
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lake Worth Street Art Festival

An artist works on her entry. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Artists of all ages, types and descriptions work in pastel chalks painting on the streets in downtown Lake Worth. Come Monday morning it will all be gone. Art for art's sake- no commercial sales, the only record is what thousands of shutterbugs will take away. There was music of several types from Inca flutes to an electronic Swinette. Great food for sale, shops to browse, restaurants to visit. Bungie jumps and wall climbing for kids, All pleasant people from police officers to tourists. The art loosened tongues- people talked to each other. The folk singers played at the Cultural Plaza which hosts a large building devoted to, of all things, ART! It was a great day. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

Raining Buckets!

We are having a gully whumper of a rain storm or we would be if there were any gullies. The water tends to collect where it falls and does not soak in as fast as you would expect. Things were gettng pretty dry- I was watering as far as my two hoses would reach before today. I take credit for ending the drought as I washed and waxed the Jeep yesterday and washed and de-oxidized/waxed one half of the coach today.

Whole new crew of neighbors to the north of me- the merde-head Quebecois to the immediate south are hanging on like soupy boogers. Several other of the Quebecois are at least speaking. The bad ones turned me in for not leashing the dogs 100% of the time. This really offended me because I got the clear impression, upon arrival, from the other French-Canadians, that all were casual about this. So Mr. Photography has been busy documenting. If I go, they will all go. Meanwhile Buster is about to bust a gut. He is doing pretty well on the leash but is not productive in the number 2 sense while tethered. He has caused no problems and in fact after he does his chores heads straight for the coach.

Have been busy with the trivia of life. Laundromat day was crazy-jam-packed. My washers were spread over the whole place and I forgot two nice towels that were having a wash in solitude. I thought I had cleaned out one of my washers and I looked up and the attendant, from India, was waving a pair of my underpants and hollering "You forgot this, sir! They were not even my Christmas undies. I did find a great Mexican restaurant and bakery in that little mall, though. Best tacos ever.

Got Matt's birthday present sent off on Monday and it arrived Thursday for his 39th birthday today. My first born baby boy is 39! Called him early today and he was just getting to work but I wished him a happy day.

Brother Rich sent an email reminding me that our dad has been gone 25 years. I don't keep track of the anniversaries of deaths but I was glad to get this reminder because I spent some time lost in memories of my folks and their lives. Lucky to have those parents and have them as long as I did. Dad was 'an orphan' at age thirty. His dad was gone two years earlier than that. I have a piece of paper where he was ordered to Engineer a train two days after he died and his eldest son, my uncle Ed, wrote on it that the railroad didn't even know Carl was dead.

Warren, the neighbor to my left (North) is just off chemo for Hepatitis C. His hemoglobin is still low. He is a survivor at age 67. Interesting New Jerseyites. His dad was a farmer, then welded a carriage to a Model-T and began a business that grew into a contracting firm for a lot of local schools-providing bus service. They got out of that just in the nick of time and he ran a wrecker service and auto shop for a number of years. They sold a vacation home they had in Pennsylvania and his wife Laura said she wanted her share of the proceeds to go for a really nice fifth wheel trailer. Warren is plenty spry and in fact I thought Laura was sick because she does very little. He sets up the trailer, fiddles and fixes, cooks breakfast on a propane stove outside, and then they are off. It is their intention to spend it all. Warren says his illness changed his attitude. He was suicidal when going through it-he was so sick and in so much pain. He said he saw the "pinpoint white light." Now it is "don't worry, be happy." Nice people.

Made it to the store between rainstorms so we are set and cozy. Plan to play tomorrow if the weather is nice. Indian Fest in West Palm Beach, Sidewalk Painting in Lake Worth, Amy's birthday party tomorrow night at Hugh Jorgan's dueling piano bar. That place is a riot.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Boating on Lake Osborne

Kids having fun on the lake. I tried to look like I really needed a boat ride but it didn't work. Just had to pedal on home. Poor me. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

All Systems Go

The epizootic has worked its way through the canines. There is a grass they like to eat here and I, as well as veterinary medicine, am ignorant as to whether eating grass is a cure or a cause. First Buster, then Goody. They are such good pups they let me know when they need to go and since they (almost) never pull false alarms we got through this without major mishap...lost sleep and in and out a lot but they were the ones suffering so I was glad to help. They seem to be over it although a little lethargic.

