
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Shoulda Stood in Bed

I took the top two pictures on beautiful yesterday. The top one bears enlarging by clicking.

Apparently the Leprechauns are on the move- probably going to Dunedin for St. Patrick's Day. Actually this is a smaller person's full-size camper. The back opens up like a clamshell for the galley and other storage. You can check them out by clicking on : T@B.
But today was the day from H-E double-toothpicks. The picture below is of my guests, invited for a picnic breakfast in my backyard after church. The storms hitting the east coast made today far too windy and rainy for a picnic so I took them to the Golden Corral instead. I loved seeing the Blacks fresh from church in their finery with kids dressed to the nines, hair all styled. Handsome families, distinguished families.
But my day turned to mud at the get-go:

Checked my Verizon gigabytes used on the aircard I opened to the group. In the space of 3 days they took me from 4 gigabytes to 6. I am likely to earn a $200.00 surcharge on that. I was in the process of posting an "out of business" bounce page when my computer froze, would not shut down even with the power switch, and I was sure the hard drive died. I tried my System Mechanic Boot disk, etc., etc.

I had a Costco coupon for a computer that expired today and in the throes of mourning my old friend "HPWide" and Internet withdrawal, I hotfooted it to Costco. Meanwhile an armed robbery took place down on Latana so the place was swarming with deputies zipping past me, a helicopter circling, but I arrived in time to see the not very pretty opening of the doors at Costco. The aged, the lame and halt, were shoved to the side as the piggies stormed the store.

There was an even better price on a fancier computer than was represented on the coupon-it was the display model. I had to chase down the clerk. We discovered it had a broken "J" key. One like Mme. LaTour's was the last one and could have been had for $1000.00 were I willing to go to Boca or to hell and gone. I settled for one for $799.00- a great computer.

I came home to greet my invited guests, a Gary, a Dave a Joyce and a Bonnie, and convoy to Boynton to the Golden Corral. Got back about 2:00, and had to start putting together a dinner of meatloaf, green beans, baked potatoes and salad, I had promised and reneged on, for Greg and Lou, the day I ended up in Deerfield. The wind was getting worse so I became meals on wheels and delivered dinner to their place. After lots of slicing and dicing, and seasoning, and stuffing cheese, I had produced the most bland meatloaf in the history of mankind. As we had an after dinner smoke, I managed to drop the smouldering butt into the heating duct where mounds of dog hair were waiting. "It'll go out," says Greg. Seconds later the smoke aqnd aroma of burning dog was wafting upward and Lew grabbed a screwdriver and took the grate off. Disaster averted.

Richard called while Honey was walking me- she was full of P. and V. from the cool weather. I was huffing a bit. I only have one speed- a brisk waddle. Fortunately she has learned to run circles around me. Brother Bob is down to 219 pounds but the belly buster diet was not the reason. He has bile duct cancer. He feels great but is yellow and has been to Mayo's for a stent but at this point the prognosis is very iffy. Truly bad news.

Oh, I decided to try to boot up old HPWide. I am blogging from the temperamental bitch right now. I shoulda stood in bed.
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