
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Road Trip

I came home to this! My little valley is actually better but the neighbor said the pasture was underwater less than a week ago from snow, runoff and copious rain. I drove through snowstorms from Torrington, WY to Shoshone. I am both cold and sleepy so the bed is very inviting right now. We are all glad to be home. We all survived and I'll tell you more about the trip tomorrow.
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Lapping Up being in the lap of Luxury

Deerfield where the kids invited me for a day of rest after the storing of the RV. I have 35 year old expectations in a much older carcass. The job of storing was a big one. The good news is I pitched a lot of stuff. I feel good about the job. David, from the storage yard met me. He is huge and gets fatter every year. I worried watching him gulp air.

The Boca Bash was yesterday. All kinds of boats met in the bay by the Boca Raton yacht club. I photographed many boats of all sizes, shapes and description-same with the people. I'll post them later in an album. Great fun to watch as they paraded past.

The heavens opened today for a huge deluge and tornadoes from Mississippi to Largo in the keys. I am glad to be here. Miss Lori just brought lunch. I've been mapping routes-like I always do- hoping to see some new country and sights along the way but also keeping the possibility of a mad dash home in mind too. Some dodgy weather along the way.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Plugging Away

The doggies are in Deerfield while the final push is on. I miss them but this much more efficient and easier on them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Are Climbing Jason's Ladder

The solar fan installation went well. From observation, it needs pretty direct sunlight but it is efficient when it has that. It should help. Moving to the front of the RV, liquid gasket was applied around the roof amber running lights. There was drip up there when the rains were heavy. Next, the TV anntenna will get some silicon lube. If time permits, a bead of caulking will reinforce the seam where the awning attaches to the RV.

An upsetting email from Therese: Rene's tumor is malignant and inoperable. Radiation and chemo commence on Friday. I try to maintain a glimmer of hope but it does not look good. Skype video calls with Andre and Nicole from their Montreal home. L-o-n-g Skype SMS chats with Jeanne. (about her reactions to the news). It makes me sad to hear this. Saying 74 years is a pretty good run is not as consoling when you are 67. It is our common fate, however, to depart this mortal coil (whatever in the Hell, that means-I am going to look it up.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Missed Deadline

I bought a few more days in the park. We have had daily rain slowing the progress-stuff has to be dry to store down here. I bought a solar fan to mitigate the heat and moisture that is taking a toll on the RV while stored. I cast about for someone a trifle skinnier to get on the roof of the rig. I called Greg. He returned the call from Georgia, then called with an update from Pennsylvania. That prospect was eliminated. They will be in NY and home today. When I went to Deerfield for a dinner yesterday I brought back an ingenious, sturdy folding ladder and I can reach what needs to be reached. Jason is in Orlando or a few days for a company meeting. He will be back before departure day so that is a bonus too.

Miss Honey has been a brat. I was loading the dogs in the Van yesterday and she took off. She had some poor kid on a park bench surrounded. I don't know what gets into her. She was hard to catch. She absconded down in Deerfield too. I think it could be spring and she will surely welcome being at home in Wyoming to run. Meanwhile she is constantly leashed.

I caught Therese and Rene on Skype and so talked to and saw them. They looked good. Still awaiting test results.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Setting up camp is loads more fun than breaking camp. Good news-quite a bit of stuff is hitting the dumpster. Blogging may be meagre over the next couple days. I am perking along, though.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hurrah for Pep Boys and Brazil

