
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Raining Buckets!

We are having a gully whumper of a rain storm or we would be if there were any gullies. The water tends to collect where it falls and does not soak in as fast as you would expect. Things were gettng pretty dry- I was watering as far as my two hoses would reach before today. I take credit for ending the drought as I washed and waxed the Jeep yesterday and washed and de-oxidized/waxed one half of the coach today.

Whole new crew of neighbors to the north of me- the merde-head Quebecois to the immediate south are hanging on like soupy boogers. Several other of the Quebecois are at least speaking. The bad ones turned me in for not leashing the dogs 100% of the time. This really offended me because I got the clear impression, upon arrival, from the other French-Canadians, that all were casual about this. So Mr. Photography has been busy documenting. If I go, they will all go. Meanwhile Buster is about to bust a gut. He is doing pretty well on the leash but is not productive in the number 2 sense while tethered. He has caused no problems and in fact after he does his chores heads straight for the coach.

Have been busy with the trivia of life. Laundromat day was crazy-jam-packed. My washers were spread over the whole place and I forgot two nice towels that were having a wash in solitude. I thought I had cleaned out one of my washers and I looked up and the attendant, from India, was waving a pair of my underpants and hollering "You forgot this, sir! They were not even my Christmas undies. I did find a great Mexican restaurant and bakery in that little mall, though. Best tacos ever.

Got Matt's birthday present sent off on Monday and it arrived Thursday for his 39th birthday today. My first born baby boy is 39! Called him early today and he was just getting to work but I wished him a happy day.

Brother Rich sent an email reminding me that our dad has been gone 25 years. I don't keep track of the anniversaries of deaths but I was glad to get this reminder because I spent some time lost in memories of my folks and their lives. Lucky to have those parents and have them as long as I did. Dad was 'an orphan' at age thirty. His dad was gone two years earlier than that. I have a piece of paper where he was ordered to Engineer a train two days after he died and his eldest son, my uncle Ed, wrote on it that the railroad didn't even know Carl was dead.

Warren, the neighbor to my left (North) is just off chemo for Hepatitis C. His hemoglobin is still low. He is a survivor at age 67. Interesting New Jerseyites. His dad was a farmer, then welded a carriage to a Model-T and began a business that grew into a contracting firm for a lot of local schools-providing bus service. They got out of that just in the nick of time and he ran a wrecker service and auto shop for a number of years. They sold a vacation home they had in Pennsylvania and his wife Laura said she wanted her share of the proceeds to go for a really nice fifth wheel trailer. Warren is plenty spry and in fact I thought Laura was sick because she does very little. He sets up the trailer, fiddles and fixes, cooks breakfast on a propane stove outside, and then they are off. It is their intention to spend it all. Warren says his illness changed his attitude. He was suicidal when going through it-he was so sick and in so much pain. He said he saw the "pinpoint white light." Now it is "don't worry, be happy." Nice people.

Made it to the store between rainstorms so we are set and cozy. Plan to play tomorrow if the weather is nice. Indian Fest in West Palm Beach, Sidewalk Painting in Lake Worth, Amy's birthday party tomorrow night at Hugh Jorgan's dueling piano bar. That place is a riot.