
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Finally ! Floridays

Two great days in a row. The park has been very quiet -the beaches have been busy. So have I. Greg and Lew came by yesterday and it was very good to see them. Greg has been fighting a bug and looked pasty-he was just up yesterday from his sickbed. They have been helping Lew's folks downsize for assisted living. Ninety some years of stuff-good stuff. They enjoy their mobile home but were afflicted by the same crap weather. We visited here, then I took them to lunch at their favorite-a Denny's Classic Diner -all chrome and retro movie posters. Greg looked better for a little food. He doesn't eat much but a little food brought some color back. I had a late lunch with them. Then I remembered I had a dinner invitation at Andre and Nicole's- Bob and Ruth were joining us. We had a lengthy happy hour which was fortunate because I had just eaten. Eventually, grilled salmon, rice pilaf, and mixed vegetables found the table. It was excellent. I should be writing the names of the good wines down but I haven't. Lots of laughing. Ruth is funny if you can get a little wine in her. Bob is funny with or without and he was without. He has had a bout of diverticulitis. I got home about 9:00 and my life force was on a serious ebb. I did not hurt but I had doubts about waking up today. I took the range: minerals and all meds and fell into bed. I did wake up and felt pretty good.
After walking the dog and waving goodbye to the beachgoers, I fed the pups and ditched them for a couple of hours. I went to the beach to take pictures. I bought an egg salad sandwich with tomato and a few Greek olives at Toojay's Deli. I had a little lunch at the beach and saw these two Amish beach ladies. (joke). After I got home Tony came over to bend my ear. He accused me of being anti-semitic because when he was railing all bigoty about the Haitians, I used his own history to refute the bigotry. I know more about Tony and his history-as told by Tony, than I ever wanted to know. Tony has Haitian tenants who have bounced some rent checks- about $1600.00 which eventually make it through the bank. This sends him into rants about what terrible people Haitians are. His most recent client, a Jew, has stiffed him for $10,000.00. Another Jew stung him for $40,000.00. So I asked him where the diatribes against the Jews were. Mentioned a few names like Madoff, Helmsley, etc. Now I am anti-semitic. I was saved by (the other ) Nicole who stopped by on her bike to ask me to dinner with Guy, his wife, for fish nd chips cooked and caught by (the other) Andre. Good food-French Canadians like their french fries with a little vinegar. This is very nice. They are genuine foodies. They like every part of gastronomy. The conversation with the group is a little tough but Andre is very good in English. I like their sensibility. Guy's wife, who went through rehab for alcohol and looks tons better, waited until the French -Canadians left the tent and took a good slug of Guy's wine. I was a little uncomfortable.

Clix on de pix. I like the flock of seagulls in this one. Trivia: the "th" sound is very difficult for the native French-Canadian speaker. They have "brudders," go to "de store," and "three-thirty-three" is an impossibility.
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