The Jeep problem turned out to be (a) bad battery cable(s). I told them to consider a tune-up because it was chugging and running raggedy. Carmine, the number two at Harvey's called me at one o'clock on Saturday and said they would need it until Monday, they close at two, but the cables were repaired. I said I needed it this weekend and would pedal over to pick it up. THAT was a brave thing to say. I made the 4 miles ( in traffic- walking across crosswalks) in a little less than 30 minutes. THAT was a great thing to do. I was proud of myself. Paid my $28.50, strapped the bike on the carrier and off I went. The Jeep is running like a clock. The battery cable was causing all of my grief.

Rode the bike twice today- just around the park. Ran into Mr. and Mrs. Fish- my first acqaintances here last year and visited with them. Unfortunately it was at their cocktail hour and she tends to want to talk OVER Ted but I did catch up on their grandkids and their doings. I still find them inspirational- 77 and still ripping and having a good time. I told them that. They told me of their park neighbor who is 90 and still driving an RV. That made me wince. But who knows maybe I will be doing that. This is a good place to learn about aging although to be fair there is a pretty good mix of ages. I'll go and take pictures of Ted's orchids one of these days.

Made a Wal-Mart run for some staples. Got one of those reel type leashes at PetsMart. That is a fun store. Buster ran me through a thicket earlier today. Thought this might be an improvement. It is. It exerts just enough pressure that the dog is reminded he is on a leash but can feel freer to roam a little.

The Jeep did just great.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Rudy Guerra Ministries, Inc.

Rudy Guerra Ministries, Inc. Click here to hear Rudy sing and learn more about the Guerras.

Duck, Evangelists!

Rudy Guerra Ministries pulled in next door for a few days. Rudy is a pleasant man. Carmen is his wife and he has four kids. Carmen says they are "working southern Florida." Home base is San Antonio, TX. Interesting to see how they manage six people and a bellicose chihuahua dog in this snazzy re-worked bus. They hauled out the television and the VCR and set them up in the back yard. They have a compact badminton set and they all seem to read and do their schoolwork. I think Carmen hollered "everybody out of the pool" so she could clean house today. They do work at what they do- dusk rolls around and they are all duded up and pile in the rented van and go off to various churches. I found a link that I will try to provide. Rudy sings- he had a career in Tejano music before being "called." Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

First the Crap, then the Fireworks

Off to Okeechobee bright and early to check out an RV storage site and got 300 feet when the Jeep decided it didn't want to go. The rest of the day was spent waiting for a tow. I have insurance for that and the first tow truck didn't show and the second one almost didn't show- I had to talk him in. Did take in a wildlife talk at the Gazebo. It was so-so but I appreciate the effort. At 4:15 p.m. I waved goodbye to the Jeep. It is hopefully at Harvey's Trail Brake and Auto and Harvey hopefully works on Saturdays (not an Orthodox Stein). Until Monday without wheels will be a bit of a stretch. I did ride the bike a lot today-waiting to guide in the phantom tow trucks. Getting better and stronger at biking- enjoying it more and more all the time. Could probably make it to the shopping center at Lake Worth if necessary.

A spontaneous fireworks display in the park tonight. Tried the Canon S2iS in "fireworks mode" and was pleased with results. Interesting pictures.

It was a beautiful day today. A breeze brought the smell of the ocean in the morning and the rest of the day was perfect. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Department of Clarification

I DO NOT HAVE ALZHEIMER'S! My sarcasm missed the boat. A person who shall remain un-named told a good friend of mine that she heard I had Alzheimer's. This made my friend very angry and I was both amused and a little ticked off- that although I was 2300 miles from Rumorton, WY that the gossipy tongues were still wagging. I mean some of these folks profess to be Christians! My health, mental, and otherwise, is fine. I had a complete physical before I left and it has been improvements ever since. Blood pressure is down, walking and pedalling, visiting and seeing something besides snow and ruminants is all positive. As for the gossips, it took two phone calls to track that down and I'll deal with that in my own time. I never cease to wonder at some folk's capacity for meanness. Meanwhile, I am letting nothing get in the way of having a good time in sunny Florida.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine Celebration at Mykonos

