Dejeuner du Andre et Nicole (the other ones)
The tent was cool and airy. Other guests from way north were there. He used pictures stored in his camera to bridge the language barrier. He (Guy)and Andre have parallel interests except Andre and I both quit hunting after our first kill. They both own homes (Andre's is a fourplex in Montreal) Andre and Nicole's kids all live close-Sunday dinner at mom's house. They both have summer camps- Andre's is a 32 foot camper trailer on an acreage on a pristine lake/island close to Lake Champlain. He can start in Quebec and end up 31 miles later in Vermont.
Andre and Nicole have two daughters- four grandchildren, and a "Godson " with three children. They are his only parents. Good people and a very good life for which they are duly thankful.
And they shared with me for which I am duly thankful.
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