I've Looked At Love From Both Sides Now
The park had two celebrations: one in English and one in French ( no love lost there!) and for two bucks and a covered dish, I could have attended a weenie roast ( symbolic?). But I didn't. Took a bike ride, some pictures, and hung out with a species known for devotion and loyalty, who appreciates every kindness, never nags or whines or goes all moody, loves to go when invited, is glad to see me when I come home, and won't take off with half the loot and the pups and expect a stipend for the duration. OK, there is no sex but the new wears off that pretty darn quick and for most becomes a memory or a pharmaceutical problem. Well, I still have the memories.
As cynical as I am about the mating game, I am enthusiastic about the expression and power of of love. I bought a dozen boxes of Valentine Candy and puttered around the park with my umbrella leaving them anonymously in the dead of night. I have enjoyed the befuddlement, mystery solving, and accusations. In any case it is nice to think there might be someone out there who fancies you. After all, what passes for love for most is ego involvement. A little anonymous act of kindness-or was it?
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