
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Gray Skies and smooth Sailing-mostly

This tonight brought to you by Flying J WiFi as this is a Verizon "extended network" town which means they would have to pay somebody else for the airtime. I looked for any hotspots and Flying J popped up- I bought a pizza and gas there a little while ago and asked for directions to Wal-Mart. There are quite a few of us freeloaders here tonight some obviously wealthier (or more in debt) than I. The town: Pecos, Texas. The Wal-Mart is just like the one we had in River City before we got Supersized. I got a little nostalgic- I remembered where everything was.

The weather in Socorro was a little drizzly this morning but shirtsleeve weather for me. Visited with "Rusty"whom I had met when checking in two days ago, as I was checking out. He is also a "newbie" at this. He had a 5th wheeler Camper "because we have horses so I already had the truck- well, I have a wife and SHE has horses- so we have the truck." The neighbors on the other side had told me Rusty's sad tale. His furnace went out on the first night at the refuge so he hightailed it to Albuquerque to get a new one in the middle of the night. His Black Lab pup who is very engaging, managed to hit the lock button in his truck so he got to have a locksmith too! Rusty wants the blog address so he will get this and can read about my locksmith experience and not feel so badly. Hang in Rusty! His business card bills him as "Chief Executive Mucker." They have Horse 'n Hounds "Fine Equestrian Photography and Videography" of Owasso, OK.

Under pretty much gray skies but mostly temperate weather we made it to El Paso. We made a rest stop but passed on it because the sign said "Keep Pets on a short leash because of the rattlesnakes." Heck, I have my own potty and the dogs were not particularly interested so we tooled on to Exit Zero in Texas and a Flying-J. I had a lunch buffet and so did the dogs. Baggy pants are useful for some things. Actually they didn't get much but a piece of fish each. Need to remember to pack some Zip-Lok baggies. El-Paso had blue sunny skies but is gray-they seem to be concreting the area as fast as they can. Pathetic in this country boy's eyes but it is quite a busy metropolis.

Kristi Fegler called from work at Nucor in Riverton. High Plains Power had hung a disconnect notice on my door. She sweetly offered to help in any way she could but I said let me call them and she looked up the number for me. I had put the bill on autopay in November with Community First Bank which became Bank of the West. Glenda called me back and said it had been taken care of- we shall see. More calls coming from Texas tomorrow to the Bank and to High Plains. I have banked at the same building for 30 years and have outlasted, American National Bank, Key, Community First, and now B-O-W- Wow!

About 4:00 p.m. MST (I am now in the Central Zone) a dense fog enveloped the highway. Taillights were disappearing in about 200 feet. I knew I was in the Bible Belt because those truckers were taking an awful lot on faith. They hardly slowed down. I have a morbid fear of getting run down from behind so I just followed the center line as best I could and was on high alert. The Garmin was of great help as it counted down the miles to the interchange. I couldn't see the road signs. Soon after I left I-10 for I-20 things got better.

Arrived in Pecos about 6:30 by my watch. We stopped at Flying-J, got food, gas, and came here. Walked the dogs, Goody drank water copiously and Barfed! End of Story.