
Picaresque is the adjective to describe writings about a common or low character who survives the pitfalls of life through luck or good fortune. My travels, interests, my animals, my photographs, my wonderful friends and family are featured.

Location: Arapahoe, Wyoming, United States

(Note: Blogs read from bottom to top; scroll down for beginnings, scroll up for most current.) After 30 years in public administration and four degrees, as well as numerous workshops with luminaries in Education and Public Policy, life in a slower lane became a goal. Most recently I have done policy writing and consulting for the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes. Mostly, I am just coasting slowly and gently downhill these days-seeking joy where I can find it before the glorious ride ends.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Fresh Start- Picaresque: the Sequel

In the last post I complained about Blogger being on the fritz. It wasn't, I was. The maximum number of photos alloowed in a Picasa album is 1000. In 1132 blog posts, I maxxed out the Album. So, if photos are to continue, I must start anew.

The link to the continuation is here:


If you wish to continue on the blog trail with me, bookmark the new site or put it in your favorites.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Tropics to the Tundra

Blogger is on the fritz today. The pictures disappeared. Text clues will help you place them. There were four, now there are two.
My day of rest after storiing the RV was a rainy one-a perfect day for rest. Monday night the kids took me for a bon voyage dinner at Marcello's. From the outside Marcello's is a little bistro in a strip mall. From the inside, a classy Italian food venue with food to die for.

Tuesday after morning rush hour I took the leisurely usual route past the park then to the Florida Turnpike. It irks me to have to pay for roads just as crappy as the free ones but it does save a lot of miles. It was a hot day and our first rest stop for the dogs was at Canoe Creek rest area. Buster collapsed. I had to lift him into the van. I had planned a little sidetrip to Panama Beach but decided getting to cooler climes was in his best interest. It was downright cool at the Cracker Barrel just before Pensacola where I fed dogs, myself and took a nap. After four hours we were on the road to Biloxi/Gulfport in the dark.

A rest stop at the Mississippi Welcome Center produced the picture of the jet flying above the moon. Great concept, not so great picture.

The GPS's had a battle in Gulfport and I had to settle it in finding the highway to Hattiesburg. That four lane is usually tranquil but with the reinvestment act, it was torn up and congested. Mississippi spends little money on its roads and Jackson, the capitol was a nightmare. Signage was of no help but the GPS finally saw me through it. Keeping to my intention to spice up the trip when I could, 20 miles past Vicksburg, we turned north to go up what the map said was scenic Louisiana. To my right was at least ten miles of aging railroad cars. To the east was farm country- nice, but not spectacular. Then I came to Transylvania! The elementary school was defunct and spooky and the main scenery was in my head. For miles thereafter I concocted a novel set in Transylvania, Louisiana. There really is a very beautiful lake and resort area after you go past two correctional facilities. Then I found myself in Arkansas where I intended to pick up I-40 at Little Rock. Everybody and their dog has a church. Passed a "biker church" and other churches of original names and crappy theology Passed "Toad Suck Park" near Little Rock. (google it)

The last time I took I-40 in Oklahoma it was bumpy enough to send my head into the ceiling and windy enough to require a constant vigilance. I am not pleased to report that it is much the same. They deserve no tourists in Oklahoma. Up I-35 to Wichita was a smooth trip and a model of what you pay a toll for. I waved to ancestors's graves on I-135. The plan was to go to Oakley, Kansas and take another jog north to North Platte via McCook, Nebraska which impressed me with its cobblestone streets 10 years ago ((RV trip home Jason and Lori's wedding in Texas.) It has changed. Now it is sliding in some areas (old blighty) and is trashed up with fast food places etc. (new blighty). I saw some farms in back country Kansas that operate on a scale I have not seen before. It was all 55 mph two lane but pretty good road. So I enjoyed it.

