
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It Pays To Be Kind To The Elderly

CONTEST: Identify these Celebrities (not" A-list" but pretty famous) for a beverage or your choice when we next meet. They were causing a bit of a stir in the Holiday Inn, Riverton. Hint: they are two of four.

With gladness in their hearts, Rich and Val drove up here after church. I suggested the Holiday Inn because they have a very good brunch. We enjoyed the showy "omelets to your specs," mini waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, roast beef, smothered pork chops, fresh fruit, sausage, bacon, vegetables, etc. etc. Good food, and good service, tables with linens, nice ambience. I like this place for special occasions. Like My Birthday..

Then I took them to the Wind River Casino for their first visit. Rich pronounced himself impressed. Rich and Val started cautiously on the penny slot machines. The dharma of their coming to buy me a birthday brunch, took over. Rich made the cost of breakfast and $50. Valerie cashed in for $305. We had a good time. Complimentary soft drinks-help yourself, very clean and sweet smelling place, very nice decor and solicitous helpers at every turn. It seemed pretty busy. I had to laugh-there were a lot of retired school administrators there. The Blackjack and Poker tables were getting a pretty good workout. The place attracts a wide variety of types and people don't seem to mind driving 150 miles from Green River or Casper.

Jason and Lori sent me iphone pictures of their new bird "Sonny Conner," a Sun Conure). Lori decided Bebo, the bird that adopted them was lonesome so they got him a friend. He is reputed to be a sweet bird and somewhat of a character. I'll look forward to meeting them both.
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