
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Three Weeks-Where is the time going?

Three weeks here in John Prince Campground and the time is FLYING. It is seeming a normal life. Some ask me how my vacation is going but I regard it as life in a different locale. Have not done anything of a touristy nature but perhaps I had better get a move on and do some of those things. I scouted out some on the Internet before I started out.

Went to Jason and Lori's yesterday on my rounds and errands. Things are really shaping up there and they are still busy to the maximum. Planted some petunias and swept the deck by the pool. Admired the good work of the craftsmen. Went to the store for Lori and came back to see the new appliances being moved in. My Wally World excursion was weird. The clerk was very efficient but also on autopilot ( who wouldn't be in that beehive). Discovered a bag of pears that I certainly did not buy after I got home. I thought about returning them and the six miles in traffic so decided not to go and they have bothered me. They are on the counter unmolested and eyeing me reproachfully. Crime against Karma and sure enough I lost my wallet. After several frantic calls I kicked it-it was under a comforter I have on the couch. Perhaps the pears should go to the Quebecois. Legitimately scored a package of small center cut pork chops for $4.50 in the soon-to-be-garbage-bin and barbecued the lot of them to the doggies' delight (and mine). Also bought a bright red and chartreuse "All That" hair dryer. I do not believe a follicly challenged 62 year old man was the demographic this device was intended for but it defrosted the refrigerator in less than ten minutes and only cost a tenner. I do use a hair drier occasionally just not for very long.

Mail from home arrived and it was weighty. Denise said the Riverton Post Office congratulated her for getting so much in the flat rate box. Kind of fun opening Christmas cards too late to say "I better send them one real quick." Paid some bills- most are on autopay but I have a few odd ones. Caught up on my New Yorkers.

Home Depot is seeing me a lot. Being in the drug testing business I was impressed with their large decal sign boldly stating "Pre-Employment Drug Testing is required. If you use drugs don't even bother to apply." That place is overwhelming but interesting. More plants- they might freeze tonight. Staple gun to tack some things down. We do get some winds here. Part of the reason for the planting is that park management looks favorably on beautification. Ted Fish told me last year that he is allowed 130 days to stay because of his plantings. While I have been trying to make brownie points, the doggies have been caught off leash late at night. Observed but no words of warning yet. So I am probably teetering someplace between "you can stay longer" and "go NOW."

Backed up my purchased music from iTunes. That is recommended because a crashed computer means a do-over. Tomorrow I will see if they will play on a regular CD player.

Had good emails from friends today. That was fun. The businesses were also on a Friday flurry. Calls from both offices. Fremont had to special ship some Rapid tests in because the Gaming Agency sent a bunch of folks in- they did 28+ tests today.