
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Too busy to Blog: Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Great day today but I better reconstruct the past few days first. Lori's brother and his friend left Thursday and so my poor kids had to turn their attention to the O.F. We dined Friday night at Romano's Macaroni Grill. Great food! Good wine, Goofy waiter-Luis by name who reminded me of the comedian Martin Short whan he does his eyes don't quite focus thing. I can drive and find things, now! Good thing because my boy, while game, was definitely played out. We met about halfway I guess. Romano's is a chain and a good bet if you ever need Italian fare or good meat.

Saturday, the kids wanted to come to the trailer park for a picnic- they said they would bring all but I slipped out for some snow peas and cut fruit before they got here. When they said they were bringing it all-they did! They brought me a Go Anywhere Weber Grill which is about as handy as a pocket in a shirt. No briquets but it gives a grilled flavor and it is virtually self-cleaning. Burgers and avocado, good tomatoes, etc., exotic cheese, fruit and veggies. We had a great meal and a walk in the park. Surprises in the refrigerator when they left. It was a Coach warming. Made me smile.

We tentatively decided to try out AsianFest in DelRay Beach today, Sunday, thinking it could be cool or not. We met one-ish at their favorite Goodwill store and motored in together. It was great. Sights and sounds and smells and tastes to delight. Dancing and music, booths, art, Kung-Fu dancing, a diverse group of nice people behaving friendly, freebies-I got a pen and a T-shirt. Jason hooked up with his co-worker and friend Mohendrin and his wife who guided us to the good food and were delightful people. Interesting that he is from Singapore and they had/have an arranged marriage and have four delightful children. It seems to work.

What Asians call lion dancing is done on pedestals, involves acrobatics, costumes, and guts and practice. It was amazing and amusing. The "Lions"- they look like dragons to me, scratched, and winked and wiggled their butts to the music between Cirque d Soleil moves. There were other acts too- traditional dancing and Bollywood dancing, Kung- fu, and some blondes- evidently you can decide if you want to be Asian and I was ready to sign up for the day. The people watching was great, the garb colorful. Great day.

I have appointments this week with everything from the laundromat to the air conditioner guy. Kids are busy too but we may find some time. We will just have to play it as lays. Certainly can't complain about anything, even if I were inclined to. I have learned a lot about a lot. Mr. Fish has been so helpful and, yes, he has learned by experience. His wife told me a tale from their earlier camping years about their awning falling off in transit and being mashed by a semi. Hasn't stopped them- they have done Alaska as well as other places. Mr Fish didn't meet his father until he was 50. He served in the Marines twice and got two GI bill stints which he used to become a Music teacher and basketball coach. Nice guy. His son from Atlanta was in town on business so they had a little visit, too.

Tonight I was sitting outside under where my awning should be and I heard music so I wandered up Apollo road and there was a white haired lady with glasses, playing her guitar and singing for her and her husband's enjoyment. Listened to "You Needed Me." and "Your Cheating Heart." Not professional but affecting. I enjoyed it. They invited me to sit but I looked at their aluminum chairs and know I have crumpled stronger ones than that so I just stood.