it is not how I celebrate Christmas or any other occasion. I was not very gracious as I recall. But I was quick-witted enough to start calling the neighbors with the "real story" before the rumors got out of control.

So now I have a "formal set" of undies I shall wear only on cold Christmas mornings in Wyoming which considering my new-found alternative, just may be never. You will just have to imagine, Rasty.

New Gardens

Two of my four gardens in their infancy. Newly mulched and watered. A great way to greet the day with coffee in one hand and a waterhose in the other. A nice place to park 'the Fair Elante.' Posted by Picasa

An experimental airplane flew around the airport as I cooked pork chops on the grill tonight. I think this is how Volkswagens get to heaven. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Putzing around in Paradise

The weather has been a duke's mixture- not always consistent with paradise but word from Wyoming mentions blizzards so we are content. The cough has been an annoyance and more-not sleeping very well but it is feeling like it is going away little by little. It hasn't really slowed me down a whole lot. After my plantings I was hoping to get new mulch and here came the ground crew and the tractor. I was so pleased and the red mulch makes my flowers stand out so nicely, that I helped them mulch four other lots and around ten trees. My little spade got a work out and so did I but it looks very nice. I have had several new neighbors but they were just overnighters. I will stroll around the park-maybe they use my adjacent lots for temporaries while spaces open up.

Paid the company bills today and had to get to a post office for new 39 cent postage and mailing. Discovered a branch next to my favorite Home Depot but it was "lines out the door." There was a fancy new vending machine in the lobby that did the trick though. Post Office, Home Depot, Albertson's all on the same parking lot and I even found my Albertson's saving card! All within a mile of home. I am set. The store is not very busy and looking at prices I can see why. But with planning and craftiness I can stretch the dollars. My goal is to not exceed monthly income- not counting the cost of travel to Florida. So far I am doing well even with the little splurges for flowers, hose, and little bits of hardware necessary for camping.

I got a Barnes and Noble Gift Card for Christmas and my ordered CD's arrived today and are already on my iPod. Read where Dick Cheney kicked the press corps off the airplane electric system to charge his iPod. I have news for him- my iPod is way cooler than his and has better songs. (Probably a lot of the same ones)

How did Tuesday Get Here so Fast?

Sunday dinner at Jason and Lori's. They are "in" but the kitchen is on the to-do list. If I were any kind of parent I would be cooking for them but they had me over for burgers and brats. Condo life did not allow for individual barbecues so Jason is pleased to be back in business. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Burning of the Christmas Trees John Prince Park

The burning of the Christmas Trees brought out a big crowd in the park. The fire has died down a bit here.
There are a number of activities. Maybe I'll try night time Bingo in the Gazebo next week. Posted by Picasa

The Blogger's Plight

The very definition of "apropos."
The New Yorker strikes again.
Made me laugh. Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 06, 2006

Three Weeks-Where is the time going?

Three weeks here in John Prince Campground and the time is FLYING. It is seeming a normal life. Some ask me how my vacation is going but I regard it as life in a different locale. Have not done anything of a touristy nature but perhaps I had better get a move on and do some of those things. I scouted out some on the Internet before I started out.

Went to Jason and Lori's yesterday on my rounds and errands. Things are really shaping up there and they are still busy to the maximum. Planted some petunias and swept the deck by the pool. Admired the good work of the craftsmen. Went to the store for Lori and came back to see the new appliances being moved in. My Wally World excursion was weird. The clerk was very efficient but also on autopilot ( who wouldn't be in that beehive). Discovered a bag of pears that I certainly did not buy after I got home. I thought about returning them and the six miles in traffic so decided not to go and they have bothered me. They are on the counter unmolested and eyeing me reproachfully. Crime against Karma and sure enough I lost my wallet. After several frantic calls I kicked it-it was under a comforter I have on the couch. Perhaps the pears should go to the Quebecois. Legitimately scored a package of small center cut pork chops for $4.50 in the soon-to-be-garbage-bin and barbecued the lot of them to the doggies' delight (and mine). Also bought a bright red and chartreuse "All That" hair dryer. I do not believe a follicly challenged 62 year old man was the demographic this device was intended for but it defrosted the refrigerator in less than ten minutes and only cost a tenner. I do use a hair drier occasionally just not for very long.

Mail from home arrived and it was weighty. Denise said the Riverton Post Office congratulated her for getting so much in the flat rate box. Kind of fun opening Christmas cards too late to say "I better send them one real quick." Paid some bills- most are on autopay but I have a few odd ones. Caught up on my New Yorkers.

