Tasha Tudor, Children’s Book Illustrator, Dies at 92 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com
Tasha Tudor, Children’s Book Illustrator, Dies at 92 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com
I have read about this woman several times and really was touched-I am not sure how or why, but I was.
I set up my recording studio in the Lindy RV. My orders from Amazon started to come today-the mailbox wouldn't close. I transferred multiple CD's to my older laptop because that is where my iTunes program and registration is. After early playing Buster settled in the other dinette seat, Honey came and went and I toiled until the RV became an easy-bake oven. The recordings are a mixed bag. The 1950 collection was pretty good. The PBS Doo-Wop 6 CD set also came and is mostly good. The 90's collection is going back to the store- maybe they are "hits" but not on any planet I was living on. The 80's set is also unopened- more British pop than American and my previous PBS premium was all "British Invasion." The Latin dance ones were kind of lame but so cheap, not worth sending back. The Country Collection is pretty good. Kind of disappointed over all but I made some progress.
After so much sitting it was good to mow and weed-whack weeds for quite awhile. I finally got tired of changing the cutter cords and have just a little to do tomorrow.
The dogs had a ball today- played, explored, chased critters and got chased. Honey is a mouser. Suits me- no presents please. She seems to have an affinity for any awful offal she can find. The youngest llama seems to have an affinity for the tribe's horses. I think she thinks they are related because they have long necks that go up like hers. Of course she is basically a camel but a girl can dream. She chased Honey. I think they are about to start playing but I may be wrong.
The television has remained off for a couple of weeks I think. I do not seem to crave it. The only face to face human interaction I have had in quite awhile is with Harlan and he never fails to piss me off. Give a farmer a Cadillac and he starts to think he is genius. He can't quite get it through his head that I am the lord of this manor for thirty some years now. I may be the carbuncle on anal retentive acres but that is my prerogative. Besides, I have pictures of his latest resculpturing of the Little Wind River. That is a federal offense. Biding my time...
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