
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gone completely to the Dogs

Vivianne in her gussied up picture with Bella. Vivianne is a musician of the serious sort in Quebec. Her daughter and sixish grandson are visiting for a feww weeks. The daughter has that "just arrived in Florida" look. It is fun to watch people respond to the (relative) warmth.
This man is a judge in New York state. He lost his wife in the last year and has an enviable camper: MercedesBenz Roadtrek which is a one or two person camper van of the highest order- on sale for $85,00 in Titusville he says. He has some friends down here but seems a little bit at a loss. I think we will drink together one of these first days.
The pomeranian gets too much junk food so he has to have his butt wiped which led his mom to discover FLEAS. They are really common down here. But he got a good bath- dad and mom took turns drying him.
This dog has a French name which translates to "beetle." He is a Yorkie and is a perky little guy-not that he gets to walk much.

Buster is doing so well. He will stay in the screen room with me (pretty well- he gets excited sometimes.) He now asks for his walk and gives a little wag when the leash goes on. I don't punish him by taking him right home after he goes. He gets to choose the route and is taking me further and further each night-really enjoying himself and getting a little workout for us both. He does tend to want to get away from the scene of "the crime" after he goes so we are working on sitting so dad can be a responsible companion animal and bag the by-product without getting pulled over. He is a good doggie.

I blew a chance to go out to dinner with the kids, today. I hit the ground running and devoted the day to RV maintenance. Waterproofing the awning is a pretty good chore and now we await a test. Having done it, skies are blue. I didn't check my email until after dinner at 8:00 p.m. so I missed Jason's invitation. I think they are booked this weekend. I am not at a loss for things to do but I hate to miss an opportunity. The Internet Terminal is back in business with a cheapie keyboard.

Ang M. and I have been visiting when he comes down- he gave me a bottle of wine so rare it has the wrong label (private stock-he is connected). I'm going to be a wino before the season ends if I ever start drinking it. Wine is a nice gift- just the right size. While Ang has some aspects of the facade of a professional salesman he is also sincere and open. He was/is a musician before he started his Insurance and Pension business-his first job was playing piano in a strip bar when he was in high school. HIS Italian daddy wasn't so sure about this so he came to check it out and Ang made sure he got a face full of boobies. On the drive home his dad allowed as it might be alright for Ang to keep the gig but said "Don't tell your mother-she'll kill you." Ang met his wife in "Grade 10." It was love at first sight and they have been together ever since - likely 42 years. They seem to enjoy each other's company. He is a "car guy." He built a huge garage- 38' X 60' feet as an attachment to his home. It is carpeted and he keeps his vehicles maintained there including his 1999 Class C camper, which is in mint condition. His older Volvo gleams and he and Ann go to the Palm Beach Country Club to golf. I'm glad I met him.
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