The kids invited me down for Thursday afternoon. Lori is doing some remodeling-mind changing. The house was in disarray but the painters are Brazilians- good-looking, good workers. They suggested two authentic Brazilian restaurants. We chose Minieros, the more casual one. The thing in the middle of the table is a signal. Red top up means "leave us alone." Green top up means "bring us more meat!"
Since I no speakee Portuguesee, I couldn't wrap my tongue around this traditional rum drink's name. It tasted a lot like a daiquiri, though. There was a plentiful buffet with many dishes. You fill your plate with those. Then Luis or someone like him comes to your table and slices off delectable char-broiled meats of several kinds. Luis, is in charge of selecting, cooking and serving the meat. You have tongs in your cutlery to catch the meat with.
His knife is very sharp and if you complain he can swiftly cut your testicles off. (just kidding-who is going to say anything bad to a guy with a sharp knife, though). The Brazilian desserts were ho-hum but since I inquired about them, Luis quickly fixed a pineapple, put a generous coating of cinnamon on it and char-broiled it. Sliced thinly, it was delectable. We were waiting for the karaoke but it must have started on Indian time because we left a half hour after start time and no action. It was a very good meal, and a very nice time. Lori's treat. This restaurant definitely goes on the do-over list.
I got the Van into Pep Boy's before noon yesterday. They performed the services I asked for, reported no mechanical problems and I walked out for $87.00. The slight shimmy I had detected was from a thrown balancing weight-just as I supected- I even knew when it flew off. The oil is changed and we are ready to roll when the time comes.

Jeanne called during the meal. She translated Therese's email. Rene is doing well at home, gets exhausted, speech is very hard for him, it is hard waiting for the biopsy results. He has no problem understanding spoken language but mentioning his illness causes him surprise and distress.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Hutch but no Rabbits

Lew and Greg traded up to a great place! Their Florida home is a modular-two bedroom (at least) two bath, with Florida Room and very well kept. For them the economics work out better than their RV and they have good space. Greg is itching to get his tools (toys) down from NY and Lew is facilitating his folks move to assisted living. Big downsize, there. Hence "the hutch" which holds many of his mother's treasured pieces. They went to a consignment shop and pretty much furnished the place for $2000.00. It is very comfortable.

J.J. picked her corner and wanted to show me her toy. I love those dogs. They are my buds. I wish they got along with my dogs. Honey and Pupper play well but the other two get alarmed.
Greg in the Florida room. There is a daybed in the corner. This great place costs them only $800.00 a month-lease purchase. Since the lot rent in this secure, gated community is $720, they are getting the house for $80.00. Pretty damn good deal. If I come back to John Prince next year the lot rent is $812.00 and I have to bring my own house. When I first started coming to JPP it was $480.00. The county hasn't heard there is a recession and other accommodations are cheap.

I left them to go to Midas to get my tires balanced and rotated. It was a screw job from the get-go. First they told me it had a tie rod problem. $1000.00 part. I said "no way." Then they told me they misdiagnosed it and it needed upper and lower ball joints- $1200.000. Then they told me it was wheel bearings and shocks and I could get by for $720.00 Then I told them to give me my Van back I was going to get a second opinion. Jim, one of the maintenance men here, says Pep Boys is a good place to go. We shall see. Bad, bad taste in my mouth over Midas.

I am terrible about my mail. Almost all my business is via internet these days. I opened several months of forwarded mail, disposed of about thirty pounds of junk mail and catalogs. If there is a website, I don't need the catalogs. There is about two pounds of real mail and some magazines. I'm looking forward to reading my Christmas cards. I have those pretty much winnowed down, though. When I am in the tropics Christmas isn't real. I haven't been sending any for several years.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wild Start, Tame Finish

From the Palm Beach Post pictures section I present Heidi Montag. Heidi may be the most cosmetically altered woman on the planet. She can no longer run or smile. The picture pretty much portrays what she can do. I am sure she is a brilliant conversationalist-everything from "A to B."

