
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Where is the time going, going, gone?

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
Monday I cleaned and tidied a bit after going to the Laundromat, per Mrs. Fish's plan. Even followed them there though they didn't know. "Go early before the Guatamalans and Haitians arrive," was her advice. This is not prejudice speaking, this is practical: They descend in groups and with loads of laundry, some heavily soiled as the jobs available for them involve labor.

Got the airconditioner in the Jeep tuned up- a very nice feature to have in Florida.

Monday evening I motored down to the Jason and Lori Roberts household for dinner. Lori is a gifted cook, just not her favorite thing to do. Glazed chicken breast- yummy, asparagus, salad, baked potato and cheesecake. I had brought a sampler cheesecake as the one the kids had left in my refrigerator had mysteriously disappeared. I can't imagine... But this new one practically disappeared, too. Must be something about Florida.

Tuesday was spent at Palm Beach Air- getting the coach air conditioner serviced. I arrived on time and was entertained the whole time. The owner and his dad did the work. Visited with the secretary Effie who was 80, had retired 6 times from work and went home at noon. I think she took a shine to me. Told me to come to see her next year. It took a long time as a lot was happening and the temperature was in the high 80's, the dogs were panting. The rear bumper had to come off, a door had to be removed and the air-conditioner disassembled. A motor mount had broken and that in turn triggered a heat protection device. A new bracket was sought, can not be found. The old one was welded. This is not the first time the air conditioner had been worked on. "Well-maintained" may well be the "spin words" for "fixed constantly." With all the time and labor I was getting very nervous about the bill. When he said $235.00 I nearly hit the floor from relief. Fired up the generator and cooled the dogs off all the way home to John Prince Campground.

The kids wanted to bring Kalina, Lori's cousin up for a picnic dinner at the park and they said they would bring shishkabobs to grill. Fine ones they were too- not those skinny things that are the norm. I had managed to slip to Publix for asparagus, and dip and chips, fruit salad and grensalad and macaroons and a picnic table cloth. Kalina is a pretty young woman-seems to run in that family. She is another one corrupted by Jason and Lori- she came for a visit a couple of years ago from Texas and decided Florida is where she wants to be. She is a teacher but wants to get out- perhaps become a Pilates Instructor. She has seen the extremes. Very low socioeconomic school in Texas and very affluent private school in a mostly Jewish enclave in Alligator Alley. We ate and talked until 9:30.

Wednesday was spent in conference with Garmin. The gigabyte detailed map card I had loaded at home no longer is recognized by the unit. I am not a happy camper without the Garmin fully functional. Grrr.

I am out of here Friday. Need to get a few more things done- a high volume fan is to be installed today if all goes as planned. Is that too much to hope for? We will see.