Puttering Around
Talked to Daryne over the fence as they fed the cows. The story of their lost pickup, according to Daryne's supposition, is this: John M who manages the Arapaho Tribe Farm is a bit of religious zealot. He took a chance on an alcoholic. The alcoholic took off with the green Dodge, parking it at another farm site at their junk vehicle site where it blended in. John eventually had a light bulb come on ( I said he was zealous, not brilliant. ) he asked them to take a look at it. The only thing missing was an air-freshener in the shape of a woman scantily clad. So the truck came back. Gran Peg drove this morning and little McAye was the co-pilot while Daryne and Thayne peeled off large flakes of hay for the cows.
Daryne said the BIA was flushing the irrigation ditches today so I was out patrolling with my hoe and fixed a headgate of mine that seems to be shrinking in width. If the water in there is enough to flush the ditch, I'll put in with you. But with the hot weather and wind, anything wet is welcome .
Cleaned and mounted the Swamp Cooler ( it deserves capital letters- it is my friend). This one is a good deal larger than the one that died last year. Pretty good chore. It works fine. Half-speed is plenty. I am ready. It will probably freeze in the next couple of days.
Every day is different with the dogs. Yesterday the playing turned into a fight- lots of noise and hurt feelings but no injuries. Honey doesn't know when to quit. I try to listen for the intensity and make them take a break but it doesn't work every time. Kids!
Niece Alicia now has a My Space Page-with music. If this works, you should be able to click here to go there:
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