Pontoon Beach, Illinois
Called the offices to check in and do a little business and the doctor for my last test result (a do-over) and I am healthy for a high mileage model that has been abused.
Turned out I did get some callers last night. "I always wanted one of these RV's. Can I come in and see?" My ever protective fierce dogs hightailed if for the bedroom. So I decided to polish the 20 gauge in the living room. No fear for my person but a flat tire or similar would have ruined my day. Saw her knock on a Peterbilt next door and enter. Exited in short order.
I have always wondered how much time I had operating on battery power. With a long evening last night I found out. Fortunately the coach and engine batteries are isolated from each other so starting and re-charging were no problem. The furnace ran a lot last night although the weather is relatively mild. That must have done it. This outfit has two furnaces and I was running the small one.
Before the driving got intense. I enjoyed the countryside. Have crossed the wide Missouri three times and the mighty Mississsippi once. Those bridges are engineering marvels. Too bad you can't enter and exit them without a jaw snapping bump. No good pictures yet.
We will relax and gather ourselves for the big charge tomorrow to Resaca, Georgia.
Enjoying a Pennsylvania Dutch Licorice drop. Watching the dogs sleep is putting me in the mood to do the same but I will busy myself so sleep comes at the right time tonight.
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