
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Total Crap Day

Ken, my Finnish friend from Thunder Bay, Ontario called two nights ago. He wanted to set up a Skype video call so I could meet his kids who were home from England and Finland. He was three sheets to the wind when he called and he must have miscalculated the time difference.... or forgot. Thinking to give them a treat I took the netbook with video camera built-in to the deck and faced it toward the Little Wind. I sat in the 7:30 ayem morning misty damp and sat and sat and sat, No Ken. No call. No big deal.

I called Rich-he had called three times and had heard the Little Wind was flooding so was concerned. I had the phone with me last night and this morning and heard it not-it did not ring. Assuaging his fears that I was swept away he ended the call by saying I was getting old and can't hear my phone.

Meanwhile Buster led a foray to the yapping dogs across the street and the first I knew of it was cars honking-the universal rez code for "dogs in the road." The dogs were a stinking challenge all day long and Buster was the instigator. Honey chased cows and got zapped.

Then we discovered a raccoon had taken up residence in the "summer house" Honey was determined to get it. I was fearful that one or both would be hurt and was tugging on her and zapping away to no avail. The coon headed up a tree.

I got my mail and there was an offer from the National Education Association for insurance to cover "my final expenses." Well thanks a lot- have they been talking to Richard?

Then the dogs went coursing down the eighty acres. Honey by this time is very alert to the pager and leery of a zap but poor old Buster who went down in a hurry was really struggling to get home. Dear Honey went out to him to encourage him. I was not looking forward to trekking in the mud and trying to carry him home in it. When I got them collected I put them in the van. I had seen an ad for a 27 inch LCD TV for $179 at ALCO in Lander. I thought "We'll go see (and give the coon a chance to get away.)" Second thoughts down the road: "If they are that cheap at ALCO I'll bet they are cheaper at WalMart." 180 to Riverton. Bought burger for the hounds and checked out the TV's- every single one was at least twice the price. Lander tomorrow. Am I doing this for the bargain or because I like TV? It is the bargain- that is about all I want to pay.

Came home and played with Honey-she had been looking at me since the coon incident like she wasn't sure whose side I was on. Then we discovered the stupid coon had returned to the summerhouse. Big chase, biting and snarling and up a tree again. Sheesh!

I had pounding temples and said "Enough!" We all came in and I fed the dawgs. No more outside today.

Checked my email and had a message from Bank of America. "Possible fraudulent Credit Card Use of Your Account. Please call." I did , There was: $600.00 for bikinis and makeup. Now there is a picture for you! Definitely not my merchandise. New card and an affadavit is in the mail. What do you want to bet they lower my limit? It's about $25,000.00 and I had no charges on it. Maybe it is a ruse.

I am ready for a new day tomorrow-a better one than this one.