You would think that a man who had a two mile bike ride and had given his dog a bath by 9:00 a.m. would have a sense of accomplishment. Instead I was livid. Miss Honey had been given bad ideas by her owner. Two nights ago I let her go after a coon. That turned out O.K. A few cockleburs to remove but no harm done to dog or coons. Last night, Buster, who had only had one tinkle all day was overdue. Honey had been watching for her chance and in the midst of a rain storm, was off like a shot chasing a possum. I thought she would be right back. Then I heard her barking outside the campground manager's house (11:00-ish) and thought we were in deep doo-doo. I retrieved her but not before I watched her magnificent predator skills being employed. She would grab the possum by its yucky tail and drag it out of a bush, fighting and squealing. I think we made it out of there without being I.D.'d. This morning she was at the ready and as soon as I opened the door she was gone. She led me on a merry chase. She was into the marshes and out again chasing whatever she could. I was chasing her on the bike. Finally I turned back and that was a game changer. As long as I am pursuing she thinks it is a great game. I headed home, she followed. I snagged her and led her home. She was filthy with swamp muck. So the baby shampoo came out and the hose and a towel. She was less than cooperative. There is enough shampoo left on her that she will make suds if she gets wet again. She is looking better tonight but she was a sight all day and I am not sure her tail will ever be white again. Haven't seen a possum all day though.

Puttery day other than that. Sorting for storage and making progress. Will go to see Greg and Lew's new digs tomorrow.
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Monday, April 12, 2010

Went for lunch, stayed for Supper

Sunday was laundry day and and another great day at Deerfield. Jason cooked great burgers on the grill. We visited and visited. We watched Phabulous Phil win the Masters. Those big screen TV's are amazing-you can see the tension on their faces in HDTV. Matt called and we played pass the phone. Lori went househunting on the Internet for me. I don't think I am quite ready but the park keeps jacking up their rates, it became obvious that that there is a whole age cohort of us who are looking at our hole card and watching the grim reaper have his way with whoever. The kids are looking at becoming 10 month residents too- Lori is looking for a bolt hole near her family in Texas. They like visiting but feel the need for their own space after about a week. It all may come to nothing but the window shopping is fun. I took some pictures of birds and flowers. Conner and Bebo and a friendly pigeon were the avians.

But for their propensity to crap on everything, pigeons are beautiful birds.

I popped for dinner-take-out from Park Avenue Barbecue which is amazing. The deluxe sampler includes ribs, chicken, beef and pork. So everybody was happy. I moseyed home about 9:30. We were settled in when the rain started. It was quite a storm -flooding in Miami below us and in Wellington above us. The wind made it horizontal and I got a face full through my bedroom window.

Latours left Sunday morning. "The group" is adjourned. All that are left are casual acquaintances and that is a good thing. I have plenty to do.

Funny Florida story: Royal Palm is very ritzy enclave- some of the mansions and yachts I have taken pictures of are in Royal Palm. Included residents are two families in which the husbands are lifelong very different friends. The accountant lives in a $14.5 million house and his wife threw a birthday party for him. He is very short. His lifelong friend , who used to have to lift him into the schoolbus is tall, thin, has a pony tail, and has gained his considerable fortune by having a stable of sixteen strip clubs. As is very often the custom down here the guest list was "semi-open." So the strip club guy invited several bouncers and managers and their" flavor of the week" girlfriends. A boatload of young men, stereo blasting, caught sight of the festivities and the eye candy and decided to put into port. The bouncers explained that the party was private. The "booty pirates" decided to shock the old fogies and commenced to mooning and "full montying" not having an inkling who they were dealing with. The shore dwellers dropped trousers and sent a volley of their own! The hostess was beside herself but the men thought it was hilarious. Best-birthday-EVER.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Asphalt Angels

It was mostly a quiet but productive day here. Guy's wife came by to tell me that Guy left me some spaghetti in my outdoor fridge last night. It tasted like my own. That was the second treat they had left and as Jeanne and Marc are leaving tomorrow also, I whipped over to Hoffman's Chocolate for some parting gifts. They had some of their famous chocolate covered strawberries on the counter for the taking and the lady gave me two of them- a very nice surprise.
The Asphalt Angels are a restored/custom car club that lends their cars as a draw for good works. Today it was a blood draw and Animal Shelter. I looky-looed right over there. It was more pleasant than I anticipated because they had a DJ with songs of the eras associated with the cars. Cars are so American and so associated with our life and times it was a trip down memory lane. Whether it was seeing them in magazines or actually knowing someone who had one...it was fun to look, admire, and remember.
Asphalt Angels Car Show

Click the link above for the car show.

