
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

The first of 10 concrete posts go into the ground for the campground wi-fi system. Carpenters have been remodeling the bathhouse storage area to put in air conditioning for the FIBEROPTIC system. I was wondering about bandwidth capacity. I wonder no more. The Canucks can Skype to their hearts content. Maybe I will too. It will be free and not secure so I will still be using my aircard for banking and most other activities. I have enjoyed having my network all to myself-I have been able to view Youtube (Susan Boyle) and stream a little video.
Aid and Comfort to the Enemy: About 1 p.m. Friday I discovered a raccoon in the dumpster-it was hot and he must have been in there all day. They keep a tree limb for that very occurrence so I put it in and watched him slowly get out and then scoot for the swamp.

He will live to raid my refrigerator again. In fact I think he is up a palm tree in my yard as I write this. Honey was very agitated.

It is Saturday night as I am writing. I don't know how the blogging week got away from me other than I was pretty busy and tired when I wasn't. Keyboard imprints on the forehead tired. Wednesday after supper sometime the rain started to fall and I remember being on the bed with the music of the rain and.... awakening completely refreshed, wondering where I was, at 11:00 p.m. Very weird and disorienting. Benadryl and Aleve got me back to sleep for the next good stint.

Thursday was productive. The kids offered to keep the pups overnight so I could get some things done. I took them up on it and went to Deerfield for dinner-Jason made spaghetti and we had a salad. Friday without the consideration of the dogs I got some critical things done: met with the Palm Beach Sheriff Officer Navarro to get a VIN inspection on the Jeep. It has been nothing but a headache for Jason so I am assuming that headache right back. Then I was able to do the floors. I first had to fix the vacuum which somehow had a cord chewed in three pieces. It had been a month-Joyce was invited in the last time the floors were vacuumed. I don't mind the dog hair because I don't see it. But when the vacuum finds it I go "Holy Cow!" and am not too kindly disposed toward the critters for awhile. I am pitching stuff like crazy-nothing valuable, mind you. Friday evening I went to fetch the doggies, taking my salad dressing, wine, etc. to the kids- I missed the pooches-they missed me but were very good and Lori spoils them and plays with them. They had an Easter Egg hunt. Jason brushed Buster again and he looks great. Honey is warming up to them. They were good dogs and we enjoyed watching them play. Juneau is a stitch and such a good natured dog.

Lori had gotten good news-her stress test on her heart was good. This is an ordeal- 4 hours and one of her meds keeps her heart rate down so the treadmill test was abandoned and they gave her a chemical that is very hard to endure-imagine a heart attack. But the results were good so she was celebratory. When your idea of takeout includes Outback, it is indeed celebratory. We were visiting. Jason is letting his hair grow out a bit so we were discussing it.
Jason at the table-walking to the kitchen: "I want to look unemployed."
Me: "Well, I am a good role model for that."
Jason from the kitchen: "But I don't want to look homeless."

Lori and I split a gut. When she explained he was horrified. We didn't let him off the hook. Lori was so tickled it was worth it.
Packed up the dogs and my clean laundry and came home.

I gave myself permission to take Saturday morning off being a little ahead (illusion?). After a three hour nap I declared the day a total loss and just took the dogs for a walk and fooled around and caught the blog up. The weather these past few days has been ideal. Coolish and just breezes. Probably the best of the season for me.

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