
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Yoohoo, I'm Home!-It's Wyoming Out There

Ice on the deck this morning. The dogs love the cool. I kept coming in to get warm. They would bark, I would go outside to make sure they were in their yard. (They are doing pretty well). Surfing the news: Verizon has sold most of their rural properties to AT&T. I am heavily invested in Verizon phones and plans. I checked coverage maps-probably OK there. The phone technology is completely different. This sucks. Good thing: I can get an iPhone, bad thing: all my phones will be paperweights. I am going from Verizon VIP status to bupkus.

I got tired of playing jack in the box for the dogs so set out to do some errands. Took some southland mementos to Janet who had sugar cookies coming out of the oven! Lucky me. Declined their kind invitation to dinner tomorrow-it is Mother's Day. They are making progress-Janet's garden is good to go, their roads are planed, branding is about to happen. I may get to take pictures. I may even be mobile-the new shoes are helping. The toe is still tender but nothing is irritating it.

Two things on my "to do in town" list: Get Clorox and some fiberglass screen. Looked like an ACE Hardware stop. Screen there but no Clorox. Rocky Mountain Sports is next door. I thought I would look over pistols to replace my stolen one. Found one-partially gold plated, six shot .22 small automatic, that matches my ammunition and was cheap. It was amazingly easy to buy a handgun. I got creeped out by the conversations: "I was watching Fox News-they present both sides you know." (Yeah, like George Will versus Otis Fugpucker.) Unbidden, a Nordic looking man with a teutonic accent asked which gun I was buying and suggested a heavier caliber but allowed if I aimed for the head with this one and particularly an eyesocket, it could be effective protection. He had strep breath so bad I went directly to the car for a Tetracycline, but not before he told me about a TV show he saw where a pedophile made a pass at a kid and the kid went into the trailer and got a gun and shot him 16 times. It wasn't just the story that creeped me out but his zeal for pumping lead into a human being.

Went to WalMart, bought a Subway sandwich but forgot the Clorox!! (Saw the gun guy buying gallons of distilled water) Conversation between the checker and the lady buying guava juice that the food stamp allotment has gone up for everybody-that is a credit card transaction now. Went to Dollar Tree-no Clorox! Safeway had it but it took awhile to find plain old, rather than lavender, springtime fresh, and so on. Saw a few people I have known for years-hard lives reflected in their bodies and faces but I saw some of that when I looked in the mirror this morning. The years are marching on.

I am sterilizing the well-one gallon of Clorox, ran water until the pressure tank cycled twice. It will sit overnight-and run for a long time tomorrow.

Poor Buster really has the hacks tonight-gave him another quarter of a heart pill and a Benadryl.
Vet on Monday. Bless his heart.