Greg called. They have upgraded their home in the same park-for the same money but lots more space and newer. They are going to become 10 month residents of Florida and use their place on the St. Lawrence seaway for a summer camp. He follows the blog and entirely coincidentally had started sleeping on a pillow, on his stomach, a couple of weeks ago. He, however, is rail thin. The quality of his dreams has changed too. Maybe he has a different relationship with his pillow than I do with mine?

Hopeful news from Montreal: Rene has a growth but it is close to the top of the brain-about 1/4 inch from the surface. He will undergo a biopsy but at this point they do not feel that it is malignant. More will be known later this week-Biopsy is Tuesday. He is talking more with the aid of some meds. He will get to come home for 10 days on Thursday depending on the biopsy. Maybe I am just a suspicious person but the actions and the pre-diagnosis don't seem entirely consistent to me. Surely they would not be sadistic enough to get hopes up to dash them. We have hope in our hearts.

Buster had a better day today. Ate, peed, pooped, and took a little interest in things. Honey was mellow after her big day at the seashore.

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Friday, April 09, 2010

Juno Beach with Juneau and Honey

The kids called and wanted to go to the dog beach in Juno Beach. Forty miles for them, but about twenty for me and they beat me because I went via A-1-A and got lost in West Palm to boot. The doggies are truly friends. They were glad to see each other and Juneau was a good teacher for the newbie girl. They had a blast, met some new friends got wet and tired.
Honey took a little rest and hydrated with dad. Her coat gets heavy temporarily and while she didn't actually swim, she got soaked. It was a perfect day, warm but cloudy and we got a rain-more like a mist.
We were going to find a dog-friendly sidewalk cafe but Juneau barfed in the Mercedes just about as quickly as they started the car. Too much saltwater because he did not seem the worse for it. The kids lost their appetites and passed on lunch but I got a sandwich at Toojay's and wandered down the coast at a leisurely pace. Honey was passed out tired in the back seat. We went through John D. MacArthur park and parts of Singer island and eventually home to where Buster was. He was without much pep this morning and it would have been too much for him. He was comfortably refrigerated in the coach. I took him for a ride this evening. He was happy to go. He got a treat. (they both did)

Nicole called last night with the Rene report. Not good news. Therese says he is down to "yes" and "no." Their children are gathering for support and Rene walked them all to the elevator. Then Therese realized he was lost so she took him back to his room. Not all the diagnostics are finished. Nicole will call again Saturday night or Sunday morning. Jeanne and Marc will leave Sunday. So I will call them. It sounds bad to me but I keep hoping. Times like these set you thinking. I want all of my friends to live forever but if that is not in the cards, passing quickly with little pain and a modicum of dignity is my second wish for them.

More dog beach pictures than you could possibly hope for are at the link.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

To sleep: perchance to dream

Fine weather: cool nights, warm days, little wind. These are the days I was looking for last November. The population in the park is dwindling. Lots of space and I am loving it. I have been doing projects, whether they are getting ready to go or to return is debatable. I re-camped after going crazy with a grommet kit. I put grommets on the awning sides and the shower curtains I use for shade and privacy. Gradually things are getting into places they can be stowed.

My gut drives me crazy. Clearly there is fat there but it often feels like a drum head. So I started putting a pillow under it and am sleeping on my stomach. Seems to promote tooting and morning regularity as well as a less pregnant profile. That is to the good. An unanticipated consequence is crazy dreams. These are real adventures with problems to solve-sometimes zany. They are lighter fare than usual and usually enjoyable.

Therese called yesterday. She had arrived in Montreal and went directly to an Emergency Room. Rene seemed to her to becoming more lost on the way home. She drove it all. She slept at the hospital the first night and spent last night at home. He had several tests and more were scheduled for this morning. She expects to know something by tomorrow. They found something in his brain-whether it is a lesion or cyst or cancer will be determined by MRI. I am relieved they are safely home and Rene is under care. I can do nothing at this remove. I'm very fond of our little band of gypsies. (Aside: I googled the hospital. Family and friends are allowed (Only one at a time) to stay on a cot in the hospital room with the patient. This seems so humane and natural. A good custom.)