Home Depot is seeing me a lot. Being in the drug testing business I was impressed with their large decal sign boldly stating "Pre-Employment Drug Testing is required. If you use drugs don't even bother to apply." That place is overwhelming but interesting. More plants- they might freeze tonight. Staple gun to tack some things down. We do get some winds here. Part of the reason for the planting is that park management looks favorably on beautification. Ted Fish told me last year that he is allowed 130 days to stay because of his plantings. While I have been trying to make brownie points, the doggies have been caught off leash late at night. Observed but no words of warning yet. So I am probably teetering someplace between "you can stay longer" and "go NOW."

Backed up my purchased music from iTunes. That is recommended because a crashed computer means a do-over. Tomorrow I will see if they will play on a regular CD player.

Had good emails from friends today. That was fun. The businesses were also on a Friday flurry. Calls from both offices. Fremont had to special ship some Rapid tests in because the Gaming Agency sent a bunch of folks in- they did 28+ tests today.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Spring Planting

Planted 56 Petunias and Begonias around my trees today. An allergy or virus has had me coughing and dripping and night sweating and I thought a good sweat in the sunshine might help. It seems to have helped some. Selected a red, white and blue theme as I am a castaway in the French Quarter. Very sandy soil here but it seems to support vegetation. Plant food in each hole. Lots of pigweed went in the dumpster. Ordered a pizza in tonight as I had forgotten to eat all day and was not inspired by my choices: hamburger or hamburger. We have been eating well and I have cooked most days but the refrigerator is small and needs defrosting due to the humidity so the choices are getting down there. Publix is a supermarket chain that does wonderful merchandising- cut fruit is irresistible. But man the prices on staples! Ninety cents for a can of kidney beans. Will split my business between Wally World and Publix or Winn-Dixie. There is a good little Winn-Dixie up on Military Trail- a pretty good drive but worth the trip. I will scout out the Albertson's. Lack of space makes shopping more often necessary.

Got the payroll out and sent Monday. Devised and sent some promotional materials for the Methamphetamine Conference in Casper.

Spent a lot of the day removing old maps and putting new maps on the Garmin. This is time consuming. I needed to re-jigger some maps because I have ended up going places I didn't think I would go. Interstates 94 through 10 are covered and California to West Virginia are covered and I have some memory space to play with. I am now able to navigate many places around here without it but it always goes along with me. I hate being lost and there are no mountains to navigate by: will eventually run into an ocean but which one? I have a goal to photograph the sunrise over the Atlantic in the morning and the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico in the evening of the same day. Trivial I know but I want to do it.

Watched an advertising airplane fish for his sign- got it on the third try. They swoop down and catch it with a hook.

Built a little porch for the coach. I used some scrap plywood from Jason's remodel job and some plastic storage tubs. After pricing lumber at Home Depot and knowing everything must do double duty in a camper, this seemed a good compromise. The Goodster figured it out right away and is now navigating on her own. We both have regained some dignity.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Full Circle

Sunday I met Jason at the new house to assist in the installation of a closet organizer. When the kids would come to visit in Arapahoe there was always a project or two- usually involving particle board because it was what I could afford. Particle board became a running joke. Neither boy is afraid to DIY. I thought it was cool that we have come full circle- the old man doing what they used to do for me. They are, of course, on a better budget than I ever had and they bring their own vision and perspective to the projects. As I recall they were better help than I am too. Reaching the floor did not involve a frightening cacophony of vertebrae and joints popping and they had/have more energy. But we "got er dun." Looks pretty good and it should not collapse.

Luxury must be an easily acquired taste. I almost feel sorry that they didn't have the fun of orange crate furniture and second-hand treasures. The path to quality used to be a longer one than it is today. Circumstances and priorities had me taking the road less traveled (or is it the other way around?) and I find myself pretty content with "good enough." Often reflected that my education accustomed me to be happy in sub-standard housing. Certainly didn't laugh less or miss out on the important parts of being human for not going in high style. But it is nice to see what is important to different persons and appreciate their points of view. As my mother used to quote:'"To each their own." said the farmer as he kissed the cow.'

The "on again, off again" nature of the air conditioning war continues. Have read and re-read the manual, and pronounced the unit dead twice only to find the coach pleasantly cool on my return to the doggies. Seems to be working fine now if idiosyncratically. Setting it 7 degrees cooler than desired seems to make it go better.