A GREAT restaurant- kind of funky in decor but with clean, delectable food. One of the best meals (and we have had a few of those) in memory. Then the music starts and the belly dancer comes out and before you know it a lot of people are dancing. Shades of Zorba the Greek. Just us three, Jason, Lori, and me, but we interacted with the staff and crowd, danced with the dancer, posed with her, and had a great time. If you get a chance dine here. You can see broken crockery ( on purpose) and dollar bills (by accident) on the floor. Of course you tip the dancer by tucking bills "down there" but take it from me there is a special pocket as impregnable as Lana Cable's 1963 panty girdle. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006


How can 45 degrees be cold? In Florida it is. Stayed in Sunday, watched the Olympics, took a needed nap and cozied up. Good winds, gray skies, just better to be in and drag out the clothes I started out in-warmies. Even ordered in-Lake Worth Pizza delivers good chicken parmigiana.

The Massachusetts neighbors left, and some from Maine moved in. Not trying to be nasty, but when the man told me the lady was his girlfriend it reaffirmed the belief that there is "somebody for everybody" if sufficiently motivated. I'll try to get a picture. There was something a little off kilter about the Massachusetts neighbors - a bundle of incongruities. I'm thinking drug running. But I may be working the imagination overtime- they were lovely people. Nice to me.

Got a call from "Cousin Jayne" returning a call I made to her niece in Boca. Jayne was snowed in the Mining Institute in West Virginia. She talked somebody into getting her a sandwich and a six pack of Coors Light and made herself at home in one of the guest rooms. I had called her niece trying to find storage for Ron Neihoff's camper after his heart attack. Too late for that but I have been considering storing my coach down here and driving something more economical and more nimble between the places. May have found a place.

Mike, the Coastal RV repair guy called-he had found my original note and wondered what was wrong with my refrigerator. I told him I had followed his advice and the refrigerator was working fine right now. Told him I thought I owed him some money and he said forget it. Not content with that good turn I asked him about RV storage places and he gave me a name. I rocketed over there to find slim pickings but and high prices but a brother operation in Okeechobee has space and low rent. This may be workable. I will run out there and look.

Today, Monday, has also been on the cool side but I did ride the bike twice- once around the park campground and once to the gatehouse. I labored this morning getting the payrolls out and paying the invoices. The mailman comes around 2:00 p.m. so I rushed through and pedalled over around 1:30. Decided to pay the rent for my final month which is due on the 15th. Lo and behold the estimable Lauretta, B.G. of J.P. Campground, figured me through March 26 adding 11 days to my maxed out stay. I said nothing and plunked down the credit card. It will probably be blistering hot by then and I will be regretting it but right now I am ecstatic. Extensions are common in March so I am not depriving anybody of a turn. With Jason and Lori heading off to Texas for Karla's wedding this weekend it was becoming clear that visiting times were in short supply. Maybe the gardening did help- Ted Fish told me it would. Now if the posies do not get nipped by frost...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Saturday lunch at Two Georges on the waterfront

A favorite place deserves a repeat. Watching somebody's catch get filetted, feeding the Pelicans, birdwatching indoors, watching the drawbridge go up for a spectacular boat, attentive service, we had great lunch. Jason stood up and waved and hollered as three of his dive buddies were coming in on a boat from a dive. There was a mini-reunion of some of the Belize dive trip participants. Characters all. John, the attorney barely said hello and goodbye and we waved as he went out for another dive. Anthony and Rodrigo visited awhile. We waved at Rodrigo again as he left the parking lot in his red Porsche convertible packed with dive gear and drove off to his wife and four daughters. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Drying off after a swim

Biking with the Olympus 730 UZ: I have decided in spite of its limitations-mainly bad lag time on the shutter, this will be my biking companion camera until I am more confident I am not going into the ditch or the drink. It did a pretty good job capturing this dandy bird-sunning and drying himself. Also watched the Pelicans diving into the lake with huge splashes. Don't know it was for fun or food but the cannonball dives looked like great fun to me. The same shutter lag prevented good shots of those.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Egret at Lunch

This fine feathered friend was enjoying good hunting. Stopped on a bike trip to capture him digitally with one of my older cameras. Missed the big zoom but he is still pretty cool. Posted by Picasa

Umm I forget...