I called Nicole to tell her Therese was home because Tuesday was her birthday and she wanted to call her. Nicole called back and gave me a similar recap on Rene. She also said, though the foliage was extraordinary on the west coast near Naples and Sarasota, the mosquitoes were eating them alive. After dusk they must be inside. Pictures will be sent.

Buster seems to be fading. He was complaining last night and inert so I got on the floor to comfort him. Honey jumped past us to chase a coon and Buster had a resurrection. He is doing a little better today. I have been picking cockleburs off of the girl all day long. Cooked them liver tonight. Bless my loyal companions.

Cheryl, my Oregon daughter-in-law, lost her job today along with about 80 others at Harry and David's. That is a blow-it was a good job with benefits.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Just about all you need to know...

This picture is about all you need to know about my just departed neighbor in order to fill in the blanks. Sue was an interesting and lovely, in her way, person. They own two dachshunds. Her husband thinks they are gay. They just don't live up to their previous dachshund. They were enjoyable neighbors and now I have spaces on both sides of my site. I am loving it. The sourpusses to my right left yesterday.

Nicole and Andre called last night. They are settled on the other coast in a park that secludes each campsite in foliage. It sounds delightful... unless you might have concerns about what might be IN the foliage. Speaking of which, I am about to give Honey her head with the coons. I am getting tired of the 4 ayem tumult when she detects them scavenging outside the door.

Guy and his wife came over and I made a reservation for them at Blue Spring. The state campgrounds are still pretty packed. I had to laugh. Their computer had tied his name to my phone number because I did the same thing for them last year.

Janet told me to check the webcams at home this morning:

My twinges of homesickness are cured for the time being.
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Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was spent with the kids and it was "just the right size." Just us chickens-three doggies, three hooman bings. Jason cooked traditional ham, mashed garlic spuds, carrots and the Fresh Market provided a peach praline pie. Lori did cocktail snacks. Jason had made a lot of deviled eggs for Easter. As much as I enjoy the older folks at the Park, the conversation tends toward personal history. It was so refreshing to converse with the kids about ideas-what they are reading, watching, and doing. It was a tonic. Post dining, everybody had a nap. Jason to chase away a headache, Lori because she likes to, and me because because my "off switch" is in my butt. The dogs are prone to this behavior and they played hard before and after nap time.
Juneau has been spoken to a lot and consequently his receptive vocabulary is remarkable. Not only does he know what a toy is, he knows which ones are which. And he understands a lot of commands. Not that he always does them- but he knows them.

I took a fair number of photos. It is spring and things are blooming and growing. It was a lovely day. They packed me up a lot of leftovers and a chocolate bunny. I jumped on the A-1-A coastal highway at Boynton and came home with a colorful sunset on my left, the Atlantic ocean on my right. I stopped at Lake Worth Beach to try to snap the fading sunset and a heavyset lesbian, one of a pair, offered to take my picture with my camera with the sunset as a backdrop. I declined saying that would make an ugly picture. She countered by saying "We are all beautiful." I said my soul doesn't show in photographs. It was an uplifting exchange. Nice day.

Therese called yesterday morning. She expects to be in Montreal this morning (Monday). The woman is making tracks. We couldn't talk long. She was calling while Rene was in the restroom. Mme. Latour was Skype messaging me last night trying to work herself into a lather about Rene and Therese. I told her Therese was strong and very smart. I was not worried (though I am a bit). Spare me the drama. Drama is so often a way to make what is not about you, about you. Guess who came to dinner via Verizon Wireless? Tony! Dang, the guy is like a booger that you can't get rid of.