North Platte is also benefitting from economic stimulus funds. All torn up and no motel rooms for man and dogs. So we took a good nap in Hershey, Nebraska (Western Truck Stop) starting at about 10:00 pm. Honey who passed many opportunites to relieve herself in five states decided it was time about 4:00 a.m. She woke me up and after a refreshing short walk we were on our way to Ogallalah and up highway 26 to Scottsbluff. Another four hour nap in Bridgeport, Nebraska. A walk and supplies at Walmart in Scottsbluff. Stopped at the Cenex in Torrington, WY and bought gas and gloves! It was starting to snow. My hands were freezing and painful. The winds on I-25 were so strong the van, which is pretty tight, was wailing like a woman from the wind whistling through the side doors. I was planning a stop to see Rich in Casper but it was starting to really blow and snow so I called Delores for a Riverton weather report and pressed on after a gas fill at Flying -J (restaurant defunct). Driving in the snow for 120 miles, watching snow caked vehicles coming towrd me was concerning but Riverton was not bad, I can see green grass here. The house was very cold and it is just getting warmed up. I went to bed on a heating pad last night. The dogs are glad to be home. Buster seems improved. Honey is pleased and playful. I am glad to be here too and I am told the weather will get better.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Road Trip

I came home to this! My little valley is actually better but the neighbor said the pasture was underwater less than a week ago from snow, runoff and copious rain. I drove through snowstorms from Torrington, WY to Shoshone. I am both cold and sleepy so the bed is very inviting right now. We are all glad to be home. We all survived and I'll tell you more about the trip tomorrow.
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Monday, April 26, 2010

Lapping Up being in the lap of Luxury

Deerfield where the kids invited me for a day of rest after the storing of the RV. I have 35 year old expectations in a much older carcass. The job of storing was a big one. The good news is I pitched a lot of stuff. I feel good about the job. David, from the storage yard met me. He is huge and gets fatter every year. I worried watching him gulp air.

The Boca Bash was yesterday. All kinds of boats met in the bay by the Boca Raton yacht club. I photographed many boats of all sizes, shapes and description-same with the people. I'll post them later in an album. Great fun to watch as they paraded past.

The heavens opened today for a huge deluge and tornadoes from Mississippi to Largo in the keys. I am glad to be here. Miss Lori just brought lunch. I've been mapping routes-like I always do- hoping to see some new country and sights along the way but also keeping the possibility of a mad dash home in mind too. Some dodgy weather along the way.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Plugging Away

The doggies are in Deerfield while the final push is on. I miss them but this much more efficient and easier on them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Are Climbing Jason's Ladder

The solar fan installation went well. From observation, it needs pretty direct sunlight but it is efficient when it has that. It should help. Moving to the front of the RV, liquid gasket was applied around the roof amber running lights. There was drip up there when the rains were heavy. Next, the TV anntenna will get some silicon lube. If time permits, a bead of caulking will reinforce the seam where the awning attaches to the RV.

An upsetting email from Therese: Rene's tumor is malignant and inoperable. Radiation and chemo commence on Friday. I try to maintain a glimmer of hope but it does not look good. Skype video calls with Andre and Nicole from their Montreal home. L-o-n-g Skype SMS chats with Jeanne. (about her reactions to the news). It makes me sad to hear this. Saying 74 years is a pretty good run is not as consoling when you are 67. It is our common fate, however, to depart this mortal coil (whatever in the Hell, that means-I am going to look it up.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Missed Deadline

I bought a few more days in the park. We have had daily rain slowing the progress-stuff has to be dry to store down here. I bought a solar fan to mitigate the heat and moisture that is taking a toll on the RV while stored. I cast about for someone a trifle skinnier to get on the roof of the rig. I called Greg. He returned the call from Georgia, then called with an update from Pennsylvania. That prospect was eliminated. They will be in NY and home today. When I went to Deerfield for a dinner yesterday I brought back an ingenious, sturdy folding ladder and I can reach what needs to be reached. Jason is in Orlando or a few days for a company meeting. He will be back before departure day so that is a bonus too.

Miss Honey has been a brat. I was loading the dogs in the Van yesterday and she took off. She had some poor kid on a park bench surrounded. I don't know what gets into her. She was hard to catch. She absconded down in Deerfield too. I think it could be spring and she will surely welcome being at home in Wyoming to run. Meanwhile she is constantly leashed.

I caught Therese and Rene on Skype and so talked to and saw them. They looked good. Still awaiting test results.