From 2300 miles away comes the news that I am afflicted with Alzheimers! They say you are the last to know but I do seem to be able to keep the bills paid for two businesses and otherwise maintain. One hardly knows how to respond to this meanness except by being mean back. So I will just in this open way remind some folks that I have sufficient memory to remember where the bodies are buried. All that is needed is the boiling point and I am bubbling at 210 degrees Fahrenheit. Where will it spill?

On a happier note: The bike saga turned out to have a happy ending. Seems one has to get a little tough to just get what is fair and just. It ended cordially. I have an extra large Raleigh Venture- 7 gears, and accessories -charcoal gray. Have logged about 4 miles today-not all at once. Very enjoyable and the exercise is salutary. Have seen parts of the park that are new to me. My goal is to be able to do the 8 mile course around Lake Osborne in one trip. Meanwhile I am enjoying the nooks and crannies as I build up. I have new respect for the even more seniors who are out there pedalling every day. There are some slopes and I have the added burden of hauling me up them. So this is fun and healthy.

The refrigerator is cooling about where it ought to be at an even lower setting than before. I still think it is coming to the end of its life expectancy but not just yet. So I got good advice from the Coastal RV guy. I will have to chase him down to pay him something - I like to keep even with folks. I am not one who gloats when I give someone the short end of the stick. It makes me feel cheap.

The pitbull has disappeared from the scene. He was coming right along. He would take food from my hand and was not food aggressive. He played appropriately with my dogs. He let me pet him once but then got spooky the next day. Then he quit coming around. I haven't asked any questions because I am not sure I want to know the answers.

We are having record cool. Forty degrees at night is not cold but it is nice to have the heater on a little. As we also had a power outage of several hours duration today it worked out fine. We did not bake.

Interesting conversations with various neighbors. They will have to keep for another time.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Shot this picture of a Florida Squirrel

Actually it is a New York Squirrel but it is staying in Florida until April. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Lori staged a wedding shower for her cousin Kalina today so Jason fired up his barbecue and cooked ribeyes for lunch for we excluded ones. Grrreat! This beauty grows on their back hedge. Matt called so we all three gabbed a bit. Nice Sunday. Didn't realize I was rooting for the Seahawks until they started to lose. Can they wring one more nickel out of the Superbowl? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Dark Skies

Heavy duty thunderstorms in the tropics last night and today. Not much sleep as Goody was semi-hysterical and kept trying to either sit on me or pant in my face.

I am reminded that this place is "service Hell." My refrigerator was slowly warming and after trying all I knew to do and the manual suggested, called Coastal RV who are O.K. usually. That was two and one half days ago. He just left and I have last-ditch procedures to follow before it is pronounced dead. I am hopeful. Of course that meant I was confined to quarters for two and one half days waiting for him.

On the way to Lori's birthday party I had decided, after some days of deliberation and looking at websites, that I would stop at a bike shop. I have been pretty faithful putting in my walking time but I confess it is getting boring to me. Virtually every senior in the park has a bike or trike or some adaptive machine. My last bike was a Wal-Mart special that lasted about 1500 feet. So I bought the hype and stopped at a cycle shop in Boynton to get the recommended "fitting" and professional advice. Bikes have really changed in some user-friendly ways and I was impressed with a Raleigh Venture. The shop owner told me I needed the extra large frame and I was readily convinced of that. He checked the inventory at the warehouse and said he would get it. Friday at noon was the appointed pickup time. He called Friday and said it wasn't ready...come at 5:00. So I did and dashed in the rain to find it was not the extra large and none of the accessories- basket and car carrier were ready. So I left empty-handed and stewed about it all night. Pretty nice chunk of change being expended and it was not what I expected. Called this morning and told him I wanted what I was promised or no-deal. We shall see what ensues by Wednesday. Besides it is raining- no bike riding for a few days anyway.

Raining so hard the satellite is down, Goody is panting and trying to get in my lap. I have a book.
That last lightning and thunderclap WAS a little close. Maybe I'll sit on Goody.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Shake your Booty Renee!

An open air biker bar provided rock and roll and we stood on the street corner and boogied down. Are Scott and Ami dancing or what? Maybe that is how they dance in Brooklyn. Dangerous! Nobody would line dance so Renee danced with Lori. Posted by Picasa

Lori has a birthday

Lori and Jason grinning. Friends surprised her at the City Oyster in Delray Beach. Later we walked and watched people as they enjoyed the evening on Atlantic Avenue. Posted by Picasa