
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Blue bird of Happiness and Bob the Possum Hunter

When the weekend rolls around the Hillsborough Canal becomes a busy thoroughfare. All sorts of pleasure-seekers on everything from jet skis to some pretty big boats pass by. There must be a shortage of cigarettes because quite a few of the boaters seem to be sharing them. Some have their music turned up. Sometimes the sheriff brings them in under escort, some get towed in, and there is plenty of commerce: live bait, charter fishing, dive cruises. We know the owner/operators of the "Diversity" and wave up to four times a day as they make two dive cruises when they have the business. I'd like to meet the owner of the "Sea Cup." "Yellow Fever" is a beautiful yellow hulled boat. "Farfromworkin'" sums up one fellow''s attitude.
Buster likes to usurp the king's throne sometimes. There are plenty of comfy places for doggies to be. Busty and Juneau are bonding. They are hunting something that is living in a hole on the point. Juneau is my buddy. He is pretty high maintenance. I enjoy that but I also really appreciate my little "just happy to be along for the ride" pup.
Is this the Bluebird of Happiness? He visits daily.
This is Bob the Pest Control guy/possum hunter. He stopped to check his traps. The difference between Bob and friend Hollis in Wyoming is Hollis is disappointed when his traps are empty. Bob is happy because he has been succesful in eliminating and blocking out his quarry. Same skills sets-there is a fortune to be made in urban trapping because in the West pelts usually have a fixed value. When somebody has a possum in their attic, you can name your price. But Bob is a professional and a nice guy. Very interesting to learn about his trade.

In between entertaining the dogs, I have been busy with honey-do's. Jason truly has no time and I remember those years too well when I lived them. They asked for nothing other than dog-sitting but my trusty tool-set has been busy: fixed the hose spool and hose end, bought Lori a coil hose to water her posies, fertilized and topped the potting soil on the planters, fixed and aimed the decorative lighting, fixed the velcro on Jason's boat storage, scouted and installed some cushions for the boat, tried bleaching the Adirondack chairs, bought them 48 rolles of T.P. because my bathroom was nearly out and I only found one spare roll in the house. All of which doesn't sound like much but this is urban- Target is two stories tall and Home Depot covers half a city block. Just finding stuff can take half a day. Puttering around they calls it.
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