Easter Sunday 2010

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Saturday, April 03, 2010


Yesterday we put Rene and Therese on the way back to Quebec. He had seemed a little abstracted-and was going to the bathhouse frequently. We were all scratching our heads. I bought him some Saw Palmetto for prostate issues, questioned him, asked him if he was feeling melancholy. He finally spilled the beans to Therese. Words were escaping him, he was feeling confused in conversation, he was making a mess of his crossword puzzles, he was going to the restroom to collect himself. He got lost a couple of times. Clearly he has aphasia and that stems from brain troubles-stroke, hit on the head, seizures or brain tumor. So ten days before their scheduled departure, they began a leisurely odyssey up the A-1-A seeing sights they may never see again. I bought them a prepaid cellphone, Jeanne gave them low dose aspirin and we all gave them hugs and spilled some tears. We are hoping for a positive outcome-at 74 he is more fit and healthy than most 30 year olds-then this...life is such a crapshoot.

Tony also left Friday morning. No Tears!

Nicole and Andre were gone yesterday so I stopped by to tell them the news about Rene-we started drinking and ended up going out to dinner at my favorite, Enigma. They loved it and were planning to buy but I wanted them to have the full Enigma experience and didn't feel right about their paying full freight. So I bought and we are going to Thaikyo-their choice, tonight- they can pay. It may seem callous to be enjoying in the face of Rene's predicament but it only makes the desire to "make hay while the sun shines" stronger. We will all be departing and who knows what the fall will be like or who will still be standing. It is nice to be together while we can.

We were talking at supper last evening about being lucky to have summer and winter places. Nicole asked if I would like to be here all year and it was my quick-"No way." that caused her to confide that their quiet solitary life on a sailboat in Lake Champlain is as necessary to their well-being as my hermitage in Wyoming is to my well-being. This is all very nice but not for a steady diet. I am looking forward to some alone time here.
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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thank You party

The usual suspects wanted to thank Lori and Jason for the use of their house while they were cruising. So a party was planned on a beautiful spring day. Juneau came and he and Honey were perfect guests, playing a little and snacking a little. Juneau distinguished himself by being a terrific Mayfly catcher. Canapes, cocktails, pork loin on the grill, a vegetable melange, pommes et fromage for dessert, good red wine. Andre was in fine fettle-he can be a manic hoot and a flirt besides-he was hugging on Lori quite a little bit. It really was a pleasant interlude. After the kids escaped we were treated to Jeanne's tale of herself-the l-o-n-g version: Virgin, well-chaperoned high school courtship, discovery of a tilted uterus, entering a convent, being told by a wise priest she could serve the church as well by making a mortal boy, Marc, happy. (did she fail the vow of silence?). A marriage under the impression they would be childless, and a surprise pregnancy and two children. It made me tired so I escaped. For every talker there have to be listeners but I don't have to be one. I love conversation but monologues better be funny!

As we ate about 2:30, I ended up hungry about 11:00. So I ate leftovers and trekked to WalMart. With all the snowbirds clearing out, traffic and shopping are a breeze. The downside of that is my friends are also clearing out. Bob and Ruth stopped by to say good-bye-on their way to New Jersey early tomorrow. Email from Moe says they are having mechanical dificulties in Georgia. Nicole and Andre will leave Sunday. New neighbors are here for the Barrett-Jackson Auction-classic cars. When they pulled in I said to Tony, "Let's go have some fun with the new neighbors." So I introduced us as "Stephen, and this is my partner Tony." He just about crapped pointing out that he lived on the other side of them and no way were we partners. The newbies are from Washington state and got the joke. I suspect she is a Native American. She has an Angela Davis afro. Think Yvonne De Carlo in "The Munsters." Platform sandals and black spandex. She really is a visual treat. She was walking their dachshunds in a bright red velour robe with fuzzy slippers to match this morning. Don, the retired cop is back home from the Cleveland Clinic. His wife spent such long hours down there Tony was sure he must have passed away. Don is sore but mending. They stopped his heart and restarted it several times to restore the proper rhythm.

And that is the news from Lake Osborne where all the men are wrinkled, the women are saggy, and the kids are waiting to inherit.
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